National Register of Historic Places Resource Name County Fort Schuyler Club Building Oneida Unadilla Water Works Otsego Smith-Taylor Cabin Suffolk Comstock Hall Tompkins Hough, Franklin B., House Lewis Teviotdale Columbia Brookside Saratoga Lane Cottage Essex Rock Hall Nassau Kingsland Homestead Queens Hancock House Essex Page 1 of 1299 09/26/2021 National Register of Historic Places National Register Date National Register Number Longitude 05/12/2004 03NR05176 -75.23496531 09/04/1992 92NR00343 -75.31922416 09/28/2007 06NR05605 -72.2989632 09/24/1984 90NR02259 -76.47902689 10/15/1966 90NR01194 -75.50064587 10/10/1979 90NR00239 -73.84079851 05/21/1975 90NR02608 -73.85520126 11/06/1992 90NR02930 -74.12239039 11/21/1976 90NR01714 -73.73419318 05/31/1972 90NR01578 -73.82402146 11/15/1988 90NR00485 -73.43458994 Page 2 of 1299 09/26/2021 National Register of Historic Places NYS Municipal New York Zip Latitude Georeference Counties Boundaries Codes 43.10000495 POINT (- 984 1465 625 75.23496531 43.10000495) 42.33690739 POINT (- 897 465 2136 75.31922416 42.33690739) 41.06949826 POINT (- 1016 1647 2179 72.2989632 41.06949826) 42.4492702 POINT (- 709 1787 2181 76.47902689 42.4492702) 43.78834776 POINT (- 619 571 623 75.50064587 43.78834776) 42.15273568 POINT (- 513 970 619 73.84079851 42.15273568) 43.00210318 POINT (- 999 1148 2141 73.85520126 43.00210318) 44.32997931 POINT (- 430 303 2084 74.12239039 44.32997931) 40.60924086 POINT (- 62 1563 2094 73.73419318 40.60924086) 40.76373114 POINT (- 196 824 2137 73.82402146 40.76373114) 43.84878656 POINT (- 420 154 2084 73.43458994 Page 3 of 1299 09/26/2021 National Register of Historic Places Eighth Avenue (14th Regiment) Armory Kings Downtown Gloversville Historic District Fulton Rest Haven Orange Devinne Press Building New York Woodlawn Avenue Row Erie The Wayne and Waldorf Apartments Erie Bateman Hotel Lewis Firemen's Hall Queens Adriance Memorial Library Dutchess Shoecroft, Matthew, House Oswego The Dr. Wesley Blaisdell House 'Maplehurst' Albany Page 4 of 1299 09/26/2021 National Register of Historic Places 04/14/1994 94NR00539 -73.98292644 09/12/1985 90NR00516 -74.34451034 06/26/2017 17NR00015 -74.19547891 09/14/1977 90NR00842 -73.99264689 03/19/1986 90NR01215 -78.8619565 11/12/2014 14NR06575 -78.8689998 02/18/1994 94NR00548 -75.49135953 08/31/2000 00NR01654 -73.84505989 11/26/1982 90NR00381 -73.93017237 11/15/1988 90NR02162 -76.06156978 07/17/2012 12NR06317 -73.79317214 Page 5 of 1299 09/26/2021 National Register of Historic Places 73.43458994 43.84878656) 40.66290879 POINT (- 894 893 2090 73.98292644 40.66290879) 43.05128757 POINT (- 385 1227 2085 74.34451034 43.05128757) 41.3286561 POINT (- 871 1542 2134 74.19547891 41.3286561) 40.72792866 POINT (- 749 719 2095 73.99264689 40.72792866) 42.91374647 POINT (- 300 65 2041 78.8619565 42.91374647) 42.90396164 POINT (- 300 65 2041 78.8689998 42.90396164) 43.78638515 POINT (- 619 571 623 75.49135953 43.78638515) 40.78579873 POINT (- 196 826 2137 73.84505989 40.78579873) 41.70051965 POINT (- 588 1021 2040 73.93017237 41.70051965) 43.64216273 POINT (- 234 634 2135 76.06156978 43.64216273) 42.47239427 POINT (- 836 1174 2030 73.79317214 42.47239427) Page 6 of 1299 09/26/2021 National Register of Historic Places Old Parsonage Columbia Rochester Fire Department Headquarters and Shops Monroe Smith, Obadiah, House Suffolk Buffalo North Breakwater South End Light Erie Sidewalk Clock at 200 5th Avenue, Manhattan New York Clarkson Office Building St. Lawrence Stacked plank house at 461 Spruce Lake Rd Schoharie Mount Adnah Cemetery Oswego Woodbine-Palmetto-Gates Historic District Queens Saddle Rock Grist Mill Nassau Vanderbeck House Monroe Fountain Elms Oneida Page 7 of 1299 09/26/2021 National Register of Historic Places 10/07/1983 90NR00228 -73.8182569 10/21/1985 90NR01520 -77.60345542 12/06/1996 96NR01061 -73.22946381 08/04/1983 90NR01230 -78.89576523 04/18/1985 90NR00668 -73.98938712 03/05/2004 99NR01511 -74.9886645 01/07/2015 14NR06595 -74.5943958 02/02/2001 01NR01736 -76.40320823 09/30/1983 90NR01609 -73.90415514 12/27/1978 90NR01948 -73.75122924 04/09/1984 90NR01465 -77.63044781 11/03/1972 90NR02055 -75.24111705 Page 8 of 1299 09/26/2021 National Register of Historic Places 42.09221157 POINT (- 522 970 619 73.8182569 42.09221157) 43.1608634 POINT (- 537 1662 2093 77.60345542 43.1608634) 40.89414146 POINT (- 1014 1127 2179 73.22946381 40.89414146) 42.88047909 POINT (- 300 78.89576523 42.88047909) 40.74198036 POINT (- 749 734 2095 73.98938712 40.74198036) 44.66793818 POINT (- 312 1597 2140 74.9886645 44.66793818) 42.58493255 POINT (- 143 1312 629 74.5943958 42.58493255) 43.32064074 POINT (- 248 623 2135 76.40320823 43.32064074) 40.70673075 POINT (- 196 849 2137 73.90415514 40.70673075) 40.7977633 POINT (- 60 866 2094 73.75122924 40.7977633) 43.19003619 POINT (- 537 1672 2093 77.63044781 43.19003619) 43.09705104 POINT (- 984 1465 625 75.24111705 Page 9 of 1299 09/26/2021 National Register of Historic Places Lake George Avenue Historic District Essex Partridge-Sheldon House Chautauqua 'Sunset Hill' Herkimer Glebe House Dutchess Howland, Slocum and Hannah, House Cayuga Central Avenue Historic District Queens Public School 65K Kings Old Croton Dam, Site of; New Croton Dam Westchester Pine Terrace Orange James M and Eleanor J Lafferty House Schenectady Baptist Temple Kings Page 10 of1299 09/26/2021 National Register of Historic Places 06/16/1989 90NR02939 -73.42876363 06/02/2000 00NR01593 -79.23777359 01/04/2007 06NR05655 -74.97831329 11/26/1982 90NR00400 -73.91183217 04/12/2006 05NR05509 -76.62239268 09/30/1983 90NR01595 -73.88959815 12/10/1981 90NR01346 -73.87725843 06/19/1973 90NR02430 -73.8553987 11/23/1982 90NR02333 -73.96484465 16NR00032 -73.87873735 11/20/1995 95NR00806 -73.98032304 Page 11 of1299 09/26/2021 National Register of Historic Places 43.09705104) 43.84537832 POINT (- 420 154 2084 73.42876363 43.84537832) 42.08938354 POINT (- 209 1687 2035 79.23777359 42.08938354) 42.85805118 POINT (- 667 1365 2088 74.97831329 42.85805118) 41.69855731 POINT (- 588 1021 2040 73.91183217 41.69855731) 42.76121678 POINT (- 72 345 618 76.62239268 42.76121678) 40.70292846 POINT (- 196 849 2137 73.88959815 40.70292846) 40.6834083 POINT (- 894 886 2137 73.87725843 40.6834083) 41.2263269 POINT (- 976 1207 2185 73.8553987 41.2263269) 41.36448129 POINT (- 874 1508 2134 73.96484465 41.36448129) 42.80164962 POINT (- 107 78 2142 73.87873735 42.80164962) 40.68654607 POINT (- 894 895 2090 73.98032304 40.68654607) Page 12 of1299 09/26/2021 National Register of Historic Places North Salem Town Hall Westchester Union Chapel Greene Buffett, Joseph, House Suffolk Leonard Street, Building at 85 New York Center Theatre Sullivan Dick, Peter, House Columbia Estherwood and Carriage House Westchester Morse Cobblestone Farmhouse Niagara Town Line (Lenticular Truss) Bridge Cortland Eastman, George, House Monroe Wetherill, Kate Anette, Estate Suffolk Riverside Park Erie Page 13 of1299 09/26/2021 National Register of Historic Places 09/04/1980 90NR02455 -73.59799579 12/28/2001 01NR01852 -74.24501337 09/26/1985 90NR01804 -73.44490844 04/23/1980 90NR00676 -74.00469566 02/23/2001 00NR01699 -74.60178351 07/29/2009 08NR05885 -73.85557849 11/20/1979 90NR02533 -73.87008836 08/30/2010 10NR06132 -78.79851718 05/29/2008 07NR05789 -75.88267718 11/13/1966 90NR01524 -77.58005341 08/09/1993 91NR00132 -73.1684488 03/30/1982 90NR01219 -78.90873904 Page 14 of1299 09/26/2021 National Register of Historic Places 41.32927498 POINT (- 958 1332 2185 73.59799579 41.32927498) 42.35299831 POINT (- 750 943 2087 74.24501337 42.35299831) 40.83824509 POINT (- 1020 1120 2179 73.44490844 40.83824509) 40.71746555 POINT (- 749 737 2095 74.00469566 40.71746555) 41.75848218 POINT (- 660 778 2180 74.60178351 41.75848218) 42.12667295 POINT (- 519 970 619 73.85557849 42.12667295) 41.01263255 POINT (- 974 1244 2185 73.87008836 41.01263255) 43.28054108 POINT (- 131 29 2131 78.79851718 43.28054108) 42.56591215 POINT (- 765 358 620 75.88267718 42.56591215) 43.15291914 POINT (- 537 1665 2093 77.58005341 43.15291914) 40.89267948 POINT (- 1014 1422 2179 73.1684488 40.89267948) 42.95572588 POINT (- 300 63 2041 78.90873904 Page 15 of1299 09/26/2021 National Register of Historic Places Lisbon Railroad Depot St. Lawrence Maples, The Dutchess Neville House Richmond Bishop Family Lustron House Schenectady Nuits Westchester East 54th-55th Streets Historic District New York Tenement Building at 97 Orchard Street New York Your Home Library Broome Forsyth, James and Mary, House Ulster James Keith House Herkimer Warsaw Academy Wyoming Pickens Hall St. Lawrence Page 16 of1299 09/26/2021 National Register of Historic Places 11/22/2000 98NR01381 -75.31882401 07/09/1987 90NR00457 -73.91543701 07/28/1977 90NR01028 -74.09912802 03/05/2008 07NR05783 -73.91442371 04/18/1977 90NR02539 -73.87457179 00NR01622 -73.97102379 05/19/1992 92NR00300 -73.99028014 10/05/2005 05NR05451 -75.94924293 07/03/2003 03NR05076 -74.01401607 01/15/2014 13NR06466 -75.02226175 01/03/1980 90NR02039 -78.133123 10/27/2004 04NR05255 -75.40589157 Page 17 of1299 09/26/2021 National Register of Historic Places 42.95572588) 44.7274099 POINT (- 325 1581 2140 75.31882401 44.7274099) 41.93598575 POINT (- 607 1006 2040 73.91543701 41.93598575) 40.64444925 POINT (- 585 604 2139 74.09912802 40.64444925) 42.88685355 POINT (- 108 50 2142 73.91442371 42.88685355) 41.02489018 POINT (- 974 1252 2185 73.87457179 41.02489018) 40.75982508 POINT (- 749 749 2095 73.97102379 40.75982508) 40.7185552 POINT (- 749 718 2095 73.99028014 40.7185552) 42.11323793 POINT (- 938 429 2033 75.94924293 42.11323793) 41.9337423 POINT (- 425 79 2182 74.01401607 41.9337423) 43.17061504 POINT (- 674 1284 2088 75.02226175 43.17061504) 42.73874949 POINT (-78.133123 391 415 2186 42.73874949) 44.6176185 POINT (- 317 1578 2140 Page 18 of1299 09/26/2021 National Register of Historic Places Westinghouse, George Jr., Birthplace and Boyhood Home Schoharie Fort Tompkins Quadrangle Richmond United States Merchant Marine Academy Historic District Nassau Hanford, Uriah, House Yates Babcock-Shattuck House (Former Jewish War Veterans Home) Onondaga North Ridge United Methodist Church Niagara Mackay Estate Dairyman's Cottage Nassau Sloat House Rockland W.M.
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