• Chinese Premier's Visit School Strike Shopping Spree Longer lasting freshness, longer lasting smile CONTENTS Page Letters News Notes 4 n iefs 6 Quote Unquote 7 COVER STORY: CRASH AND COLLAPSE The lack of regulations and monitoring has resulted in the systematic breakdown of cooperati ves, which were otherwi se on' The Record 8 mushrooming. Page 16 ZHU RONGJI'S VISIT: Strengthening Friendship 9 JUDICIARY: Mission Learning , 12 ENCOUNTER: Khem Gurung 13 III rd LDC CONFERENCE: Appeal For Global Cooperation 14 OTBALL BAN: Age-Old Problem 22 SCHOOL STRIKE: Vigilante Injustice CONSUMERISM: Shop Till You Drop 24 Despite the justification of most of their demands, pro-Maoist student organization fail to win wide SUppOrl by employing violent means. BOOK REVIEW 26 Page 10 THE BOTTOMLINE 27 FACE TO FACE: Ramesh Nath Joshi 28 INTERVIEW: PASTIME 29 Bharat Mohan Adhik'ary The senior leader of the main op­ position Unified Marxi st Leninisl LEISURE 30 (UML) Adhikary talks about his party's plans to oust the Koiral. government. FORUM: Keshab Prasad Upadhyaya 32 Page 23 SPOTLIGHT/MAY 18,2001 SPOTLIGHT EDITOR'S NOTE THE NATIONAL NEWSMAGAZINE Vol. 20, No.44, May 18, 2001 (Jeslha 5, 2057) I 'Chief Editor And Publisher Madhav Kumar Rimai Editor Sarita Rimal Managing Editor he three day official visit of Zhu Rongji, the Premier of the People' Keshab Poudel Republic of China has passed off peacefully. Allhough the Chinese were Associate Editor very careful not to show any kind of aberration in their thinking and Bhagirath 'l';ogi behavior it is reliably reported that the atmosphere of intimacy, bonhomie and camaraderie, so very enviable characteristics of Nepal-China rcla­ Senior Reporter Sanjaya Dhakal ertionscould be felt conspicuously missing. A very influential insider has confided to scribe on condition of anonamity, that the Nepalese side was suffering from Reporter Akshay Sharma invi sible constraints. NO one need be surprised if the various problems vexing the Nepalese Prime Minister had mitigated the exubera nce the visits of Chinese dignitaries Design and Layout to Jyoti Singh Nepal generally generate. But, this need not cause any worry to patriotic Nepalese. Since the establishmenl of diplomatic relationship nearly five decades ago, the Chinese Photographer leaders have treated the institution of monarchy as the main pillar of Nepalese NishchaJ Chapagain nationalism. With the introduction of multi-party democracy, the elected government Art should have been able to share the feeling. But their questionable loyalty, the blatant M.S. Khokna non'perfom,ance, the rampant corruption and the uller absence of morality in the Legsl Advisor politicians in the government, could not have inspired the nation 's friends in the north Advocate Lok Bhakta Rana to reflect any perceptible respect for their hosts. Despite all these factors, the genuine concerns our northern neighbor has exhibited for our over all development and Marketing/Advertisement Sarit Rimal (USA) wellbeing ha.1.lways been a malter of gratification for us. Lf our friends in the South could take a leaf out of our relations with our northern friend and, instead of empty Marketing Madan Kaji Basnet rhetorics, showed some genuine concern and slopped hUrling our economy, with a Navin Kumar Maharjan changed leadership Nepal would make a speedy headway in her economic develop· Madan Raj Poudel ment. Editorial Office • • • GPO Box 7256. Baluwatar. Kathmandu, The proposed three day Bandh by the Leftists has generated a kind of panic amongs. Tel: (977.1) 423127, Fax: (977-1) 417845 majority of citizens in the country. Granted that Bandhs are a very effective ~ Chiel Editors: 435594 E-mail: [email protected] expressing dissatisfaction with the workings of the government or any other organiza­ Internet Add: http://www.nepalnews.com/ tion for that maller. But then it must be fully realized that bandhs become effective only spotlight with people who possess a sense of morality, who feel accountable and who have some Cover Design character. They don' I affect persons who are callous, irresponsible, dishonest and don't Wordscape have any character. We have witnessed hundreds ofbandhs and chakkajams. But they Kamal Pokhari, Ph : 410772, Fax : 432872 have seldom forced the governme nt to mend their manner. If anything, they have hurt Distribution Iheeconomy and disrupted the li ves o[the people. The poorer section of the society have Bazaar International always suffered the hardest. Perhaps, all the country would agree with the sponsors of 228 Sanchaya Kosh Bldg. Kathmandu G.P.O Box 2480, Ph: 222983 Fax : 229437 the bandh that the ineffective government should be replaced. But, whether bandhs e-mail: [email protected] would force the government to step down is much debatable. As such, it would be worthwhile for the sponsors to give second thoughts to the idea of three day bandh. One Printers: Kishor offset Press (P.) Ltd. P.O. Box 4665, Galkopakha, Thamel, should never overlook the possibility orthe boomerang any senseless act may generate .• Kathmandu,Tel: 351 044 (011),351172 (Res.), Fax: 977-1-351172, E-mail: [email protected] C.D.O. Rcgdl"No 151/039-40 Postal Regd. No 42/057/58 U.S. Library of Congress Madhav Kumar Rimal Catalogue No. 9 I ·905060 Chief Editor& Publ isher 2 SPOTLIGHT/MA Y 18, 200 I LETTERS ______________________________________________________________ that said Lord Buddha was an Powerless PM Indian. Such books define Apropos ,your cover watersheds as large bodies of story "Standing Against All water. and potato as cerea l. Odds" (SPOTLIGHT, May G.B. Mali's science book for 11). Prime Minister Girija grade nine (page 85) has a Prasad Koirala is struggling totally erroneous figure for bard to maintain his aUlhor­ refraction by a glass slab. and ity amid growing opposition the text is conceptu all y wrong. from virtually every quaner. But he is such a big man in ed ucat ion that whatever he The main oppOSition party , writes sell s like hot cakes. If ably helped by Nepali Con­ the student's answer book gress dissidents. has done goes to an examiner who has great harm 10 the image and read only Mali. full marks will political presence of Koirala be award ed for that explana­ by rai sing the issue of cor­ ti on: if any other person ex­ ruption. Koi rala, on the other amines it , no marks will be hand, has been meek in hi s give n. The books by Janak response to all the accusa­ Education Materials Ccnter tions made against him. Quite are no better. rn one Nepali true. he is in office, not in book, they could not find the power. But what is the way typescript for some leuers and out? Where does Nepal go blank spaces were left instead. from here? People are eager The crux of the problem is to hear answers to these ques­ blatant negligence and lack of tions. programs and policies. On Ramesl! SI!akya someone's wh i ms, the corrupt Patan practices of the SLC board are percolated lo the grassroots through district the CIAA's letter bomb Lauda Effect Misleading Report level exams at Grade Sand 8. cou ld not explode with enough The Lauda Air scam has A!th ough most of yo ur Then on another's whim, the firepower to dethrone Prime li ed the image of Prime reporls are balanced and per­ SLC exam is to be done away Minister Koirala from Balu­ MinisterGirija Prasad Koirala suasive. the recent one on pri­ wi th. We arc pursuing an un­ watar ("Standin g Against All ("Standing Against All Odds". va te schools entitled "Pan ic heard of policy of privatizing Odds", SPOTLIGHT, May SPOTLIGHT. May 11). The For Nothing" (SPOTLIGHT, education. Even in the Uni ted I I). seasoned politician is finding May 11) was self-contradic­ States, commoo Iy depicted as Why did the constitu­ it hard to sail over the latest tory - as the caption of the the Satan of capitalism and tional body choose to send crisis in hi s life. Quite unlike photo read chaotic si tuati on privatization, the enrolment such letter which. as experts the Tanakpur or the Dhamija - unc onvincing. One should is 14 million in public school claim, does not pose any legal seams, it would nOl be easy not glee over the burning of ( 1990 data), and 4.5 million comp ulsions for him to quit, for Koirala 10 ge t out o f the neighbor's house even if a in private; of the latter, alm ost at such a sensi ti ve political thi s scandal unhurt. He is villain occupies it, because the 4 million are for religious juncture? Surely. if the CIAA caught between the devil and fire ca n engulf the entire compulsions. The best way to did think th at it ought to in­ the deep blue sea - the ne ig hborhood. Is it necessary control private or public vest igate Koiraia, it could Maoists gunning for him from to bring down the quality of school is to hand overthe reins ha ve summ oned him or regis­ lhc junglcs and theopposili on private schools 10 uplift the to th e concerned commu nity. tered a formal case aga in st doing exac tly the same fro m public ones? Have we not al­ Just like the community for­ him. This letter episode only th e streets. read y ex perienced th at with est succeeded , as the common lend s credence to rumors that Jibesl! Singlr the New Education Plan that man understands the impor­ CIAA is not doing its home­ Hanisar nati onali zed best private col­ tance of quality education.
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