VariQuest® Cutout Maker 1800 PREMIUM CONTENT ACCESS CONTENT GUIDE www.variquest.com 1-800-328-0585 VariQuest® Cutout Maker 1800 PREMIUM CONTENT ACCESS CONTENT GUIDE Shapes, Fonts and Collections for use with the VariQuest Cutout Maker 1 The purchase of this content guide entitles the individual school to reproduce copies of the information for use in a single school only. The reproduction by any means of any part of this content guide for other schools, an entire school district, or for commercial use is strictly prohibited. No form of this content guide may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any other language in any form by any means by other schools, an entire school district or for commercial use, without the written permission of Varitronics and Brady Worldwide, Inc. Any school determined to be in violation of this limited permission will be subject to a fine per school in addition to all other available legal remedies. For more information, contact Varitronics at 2355 Polaris Lane North, Suite 100, Plymouth, Minnesota 55447 USA. Varitronics® and VariQuest® are registered trademarks of Brady Worldwide, Inc. 2355 Polaris Lane North, Suite 100, Plymouth, Minnesota 55447 Phone: 800-328-0585 20184-00 © 2011 Varitronics, A Brady Business. Brady Worldwide, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 Welcome The Premium Content Access CD gives you access to 3,800 Shapes, 14 Fonts and 172 Collections for use with your VariQuest Cutout Maker. This content guide provides a complete list of all images, names, and ID numbers for each Shape, Font and Collection available to help you identify which cutouts match your needs. Once you pick a Shape or Collection, simply use the Search by Keyword function in the VariQuest Software to locate the cutout by its ID number. To view this content guide online, visit www.variquest.com. TABLE OF CONTENTS Shapes ...................................................................................................... 5 Fonts ....................................................................................................... 77 Collections ............................................................................................. 79 Basic Content ........................................................................................ 87 CONTENT GUIDE KEY Shapes Category Section Image of Shape, Font or Collection Shape, Font or Collection Name Backpack Content ID# School Related School SIW012 Subcategory Section Shapes, Fonts and Collections may be slightly different than pictured in this guide, as the content is updated and modified on a continuous basis. 3 SHAPES 4 Cutout Maker Shapes S hapes TaBLE OF CONTENTS Animals 7 Food 25 7 Cats 25 Beverages 7 Dinosaurs 25 Dairy 7 Dogs 25 Fruits 7 Insects 26 Grains 7 Mammals 26 Meats 8 Pets 26 Other 8 Safari 27 Sweets 8 Sea 28 Vegetables 8 Zoo Holidays 29 Community 9 29 4th of July 9 Construction 29 Chinese New Year 9 Education 29 Christmas 10 Healthcare 29 Easter 10 Safety 29 Halloween 11 Service 29 Hanukkah 29 Kwanzaa Crafts 11 29 Memorial Day 11 Boxes & Totes 29 Other 12 Cards 30 St. Patrick’s Day 13 Door Hangers 30 Thanksgiving 13 Frames 30 Valentine’s Day 14 Glasses 14 Headbands Languages 30 15 Masks 30 Greek 15 Mobiles 31 Hebrew 16 Napkin Rings 32 Sign Language 16 Other 16 Stencils Manipulatives 33 18 Tags 33 Bingo Cards 33 Flap Facts English Language Arts 19 33 Flashcard Wheels 19 Bookmarks 33 Games 21 Books 33 Lacing Cards 22 Reading 33 Puppets 34 Puzzles Events & Celebrations 22 34 Window Boards 22 Birthday 23 General Math 34 24 Graduation 34 3-D Shapes 5 SHAPES Math Continued… 34 Fractions 51 North America 34 Money 51 Patriotic 35 Slide Together Shapes 51 People 35 Symbols 52 Puerto Rico 35 Time 54 USA School & Classroom Sports & Fitness 55 Decorations 35 55 Baseball 35 Arrows 55 Basketball 35 Awards 55 Cheerleading 36 Borders 56 Football 39 Calendars 56 Golf 40 Clubs & Organizations 56 Gymnastics 40 Mini Shapes 57 Hockey 41 Nameplates 57 Lacrosse 42 Nametags 58 Mascots 43 School Related 59 Other 44 School Spirit 60 Soccer 44 Stars 60 Softball 45 Technology 61 Tennis 61 Track & Field Science 45 61 Volleyball 45 Anatomy & Physiology 62 Wrestling 46 Atoms & Molecules 46 Scientific Equipment Thematic 62 47 Solar System 62 Apparel 47 Weather 64 Apples 64 Baby Seasons 47 65 Beach 47 Fall 65 Circus 47 Spring 66 Fantasy 48 Summer 66 Farm 48 Winter 67 Feelings Social Studies 49 67 Garden 49 Africa 67 Homes & Buildings 49 Asia 70 Kids at Play 49 Australia 70 Music 49 Canada 72 Personal Care 49 Character Education 72 Plants 49 Egypt 73 Recreation & Outdoor 50 England 73 Religion 50 France 74 Sewing 50 Germany 74 Signs 50 Government 75 Travel & Transportation 50 Greece 50 Italy 50 Native American 6 Shapes: Categories,Shapes: Animals Subcategories Cats Kitten Kitten Paw Print - Cat Cat with Yarn Calico ANI2009 ANI320 ANI324 ANI327 ANI329 Siamese Tabby Brontosaurus 2 Stegosaurus 2 Tyrannosaurus Rex 2 ANI332 ANI333 Dinosaurs ANI2000 ANI2001 ANI2002 Brontosaurus 3 Stegosaurus 3 Tyrannosaurus Rex 3 Triceratops 2 Brachiosaurus ANI2004 ANI2005 ANI2006 ANI2013 ANI412 Brontosaurus Pterodactyl Stegosaurus Triceratops Tyrannosaurus Rex ANI413 ANI414 ANI415 ANI416 ANI417 Velociraptor Dogs Poodle 2 Dog Bone Dog House Scottie 2 ANI418 ANI2007 ANI420 ANI426 ANI427 Fire Hydrant Paw Print - Dog Bassett Hound Beagle Bulldog ANI428 ANI430 ANI434 ANI435 ANI438 French Bulldog Cocker Spaniel Dachshund German Shepherd Great Dane ANI439 ANI441 ANI443 ANI445 ANI447 Golden Retriever Greyhound Labrador Retriever Poodle Scottie ANI448 ANI449 ANI452 ANI456 ANI461 Shih Tzu Insects Cocoon Chrysalis Butterfl y Layered Black Bear ANI463 ANI1125 ANI228 LAY001 Mammals ANI1100 Wolf Horse Cow Bear Cub Ram ANI1117 ANI1122 ANI2008 ANI2010 ANI2011 Fox Porcupine Elephant Mouse Moose ANI361 ANI794 ANI815 ANI839 ANI840 7 Shapes: Animals Rabbit Raccoon Rat Skunk Squirrel ANI854 ANI855 ANI856 ANI862 ANI864 Pets Bird Cat Dog Hamster Horse ANI1013 ANI1016 ANI1017 ANI1022 ANI1023 Rabbit Safari Baboon Elephant Giraffe Hippopotamus ANI1025 ANI1081 ANI1082 ANI1083 ANI1084 Hyena Lemur Lion Rhinoceros Tiger ANI1085 ANI1086 ANI1087 ANI1088 ANI1089 Zebra Sea Beluga Whale 2 Blue Whale Bowhead Whale Fin Whale ANI1090 ANI1091 ANI1092 ANI1093 ANI1094 Humpback Whale Killer Whale Minke Whale Right Whale Sperm Whale ANI1095 ANI1096 ANI1097 ANI1098 ANI1099 Dolphin Portuguese-Man-of-War Manta Ray 1 Common Sand Dollar Scallop ANI910 ANI936 ANI937 ANI960 ANI962 Stingray Zoo Bald Eagle Python 2 Peacock Panda Bear ANI996 ANI1123 ANI1126 ANI154 ANI2012 Alligator 1 Alligator Anteater Buffalo Camel ANI720 ANI721 ANI724 ANI730 ANI731 Deer Elephant Zoo Elk Giraffe Gorilla Zoo ANI738 ANI741 ANI743 ANI745 ANI747 Kangaroo Koala Lion Zoo Monkey Moose ANI751 ANI753 ANI754 ANI755 ANI757 8 Shapes:Shapes: Categories, Animals /Subcategories Community Ostrich Panda Bear Penguin Polar Bear Sea Lion ANI759 ANI762 ANI764 ANI765 ANI768 Walrus Wolf Baby Elephant Baby Giraffe Baby Hippopotamus ANI773 ANI774 ANI775 ANI776 ANI777 Baby Lion Baby Monkey Baby Penguin Baby Zebra Cage ANI778 ANI779 ANI780 ANI781 ANI782 Car Zoo Keeper Pail Zebra Layered Construction Worker 1 Construction Worker 2 ANI783 ANI785 LAY002 Construction COM008 COM009 Backhoe Barrel Barricade Barricade 2 Bolt COM010 COM011 COM012 COM013 COM014 Bobcat Cement Mixer 1 Cement Mixer 2 Dump Truck 1 Flagman 1 COM017 COM019 COM020 COM024 COM027 Hammer 1 Hard Hat Pliers Road Grader Screw COM030 COM031 COM032 COM034 COM037 Tar Roller Dump Truck 2 Hammer 2 Screwdriver Screwdriver 2 COM042 COM180 COM181 COM182 COM183 Construction Worker 3 Chain Saw Crow Bar Drill Hammer 1 COM190 TOL004 TOL008 TOL009 TOL014 Jackhammer Level Mallet Pliers 1 Hand Saw TOL018 TOL019 TOL020 TOL025 TOL028 Screwdriver 1 Wheelbarrow Wrench Librarian 1 Librarian 2 TOL030 TOL036 TOL039 Education COM132 COM136 9 Shapes: Community Scanner 1 Scanner 2 Teacher 1 Teacher 3 Teacher 5 COM137 COM138 COM165 COM167 COM168 Blackboard Teacher Desk Teacher 4 Teacher 6 Dentist 1 COM169 COM170 COM185 COM188 Healthcare COM044 Dentist 2 Braces Tooth Tooth 2 Tooth Brush COM045 COM046 COM047 COM048 COM049 Tooth Paste Dental Floss Dentist Chair Dentist Pick Dentist Mirror COM050 COM051 COM053 COM054 COM055 Doctor 2 Doctor 1 Nurse 1 Nurse 2 Band-aid 1 COM057 COM058 COM059 COM060 COM061 Band-aid 2 Butterfl y Stitch Cast Cotton Ball Cotton Swab COM062 COM063 COM064 COM065 COM066 Crutches Otoscope Examining Table First Aid Bag Refl ex Hammer COM067 COM068 COM069 COM070 COM072 Nurse Hat Scale 1 Scissors Sling 1 Stethoscope COM074 COM076 COM078 COM079 COM080 Stitches Stretcher Syringe Thermometer Thermometer 2 COM081 COM082 COM083 COM086 COM087 Wheelchair Sling 2 Tooth 3 Safety Firefi ghter 1 Firefi ghter 2 COM089 COM179 COM189 COM091 COM092 Fire Ax Fire Boots Firefi ghter Coat Dalmatian Fire Hydrant COM093 COM095 COM096 COM097 COM101 10 Shapes:Shapes: Categories, Community Subcategories / Crafts Fire Extinguisher 2 Fire Extinguisher 3 Fire Helmet Smoke Detector Fire Truck 1 COM102 COM103 COM106 COM111 COM112 Police Offi cer 1 Police Offi cer 2 Beat Stick Handcuffs Motorcycle COM155 COM156 COM157 COM159 COM160 Police Car Police Badge 1 Police Hat Police Badge 2 Radio COM161 COM162 COM163 COM186 COM187 Service Bus Driver 1 Bus Driver 2 Bus 1 Bus 2 Bus 3 COM001 COM002 COM003 COM004 COM005 Garbage Collector 1 Garbage Collector 2 Garbage Truck Garbage Can 1 Garbage Can 2 COM116 COM117 COM118 COM119 COM120 Garbage Can 3 Hair Stylist 1 Hair Stylist 2 Barber Chair Comb COM121 COM122 COM123 COM125 COM127 Hair Dryer
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