Appendix I List of Consulting Organisations A Consultants: I Local authorities Q EACS, Earthy Matters, (Councilors & Planners) Abbeyleix Bog McCarthy Keville IFNC: Queens University Community Group O’Sullivan, RPS, Tobins Irsih Natural Lullymore Heritage Belfast and others. Capital Forum and Discovery Park An Taisce T Countryside Alliance Inland Fisheries Ireland M B Taghmaconnell Crossmolina IMCG: Meath Westmeath Community Group Ballydangan Red Community Group International Mire Bog Group Grouse Project Conservation Group Teagasc D Moore Gun Club Barrow Trust IPCC: V Dublin City Council Irish Peatland Mote Park Bat Conservation Conservation Council Conservation Group Vincent Wildlife Trust Ireland Dublin Naturalist's Field Club IPS: N W BCI: Butterfly International Peat WHI: Conservation Ireland E Society NARGC: National and Regional Wetlands Bord na Móna: internal EPA: Irish Grey Partridge Gun Club Heritage Ireland Environmental Conservation Trust BSBI: Botanical Society Protection Agency National Universities Wetlands International of the British Isles Irish Red Grouse of Ireland: DCU, UCC, Wetlands EU DG Environment Association UCD, UCG, TCD, Burren Beo Trust Maynooth Survey Ireland UN FAO Irish Rural Link BWI: BirdWatch Ireland NBDC: WI: F IUCN National Biodiversity Waterways Ireland C Data Centre Forest Service IWT: Woodlands of Ireland CELT Irish Wildlife Trust NBG: G National Botanic CIEEM: IT: Gardens Chartered Institute Others: GET: GMIT, Limerick, Sligo, of Ecology and Monica de Bath Golden Eagle Trust Waterford Newtowncashel Environmental Artist Community Group Management Girley Bog Group K David Bellamy North Midlands Environmentalist Coillte: Government Kildare Regional Wilderness Park Michael Casey Irish Forest company, Departments: Gun Club Sculptor semi-state company Agriculture, Arts NPBR: John Feehan Heritage and Gaeltacht, Kilteevan Irish National Platform Author and Consultant Ecologists Social Protection Community Council for Biodiversity Research Environmentalist Dick Warner H L NPWS: Journalist and National Parks and Environmentalist Heritage Council: Local Lanesborough Wildlife Service (Regional Paddy Woodworth Heritage Officers Community and Scientific staff) Author and Journalist 76 Appendix II An Overview of the Bord na Móna Habitat Classification General Pioneer BnM Nearest Fossitt Pioneer Community Habitat Phytosociological 2000 Community Code Syntaxa Classification Bare peat (0-50% cover) BP Spoil and bare ground ED2 Embryonic bog Pioneer Eriophorum angustifolium PBa Oxycocco-Sphagnetea Bog PB community (acidic) * Sphagnum cuspidatum- PBb Oxycocco-Sphagnetea Bog PB Eriophorum angustifolium community* Embryonic bog community PBc Calluno-Sphagnion Bog PB (somewhat more diverse and developed) * Poor fen Pioneer Campylopus pCamp Caricion curto-nigrae Poor fen PF2 dominated community Pioneer Juncus effusus community pJeff Caricion curto-nigrae Poor fen PF2 Pioneer Eriophorum angustifolium pEang Caricion curto-nigrae Poor fen PF2 community (poor fen) Pioneer Juncus bulbosus community pJbulb Caricion curto-nigrae Poor fen PF2 Pioneer Triglochin palustris pTrig Caricion curto-nigrae Poor fen PF2 community Pioneer Juncus with Sphagnum* pJunc Sphagneto-Juncetum Poor fen PF2 Rich fen Pioneer rich fen community Pschon Caricetalia davallianae Rich fen PF1 with Schoenus nigricans (rudimentary rich fen) Pioneer Carex viridula/brown pVir Caricetalia davallianae Rich fen PF1 moss community (rich fen) Pioneer Cladium community pCladium Caricion davallianae Rich fen PF1 Emergent wetland Carex rostrata community pRos Cariculion rostratae Poor fen PF1 communities (poor fen) Carex paniculata community pPan Caricetum paniculatae Reed and large FS1 sedge swamps Phragmites australis community* pPhrag Scirpo-Phragmitetum Reed and large FS1 sedge swamps Typha community* pTyp Typhetum latifoliae Reed and large FS1 sedge swamps Schoenoplectus community pSch Scirpo-Phragmitetum Reed and large FS1 sedge swamps Open water/aquatic Permanent pools and lakes OW Isoeto-Litorelletea Dystrophic lakes FL1 Permanent pools and lakes OW Isoeto-Litorelletea Acid-oligotrophic lakes FL2 Charaphytes pChar Charetea Limestone/Marl lakes FL3 Temporary open water tOW Woodland Emergent Betula-dominated eBir Salici-Betuletum Scrub WS1 and scrub community (A) pubescentis Open Betula-dominated oBir Salici-Betuletum Scrub WS1 community (B) pubescentis Closed Betula scrub community (C) cBir Salici-Betuletum Scrub WS1 pubescentis Ulex-dominated community eGor Scrub WS1 Betula-Salix woodland BirWD Salici-Betuletum Bog woodland WN7 pubescentis 77 General Pioneer BnM Nearest Fossitt Pioneer Community Habitat Phytosociological 2000 Community Code Syntaxa Classification Heathland Dry Calluna community dHeath Calluno-Ulicetalia Dry heath HH1 Wet Heath community wHeath Narthecio-Ericetum Wet Heath HH3 Dense Pteridum dPter Rhamno-Prunetea Dense Bracken HD1 Grassland Dry calcareous grassland gCal Centaureo-Cynosuretum Dry calcareous and GS1 neutral grassland Antoxanhthum-Holcus-Equisetum gAn-H-Eq No close affinities to Dry calcareous and GS community Irish syntaxa neutral grassland Dactylis-Arrhenatherum gDact-Arr Arrhenatheritum Dry meadows and GS2 community elatioris grassy verges Molinia caerula-dominated gMol Junco conglomerati- Wet grassland GS4 community Molinion Marsh - Filipendula and Mar Filipendulion ulmariae Marsh GM1 other tall herbs Disturbed Tussiligo-dominated community DisCF Tussilaginetum Recolonising ED3 (vegetation > 50%) bare ground Epilobium-dominated community DisWil Tussilaginetum Recolonising ED3 (vegetation > 50%) bare ground General Riparian areas (streams or drains Rip FW2/4 with associated edge habitats) Access (tracks or railways with Acc BL3 associated edge habitats) *indicates potentially peat forming habitat Appendix III Supporting documents Bord na Móna. 2010. Bord na Móna Biodiversity Action Plan NPWS. 2011. Actions for biodiversity 2011-2016. Ireland’s national 2010-2015. Brosna Press, Ferbane. biodiversity plan. Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. Bord na Móna. 2011. Strategic Framework for the Future Use of Peatlands. Bord na Móna. NPWS. 2015. National Peatland Strategy. www.npws.ie Clark, D. and Rieley, J. 2010. Strategy for responsible peatland management. International Peat Society, Finland. Recent studies and reports 2012-2015 Biosphere Environmental Services. 2014. Bord na Móna Breeding Bord na Móna. 2014. Blocking Drains in Irish raised bogs. Bird Survey 2013. Ballivor Bog Group. Unpublished report to The Bord na Móna Raised Bog Restoration Project. In: Global Bord na Móna. Peatland Restoration demonstrating SUCCESS. (Cris, R., Buckmaster, S., Bain, C. and Reed, M. eds.) IUCN UK National Committee Biosphere Environmental Services. 2014. Bord na Móna Peatland Programme, Edinburgh. Wintering Bird Survey 2013/14. Ballivor Bog Group. Unpublished www.iucn-uk peatlandprogramme.org report to Bord na Móna. Copland, A. 2011. Birds on Cutaway Peatlands: Baseline Breeding Biosphere Environmental Services. 2014. Bord na Móna Winter Bird Population Survey. Project report 2011. Unpublished report Bird Survey 2013-14. Ballydermot and Derrrygreenagh Bog for Bord na Móna. BirdWatch Ireland, Co. Wicklow. Group. Unpublished report Bord na Móna. Copland, A. 2012. Birds on Cutaway Peatlands: 2012 Breeding Biosphere Environmental Services. 2014. Bord na Móna Summer Bird Survey. Project report 2012. Unpublished report for Bord na Breeding Bird Survey 2013. Ballydermot and Derrrygreenagh Móna. BirdWatch Ireland, Co. Wicklow. Bog Group. Unpublished report Bord na Móna. 78 Copland, A. 2015. Assessment of environmental and community Kingston, N. 2012 Checklist of protected and rare species in opportunities for three cutaway peatland sites in the Lough Ireland. Unpublished National Parks and Wildlife Service Report. Boora Discovery Park: Drinagh, The Derries and Turraun. Cutaways for Communities: Conservation, Recreation, Education. Lovatt, J. and Madden, B. 2012. Impact of the severe winter on Unpublished report prepared for Offaly Local Development Skylark Alauda arvensis, Wren Troglodytes troglodytes, Company in association with Bord na Móna. Stonechat Saxicola torquatus and Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis populations at Bellacorick cutaway bog, Co. Mayo. Copland, A.S., Fallon, D., McCorry, M. and Farrell, C. 2013. Irish Birds Vol 9: 505-507. Breeding waders on cutaway peatlands in Co. Offaly. 6th Irish Ornithological Research Conference, UCC, 23th November 2013. Malachy Walsh and Partners 2015. Ornithology Report. Winter www.ucc.ie/en/media/conferences/corc2013/CORC2013BookOf ornithological survey for Lot No.1: Mountdillon, Derryarogue, Abstracts.pdf Derryadd, Derraghan (Winter 2014/15). Unpublished report for Bord na Móna. Copland, A.S., McCorry, M., Fallon, D. and Farrell, C. 2013. Response of bird populations to conservation management for McCorry, M., Copland, A., Egan, T., Fallon, D. and Farrell, C. 2012. breeding waders on cutaway peatlands. 6th Irish Ornithological Developing habitat management techniques to enhance the Research Conference, UCC, 23th November 2013. value of Bord na Móna cutaway raised bogs in Ireland for breeding waders. Proceedings of the 14th International Peat Congress, Copland, A.S., McCorry, M., Fallon, D. and Farrell, C. 2013. Broad- Stockholm 2012. IPS Finland. scale habitat preferences of summer bird communities in cutaway peatlands. 6th Irish Ornithological Research Conference, UCC, McCorry, M. and Farrell, C. 2014. The Bord na Móna restoration 23th November 2013. programme. In: Towards Climate-Responsible
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