lQs GOVT. OF ASSAM OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ::::::::::::: NAGAON DECENTRALISED PLANNING BRANCH Phone:03672-213185 (O) 233222 /233193 (F) L-mail :dc-naqaonc' nic.in No. NDC (D) 16/7020/133 Dated: 1.08/7020 ORDER l(foa ln pursuance of the power delegated to the undersigned Vide Budget attotment No.14 NAG/GADt002 2018 19(l)_19, Dtd:08/03/2019 and FOC No.FlN/NAG/GADt002lZO18/1842, Dtd:76/0317019, financiaI sanction is hereby accorded for drawl and transfer an amount of Rs,90,000.00 (Rupees ninety thousand) only for financia[ assistance in respect of Educational purpose Undcr additionat MLA Arca Development Fund (S|.JHR|D), 2018-19 to 18 Nos. of beneficiaries as per Annexure-l enctosed herewith as recommcnded by the Hon'ble MLA, 88 Samaguri LAC, The amount of Rs.90,000.00 (Rup ees ninetv thousand) only is to bc transfcrred through NEFT/RTGS against the name of the concerned beneficiaries mentioned in Auglg's-l by debiting from A/C No. 0031013228157, United Bank of lndia, Nagaon Branch, A.T. Road, Nagaon, Assam in the name of Deputy Commissioner, Nagaon. Encto: As stated above U"- Deputy Commissioner, ryxlceg!. Memo No. NDC (D) 1612020/133 (A) Dated: lOBl2O70 copy to :- idlrC 1. The Hon'ble MLA, 88 Samaguri LAC for kind information. 2. The Addt. Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Transformation and Devetopment Department, Dispur, Guwahati-6 for kind information. l. The Accountant General Assam, Maidamqaon, Beltola, Guwahati for kind information. 4. The Director (DCP), Transformation & Development Department for kind information. 5. The Branch Manager, United Bank of lndia, Nagaon Branch with a request to ontine transfer the amount through NEFT/RTGS against the name of the beneficiaries as per Annexure-l enclosed herewith and report compliance to the Deputy Commissioner's Office, Nagaon. 6. Sr. Asstt./Jr. Asstt., DCP Branch, Nagaon for necessary action accordingty. u7. Office Copy. Finance and A ts Officer, .y&$e!-. LIST OF BENEFICIARIES FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE UNDER MLAADS (SUHRID) FUIND (EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE) OF SAMAGURI LAC FOR THE YEAR 2018-1g st Name of Beneficiaries Father's/Husband Name Vitlage Bank Name Amount No. Branch Name Account No IFSC Code (ln Rs) 1 Nelofar Yeasmin Asraf ALi Kadamguri State Bank of lndia Sarnag, rr-i Branch 3312430i373 s8tN0002119 s000.00 ? Bedanta Kumar Sarmah Anit Sarmah Panigaon United Bank of lndia Puranig,.icam Branch 064001 0332 1 63 UTBIOPGMGl l 5000 3 Satah UdCin Jalat Uddin Geruamukh State Baok cf lndia Sa rn Branch 358617267C4 sBrN00021 1 4 da Khatun 9 s000 Suteman Ali Kanuamar-i State Bank of lndia Kaliabor Branch 3821 0960845 sBr N0004273 5000. 5 RashiCut Abbas Ali Kanuarn a ri State Bank of lndia Samagur-i Branch 33796586751 sBrN00021 1 9 6 Rahima Be 5000.00 Mekait Sonaribati State Bani< of lndia ri Branch 36043758121 5BrN00021 19 5000.00 7 Pratap Das Kishor Kumar Das Kanuamari United Bank of lndia . Na Branch 003101 32i7s35 UTBIONAO3OT 5000 8 Ruksana Be Chan Ati Sonaribati State Bank of lndia Samaguri Branch 35132657314 sBlN00021 1 9 5000. 9 I isa B t Hekim mur State Eank lndia of Kaoirnar-i Branch 3502862981 3 5BtN001 6904 10 Enamui Hussain 5000. Abdul Aziz Geruamukh Punjab NationaI Bank hat Branch 09280001 00228248 PU N80092800 11 AjmaL Hussain 5000.00 JaLat Ahmed Kanuamari State Bank of lndia ri Br"anch 35173553719 sBrN00021 1 9 aa Pan Das 5000.00 SuniI Das Kanuarna ri United Bank of lndia Branch 003 1 01 32381 72 UTBIONAO3OT 5000 13 KrishnaChan MandaL Birendra MandaI Tubukijarani Punjab National Bank Singimar-i Branch 14790001CC108273 PUNB0l 47900 5000.00 14 Jubair A,hmed Kazim Udd'in Pachim Saipara State Bank of lncia Sanagr:r'i Branch 35990369796 sBrN00021 19 5000.00 15 Shahanaz Mehedi Abdul KhaLeque Koroi guri Assam Gramin Vikash Bank Rupahi Branch 73860?6A37389 UTBIORRBAGB 5000 16 Rimisha Borah PrafuIta Kumar Borah Bheleuguri State Bank of lndia Samaguri Branch 37923984469 58rN00021 1 9 5000. 17 Parag Jyoti Das KamaI Chandra Das Mikirhat United Bank of lndia Puranigudam Branch 064001 0280983 UTBIOPGMGl l 5000.00 18 Rashmi Rekha Gogoi Haranya Gogoi Gendhati Bebejia State Bank of lndia Samagui"i Branch 35046377073 sBrN00021 1 9 5000.00 TotaI 90000 (Rupees ninety ) onll Prepared by:- J*a'{Aj s.rio. rlonrifm..., Finance & _kI 0fficer. District Development Commissioner, !Nagaon. Depury.k.., ?-.r\agaon. aNagaon. I Nagaon. I tJw i;itt rr, ffi tt"*,rrt:ta : ffi*efir# GOVT. OF ASSAM OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ::::::::::::: NAGAON (DECENTRALISED PLANNING BRANCH) Phone :03672-733185 (O) 233222 / 233193 (F) E-mai[ :[email protected] No. NDC (D) 27/ 7020 / Pt. -v / 98 Dated:2510812020 ORDER ln pursuance of the power detegated to the undersigned vide Budget attotment No.14*NAG lGADl002_2018_19(l)_19, Dtd:08/03/2019 and FOC No.FtN/NAGtcADt002t2018/1842, Dtd:26103/2019, financial sanction is hereby accorded for drawt and transfer an amount of Rs. (Ruoees four lakhs eiehty thousand) onty for financial assistance in respect of Medical Purpose under additional MLA Area Devetopment Fund (SUHRID), 7018-19 to 96 Nos. of beneficiaries as per Annexure-l enctosed herewith as recommended by the Hon'ble MLA, 88 Samaguri LAC. The amount of Rs.4,80.000.00 (Rupees four lakhs eiehtv thousand) onty is to be transferred through NEFT/RTGS against the name of the concerned beneficiaries mentioned in Annexure-l by debiting from A/C No.0031013228157, United Bank of lndia, Nagaon Branch, A.T. Road, Nagaon, Assam in the name of Deputy Commissioner, Nagaon. Encto: As stated above Sd/- Deputy Commissioner, Naqaon. Memo No. NDC (D)27/2070/Pt.-v/98 (A) Dated:21 /0\tz02o Copy to :- 1. The Hon'bte MLA, 88 Samaguri LAC for kind information. 2. The Addt. Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Transformation and Devetopment Department, Dispur, Guwahati-6 for kind information. 3. The Accountant Generat, Assam for favour of kind information. 4. The Director (DCP), Transformation & Devetopment Department for kind information. 5. The Branch Manager, United Bank of lndia, Nagaon Branch with a request to ontine transfer the amount through NEFT/RTGS against the name of the beneficiaries as per Annexure-l enctosed herewith and report comptiance to the Deputy Comrnissioner's Office, Nagaon. Sr. Asstt.iJr. Asstt.. DCP Branch, Nagaon for necessary action accordingty. 4 Office Copy. Fi nance ""akts officer, ry Naeaon. (ST SAMACLRI L.A.C. FOR THE /, LIST OF BE\Ef I('I-\ITIT,S FOR FI\A\CIAL ASSISl'.\\CE I.'\DIlR }{LAADS IiRID) FL I\D (MEDIC -.I.L PLRPOSE) OF YEAR 2018-r9 sl. Amount r-ame of Beneficiaries Father's/Husband \ame village Bank \ame Branch \ a mc Account \o. I FSC Code. \o. (ln Rs) I Maleka Khatun Md. Nur Uddin Vagurmari Assam Gramin Vikash Bank Rupahi Branch 7 386026022682 UTBIORRBACB 5000.00 t-lr Md. Abdul Kuddus Vd. Abdul mannaf Kadomguri State Bank Of India Kaoimari Branch 33426588506 sB IN0016904 5 000.00 i Abdul Hannan Tahir Uddin Kasokhair"- Assam Cramin Vikash Bank Rupahi Branch 73 860260033 I 7 UTBI()RRBAGB 5000.00 4 Giyas Uddin Lt. Abdul Kadir Kasokhair]" Assam Gramin Vikash Bank Rupahi Brarch 73 86026004087 UTBTORRAGB s000.00 - Shwafrjaa khatun Umar faruk Kasokhaitv State Bank Of lndia Kaliabor Branch 36320 119848 s8IN0004273 5000.00 6 Naiirna Khatun Israfil AIi Kasokhaitv Panjab \ational Bank Singimari Branch 1479000 t 00063366 Pt;\80147900 5 000.00 1 Chan Banu Ramjan Ali Solmari Panjab \ational Bank Singimari Branch r47900 t 700026i 7-s PU\B0147900 5000.00 8 Md.Gulzar Hussain Abdul Momin Kaoimari State Bank of lndia Kaoimari Branch 3331023 r2l6 sB IN0016904 5000.00 I Md.Ahammad Ali Abdur Rahman Puthikhaity State Bank Of lndia Kaoimari Branch 332166 1656i sBI\'00 t 6904 5000.00 l0 Abul llashim Amir Uddin Puthikhaitv State Bank Of India Kaoimari Branch 33236620t31 sBrN00I 6904 5 000.00 ll Vd. \ur \y'rrharrnrad Lt. Khurshid Ali Kadomguri state Bank of lndia Kaoimari Branch 335505r2756 sBtN00l6904 s000.00 l2 Ilassen Ali Lt. Abdur Rezak Kadomguri State Bank Of India Kaoimari Branch 333408465 r9 sBr\00 r6904 5000.00 ti Harun Rashid Ali Mohammad Kadomguri Assam Gramin Vikash Bank Arnoni Branch 737401001020r UTBIORRBACB 5000.00 l4 Mofidul Alam Sultan Ahmed Kasokirait) State Bank Of lndia Kaliabor Branch 3 7000685853 sBIN0004273 5000.00 l5 Alal Uddin Lt. Abdul Jalil Kasokhaity State Bank Of India Kaliabor Branch 34482551036 sBrN0004273 -5 000.00 t6 Akkas Ali Abed ali Pachim saipara Panjab National Bank Singimari Branch j,1790017000 I 7241 PUN B0 147900 5000.00 l1 r.- itya Nanda Nandi Lt. Chandra Mohan \andi Pachi Showalani United Bank of lndia Ambagan Brancb 07800r0110389 UTBIOAMBG35 5000.00 l8 Abdul Jalil Abdul Gafur i \o. Bhurbandha State Bank of India Kaliabor Branch 34i 10539425 s8IN0004273 s000.00 l9 Parbin Sultana Abdul Sattar Koroiguri Panjab \ational Bank Singimari Branch 147900010011t397 PL\ B0 r47900 5 000.00 20 Sulaman Nessa Lt. Nurul Haque Koroiguri Panjab National Bank Singimari Branch 14790003 0002 5 832 PUNB0 r47900 5000.00 2t Golapjan Nessa Sirajul Islam Koroiguri Panjab National Bank Singimari Branch 147900 I 7000 I 7906 PU\801,17900 5000.00 22. Sahida Begum Amir Uddin Pachim salpara Panjab ,r*ational Bank Sinsimari Branch t4'79001700114'748 PUNB0l47900 5000.00 23 Chan Via Hussain Shahid ullah Pachim salpara Assarn Gramin Vikash BanL RUPAHI Branch 73860260 r4080 UTBIORRBAGB 5000.00 24 Abdul Hekim Lt. Hussain Ali Lailuri United Bank of lndia Ambagan Branch 07800r0536592 UTBIOAMBG35 5000.00 25 J iyabur Rahman Faijul Hoque 4 \o. Bhurbandha United Bank of India Ambagan Branch 0'780010811299 UTBIOAMBC35 5000.00 26 A!alur Rahman Nurul lslam P.
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