- 560 WOLVERHAMPTON. STAFFORDSHIRE. (KELLY's & Miss Ina L. McNeill M.B., Ch.B.Glas. anresthe­ CbiPf Assistant Clerk, Albert G. Aldridge tists; J. A. Deeley esq. sec.; Miss Elsie Barnett, dis­ Assistant Clerk for Settlement Work, Horace J. A_ penser; Miss J essie Henderson, matron Starkey, Stafford street, Wolverhampton Wolverhampton & Midland Counties Eye Infirmary, Treasurer, Jesse Millington, United Counties Bank, Wol­ Compton road, Henry Malet B.A., M.D., B.Ch.Dub. verhampton hon. consulting physician; Arthur Edwin Chesshire Relieving Officers & Collectors to the Guardians Supt. ~LR.C.S.Eng. & Arthur Bernard Cridland Dipl.Ophthl. A. E. Jackson, Stafford street; No. I district, J. G. Oxon., F.R.C.S.Edin., L.R.O.P.Lond. hon. surgeons; Tunley, Stafford street, Wolverhampton; No. 2 dis­ Henry Carter Mactier B.A., M.B., B.Ch.Dub. hon. trict, George Thompson, 139 Park st. south, Blaken­ assistant surgeon; Guy Fleet-wood Haycraft M.R.C.S. hall, Wolverhampton; No. 3 district, Edmund Dunton Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. house surgeon; Major W. Blake­ Marston, 1g6 Staveley road, Wolverhampton; No. 4 Burke V.D. sec. ; Capt. Eustace Lees, assistant sec. ; district, William Sturmey Wolverson, Regent street. ~iiss M. Connell, matron Bilston; No. 5 district, John N eal, Harper street, Th~ Wolverhampton Society for the Out-Door Blind, 17 Manor, Willenhall; No. 6 district, Ernest J. Block­ Victoria street, Cecil Tildesley, hon. sec. ; William sidge, Tudor road, Heath To-wn; No. 7 district, Jame~ Johnson, hon. treasurer Stevenson, 3 r St. Mark's road, Wolverhampton Vaccination Offi.cers-W. Rowe, Waterloo road, Wolver­ TERRITORIAL FORCE. hampton; W. J. Colley, Dover street, Bilston &. G. E. Staffordi>hire (Queen's Own Royal Regiment) Yeomanry, Taylor, 44 Melbourne street, Wolverhampton D Squadron, Lieut.-Ool. T . .A.. Wight-Boycott D.S.O. Medical Officers-No. I district, Thomas Wolverson commanding; Capt. W. H. Webb,second in command; L.R.O.P.Edin, M.R.C.S.Eng. gr Tettenhall road. SPigt.-Major George Williams, New Hampton road, Wolverhampton; No. 2 district, Samuel Poole M.D., drill instructor C.M.Edin., D.P.H.R.C.P.S.I. 10 King st. Wolverhamp­ ton; No. 3 district, Thomas Ridley Bailey M.D. Lyn­ RoYAL ARTILLERY. 3rd North Midland Brigade Royal Field Artillery; head dale house, Welling-ton road, Bilston ; No. 4 district. quarters, New Hampton road; Commanding, Lieut.­ George Kendrick M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Ivy house, Wellington road, Bilston; No. 5 district, Wm. Col. C. C. Leveson-Go-wer; Orderly Officer, 2nd Lieut. Bott M.R.C.S.Eng. Ednam house, Bloxwich road, C. J. Salt; Adjutant, Capt. N. G. M. Jervis R.F.A.; Willenhall; No. 6 district, John J oseph O'Brien M. D., ~fedical Officer, Capt. .1. H. W. Hunt R.A.M.C. M.Ch.R. U.Irel. Tudor house, Heath Town (T.F.); Veterinary Officer, Lieut. J. Blakeway .A..V.C. Public Vaccinators East District, Samuel Poole M.D .• T.F.); Instructor, Sergt.-Major H. J. Campbell C.M.Edin., D.P.H.R.C.P.S.I. 10 King street, Wolver­ 4th Stafford-:hire Battery; head quarters, New Hamp­ hampton; West District, Thomas Wolverson L.R.C.P. ton road; Major J. R. T. Mathfws Edin. 91 Tettenhall road, Woh·erhampton; Bilston 3rd North Midland Ammunition Column; head quarters, District, Thomas Ridley Bailey M.D. Lyndale house, ~ew Hampton road; Capt. K. C. Brazier-Creagh, •!Om• Wellington road, Bilston & George Kendrick L.R.C.P. manding Lond. Wellington road, Bilston ; W ednesfield Dis­ L-.FANTRY. trict, John J oseph O'Brien M.D., M.Cb.R. U.IreL 6th Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment; hPad Tudor house, Heath Town; Willenhall District, quarters of Battalion & A, B & C •Companies, Stafford William Bott M.R.C.S.Eng. Ednam house, Bloxwich street; Battalion staff: Commanding, Lieut.-Col. T. road, Willenhall F. Waterhouse; Majors, W. H. Haden V.D. & Y. G. Dispenser, Miss Hilda Robinson, Wolverhampton Magrane V.D. ; Adjutant, Capt. ~<\.. H. Harden; The Workhouse, New Cross, built in 1903, to hold 1,134 Quartermaster, Hon. Lieut. J. Willner; Medical inmates; Rev. John Cresswell, chaplain; Thoma!l Officers, Surg.-Capt. F. Edge M.D. & Lieut. T. H. Hudspeth Galbraith M.B., C. M. medical officer; W. La N. Hewitt R.A.M.C. (T. F.); Chaplains, Rev. A. D. Coghill 1\LD.Edin. assistant resident medical Penny M . .A. (T. F.) & Rev. E. N. Baker (T. F) officer; Thomas D. Rollinson, master; Mrs. F. E. Wolverhampton Companies; head quarters, Stafford Rollinson, matron street : A, Capt. F. Holcroft; B, Capt. T. E. Barn et; The Cottage Homes, Wednesfit>ld, erected in 1890 at a C, Capt. P. D. Barlow; Sergt.-Major Edward Alfred cost of about £I6,ooo, for the children of the Wolver­ Humphrey, drill instructor hampton Union, consists of eight homes, each for 3() children; Robert Barrett, supt. ; Mrs. Barrett, matron; DISTRICT REGISTRY OF THE HIGH ('(Jl.jllT, H. J. Walker, schoolmaster Century chambers, Queen street. Distrid Registrar, William Cooke Kettle M.A., LL.M W OLYERHAMPTON REGISTRATION DISTRICT. St:perintendent Registrar, Frank Harrison, Stafford PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. street, Wolverhampton; deputy, Albert G. Aldridge, Agricultural Hall, Snow bill, William Edwd.Barnett, sec Stafford street, "\Volverhampton Cattle :\farket, Cleveland road & Bilston street, Thomas Registrars of Births, Deaths & Marriages Bilston suo­ Vinct>nt, superintendent district, William J osiah Colley, Dover street, Bilston; Cemetery, Jeffcock road, Merridale, Alfred William deputy, J abez Southwick, 30 Thompson street, Bilston; Brommage, sec Willenhall sub-district, James Talbot Hugbes, 90 New Chamber of Commerce, Royal London buildings, road, Willenhall; deputy, F. G. T. Webb, Albion road, Prince's square, Stephen Watkins, bon. sec Willenhall; Wolverhampton West sub-district, Adam Corporation Baths, Bath place, Ernest Franklin, mangr Yates, 29 Darlington street, Wolverhampton; deputy. Customs & Excise Office, 4 Waterloo road, George Harry Herbert Jones, Post office, Whitmore reans. :\iurph~·. collector; Patrick Meagher Woods, super­ ·Wolverhampton; Wolverhampton East sub-district. visor; Henry McAfee, Frederick John Rose,John Foley, William Price (births & deaths only), Star chambers, Albert Henry Yelland, Ernest F. Mason, Edward J. Licbfield street, Wolverhampton; deputy, F. W. Reid & 'Valter A. Taylor, officers Hand, Stafford street, 'Volverhampton; Ernest James. Empire Music Hall, Queen sq. Harry Ketteman, managr Jones (marriages only), Stafford street & 63 Finch­ Female Refuge, Grosvenor house, WhitmorP hill, Miss field ro1d, Wolverhampton Grant, matron Festival Choral Society. Agricultural hall; Col. T. E. PUBLIC OFFICERS. Hickman C.B., D.S.O .• M.P. presidPnt; George N. A <~~essors & Collector!! of Taxes, Wolverhampton wPst. Adams J.P. chairman; Sydney Speed, sec.; George Llewellyn J ames Williams, II King strt>et; Wolver­ Halford. conductor hampton Past, Charles Picton, I Red Lion street FiTe Brigade, Town hall, Capt. Lindsay Rt. Burnett, dirctr Ct>rtifying Factory Surgeon, John Alfred Codd M.D ... Free Librarv, Garrick street & Cleveland road, William B.Sc.Lond. 7 Tettenhall road T. Beeston, librarian Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee of Sei!­ Grand Theatre, Lichfield street, Ernest Hemy Bull & don Union & to SPi-:don Rural District Council, Herbert Milton Bode, lessees; Wm. L. Murray, business mngr I Taylor, 24 Lichfield strePt C'lPrk to the Local PPnsion Committee, Horatio Brev.itt, WOLVERHAMPTON UNION. I Town hall Board day, alternate fridays at 10 a.m. ; Board room, Collectors of Poor Rates, Henry Roden, Town hall, North New Cross. street; A. W. Barker, Town hall, North street & E. The Union comprises the parishes of Bilston, Heath Town, Bibb, Town hall. North street Short Heath, Wednesfield, Willenhall & Wolverhampton. Coroner for the Wolverhampton District of the County, The population in 19II 11.as !62.717; area, II,147 Thoma~ A. Stokes, Lichfield stTeet; deputy, William acres; rateable value at MichaPlmas, Ign, £6o3,898 Gough Alien, I3 King street Clerk to the Guardians & to the Assessment Committee, Inspector of Weights & Measures & Food & Drugs & Frank Harrison, Stafford street, Wolverhampton under the Fertilizers & Feed Stuff~ Act for the .
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