Namibia Agricultural Union Annual Report 2019-2020 ISSN: 2026-7843 Cultivating relationships, nurturing growth. Let us help you grow from strength-to-strength with our financial solutions. We understand the cyclical nature of farming, that’s why our customised solutions can help you make the most of your opportunities, and achieve your agribusiness goals and dreams. For more advice, speak to one of our experts today. Contact your nearest FNB branch or FNB Business Agri division on (061) 299 7293 Terms and conditions apply. www.fnbbusiness.com.na Christo Viljoen Viljoen MariusMarius Steenkamp SteenkampJacques JacquesCloete CloeteFrederico vanFrederico Wyk vanDwaine Wyk HenckertAndré MoutonCobus Swanepoel CobusWillem Swanepoel Zwiegers Head of of FNB FNB Agri Agri MarientalMariental WindhoekWindhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek OtjiwarongoAranos AranosOtjiwarongo Tel: +264 61 61 299 299 8319 8319Tel: +264Tel: +26463 345 63 114 345 Tel:114 +264Tel: 81 129+264 5961 61 411Tel: +264218 81 Tel:144 +2642377 61Tel: 411 +264 215 81 299Tel: 7801 +264Tel: 67 +264 308 63 800 272 035Tel: +264Tel: +264 63 81 272 042 035 9194 Contents Cultivating relationships, Presidential Review 4 - 5 Overview of the commercial agricultural sector 6 - 9 Organisational Matters 11 Congress 2019 12 - 13 Executive Council/Management Committee 15 - 17 nurturing Liaison 18 Livestock Producers Organisation 19 - 26 Agricultural Employers Association 27 - 29 Agronomy Producers Association 30 - 32 growth. Dairy Producers Association 32 - 35 Poultry Producers Association 35 Advertisers FNB Namibia 2 Welwitschia Insurance Brokers 8 Namibia Joinery Supplies cc 10 Brahman Breeders Society 11 Kaap Agri Namibia 14 Simmentaler Breeders Society 20 Simbra Breeders Society 22 Feedmaster 24 Namibia Charcoal Association 28 Agra 36 Let us help you grow from strength-to-strength with our financial solutions. We understand the cyclical nature of farming, that’s why our customised solutions can help you make the most of your opportunities, and achieve your agribusiness goals and dreams. For more advice, speak to one of our experts today. Contact your nearest FNB branch or FNB Business Agri division on (061) 299 7293 Namibia Agricultural Union Tel: +264 (0)61 237838 Private Bag 13255, Windhoek Fax: +264 (0)61 220193 Agri House, c/o Robert Mugabe Ave Terms and conditions apply. www.fnbbusiness.com.na E-mail: [email protected] and John Meinert St, Windhoek Christo Viljoen Viljoen MariusMarius Steenkamp SteenkampJacques JacquesCloete CloeteFrederico vanFrederico Wyk vanDwaine Wyk HenckertAndré MoutonCobus Swanepoel CobusWillem Swanepoel Zwiegers Head of of FNB FNB Agri Agri MarientalMariental WindhoekWindhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek OtjiwarongoAranos AranosOtjiwarongo Tel: +264 61 61 299 299 8319 8319Tel: +264Tel: +26463 345 63 114 345 Tel:114 +264Tel: 81 129+264 5961 61 411Tel: +264218 81 Tel:144 +2642377 61Tel: 411 +264 215 81 299Tel: 7801 +264Tel: 67 +264 308 63 800 272 035Tel: +264Tel: +264 63 81 272 042 035 9194 NAU Annual Report 2019-2020 3 Presidential review Mr Pieter Gouws, NAU President It is a special privilege for me to provide the With the election results confirmed and the public, our corporate partners as well as the cabinet reshuffle, which led to the fusion of members of the NAU with a brief overview the Ministry of Agriculture with the Minis- of the events and activities of the NAU over try of Land Reform with a new minister, we financial predicament of the agricultural pro- the past year. started thinking that 2020 would be a good ducers. We expected that since agriculture is year. However, our expectations were short- the bedrock of our economy, a speedy work- My position of Chairperson commenced on lived when the Covid-19 pandemic effective- able solution would be found. Unfortunate- the 9th of October 2019 at the peak of one ly brought all activities to a sudden halt. At ly, the global Covid-19 pandemic caused the the most devastating droughts our produc- the same time, the entire agricultural sector Bank of Namibia to change the regulations ers have ever endured to date. However, the had an opportunity to meet with the newly so that they could not attend to our propos- 2019 Congress theme “Re-building after the appointed Minister of Agriculture, Honour- als. I am concerned that it may be too late. drought” highlighted our persistence and able Calle Schlettwein, to share his vision, determination in ensuring the success of goals and objectives for the ministry. Minister Furthermore, the NAU and LPO took part in the the agricultural industry, as well as our faith Schlettwein’s vision is to grow the GDP with Meat Board of Namibia’s two-day dialogue to in the Almighty Father, whom we trust will more than 6% inter alia, and the NAU has re- promote the recovery of the livestock sector never forsake us. solved to support him accordingly. and generate growth in the sector. All partici- pants agreed that increased production with- The rainy season started in late November While the lockdown of the Khomas and Eron- in the real value chain is of critical importance in the north-eastern and central northern go regions posed a number of challenges, a and confirmed that regulating any aspects in regions and the 2019-20 season concluded spirit of cooperation and problem solving the value chain of the livestock sector would with the greater part of the country saved prevailed between the MAWL and NAU in an be fatal. In addition, there is great concern re- from yet another devastating drought. Nev- effort to keep the agricultural value chain as garding land use patterns that have changed, ertheless, the entire Karas, greater part of Har- effective possible. This serves as a building which is marked by an increase in large tracts dap and the western parts of Khomas, Erongo block for future success in the industry. In ad- of unproductive hectares of commercial farm- and Kunene regions continue to experience dition, with the appointment of the Meatco ing land that limit production levels. critical drought conditions. Board of Directors, good rainfall and stable production prices were a good reason to re- Regenerative agriculture is the new hope In order to motivate our members and to en- main positive and motivated. This also gives of producers and an important piece of the courage hope and a positive vision as far as the agricultural industry the necessary ac- “tools” needed to equip farmers to enable humanly possible, the Executive Manager, knowledgement and recognition, as agri- them to repair fragile grazing areas and en- LPO chairperson, Ds Dries Burger and my- culture is at this stage the only industry that sure sustainable production. This is currently self, undertook a journey to the Karas and is set to bring about economic growth, food done under the capable leadership of Colin Keetmanshoop regions to visit the Karasburg security, self-sufficiency and significant em- Nott and is still in its early stages. I trust that RAU and Aroab Farmers Association. It was ployment creation. producers will engage seriously in this very an emotional experience to receive messag- important initiative. es at 4:00 am in the morning regarding the It is noteworthy to mention that government long awaited showers on our journey. How- will not be able to escape signing the Mapu- With regard to the other agricultural indus- ever, the rain nevertheless proved to be in- to Declaration. According to the agreement, tries, the Swakara, hunting, tourism and dairy sufficient to end the drought. 10% of the national budget must be awarded industries were disastrously affected by the to agriculture. Furthermore, growth in GDP Covid-19 pandemic. The negative impact on The agronomists in the GTO area reported can only take place if the government cre- agriculture was further compounded by the good rain and while they visualised record ates a conducive environment where pro- fact that numerous producers had invest- harvests, the Hardap dam reached its lowest ducers have sufficient confidence to focus on ed in hunting and tourism as an additional level ever recorded, with the harvest and sur- investing in the industry and increasing pro- source of income of diversification. The con- vival of the irrigation farmers subsequently af- duction, rather than being restricted by reg- tinued uncertainty regarding when normal- fected. This affected the dairy industry to such ulations. With the removal of numerous gov- isation would set in also plays a big role in in- an extent that Namibia Dairies had to get rid ernment regulations that will be omitted and vestment initiatives. of a large number of cows. Increased trans- become irrelevant, we will be in a better po- port costs also put pressure on the survival sition to regain pre-2000 production levels. Poultry (chicken and eggs) is in a growth phase, of the dairy producers. Yet darkness turned For me there is no doubt that over-regulat- with numerous new entries to the market- to light when the Hardap dam received con- ing the export sector will be the final death place, while accelerated turnover makes it a siderable inflow and irrigation could be ex- blow of such the industry. During 2019 the relatively fast cash generator. Pork production pected to continue with the available water NAU made a number of presentations to fi- indicators show a stable upward production until March 2021. nancial institutions to bargain for relief for the trend, while the charcoal industry’s contribu- 4 NAU Annual Report 2019-2020 tion to the export market has increased dras- Special acknowledgements to: • Honourable Minister of Works and Trans- tically and created thousands of employment • His Excellency, the President of the Repub- port, John Mutorwa opportunities in the sector. lic of Namibia, Dr Hage Geingob • Meat Board of Namibia • His Excellency, the Founding President of • Agronomic Board of Namibia The Dare-to-Care initiative has slowed down Namibia, Dr Sam Nujoma • Swakara Board of Namibia and the use of vouchers have ground to a halt.
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