¦ m m The Democratic Advocate. FOUNDED, 1838. *I.OO PER ANNUM. WESTMINSTER, MD., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 6, 1917. YOJL. 53. —NO. 39 COMPANY H RETURNS ML, E. AmU'IJUAm you. Ana inus u nas come, mat i am charged with a commission from DIES. them, and in their name, to present CRUSHED TO DEATH. COURT HOUSE NEWS MILITARY CENSUS . t PROF. REESE 1 Met at Station by Boy Scout Band and Rev. E. T. Mowbray Returned—Many r ¦ this loving Cup to you. People— “On the one aide it bears the initials j Crowd of Enthusiastic Changes in District. your ! WILLIAM G. DEVILBISS, THIS CITY, Cheer WORK. of name In gold; on the other or Estate, Marriage Band Played and the People j VIS A CLERGYMAN AND EDUCATOR— you Transfers ot Real The annual conference of the Meth- opposite, the name of the College 1 WAS KILLED IN BALTIHOBE BT As Train Pulls Into Station. odist Episcopal Church came to a close | have served. In like metal. Lkeases, Etc. TAUGHT ANCIENT LANGUAGES AND with following lettering: ¦ The word passed around on Tues- j Meeting of Military Enrollment t Monday at Walbrook Church, Balti- “And the THE FRIEDENWALD BUILDING COL- Company was more, when Bishop Prank M. Bristol, ‘Presented to day that H ordered! ! LITERATURE AT WESTERN MART- Professor home from Havre de Grace and that Board at Opera House —County presiding over the conference on- James W. Reese LAPSING—HIS BODY WAS r : In appreciation of scholarly labors. FOUND Transfers of Beal Estate. they would on the 5.11 train in , nounced the appointments. The ap- his arrive Central Committee and Election ; UNO COLLEGE—HAD CHARGE OF From his John the afternoon, caused a large crowd pointments reveal a number of THIS MORNING, BUT WAS NOT Slaughter and wife to — Townspeople James I#. to gather at the station to welcome ! Officals Soliciting changes in thij county* (TEARS- wife, convey 4 acres, to do the ¦ ASCENSION CHURCH FOR Feby. 26, W. Cleaver and them back. The train pulled in but We are glad to say Rev. E. T. Mow- 1910.’ MANGLED. for $5. disappointed the crowd as the Com- Penalty Is $lO if any persons bray has been sent back to Centenary I “Take it, and keep It, and don’t E. Keefer, ? GRADUATED AT PRINCETON AND, your David H. Zile to Flora pany failed to arrive at Union Station Church, this city. ¦ lose it. And don’t think all convey 85 acres, for $5. conceal any information from townspeople were born in Boeotia.” Franklin in time to catch the train. It was 1 Rev. J. G. Fields goes from Carroll- ENTERED THE GENERAL THEOLOG- William C. Deviltries, a well-known Louisa R. Weaver et al. to known Company , ton Union Bridge; Rev. J,*T. Marsh Dr. Reese was from early manhood of land, then made that the Census Men is not an En- to 1 merchant of this city, was crushed to C. Schaeffer, convey 2 parcels train. About —It from New Windsor to Memorial, Bal- “a reading man,” and like all that in , would come pn the 7.46 ICAL SEMINARY, NEW TORI—COL- class ' death Baltimore on Wednesday for $5,750. jls minutes before the train arrived I! listment—State and County Of- . timore; Rev. J. R. Pardew, Patapsco was of a retiring disposition, ¦ morning when the Prledenwald Band came marching Rev, F. Jaggers | shunning society and the general Building collapsed. the Boy Scout j Circuit, retired: Y. LEGE PROFESSORS PALLBEARERS. public. from Armory play- ficals, Firemen, and many ’ from Union Bridge to Montgomery, He Inherited a frail finny this city Orphans’ Court. j down the street the body, which Mr. Deviltries left Wedhes- ing a lively march which brought a Washington district; C. H. Corkran during his long life, was day morning on the 6.28 train for Monday, April 2nd.—William R. S. others are exempt. a prey -1 Bai- crowd to the station that was esti- from Winfield to Bast Harford. James W. Reese was born in the from time to time of severe timore to buy some stock for executor Harry M. Smith, illnesses, as -1 his Denner, of > mated at 1200, who cheered and the The appointments for Baltimore, , town of Westminster, Carroll County, otherwise his brilliant store and among the business places an Inventory of 3rd, would him to deceased, returned band played as the train pulled in. West District, are : Maryland, on October 1838, the mind have carried he was to visit was J. Halle Sons, money his first response greater debts and and settled iThe Company lined up on Main street In to the call of the mili- Carrollton, C. R, Banes. son of Jacob Reese and Eleanor (Fish- usefulness and distinction shoe merchants, on West Baltimore and final account. jand marched to the Armory headed | tary enrollment board of Carroll Emory, H. C. Hall, supply. er) Reese. His father’s ancestors and he would have ventured farther. street. He must have went to the The last will and testament of John where Company was composed of Dr. Henry M. Hampstead, M. Dibble. of German stock; hie mother’s This short biographical newspaper store to by the Band, the \jcounty, D. came Halle when he arrived in Balti- H. Stem, deceased, was admitted the and Fitzhugh, Johnzie E. Beasman, Pres- Linganore, D. A. Foard. of Scotch-Irish. Both branches sketch altogether fails to reveal more more for testamentary dismissed and relatives [ the his first place as he did. probate and letters were boys and gave ton B. Englar, Herbert R. Wooden Morgan, C. F. Bonn. stood high socially; and both were than the outer shell of the man. No not visit C. Ed- friends surrounded our account anywhere else. The acci- granted unto Louisa Stem and them the hearty hand shake, while and Nathan H. Baile, members of the | Mount Airy, C. B. Ely. equally prominent and active in all has been taken of his schol- dent occurred at 9.30 in Stem, who received warrant to arly nor of his the morning, ward some were smothered with kisses, in county Central Committees of the two New Windsor, W. C. Parrish. the leading affairs of the community, accumulations, literary when the 83-ton water tank appraise and an order to notify cred- 1 friends and This is, however, came their gladness to see them return. political parties and others met at Oella, Louis Horpel, supply. such as banking, manufacturing and taste. plunging through from the roof to the itors. How long the Company will be the Opera House, Monday morning, , Patapsco, H. C. Owens. industrial activities. reserved for another occasion. cellar carrying him and six others to Julia A. Easier, executrix of John home is not known, hut we hope for with every district in the county rep- Sykesri.Ue, M. H. Petzold. His earliest educational training During the last few years of Ms their deaths. Easier, deceased, an in- ways ¦ through T. returned good. It has been rumored that they resented, and means for the en- Thurmont, Mr Depp supply began under private tutorage; and life he tottered darkness News was spread around over this ventory of personal property, debts will be In Federal service. rollment were considered and it was Union Bridge, J. W. Field, supply. then followed by being sent to St. and came to the end on Friday, March city that Mr. to enlisted the i Devilbiss was in the and money and received an order members not come decided to make the canvass by legis- Westminster, Mowbray. Timothy’s Hall, Catonsville, Balti- 30th, 1917, attaining the remarkable went All of the did E. T. age Halle store that down, but at sell personal property. home, as about 13 under the command lative districts, making the county Winfield, C. H. Wagner. more County, Maryland. After leaving of seventy-eight years and over. that time no one sure Tuesday, April will During' trying yean was that he was 3rd.—The last of Second Lieutenant Billingslea were central committeemen and judges and Woodlawn, F. Isaac, Jr. St. Timothy’s, he entered Princeton these last and in the building, although they de- - days, knew and testament of John P. Frank, to the equipment clerks of election in the respective — > College, as then called, now Prince- too much thanks cannot be ex- he was in city. probate left back look after by the ceased, was admitted to and was on barge and be- districts responsible tor the various ton University, and was graduated tended the relatives and friends of Mr. Devilbiss’ family granted to which loaded a Rankles. Reese Mary and relatives letters testamentary were came fast on account of the low tide, district enrollments, authorizing them I there with the degree of A. B. in 1859 Dr. to Miss B. Shellman, gathered at the railrbad that Eunkles, grain a daughter of Shell- evening Mandtllia Frank, who received war- leaving the shore on the island side to call to their assistance any others i Charles A. a dealer —Princeton In 1862 conferring the Mrs. Catharine to meet him on the 7.46 train which rant to appraise and an order to notify They Wednesday afternoon. who will volunteer to aid in the work. and miller, of Mt. Airy, died Wednes- degree of A. M. It may be noted here man, for her care and oversight of he usually returned him. comes home on. When the creditors. District meetings will be held for > day morning. He had been confined that Western Maryland College hon- train arrived and he not of The funeral did get oil The sale of real estate Elizabeth local organization not later than next , to the house for the last five months ored him with its degree P|t.
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