Bowdoin College Catalogue (1859)

Bowdoin College Catalogue (1859)

Bowdoin College Bowdoin Digital Commons Bowdoin College Catalogues 1-1-1859 Bowdoin College Catalogue (1859) Bowdoin College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowdoin College, "Bowdoin College Catalogue (1859)" (1859). Bowdoin College Catalogues. 74. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by Bowdoin Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bowdoin College Catalogues by an authorized administrator of Bowdoin Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ><*KJV; 4 190P []- CATALOGUE OF BOWDOIN COLLEGE, 1859. CATALOGUE OF THE OFFICERS AND STUDENTS OF BOWDOIN COLLEGE, AND THE MEDICAL SCHOOL OF MAINE: 1859, BRUNSWICK : PUBLISHED BY J. GRIFFIN. 1859. BOWDOIN COLLEGE. 3 TRUSTEES. Rev. LEONARD WOODS, D. D., President. Hon. NATHAN WESTON, LL.D., Vice President. Hon. REUEL WILLIAMS, LL.D. EBENEZER EVERETT, Esq. Hon. ETHER SHEPLEY, LL.D. Hon. CHARLES STEWART DAVEIS, LL.D. Hon. DANIEL GOODENOW ROBERT H. GARDINER, Esq. Hon. GEORGE EVANS, LL.D. Hon. JOHN S. TENNEY, LL.D. Hon. JOSIAH PIERCE Rev. JOHN ORR FISKE. JOHN ROGERS, Esq., Secretary. BOAVDOIN COLLEGE. OVERSEERS. Hon. ROBERT PINCKNEY DUNLAP, President. Rev. BENJAMIN TAPPAN, D. D., Vice President. JOHN M'KEEN, Esq., Secretary. ISAAC LINCOLN, M. D. Rev. JOHN WALLACE ELLINGWOOD, D. D. FREDERIC ALLEN, LL.D. Rev. GEORGE ELIASHIB ADAMS, D. D. WILMOT WOOD, Esq. Hon. PHILIP EASTMAN Rev. DAVID THURSTON, D. D. Rev. DAVID SHEPLEY Hon. SAMUEL P. BENSON Rev. WILLIAM T. DWIGHT, D. D. JAMES M'KEEN, M. D. Hon. RUFUS M'INTIRE Hon. RICHARD H. VOSE ALLEN H. WELD, M. A. GEORGE F. PATTEN, Esq. OVERSEERS. Hon. WILLIAM PITT FESSENDEN, LL.D. JOSEPH LIBBEY, M. A. Rev. JOHN W. CHICKERING, D. D. Rev. RICHARD WOODHULL Hon. PHINEHAS BARNES Hon. JOSEPH HOWARD Rev. JONATHAN CLEMENT, D. D. Hon. JAMES W. BRADBURY Rev. JOHN WILDE Rev, JOHN S. C. ABBOTT Rev. EDWARD F. CUTTER Hon. GEORGE DOWNES AUGUSTUS C. ROBBINS, Esq. Rev. SAMUEL C. FESSENDEN DANIEL W. LORD, Esq. Hon. JOHN S. ABBOTT WILLIAM W. THOMAS, Esq. CHARLES A. LORD, A. M. ERASTUS FOOTE, Esq. Rev. EDWIN B. WEBB WILLIAM WOOD, M. D. Rev. HENRY G. STORER Rev. HENRY K. CRAIG BARNABAS FREEMAN, Esq. JOSEPH M'KEEN, M. A.. Treasurer of the College. 6 BOWDOIN- COLLEGE. OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND GOVERNMENT LEONARD WOODS, D. D., PRESIDENT. PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY, MINERALOGY, AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. AMOS NOURSE, M. D. } PROFESSOR OF OBSTETRICS, AND DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. WILLIAM SWEETSER, M. D., PROFESSOR OF THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. Hon. JOHN SEARLE TENNEY, LL.D., PROFESSOR OF LAW, AND LECTURER ON MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. ALPHEUS S. PACKARD, M.A., PROFESSOR OF ANCIENT LANGUAGES, AND CLASSICAL LITERATURE. THOMAS C. UPHAM, D. D., PROFESSOR OF MENTAL PHILOSOPHY AND ETHICS, AND INSTRUCTOR IN THE HEBREW LANGUAGE. * Filled provisionally by Prof. p. A. CHADBOURNE, of Williams College. OFFICERS. WILLIAM SMYTH, M.A., PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS, AND ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. CHARLES A. LEE, M.D., PROFESSOR OF MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. EDMUND R. PEASLEE, M. D. PROFESSOR OF SURGERY. EGBERT C. SMYTH, M. A., COLLINS PROFESSOR OF NATURAL AND REVEALED RELIGION. DAVID S. CONANT, M. D., PROFESSOR OF A.NATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. PROFESSOR OF MODERN LANGUAGES. WILLIAM A. PACKARD, M. A., PROVISIONAL INSTRUCTOR IN MODERN LANGUAGES. JOSHUA LAWRENCE CHAMBERLAIN, M. A., PROFESSOR OF RHETORIC AND ORATORY, AND INSTRUCTOR IN THE GERMAN LANGUAGE. WILLIAM P. TUCKER, M. A., TUTOR IN LATIN AND MATHEMATICS, AND LIBRARIAN. BENJAMIN P. SNOW, M. A., TUTOR IN GREEK, AND INSTRUCTOR IN THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. WILLIAM RUSSELL, M. A., INSTRUCTOR IN ELOCUTION. FACULTY OF THE COLLEGE LEONARD WOODS, D. D., President. ALPHEUS S. PACKARD, M. A. THOMAS C. UP.HAM, D. D. WILLIAM SMYTH, M. A. PAUL A. CHADBOURNE, M. A. EGBERT C. SMYTH, M. A. WILLIAM A. PACKARD, M. A. JOSHUA L. CHAMBERLAIN, M. A, WILLIAM P. TUCKER, M. A. BENJAMIN P. SNOW, M. A. SENIORS. 9 ftrinr $n$§iilwi. Names. Residences. Rooms. Anderson, John Duguid, Gray, 12 m. h. Brackett, Cyrus Fogg, East Parsonsjield, Mrs. Lamb's. Butterfield, Charles Henry, Farmington, 22 m. h. Chamberlain, John Calhoun, Breive?-, Mr. Townsend's. Fuller, Americus, North Jay, 27 A. H. Hall, George W. Morgan, Brunswick, Mrs. Hall's. Harris, Amos, Brunswick, Mrs. Harris'. Hilton, Charles Edwin, Bridgton, 2 A. H. Howard, Charles Henry, Leeds, 28 A. H. Howe, George Wilson, Lowell, Mass., 12 A. H. Howe, James Albert, Lowell, Mass., 12 A. H. Hutchins, Franklin Freeman, Fryeburg, 24 M. H. Hutchins, Henry Dearborn, Fryeburg, 24 m. fi. Jackson, George Newton, Foxcroft, Miss Thompson's. King, Samuel Henry, North Monmouth, Mrs. Hall's. King, Henry Melville, Portland, Mr. Jordan's. 2 10 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. Ladd, Horatio Oliver, Kingston, Pa., 9 A. H. Libbey, Oliver, South Parsonsfield, 6 a. h. Manwell, Benjamin Franklin, North Jay, Mrs. Orr's. Merrill, George Whitney, Gorham, N. H., 21 A. H. Mitchell, Alfred, Yarmouth, 8 A. H. Moody, George Owen, Lebanon Centre, 8 A. H. Nowell, William Grey, Portsmouth, N. L \, 5 A. H. Pitman, Mark, Williamsburg, Mrs. Lamb's. Putnam, Franklin, Croydon, N. H., Mr. Jordan's. Rand, Edward Mussey, Portland, 24 A. H. Randlett, Howard Malcolm, Boston, Mass., 10 A. H. Sabine, Francis Wallingford, Bangor, 6 M. H. Sanborn, Aretas Rowe, East Sa7ibornton,N.H., 8 m. h. Saunders, Caleb, Laivrence, Mass., 8 M. H. Straw, David Robinson, Jr., Guilford, Joseph Grows'. Stuart, William Henry, Richmond, Joseph Grows'. Webster, George, Bangor, 19 A. H. Weeks, John William, Bath, 5 M. H. Whittemore, Albert Purington, Lisbon, Mrs. Bowker's. Young, Stephen Jewett, Pittston, 5 A. H. 36 JUNIORS. 11 !lttntnr §n$iaUxa. N~ames. Residences. Booms. Abbott, Howard, Belfast, 3 A. H. Allen, Amos Lawrence, Waterboro\ 15 A. H. Appleton, John Francis, Bangor, Mr. Skolfield's. Atkins, Henry Joseph, East Winthrop. Boyd, Nicholas Emery, Portland, 29 M. H. i Boyd, Samuel Stillman, Portland, 31 A. H, Bradbury, Albert Williams, Eastport, O W. H. Brown, John Marshall, Portland, Mr. Skolfield's. Brown, Harlan Page, Bethel, 11 W. H. Bucknam, Alvan Felch, Yarmouth, 20 A. H. Burbank, Horace Harmon, Limerick, 1 A. H. Came, Samuel Mclntire, Alfred, 30 A, H. Cary, George, Houlton, 30 A. H. Cash, Robert, N.Y.Mills, N.Y., Misses McLellan's. Chaplin, Marshall Dixey, Bridgton, 11 M. H. Clifford, Fuller Gove, North Edegcomb, 12 W. H. Craig, "Waterman Tho's Hewett, Augusta, 8 W. H. Crowell, William Llewellyn, Portland, Mrs. Staples'. 12 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. Davis, Abner Harrison, Farmington, 22 M. H Davis, Albert Smith, Lisbon. Downes, Lemuel Grosvenor, Calais, 6 W. H Emery, George Barrett, Go?'ham, 21 M. H Evans, Simeon Adams, Fryeburg, 27 M. H Farnham, Roscoe Edwin, Woolwich, 27 M. H Farrington, Seth Chase, Fryeburg, 15 M. H. Frost, Woodbury George, Brunsioick, Mrs. Whittemore's. Gardiner, Charles William, Hallowell, 5 m. h. Garnsey, William Augustus, Bangor, 16 m. h. Haines, Charles RacklefT, Portland, 5 m. h. Hale, David, Bridgton, 13 w. h. Haley, William Dudley, Bath, 5 w. h. Harlow, Edwin Alphonso, East Hebron, 26 w. h. Haskell, William Lewis, Poland, 15 M. H. Hawes, Granville Parker, East Corinth, Mrs. Lamb's. Hewett, James Henry Hobbs, Hope. Jones, Augustine, South China, 8 w. H. Kendall, Frederick Augustus, Concord, N. H., 16 m. h. Leavitt, Levi Randlett, Meredith, N. K, 13 a. h. Lovatt, Benjamin Kingsbury, Portland, Misses McLellan's. Mayo, Ezekiel Robinson, Hampden, 15 a. h. McCobb, Charles Sullivan, Boothbay, 11 m. h. Metcalf, Joseph Nicholas, Garrettsburg, Ky., 25 m. h. Morrill, Charles Edwin, Westbrook, 10 m. h. North, James William, Jr., Augusta, 6 w. h. Norton, Winthrop, Norridgeioock. 14 w. h. Oliver, Augustus Wyman, Bath, Mrs. Thompson's. JUNIORS. 13 Penney, Charles Fox, New Gloucester, 13 a. ii. Perkins, Charles Sumner, Lewiston, 32 m. h. Phillips, James Liddell, Iowa City, Iowa, 14 a. ii. Pomroy, Edward Noyes, Portland. Poor, Walter Stone, Andover, 15 w. ii. Reed, Thomas Brackett, Portland, 9 w. n. Robinson, Henry Clay, Neiu Castle, 12 w. h. Rowe, Abram Newell, N. Yarmouth, 20 a. h. Severance, Atwood, Plymouth. Shertzer, Edwin Berger, St. Paul, Min., 32 a. ii. Stetson, David Osgood, Durham, 18 a. ii. Stubbs, Philip Henry, Stro7ig, 28 m. h. Symonds, Joseph White, Portland, 32 a. h. Thomas, William Widgery, Jr., Portland, 30 m. h. Thompson, Jacob Hale, Portsmouth, N. H., 6 m. h. Twitchell, Adelbert Burge, Bethel, 1 1 w. h. Webster, Francis Willard, Bangor, 19 a. h. Wiley, Philenthius Cleveland, Bethel, 29 A. H. 64 14 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. njrljnmans. Names. Residences. Booms. Atkins, Charles Grandison, Augusta, 30 w. h. Bradbury, James Ware, Jr., Augusta, 26 A. H. Bradford, Theodore Dwight, Auburn, 28 w. h. Butler, John Edward, Meredith, N. H. , 32 w. h. Cram, Nelson Perley, Brunswick, Mr. Cram's. Cross, Wellington Rolvin, Albany, Mrs. Dunning's. Dingley, Frank Lambert, Auburn, 25 w. h. Eaton, William Winslow, Brunswick, 17 W. H. Emery, Edwin, Sanford, 4 A. H. Emery, Lucilius Alonzo, Hampden, 30 w. h. Farr, Lorin, Manchester, 17 W. H. Fernald, Merritt Caldwell, South Levant, Mrs. Snow's. Fessenden, Samuel, Portland, 9 M. H. Fogg, Edmund Eastman, Limerick, 4 A. H. Furber, Henry Jewett, Great Falls, N. H., 18 A. H. SOPHOMORES. 15 Grant, Benjamin Shute, North Prospect, Rev. Mr. Bailey's. Greene, John Webster, Pittsfield, N. H. Haines, Charles Glidden, Biddcford, Col. Estabrook's. Hardy, Daniel Warren, Wilton, Misses McLellan's. Hicks, Gordon Merrill, N Yarmouth, Mrs. Thompson's. Hobson, Frank Orville Libby, Saco, 22 w. H. Howe, Albion, Jacksonville, Fla., 14 m. h. Hunt, Charles Oliver, Gorham, Mrs. Hunt's, j Hyde, Thomas Worcester, Bath, 22 A. H. Johnson, Albion Henry, Augusta, 10 W. H. Jordan, Samuel, Poland, 24 w. h. Kenniston, George Beaman, Boothbay, 21 W. H.

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