Westfield American Legion team ends season at tourney. See page B-1. WESTFIELD SCOTCH PLAINS FANWOOD Friday, July 31, 1998 50 cents Town gets grant for safety study Historic house community-based planning and citizen solve a persistent concern of parents, been successful," Mayor Jtmlim said. "We open on Sunday RECORD-PRESS involvement, is actively working to school administrators and municipal offi- couldn't havo done it without the tireless enhance bicycle and pedestrian traffic cials about the danger of vehicular speed- efforts of the BRAKES group." SCOTCH PLAINS-The WESTFIELD—Mayor Thomas C. safety throughout the community, espe- ing in town. BRAKES (Bikers. Runners and Kidfl Osborn CannonbaH House, a Jardim is putting the brakes on drivers cially in the central business district and New Jersey has the second highest rate are Entitled to Safety), is a group of local Revolutionary salt box farm who threaten pedestrian safety in town. school areas. of pedestrian accidents in the country, volunteers which formed in tin1 winter of house (circa 1760) located at The mayor announced that the New "Our goal is to make Westfield a model according to a joint report recently issued 1997 to identify areas of concern and initi- 1840 Front St. in Scotch Jersey Department of Transportation's in the state for pedestrian and bicycle by the New Jersey Public Interest ate programs to educate drivers. Plains, will be open to visitors (DOT> Bureau of Mobility Strategies has safety." Mayor Jardim said. "We lire going Research group and the New Jersey Tri- "But our challenge will be not only to on Aug. 2 from 2 to 4 p.m. approved West field's application for local to look at the town as a whole on a com- state Transportation Campaign. The state come up with a plan for pedestrian and Docents will give tours of bicycle and pedestrian planning assis- prehensive basis and not just target par- seems to be putting a renewed focus on the bicycle safety in Westfield, but as a council the house museum, which is tance. ticular intersections or trouble spots." issue as a result of that report. to commit the funding that will be needed typical of the early period: The town, which has a long tradition of Implementation of the plan would help "I'm very hnppy thsit our efforts have (Continued on page A-2> wooden pegs rather than nails, plaster made of crushed oyster shells strengthened with animal hair, low ceilings and doors and brick filled Fan wood mayor walls. Visitors may also tour the gardens surrounding the museum. There is no admis- sion charge. wants end to test Garden author to visit store of airplane noise WESTFIELD — Pegi Ballister-Howells will visit to learn," she miid. "The noise the Town Book Store, 255 E. doesn't allow families to enjoy Broad St., to discuss the *"New their own yards and property. Jersey Gardener's Guide" 1-3 FAN WOOD—Mayor Mary The noise is affecting New Jersey p.m. Saturday, Aug. 15. anno Connelly wants to put an in countless untold ways." The date has been changed end to the noise flying around "What is even worst1 is that from Aug 8. The guide was about the 2H0-de^ree departure Ibis is not a new problem. Il is written by Ballister-Howells test out »f Newark Airport. hi^b time we i|iiit accepting the as the first of its kind to let She held a press confVremv at smoke and mirrors," the mayor people know what crops will the Cranford train station added thrive ai-ross the Garden Tuesday to talk about the issue, She siiul I hut the new route State More than 170 plants May»r Connelly attended the has maile the noise problem are shown in color Federal Aviation worse for residents of Scotch Included in the 416-page Administration's iFAA> public Plains, Cnuiiord. Kdiwon and volume arc the what, when, 1 meeting on Monday where more Kliznbeth. when , how and why of gar- than 100 people listened to the The U(iO decree test flight dening in New Jersey. The FAA's explanation nf tin- tent pro path bewail in M.urh inid was book is written for gardeners a*dure projiosed Io be a tighter flight of all levels with information "l.ast nifiht I heard horror sto- palii, quitted by electronic iiavi- specific to the state. All plants ries of how the jet noine in affect Katiiin ;uds Alter the plunes are referred to by their com- iHK our lives. The noiNe in devas- leave Newark and fly through mon botanical names. tating U) our m IXIOIH anil il IH the indiiMtind urean of Linden, BaltUter-llowelU writes a interfering with our kids' ability i( '<inlMiued on column for a daily newspaper Dawn R«n«4 WhttftaM. Jun* M. 1977 - Jan. 26,19M, will be honored (or a circl* of devoted frienda on in Central New Jersey and has a talk show on WCTC in Sunday. New Brunswick. Westfield promotes For more information, call (908) 2:13-3535. Remembering a special friend Taste of Westfield Friends present fashion show to buy headstone for Dawn Whitlleld four police officers is set for Oct. 24 1,1. Schneider WHS appointed Muhc Lt>di Designs of English clftsu t'KKNS to the depart merit in I9H0 and WESTFIELD All the Hli/.aheth, [fndiihground Artiz kfr<>!<!> I'HK.SS The friends funned holds an associate degree in be«t restaurant**, bakeries MADTFARS Productimis <»f Wiiyiii1, Lyiiwduil Allen WKSTFIKI.D Four offi<er>- criminal justice from Union and caterers from WcvUfield WKSTFIKU* Iliwn which IN hosting the fashion Mciisweitr of Newark, an«l in the Wt'Htrield I'olice Count v Coilir.e mid u H.S. degree ami nearby towns have been Whitfield always believed true show extravaganza titled "20 Sontliside Chic of WeNtfield. Di'jmrt incut were jiromoted in criminal justice from .John Jay invited to olTer their cuisine YenrH of Friendship " ^1 p m * iift cciiirieiitcM from Tlx* recently College nl'(Timinn! Justice at the M friendship lasts <i lifetime Her for A TaNte of Westfield." friends ure proving tier wrong Suntiay at the Dtiu^hisM Lendei Store, MadeninlMelle I'olici' Chief Anlhony J. Scutti Cilv Ciiivei.-iitv o| New York. The event is scheduled <v9 - it last** longer College <'iiin|PHM Cenlei in ;ind (IMKII-II Hot iiilkn .ill of presented the ^nilip wilb the }'r mi' to he: ap|iiIIiilmenl with the p in ()(I 24 at Temple "They tire what friend.ship WeMlield will !«• raffled )>ad(4eH ol their new rank at two police department, he K4>rved in Kmanu Kl, 7f>(> K Hruud St is really all about," niMii "We were trying !u think ol Tin not siiijuiMed liv whiil rereiiHiriies III the conixil < liaiii t be ;ii in v 1111lit ii v |>nli( e corp.M for Proceeds will gn to First Night Dawn's mother, iSlendu hiitg that expre.-iMed Imw tlii'V .lit- doillH Iwciiwee they Ifet's of the miiinripiii hiiihiniK (our year-. tatioiKd in fiermariy. Westfield for IIH arts pro- Whit field "It goes beyond we Celt about her and alwi were very ilone," said Dnwn'.s Detiilivr Sjft -lames T lie I,-. ,i I'l.idnale of the Union grams on New Year'.* Kve death I gueMs" involved our iiimieft,"Tiffany older siMter'I'lNFl Wlllifield "I Schneider and Detective S^l Cinmiv I'olne .\i 11fi'11)v and bus A<lmission is $:15 ID advance Dawn died Jan 2tt at the Kevin I' Maloiiey wen- proinoted I n i nieiid'-i! Iiv the I fnion 1 or $f>(» at the door a^e til 20, leaving liehiiid it In lieutenant, mid llcietlive fount , I'mri iihn •; oriiee for For parents whn want In one veur old MOII, a loving (ami She doesn't have a hottdstonv and I don't fool hko 1'iilink C lirav and Detettive (Mil st itlllil llj' piole: 'illlllill WOt'k. attend i>ut nerd a baby-utter, ly find a group of friend* com everything is complete) until sho tuts onv" .lohn U Kowe wen- (tromoted Io I,t Stlnif [del ha:, served ilft the YMCA will have a "Kids milled to bimnrmg her memo «ei IM'.I• iI i (i m mi tide r bo I b I In* Detcclivo 1 Nighl (hit" at the .same time rv Her Mi'vcii fliis«'«*t friend* — Tiffany Hester '"I'llI.-i will t;i\ e mi< the oppol I n am! lu\. HI llnreau.M Hi hail Cost ol $l'J. includes dinner, a arranged her I'llliei'lll itt Bethel inty I" lid^e I he knowledge, wis lieen i li-il to I he iiiilrol (IIVI- movie, sgioii.-., iirgiini/ed Biipli'it ( 'hurrb liv niiMiiin ilotn mil in-iielil I've acipiiied lull gaiiics, nits iiiui craft* YMCA money from the si hnoln *he said "So MADTF.AUS ^n-Mllie ;i|t|il ei i.d i- whil I hey ate (inili over t he past I fi veal s v\ or kini; -i III tl». l.i .t \>.2 v-'ni'H, I've liiiliysithTM will rare lor rbd attended ID town, local urgitni (lie tears t but vve H\MH\ Un her for hei .Hid wh.il I hey <hil loi il ijeleitive and I live-l IJ;.I! I vi- I'lllliV 1 hem,; a West lietd pdlit'B dlt'n ! 1 veai'H old r'or tickets /ill inn-, rttnI inrliiln'i •. of I lie Mild i-at )i letter ri liienenl s the I n l hinei .(I oi|ie( vi'.iir' and In II»H it 'tot Iron' Mid I ,itn very proud to \w or res! mi rant/bake rvA at erer < ntiinmiiiiv lid ,HiM' her I;I• rIIIv In •'I mil nil in mil niiim••• "j IM \ \vc|e i I" >e like •;r*|f>i.
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