MANCHESTER FOCUS CONNECTICUT WEATHER Police to get more Julotta takes Final blast report Clouds, cold tonight; emergency training lots of work still Inconclusive warmer on Saturday ... page 3 ... page 11 page 10 .. page 2 iianrkatprV / ilio n o ^ Mrralftr - ■ . ^ Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Friday, Dec. 7. 1984 — Single copy: 25<P Anderson arrested, freed; India files suit By Bhola Rana under house arresl in Bhopal for ’’criminal lialiility lor the events Six supervisors ol I he llhiip.il iiiimimr ol people through United Press International Union Carbide denies several hours. that led to the great tragedy.” said Union Cartmle |ilaul were arn^sled iiegligeiiee ” The soiirees said the 63-year-old Sudeep B;inerjee. spokesman for previously on cliarges iil i rimiiial "We .ire seeking ,i legal o)iinioii BHOPAL, India — Police ar­ it faces bankruptcy excetilive left immediately for the Madhy;i I’radesli sl;iie negligence in llie aci iilenl llu' and we might resort loolliei' legal rested Union Garbide Corp. Chair- New Delhi after being released. governmenl worst chemical disaster in luslori steps to ile.it w It li till' eulpi'ils. ’ the rnan Warren Anderson today for — see page 2 They could not say whether the The executives were cluirged The SIX suiicrvisors li.ivc liccn St.lie's( liiel mimsiei' .\rjiiii.Singh, criminal liability in a gas leak that charges against him had been under .seven sections of the Indian under house arresl at I lie pi.ml lolil .1 new s eoiilereiu e Tliursday. killed 2.000 people but freed him dropped. peiiiil code.which carry punish since the Dee. 3 aeeiili'iil at the A goveriimenl olliei.it said a after a brief detention at the when Ander.sonwas released. Ander.son and two executives of ments thal range from fines to Id plant Anderson w as lield at Uniim pi.ml emploiee utenlilieil as .Sha- company’s luxurious guest house. Government sources in New Union Carbide’s Indian subsidiary years iinprisonmenl Carbide’s posli liillside guest house keel ,Mimed was lieiiig ke|il under The charge on which the U.S. Delhi said Ander.son. who Business were arrested today as they ’’This govenmenl eannol l einam oulside the city guard d .1 liospii.d lieeaiise lie "is executive was arrested is punishi- Week magazine estimated earned arrived at Bhopal to inspect the a helpless speelalor to the lr;ige<ly The governmenl ol Madhya peril.ips 1 lie only person w ho knows ble by up to 10 years in prison. It $837,000 last year as head of the $9 eompiiny pesticide plant where the ;ind knows Us (Inly lowiirds tliou Pradesh stall- aiumiineed it li.is ex.ielh whal li.i|ipeiied” at llie was not immediately determined billion multinational eorporation. deadly gas leak occurred Monday. sands ol innoeenl eilizens, ' said tiled suit eliargmg I'liioii ('arlmie III.ml Mimed was in erdieal whether the charge was dropped was relea.sed after being held The arrests were made for stale Chief Mimsier Arjun Singh with eaiisliig llie "dealh of ,i large eoiiild ion Crestfield Seasonal hiring spurs workers unionize drop in unemployment Employees at the Crestfield- By Denis G. Gulino Fenwood nursing home on Vernon United Press International Street voted 46 to 40 Thursday in WASHINGTON — The ITS iiiiemploymeid rale favor of having Hmv New England dropped to 7.2 pereent in Novemlier. helped down Health Care Employees Union. Irom October’s 7.4 percent liy a liiirsl of Christmas District fl99, repre.sent them as a season hiring in retail slores, the I.ahor Departmeid bargaining agent in contract nego­ said today. tiations, union and labor officials The improvemenl. the lirsi since a smaller deeliiie said today. in September, made the uiiemploymeid rale llie The election included nurse.s' lowest since June’s 7.1 pereent aides, dietary workers and some The number ol unemployed persons fell by 275,0110 to housekeeping and maintenance 8.2 million, after seasonal adjustment, liie depart­ ment said. personnel and was conducted by Civilian jobs ro.se by nearly 300,000 to a record 105 9 the federal National Labor Rela­ million, with 40 pereent ol the gain — 115,000 jobs in tions Board. No one reprc.senting retailing. the Crestfield management could Bid faelory jobs showed lillle eliange, a leveling oil be contacted today to say whether of job growth in industry lhal has been the ea.se since the the owners of the nursing home July. .Maiiiifaelm ing has regained only about 70 planned to file an objection to pereent of the jobs lost in Ihe 1981 1982 recession certification of the election by the The improvements did not alleel adult men, wliose NLRB. 6.3 pereent jobless rale was unchanged. Bui llii' Management has five business unemployment rates for adull women and leenagers did show improvement days from Thursday to file such an The jobless rate for teenagers, at 17.5 pereent, was objection, according to John down substantially from October’s 18.8 percent Sauter. deputy director of the The nation s unemploymenl rate was 7.3 percent in Hartford NLRB office, which both July and August and lingered at 7.4 pereeid in supervised the voting. September and October. In an election on Sept. 9 last year, Were it not for the June’s dramalie — and brief — the union lo.st by a vote of 67 to .68. decline to 7.1 pereeid November would have had the The NLRB dt'clined to certify best jobless rale since April 1981 that vote after an objection was An aceompaning unemployment rate I hat inehided filed by the union. The union later UPI photo Ihe military moved down from 7.3 pereeid to 7 percent. dropped its objection. The jobless rale got lower despite Ihe slowdow n in Larry Fox, secretary-treasurer Couple assails police the economy in the second half of Ihe year lhal many of District 1199 in New Haven, analysts say will liniil lurther improvemenl in lid lire . down slightly from October today hailed the result as a victory Ralph J. Richard leads his wife, Donna, after her arrival months. 1080 for the union despite the close vote. from Indiana at Green Airport in Warwick, R.l. Thursday. The .second-largest improvemenl afler relailiiig He said he hopes the management They pledged cooperation in the investigation into the was in the overall services Irade. which added 911.(ion Hill Ihe average lime speid iiiiemployod merea.sed, jobs. ' going Irom Orlolier s 16 :> weeks average (o IV .3 weeks will abide by the majority decision death of their tour-year-old daughter, but Richard also ill .Novemlier , Construction employment also surged, adding and not file an objection. The average work week gol sligidly longer, wliieh blasted the police for published remarks about the .30.000 jobs. But the 'coiislruction indiislry is still T m sure we can sit down and probe. Story on page 10. expapds the lolal personal ineioiie available lor negotiate a faircontact," Fox said. employing fewer people than its last peak in .laniiary Americans and eiieoiir.iges rel.nlers Crestfield-Fenwood, located at 565 Vernon St,, is owned by a local partnership that includes Howard Dickstein and attorneys Josiah J. Terrorists extend deadline, but press demands Lessner and Rolland Castleman. The election last year was Bv Navla Shalhoub said. It said the Kuwaiti govern­ on U.S. and F'reneh targets. They aircraft. When Ihe alrerall landed III W.oisao Wis Hie lamily ol marked by controversy between United Press International ment negotiators at Tehran airport later agreed to extend ithe dead­ at Tehrhn airport, the Iranians Cliarles Ilegii.i, .50 ;i St.de Depart- union supporters arid management had accepted the demand. line but officials did nol .say whal said there were 166 people on Imard meiil employee loi 30 years Irom both before and after the election. BEIRUT. Lebanon — Arab hi­ ’’Nothing is yet known about the new deadline, if any, was .set. — including the five hijackers Sli'iliiig, \.i s.iid department Thursday’s election apparently jackers who killed three pas­ contents of the statement,” the Minutes after agreeing lo extend The hijack drama liegan Tiies oHiei.'ds lolil Hii' l.imily they were did not produce similar sengers aboard a Kuwaiti jet. agency said, the deadline, the hijackers broke day when the gunmen seized Hie 90 pen cut ( cil.iiii lli giia was controversy. including two Americans, today Thursday, the hijackers off radio contact with the control Kuwaiti airlines A-.')00 Airbus on a killed alioaid Hie pl.iiie Tuesday. extended a deadline to kill 66 Fox said there were four chal­ marched two passengers to the lower from where Iranian and flight from Kuwait to Karachi. Ill I'.ills lo media ’lliiirsday, others but agreed to relea.se some plane’s staircase and shot them to Pakistan. lenged ballots, not enough to Kuwaiti negotiators pleaded for an Lai 1 y Sl.iiiloid s.iid he helieved his hostages when negotiators accept death as the other hostages sal end lolhe hijack — now in ils fourth The Slate Deparlment said loie change the outcome of the-vote. lalhir. Wilh.iMi I. Sl.oilord, an one of their demands. helplessly roped to their .seats, day. of the two passengers killed All) employee lo Ihe .Midille East, Fox said the nurses aides at the Iranian officials said the five IRNA said. Revising previous figures, IRNA Thursday was an American, Ihe was one ol those killeil ’rhiirslluy. nursing home recently received a hijackers briefly cut radio contact The killings brought to at least today said ”at present, there are66 second U S.
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