V. C D E K 8 UO&E. J I S lxa PEA AN XU IX j VOL. IT. PUD LISHER. 1 270. WEYMOUTH, MASS., JULY 1, 1879. I of ADTUfCr ’ t NO. 13. VOICE OE ANGELS. And half-opened budietp, for tendereet sighs wonld call aa earthly paradise, where his next Of sympathy breathed, for all hearts touched with woe. Enlarged from 8 to 12 pagos, formerly iteacd from No. 5 lesson must be mastered before a fur+her advance Dwiglit Street, Boston, Maas., will after thli date be publish­ Dearest sister, we miss thee, and weep for thy loss-- can take place. ed at Fair View House, North Weymouth, ifaii., tbc Yet know thou wilt think of us In thy new homo; let end 18th of each month. Prom tbo sweet trelllsed bowers thou'll gather and toss This lesson embraces a knowledge of his du­ SnntT L. JUDD PARDEE, Editor-In-Chief. Rich gems of soul-worth, for earth's pilgrims that roam. ties to his fellows, and may he summed up ia D. K. MINER, Business Manager, D. C. DENSMORE, Amanaonsls and Pablishcr. While tlio drunken old world Is still sipping blood-wine, the heaven-inspired axiom, “Do unto others as Handwritings of thine on humanity's walls yon would that they should do unto you.” This Price yearly, $1.83 in advance. Shall be road and re-read, till fond Life's lifted shrine Six months, .63 Impearlcd with great price, truest worshippers calls. great principle must be livingly realized before Three months .12 Sloglc copies .08 " From the depths of tby Spirit’s Intensified lore the Spirit caa enter societies where self consti­ The above rates Includo postage. Sptclmen copies sent free Shall sift dowo to mortals rich blessings untold; tutes discord. on application at this office. Holy missions will laden God's carrier dove, You are not to suppose that the Spirit is left All letters and communications (to receive attention) must Whose golden-tipped pinions will safely enfold. be directed, (postpaid,) as nbove, to D. C. Dessmore, Pub­ all this time alone. On the contrary, all the lisher. And deliver, with pictures of all thy new bliss. Scarce hidden from sight by the Teil thou hast torn. help that loving, anxious friends can give, are Till our tears ccaso to flow, and we wait for the kiss his; and in a word, all the advantages of which J-ITERARY. Of greeting from thee, when Immortal we’re bom. his condition is susceptible are showered around With tby hand on thy heart, 1 now still see thee stand, his ascending pathway. [For tlio Voice of Angels.] As last when we parted, thy voice low and clear; Robert Hare. How reviving!—"From here”—from thy lore-lending land OUR DEAR SISTER, JULIETTE MAN- 1 *11 look for a m essage, my lone h eart to cheer. LEY, ARISEN. Ellinotox, N. Y., June 15, 1879. CIVILIZATION: TIIROOOII THYP1IENA 0. PAnDEE. MESSAGE NUMBER TWENTY-THREE. (The writer formed nn Introductory acquaintance of but a [For the Voice of Angels.] moment with our (now) arisen sister, In tlio Fnll of 1870; but MESSAGE FROM ROBERT HARE TO S pokf.n at A t l a n t a . G a .. MAncn SO, 1879. d y corresponded with her occasionally, receiving, In return for C o n fu ciu s, th ro ugh M on-a-k e-to-l *, through imprcsalonal poems, beautlflil communications from the un­ DR. FAHNESTOCK. J. M adison A l l e n , seen world, for whoso tender beneficence, team now trickle down my cheeks. 1 never saw her but once to converse with [ t d r o u g h d r . o ., c o n t in u e d .] IX PRESENCE o r SARA. 9. ALLEN AND A. C. LADD. face to face— an agreeable interview, never to be forgotten—at Dear Doctor,— We have seen the surround­ [Silent letera reJect*!, but otherwise the spcling !• mostly n Spiritualist picnic at Lily Halo Grove, on the Caasldnga after the comon fashion.] Lake, Chautauqua, N. Y. When about to part, she said to ings of an undeveloped Spirit, while receiving me, "Write oftener; I take a great Interest In you, and enJoy its first lesson in progression. We will now So long as mortals kep within hering dis- this correspondence greatly.” Said I, "Will Sister Manley trace it in its progress. Let it bo observed that tanc of ther imortal gids, tlia ar usualy saf; write to me first, sometimes?" She Inld her hand upon her heart, saying, "From bore—I’ll bo guided here.” This wns (lie surroundings of a Spirit are in exact accord­ particularly thos ho hav ben acustomd to lisn about three yonrs ago. Novor liovo 1 heard from hor since, ance with his condition of progression, chang­ to the voic that beckons them on, and ho can till I saw the notlco In tho V o ic e that sho hnd loft tlio carth- forin. In tho first Splrlt-cuinmunlcatlon that I rocoivcd thro’ ing with its changing states, and being always interpret arit its meaning. her band, wc were pronounced twin slaters.] the true exponent of his mental culture. An Ther ar many things to be considerd at this How tho Summer-land voices ring fblnese of Joy, effort is put forth by an undeveloped Spirit (sit­ tim, in the prosecution of our work. We ar With welcome to one of Its fhlthfhl souls como, Whoso heart boro tho Idussnins sent down from nbovo uated as we have described) to amend; he is in­ inclind to be very lenient to circumstances, and Toclioer tho poor mourner In death’s bitter gloom! stantly put in motion in an upward direction— observant of the proprietis as betwen man and Never wavering In duty, she labored for love— it may be slowly; gradually the landscape be­ man; or rathr, to be as kind as posibl to tbos The lovo so bovcllod by tho monster's cold brenth ; comes brighter— the scenery changes, fountains that need kindnes, [and who does not?] and to Caused rnlnbows to brighten the dnmp mists nbove The grave, nnd Its inysticnl l&ngungc of faltli, take the place of stagnant ponds, and harmless giv wa and veld a point, when necesary and How the sunbeams of glory slid through her soft hands, insects that of venomous reptiles— hope drives best, in order to satisfy al partis and to lev con­ And lighted the path of the doubter's drear way, out remorse, and a sweet, confiding reliance ditions fre from after demands. And opened (ho bars to tho Ucuutlftil Land— For skeptics a glimpse of otcrnlty’s day. takes possession of his entire being. We wish the pepl of the South, so-termd, to How she spread the light wings of hor outflowing thought, His first lesson has now been learned, and its hav the benefits and advantages of opn Spirit- And folded them never till heaven she'd gained, consequences made apparent by his altered cir­ comunion; for tha, in comon with all others, And found the loved Spirit some grieving friend sought, cumstances. His journey has in some respects need this, and in som respects ar mor aproach- And treasured tho solacing inessago obtained! resembled that of a caravan from the midst of able to Spirit-iufiuenc than many or most oth­ Modest Jewel* of groco over decked her below, All her life wns a diamond of waters most rare; Sahara's sandy desert to the sunny nnd fertile ers; and it therefor becoms liily important that Her words llko tho stars will tho brighter now glow, valleys of Italy. tha shud lern how to atract to themselvs that Since darkness of sllonco their vnlue dcclnre. He now finds himself surrounded by a condi­ which ia pur and elevating, rathr than to kep Angels called our denr sister nwsy to the skies, Enwrenthed her with roses as whlto as the snow, tion of things closely resembling what you up conection with that which is lo and debas- 14(j VOICE OF ANGELS LV 1, I879 ing. We think, howevr, that the demands ciat and tret mediumship and Mediums, and mony with the sacred laws of heinjr—_ hav ben suficiently met, so far as we ar con- indeed wud if tha cud trampl them under then Love, Sympathy and Hurity. fet, the tim must and wil com when nl shal bo cernd, and our chosn instruments her, for the A w a y in the distance rises that majestic enlitend, al be fred from ther blindnes. present, without longer continuanc of thes pub­ pile which to me is Mount Lookout, and lic and privat ministrations, as during the month Be of good cher therfor, brotlir; vor hart is as tho sunlight rests upon it in gorgeous or mor now just past we hav ben very busy Iarg, yor sol is sad, yor hand is opn, yor vs ar splendor, 1 know that upon my earthly holding interviws frequently with prominent upturnd ; yo ar wery ;— but yo shal not he for- home the sun is slowly sinking, in lines of influential minds in the Spirit-world, that ar sakn. rose and purple glory, behind the western especialy conected with this portion of America, and hav outlined to them our plans for futur [For the “ Voice of Ansels.” | skies. action, which will embrac first, the seting up SPIRIT ECHOES. Who could dream of pain and sadness, and maintenanc of an independent press in the XUMIIKK Six.
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