•• C-8 THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. loitering teen-agers after 10 THURSDAY. JI LT 11. 1957 ADA Asks Groups p.m. , This proposal banning youths To Fight Curfew , ’under 18 from public places at I . night • The Americans for Demo- now is before the Dis- ¦— cratic Action have called on { trict Commissioners. community groups to oppose a Both Police Chief Robert V. HOLLYWOOD Murray and the proposed District police regu- Commissioners' Youth Council members sup- By SHCILAH GRAHAM lation to clear the streets of port the curfew idea, although ' they maintain it would not be Make it a special point , » curfew at Teen-agers to shop directs. It's a question if Gene all. not idling or loitering would be has time to make the picture. *«*. Caught Deborah Kerr and j free to be away from home Trouper Vivien Carries On husband Tony Bartley on the I after 10 p.m., according to Mrs. Nina Trevett, executive - secre- LONDON <NANA).—Those Holden for Producer writer wing. They leave about the 15th The Star every Friday this for Paris, me, , tary of the council. who knew how ill Vivien Leith Carl Foreman in the Columbia die told to pre- had been did not expect her pare "Honjour Tristesse." "Tony The curfew idea was attacked to appear for the London run release. has saved up all his vacations i by Edmond Rovner, president of "Titus Andronicus.” But this Producer Irving Allen, lunch- so he can be with us for the of the Washington ADA chap- fine actress is a trouper from ing the Les A Garden, told me six weeks of shooting in the ter, as "hastily conceived, un- summer to see what ’way back, and in spite of look- that partner Cubby Broccoli South of France.” said Deborah. necessary,* negative and in- i lnr and feeling very ill, she was in Hollywood hoping to “I’llhave to send the children effective.” Existing statutes al- was there, ready and willing i sign Gene Kelly for “No Time back to school at Bel Air in ready cover disorderly conduct to have her tongue and hands ' To Die,” which Terence Young September.” and street loitering, he insisted cut off in what I think is ‘ the stores are advertising Shakespeare’s worst tragedy (One critic called it "a heap of rubbish"). It’s beautifully acted however, by Laurence NEIGHBORHOOf9^«*£|. Olivier, Anthony Quayle, etc. As the* old warrior whose sons EES are beheaded and daughter Films of More Than Routine Merit PBIYE-IH THEATERS ravished, among other un- “ABANDON SHlP”—Tyrone Power, Mai Zetterling, others speakable things. Sir Larry have a harrowing time in an overloaded lifeboat. LEE HWT.-ARL. BLVD. ranted, raved, screamed, whim- “DESK SET”—Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy spar pered. orated and had the kind deftly in a comic, duel of girl vs. electronic brain. DRIVE-IN THEATER of field day that actors dream FACE THE JE. 3-9 AM. Between 7 earner, DOWNTOWN “A IN CROWD’—Andy Griffith in the dramatic and Fairfax Clrele. Entranea of. of a heels rise to TV stardom. Lee Hwy. ar Arlington Blvd. account (Via Gallawe Bd.l. Amariea’e ** * * “FUNNY FACE”—Frolicsome Audrey Hepburn, Fred Astaire Meet Braatlfal DrivejJn. Londoners don’t expect Rirh- and Kay Thompson live it up in Paris. ROCK HUDSON. JANE WYMAN, “ALL HEAVEN ALLOWS." ard “Robin Hood” Greene to “HEAVEN KNOWS. MR. ALLlSON”—Deborah Kerr and At 9:03 and 12:30. reconcile with Pat Medina. Robert Mitchum as a Pacific island-marooned nun and "MONKEY ON MY BACK," He i Starring DIANE FOSTER. 10:50 wants But Marine. Open Playland. to. she doesn't. ... 7:30. Giant Free My kids will be sorry to “THE SOLID GOLD CADILLAC”—SoIid comedy played by know Arlington that Alan Wheatley, the Sher- a pair of experts named Judy Holliday and Paul Douglas. AIRPORTi ninrun oi. 4-noo Stores iff of Nottingham, has left the “THE SPIRIT OF ST. LOUlS”—James Stewart as Charles A. Opens at 8 P.M. "GUNSLINGER” Hood series. Alan, Lindbergh in a fine recall of his famed Paris flight. (Color). JOHN IRELAND. BEVERLY a serious ac- GARLAND, at 9:05; Plus "10.000 tor—he played Hamlet—with- "12 ANGRY MEN’—Henry Fonda on jury duty in the film BEDROOMS" (Cinemascope) DEAN MARTIN at 10:40. Cartoon. Lo- drew at his own request. that won top honors at the recent Berlin Festival. cated in Arlington on U S. Route Noel Coward and a bunch of 1. Just_ over the 14th St. Bridge. 7‘ Kids Fr«e Friday. "WAYWARD his titled friends attended the HISER-RETHESDA 0 V“ BUB||_Md_||WA^TO_TH|_^Lff|; opening of Marilyn Monroe's Stanley Warner Theaters BILL TRAVERS and ALASTAIR BIM first production, "The Are All Air Conditioned. ( “WEE GEORDIE” Prince 7:00, QUEENS CHAPEL and Showgirl.” 1:00. 4:00. 10:00. Ager Kd. at Hamiltan St.. W. the While the TIM HOVEY and ALABTAXR BIM. Hyattsvtlle. notices were good, the AMBASSADOR Md. W4. 7-2900. Open reviews “EVERYTHING BUT Free Flariroßnd. 2 Caroaeela. were not smash. CO. A-AA9A. 9/10 MI. FROM D. C. LINE But the thea- “THE PRINCE AND THE SHOW- THE TRUTH” VIA MICH. AVE. N.E. ter is packed and Marilyn should ‘ GIRL,” Marilyn Monroe. Laurence 2:40. 5:40 8:45. LUCILLE BALL. DESI ARNEZ. Olivier. 1. 3:05 5:15. 7:20 9:30 "FOREVER DARLING." make money. .. Ray MUland’s Color, fill wo *-'2600 In at 9:00. Plus "High Flight” film for War- AVMJiTMLUn A6U Conn. Ave. N.W. One Big Week. Starting Friday, STERLING HAYDEN. "BATTLE ALASTAIR SIM In "THE GREEN TAXI”: OUTS AND OLORY." wick Productions here, will be 'DAILY MATINEES 2 P.M. MAN." at 10:55. released in the United States, I Don't Miss to coincide with the state vis- j The GIANT Among Comedies pareraTIAinf AA cr7 3-2799 BRANCH DRIVE-IN Fraa Parking 6-6666. Sa. D. It of Queen and "THE CREATURE," BE. 614 Ml. as C. Elizabeth “WEE GEORDIE” SHE "Also "IT CONQUERED Line at Clintan. Md. Take Branch Prince Phillip to Washington, A Laugh a Minute With Alistair THE WORLD Are. 8. E. (Rt. 3) ta tVaterloe Rd . Bim Bill Travers, at 2:40. 5:00. Tarn Rlsbt onto Old Branch SATURDAYS D.C. Ave. The flying story will also 7:20 9:35. (Bt. SHI). Drive I Mile ta Theater. get a send-off with RAF air- VILLA. ROCKVILLE. MR. Kiddies Free. Free Bumper Club nrvrni v m- 3-3300. PO. 2-9371. Free Parking. Night. JAMES CAGNEY and HUM- craft flying to the U.S.A. to DCefCellLl Free Parking. DEBORAH KERR. ROBERT MITCH- PHREY BOGART. "THE OKLA- OF Sidney UM. HEAVEN KNOWS. MR. ALLI- HOMA KID." 8:55. New Teen greetings from sky. “EDOE THE CITY.” ” DURING buzz the , SON 3:55, rhrill PERRY LOPEZ "THE BTEEL Poiter. 6 30. 9:20; * ROCK. ROCK 2:00. 5:50. 7:55. 8:50. JUNGLE.” 10:30. *? * * ROCK. ’ Teenagers. Lavern Baker. 7:40. Bt. 1. e7 M, LOEWS. SO. 8-8722. Anita Ekberg has been the GR 3 2222 Vlli.MllM.blGREENBELT . talk of London and Paris be- |*b« VFBT fe. 3-ooaa. Fre. Forking NT. VERNON OPEN AIR tHLTLni Fn» e Parking JAN Richmond Hwy.. South as Alas. EDMOND O'BRIEN. STERLING In Open cause she has thrown absolute- ‘THE COLDITZ STORY” John "1984." 7:15, 8:06. 7:30. Starts at Dusk. Mills 9:50: “THE MAN GUY MADISON PATRICIA ME- ly no shenanigans. And to add 6:15. ” WHO nnnin DAMASCUS, md. NEVER WAS Clifton Webb. 8 05 IfnUlV Today on!y DINA. "FEAST OF HOLLOW to the oddness of the situation, PM Only MOUNTAIN" at 11: ANTHONY ANTHONY PERKINS in "FEAR QUINN. CAROL OHMART. “WILD husband Anthony Steele re- STRIKES OUT." PARTY.’ at 9:15. ME * 7:32 8:30. mained in the background VE>HCENTRA!A Util* Near Parking 2103 Po. Ava. N.W. kiddies Free. CIRCLEwusuaia. Free Miracle Playground. while wifey emoted with Bob “MAN IN THE VAULT” William RE 7 01g4 Campbell 12:15, 3:25 6:30. 9:40; ROBERT WAGNER. JEFFREY HUNTER Tomorrow. JULY Hope Holiday.” George Montgomery. In "A (In AND In “Paris “HUK.” 11.00 KISS BEFORE DYING" OUNFIOHT AT OK. CORRAL." Anita's "Interpol” with Victor 2:00. 5:05. 8:15. Colon, at 6:35. 0:30: OEOROE MONT- GOMERY WARREN BTEVEN3 in SUNSET ,£*7 will be called "Pick- r-v «-««oo. DRIVE-IN 7 Mature—it AUinioUlirnvwrnv At Baileys Crass Reads Between 7 up Alley” in America, is doing “FRIENDLY PER- Camera arid Shirley Hwy. One Mile SUASION.” Gary Cooper. 6:15. 9:30; 4,h NE ' West as Alexandria. Kiddles Free. better business in Paris than “BATTLE OP OETTYBBURO.” 8:45. STANTON Two Color Hits. "STAR IN THE "Around the World in 80 Last Day DUST.” JOHN AGAR. MAMIE VAN PENM LI ? A? 00. Free Parking Atr Conditioned DOREN 9:05: "BOHWANI JUNC- Days.” The frugal Parisiennes rielfll Audrey JEAN-T OUIB BARRAULT. TION” (Cinemascope) AVA GARD- -FUNNY PACE.” EDWIOE NER. the price of admission Hepburn. Fred Astaire. 2:40. 6:05. FEUILuERE Star In the French Famous STEWART ORANOER. 10:40. consider 9:25; “KILLER IS LOOSE.” Joseph Classic of Frustrated Love. Also Cartoon. for the latter, and Cotten. 1:25 4:50. "BLIND DESIRE" SIDNEY LUST'S too high 8:15 At 6:00 and 9:00. Plus Star AUGUST they don’t care for the French CLAUDE DAULPIN DANY ROBIN co * *-*»«*- “Road TO in a Comedy, BELTSVILLE SIAVfIVdAVUI Bing 6:15, Hilarious French One DRIVE-IN dubtyng.
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