NOVIE!S-MAS5i'EAGflO~ t1AP.RIA4E .··. ~f]q ...~ ~~WiS LoPRli4S{t WIN~, : M ~ AN ANALt~!?nmo,eimpo,tant f\U1 ?t\ttD The August 14th special A key factor in the election ft A On Augu st 15, at 5 :15PM, election for State Senator was was the turnout by areas . While two car loads of policemen in- easily won by Michael LoPresti only 830 votes were cast in the f 11,Mf ~L.!,;f elud ing tw o detectives and two Jr. of East Boston. With a total Back Bay-Beacon Hill area , 12,539 ;-;;;, agent s of the city licensing board of 7,069 votes, he topped his were cast in East Boston. The seized th e film TRAP OR TRI CK power of East Boston was out of Follow ing the recent Supreme nearest rival, Emanuel "Gus" at th e South St ati on Cinema. proportion because the people Court decision on pornography, Serra, by almost 1,555 votes . Th e film was seized on the there are more politically organized the Art Cinema Thea tre was coerced Mike Amato, who secured the grounds that it was of fe nsive and turn out to vote . to change the schedule of films support of several gay organi ­ and obscene to th e mo rals of The significance of LoPresti's from gay or iented porn to soft - zations including HUB, received the comm unity . Staff members win is somewhat mixed in terms core stra ight porn. John Fowler, only 743 votes, placing fourth in of the Sou th Stati on Cinema re- of importance to the gay com- spokesman for the Cinemas , stated a field of seven candidates . po rted tha t the members of the munity . Lo Presti stated to that shortly before the ruling they LoPresti won by heavily pol ice de partment, all plain GCN that he would support gay were planning to get more involved carrying East Cambridge, Winthrop, clothe smen, were brusque, rude issues, but would not introduce in the gay community . What they and the North End, and by running and offens ive to staff and patrons them or campaign on a gay plat- hoped to do was to offer gay or- a close second in Boston's Back using such derogat ive terms as form because "it would be a po- ganizations the use of one of their Bay-Beacon Hill (carried by Ama­ "faggot " and " qu eer." to). and East Boston (won by tential disaster for me to do so. large lounges for meetings and to As the Sou th St ation 0 nema Serra). It (gay rights) is not a popular show films of educational value . had not violated any licens ing Amata's gay support was de­ issue." The results seem to have Mr. Fowler last week proposed regulations , the theatr e was able cidedly beneficial in the Back proven LoPresti right, at least an all-night, midnight to dawn to remain op en. Th e fil m TRAP until gays are as polically effective movie festival Sept . 14 and 15 Bay-Beacon Hill area where much OR TRIC K had ceased playing as East Boston. If LoPresti honors with all proceeds going to the of the Gay population is cente.ed. wh en it was co nfiscated. The his word (there is not much reason Gay Community Center . Current - The fact that this was the only film will serve as evidence when to believe otherwise ; he was candid ly it is not known wh ich four films ward he carried emphasizes this, the manag eme nt is brought to and was not looking for support), and shorts will be shown , but the as well as pointing out his decided trial. gays may be able to count on one plan is to show all of the mov ies weakness in other areas , even his Several weeks befo re, the more vote on key gay rights legis- at d ifferent t imes and order in the home ward of East Cambridge. vice squad att emp te d to seize lation in the next session . A two separate theatres in the Art His gay platform may have cost th e film BEHIND THE GREE N Barney Frank he's not, but not Cinema . him some votes in these areas, but DOOR , a po rnographic straig ht Louise Day either . Free refreshments will be served his great lack of recognition seems film, at th e Art Cinema. Th e throughout the night . film had already bee n sent back Stay tuned for comple te list ing to th e distributor when policemen of mov ies and times ! made their abortive raid. As reported in an earlier issue Allison, a cast member of A':, you of GCN , Allison Mitchell, the COMING OUT, stated that her woman who was physically current involvement in the gay 4:,I-IALL LOVE! trown out of Fathers Three, a community is much more mean ing­ gether as one but still separate On Sunday morn ing, Augus t straight bar, for "obscene " ful than the time that would have and unique, and that you shall 19th , app rox imately 25 peop le, dancing with a woman, has de ­ been wasted in court . live together as long as you both straight as we ll as gay, assem bled cided to drop the assault and shall love." in a sunny spo t un der the arbor battery charf:lt!s. Rev. Gibson stated that marrying in the Arno ld Arbo retum to wit­ Allison's big day in court turned RUMMA~E two people is a very personal ness a spiritual un ion between out to be her introduct ion to the Last Saturday another rummage thin g for him; he will not marry Frank DiRusso and Andy Geo rgou ­ bureaucracy that is the jud icial sale was held on the front steps just anyone ·· gay or straight . lis. The service, performed by the system . After wa it ing one hour of the Meet inghouse . The fine Knowing the individuals well Rev. Randa ll Gibson, did not have for acknowledgement of her weathe r drew a good crowd and enou gh to be sure that they are any legal sanct ioning but was con ­ presence, she approached a court netted $192 for CSMH . Items on serious, and that they do love side red tw o people making a com­ off icer and inqu ired as to what sale ranged from old books and each other, are important con ­ mitmet to each other. When in­ was going on . Explain ing the records to watercolors and a siderations to him . He also coun ­ terv iewed , Frank and Andy stated situat ion to the off icer , she dis­ rock ing cha ir. sels gay people on why they want that they wanted to do somethi ng covered that the defendants had The Meet inghouse rummage to marry at all now, when even extra spe cial to show people the not even been subpoenaed . Giving sales will be he ld every tw o weeks straight society is starting to re­ depth of the ir love . several minutes thought to her fo r an indef inite period . consider this institution . The two men were united by d ilemma , she dec ided that she d id If you have any saleab le items It is encouraging that the Ar­ Rev. Gibson, a Unitarian Univer­ not want to spend the rest of her to do nate fo r fut ure rum mage boretum is still a place where salist mini ster, in a short ceremony life in the halls of just ice . sales, please drop t hem off at love can bloom in spite of its by the fo llowing quote : "I de ­ the Meet inghou se. recent sordid history . clare yo u are a couple, living to· REACT!:! :-.~-:f .: •· - ~ V .:~ '1✓ .. Goy Community News was born out of optimism of s~ei' g a unified, happy, active, glorious gay community. We were nourished by the en ­ thusiasm of groups and p•~P,.le to the idea of our _own newsp0P,e [- We continued with the support of our readers and the advice of many_ e!~ ents of the community. Now we .hove reached a criticol point . }Z-~:·.,i- The newspaper direly needs to expand to eight pages for , "ode-quote GayCommunity News coverage, but unless more people become involved in its productiop ,-even is publ ishe d weekly through the sponsor - the present size and quality ore threatened. The small group whp hove tt ~~/~:d9cha~~:t t~t;;;~i~i~:t~:gv':~~~e~ THE POINTER SISTERS produced the first ten issues is almost burnt out. Many of us h(,!v-e been of events ond news of interest to the Blue Thumb BTS 48 putting 40 or more hours o week, unpaid, into this effort . If you ho ..- ea few Greater Boston gay commun ity, as well hours o week, you ho -ve the time. Few of us knew anything obou ~ . · ~spa per as stimulotion of event oriented opin ion You all remember the Supremes be · ten weeks ago , so experience is no e~cuse'.'lt comes down to pr f.oriti es. If you within the community . fore Diana Ross left to extend her News ond opinions reflected in "RE­ talents on her own? Well, the emerge nce really wont to do something, you find the time. ACT !". the editoriol column , represent of the Pointer Sisters (Anita, Ruth, June The question is, do you WANT to do something-ore you optim istic the mojority view of the editorial board.
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