V19, N38 Wednesday, June 11, 2014 Inside Mitchell’s dark horse victory Virtual 3-way first ballot tie set up GOP’s first female ticket By BRIAN A. HOWEY FORT WAYNE – The Republican keynote headlin- ers on Friday night, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and Mike Huckabee, lived up to all expectations from Treasurer nominee Kelly delegates. But the three Mitchell (above) forged minutes Kelly Mitchell took the Indiana Republican to introduce herself to Party’s first all-female delegates ultimately had a ticket in history with dramatic impact on what Secretary of State Law- was to take place about 18 son and Auditor Crouch, hours later, when she was coming just two years nominated for state trea- after women voters fled surer. Mike Pence and Richard With Secretary of Mourdock in late 2012. State Connie Lawson and Continued on page 3 Auditor Suzanne Crouch’s uncontested nominations, Mitch- Convention takeways By MATTHEW BUTLER FORT WAYNE – On Monday I wrote the key take- aways for the average Hoosier political observer from the 2014 Indiana Republican State Convention could be boiled down to three elements. I suggested that how one might rank them in importance and interpret their implications “I know there’s a lot of long probably reflects one’s own political slant and priorities. Offering them in no par- faces here tonight. It’s disap- ticular order, I listed them roughly pointing, sure, but I believe in as follows: 1.) Despite Democratic Party and national media claims this country. I believe there’s that the GOP is “waging a war on women,” the Indiana Republican opportunity around the next statewide slate of candidates for corner for all of us.” 2014 comprises only women, all of whom are more than qualified for - Majority Leader Eric Cantor the respective offices they seek, after his stunning upset and, if they win, would join the Page 2 second consecutive Republican female be (and hopefully is) the new normal. lieutenant governor already in office; But that is it; it’s normalizing and 2.) The Indiana Republican base has that’s a good thing. spoken on the issue of marriage by This leaves me with what successfully primarying two repre- I think is the key takeaway from sentatives (Kathy Heuer and Rebecca Saturday and what will most likely be Kubacki) over their opposition to the a pervasive issue for the next several constitutional marriage amendment election cycles and general assem- HJR-3 and, in Fort Wayne, roundly bly sessions: The Indiana Republi- rejecting an attempt to remove the can Party’s stance on how to define is a non-partisan newslet- traditional marriage plank from the marriage. Like this year, in 2012 the ter based in Indianapolis and 2014 party platform; and, 3.) Once Republican Party held statewide listen- Nashville, Ind. It was founded again Richard Mourdock stepped into ing sessions and transparent platform in 1994 in Fort Wayne. national controversy with remarks that committee hearings when it removed argued the U.S. was on a path similar by unanimous consensus language It is published by to that of the Weimar Republic, the clearly defining traditional marriage WWWHowey Media, LLC precursor government to Nazi Germa- and instead replaced it with a state- 405 Massachusetts Ave., ny, unless drastic fiscal reforms were ment on ‘strong family structures’: Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN enacted. “We believe that strong families are 46204 In retrospect, I think only the foundation of virtue and that such one of these three elements is impor- families bring forth citizens capable of tant. Undoubtedly, almost everyone self-government as well as properly Brian A. Howey, Publisher will have other narratives they think motivated public servants so essential Mark Schoeff Jr., Washington are more compelling. First, the Mour- for a successful republic.” Jack E. Howey, Editor dock flap can be waved off. So much Just as conservative activ- Mary Lou Howey, Editor of our political discourse is in reaction ists within the party’s base mobilized to the outrage of the day (or week). behind HJR-3 this past winter and Maureen Hayden, Statehouse Mourdock’s remarks didn’t take me against opponents of HJR-3 during Matthew Butler, Daily Wire aback too much probably because I’ve May’s primaries, Reps. Heuer and been hearing that same fiscal doom Kubacki were successfully challenged, Subscriptions history stump speech since he was they were also able to reinsert a plank HPI, HPI Daily Wire $599 running for Senate starting in 2011. defining marriage into the 2014 party Already blown over, the “Nazi Ger- platform. Again, under the heading HPI Weekly, $350 many” remarks will not likely give any ‘strong family structures,’ this plank Ray Volpe, Account Manager boost to Illinois transplant and Demo- instead reads: “We believe that strong 317.602.3620 cratic treasurer candidate Michael families, based on marriage between email: [email protected] Boland come November. a man and a woman, are the foun- Though I think the next dation of society. We also recognize element is very noteworthy, it is not that some families are much more Contact HPI the most important story line from diverse and we support the blended www.howeypolitics.com the 2014 GOP State Convention and families, grandparents, guardians and [email protected] that is the all-female statewide ticket. loving adults who successfully raise Howey’s Cabin: 812.988.6520 Suzanne Crouch, Connie Lawson, and and nurture children to reach their full Howey’s cell: 317.506.0883 Kelly Mitchell are more than qualified potential every day.” for the respective statewide offices It was the only plank not Washington: 202.256.5822 they seek and will have the power- adopted by consensus; the Rules Business Office: 317.602.3620 ful campaign machinery and party Committee was deadlocked 4-4 on the apparatus of the Indiana GOP behind change, which resulted in a conven- © 2014, Howey Politics Indiana. them. Five months out, it is easily safe tion floor vote. However, that wasn’t All rights reserved. Photocopy- to say all three are favorites. More- even close; only a fifth to a fourth over, none of us should be surprised supported a return to the 2012 lan- ing, Internet forwarding, fax- the ticket is female or that Indiana is guage. ing or reproducing in any form, close to having all statewide offices It stood in stark contrast to whole or part, is a violation of being held by women in 2015 except the Democrat’s convention and plat- federal law without permission for attorney general and governor. form the weekend before in Indianap- from the publisher. This inclusion and leadership needs to olis. The Democrats were fueled by Page 3 HJR-3 when it was before the Statehouse and are making will likely continue to make the case in coming years. No political hay of the marriage issue this election cycle, and one I spoke with on and off the record Saturday could will undoubtedly beyond. “We support full marriage equal- really explain (or wanted to explain) how the 2012 plat- ity,” declares their 2014 platform, “oppose amending the form dropped the strictly defined marriage language and Indiana Constitution to define marriage and support repeal replaced it with broadly defined terms for ‘strong family of statutes like the Defense of Marriage Act that define structures.’ marriage by gender.” However, before HJR-3 enlivened passions in Democrats are emphatic on the issue and feel both directions and deepened this fractious social policy comfortable taking the exact opposite stance of Republi- rift within the Indiana Republican Party, one of the 2012 cans before Hoosier voters. As the convention floor vote Platform Committee members appreciated the symbol- failed in Fort Wayne, Democratic State Chairman John ism in the revision. Kathy Saris referred to the change as Zody quickly got out in front of the story, releasing a state- “a big step” forward, especially since the previous three ment that read, “Gov. Mike Pence’s party just spent the platforms had each called for a constitutional amendment morning fighting over the same old divisive and out-of- strictly defining marriage. Telling the Indianapolis Star touch social issues that stalled the 2014 legislative session. at the time, Saris felt it would appeal to younger voters: The party just passed a platform that sends the debate “They view marriage as something that should be open to over marriage equality in reverse. Despite the efforts of everybody.” some delegates to grow their party, they just couldn’t In 2014’s case of the grassroots base striking surpass the divisive and ugly tones of Gov. Pence, Speaker back on marriage at the primaries and convention, it will Bosma and Senate Pro Tem David Long.” have extremely important implications and repercussions A bit over the top, but Democrats see this issue as for the Indiana Republican Party for years to come. They a winner, at least eventually. They recognize the growth of are confident younger voters will not flee to Democrats on the GOP brand, or put another way, its longevity, depends the issue and will, as the saying goes, grow more conser- upon appealing to young voters and activists. Like it or vative with age. Perhaps they will. If not, the Fort Wayne not, that will increasingly hinge on marriage equality. platform fight might be remembered as a key moment of Megan Robertson et al made this case in Fort Wayne; she contingency in Hoosier political history. v chose a state treasurer candidate right out Mitchell, from page 1 of Illinois,” she said. “Perhaps he hasn’t ell’s ascension created the Indiana unpacked his bags. Perhaps they don’t GOP’s first all-female ticket in history understand what we think of Illinois poli- just two years after the party had to tics.
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