THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL DUBLIN 25-26 JUNE 1990 Documents in the dossier include: European Council Dublin 25 and 26 June Reproduced from the Bulletin ofthe European Communities, No. 6/1990 EC Summit Leaders Set Intergovernmental Conferences on Monetary and Political Union European Community News No. 26/1990 EC Office of Press and Public Affairs Washington DC 1 . European Council Dublin, 25 and 26 June the CSCE's autumn summit, the European Council agreed that the Community and the 1. This meeting of the Heads of State or Member States should step up coordination Government of the Member States, at which with a view to determining and expressing the Commission was represented by Mr a common position on all CSCE matters, in Odors and Mr Andriessen, was chaired by which they shared vital common interests. the IrishTaoiseach, Mr Charles J. Haughey. A cautious declaration on southern Africa It first heard a statement by Mr E. Baron was adopted, the European Council affirm- Crespo, President of the European Parlia- ing its willingness to consider a gradual ment, setting out Parliament's position and easing of the pressure exerted on the South priorities with regard to the main Com- African authorities once it was dear that munity topics, in particular the two forth- the process of change begun earlier was coming intergovernmental conferences. The continuing in the direction called for in meeting was another success for the Com- Strasbourg. munity, and significant progress was made on several fronts. The European Council noted that fulfilment of the commitments contained in the Single With respect to economic and monetary union, the first stage of which is to European Act is fundamental to the process come of integration and the establishment into effect on 1 July, the European Council of a unanimously decided that the intergovern- European Union. It took stock of progress mental conference should open on made in implementation of its provisions identifying sectors where further December, since sufficient progress had efforts been made in preparation for it. The pur- were needed. With respect to the protection pose of the conference is to determine the of the environment, the European Council final stages of EMU, and it should conclude adopted a general declaration and asked its work rapidly with a view to ratification the Commission to present a new action of the results by Member States before the programme in 1991. The Commission was end of 1992. On the basis of an examination also given the task of preparing a Com- conducted by Foreign Ministers, the Euro- munity programme to combat threats to the pean Council agreed again unanimously tropical rainforests in consultation with the that a second intergovernmental confer- countries concerned, especially Brazil. The ence on political union should open on 14 European Council was convinced of the December. It too should conclude its work need to reinforce the campaign against rapidly so that the results, like those of the drugs and organized crime, and asked the first conference, could be ratified by the end Council to reach agreement before the end of 1992. of the year on the basis of the Commission proposals on trade in precursors and on an The European Council had an extensive integrated programme for cooperation with exchange of views on possible assistance to Colombia; it hoped that the adequate meas- the Soviet Union in support of the political ures to combat money laundering would and economic reforms it had undertaken. be adopted before July 1991. The Member The European Council asked the Com- States were invited to develop programmes mission to assess the situation and prepare to reduce drug demand, and Celad (the proposals for action in liaison with inter- Coordinators Group on Drugs) was asked national financial agencies and in consul- to prepare for the Rome European Council tation with the Soviet Union. This would in close consultation with the Commission seem to be further confirmation of the Com- a European plan to combat drugs, including mission s international role, after the coor- a wide range of measures. dinating function in the Group of 24 entrusted to it by the Western Economic The European Council also agreed to Summit in July 1989. Looking ahead to extend for two years the term of office of BulL EC 6-1990 (---+ (---+ Dublin European Council telecommunications sectors: Bull. EC 3-1990 Mr Odors as President of the Commission Presidents. point 1.1.21 and the terms of the present Vice- Political agreement reached by the Council on proposals for Directives on direct taxation of firms point 1.3.132 to 1.3.135) Proposals for a Regulation and Directives Conclusions of the Presidency on the abolition of tax frontiers: COM(90) 117 182 and 183; Bull. EC 5-1990, points 1.2.2 to 2.5 Introduction Council agreement on the substance of pro- posals for Regulations on the second phase of 1.2. The European Council, determined to ensure liberalization of civil aviation points 1.3.33 the continued dynamic development of the Com- and 1.3.241 to 1.3.243) munity at a time of great challenge for Europe Strasbourg European Council conclusions and the world, agreed to intensify the process of on the development and interconnection of transforming relations as a whole among Member trans-European networks: Bull. EC 12-1989, States into a European union invested with the point 1.1.4. necessary means of action. To this end it reviewed Council Decision 901221/Euratom/EEC progress and laid down guidelines with regard to concerning the framework programme of Com- the full implementation of the Single European munity activities in the field ol.r!:.search .and Act; it agreed to convene an intergovernmental technological development (1990-94) : conference on political union; it reviewed the prep- L 117, 8. 1990; Bull. EC 4-1990, point 1.1.54 aratory work for the intergovernmental confer- Commission communication on its action ence, already agreed, on economic and monetary implementation of the. dates for these two programme for the union; and it fixed the opening . Community Charter of Fundamental Social intergovernmental conferences. Rights for Workers: COM(89) 56!!;. Bull. EC the benefits which 11-1989, point 2. 1.80 1.3. With a view to enhancing Council resolution on action to assist the our peoples derive from belonging to a Community long-term unemployed: Bull. EC 5- 1990, point which has as its raison d' etre the promotion of 1.2. their rights, their freedoms and their welfare, the European Council dealt with a number of themes Council Decision 90/267/EEC establishing of particular relevance to the individual citizen an action programme for the development of including the free movement of persons, the continuing vocational training in the European environment, drugs and their links with organized Community (Force): OJ C 156 21.6. 1990; Bull. crime, and anti-Semitism. The European Council EC 5-1990, point 1.2. sees action in these areas as essential to the Union Council Directives 90/269/EEC and 90/270/ it wishes to achieve over the coming years. EEC on the minimum health and safety regu- lations for the manual handling of loads where , determined to 1.1. The European Council there is a risk particularly of back injury to strengthen the role of the Community in the world workers, and for work with display screen in order to meet its international responsibilities equipment: OJ L 156, 21.6.1990; Bull. EC 5- reviewed progress in the Community s external 1990, points 1.2.69 and 1.2. relations and laid down guidelines for future action in a number of areas. The discussion reflected the increased coherence between the economic and 1.5. The fulfilment of the commitments contained political aspects of the Community s international in the Single European Act is fundamental to the action. process of integration and to the creation of a European union. Economic and monetary union and political union must be built on an area with- European union out internal frontiers in which the free movement Progress towards of persons , goods, services and capital is ensured in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty, where economic and social cohesion is assured, Implementation of and where the necessary accompanying policies to the Single European Act the internal market are developed. I!I References: Council common position on the proposal The European Council took stock of progress for a Directive on the procurement procedures towards the implementation of the Single Euro- of entities in the water, energy, transport and pean Act. Bull. EC 6-1990 Dublin European Council Internal market The European Council emphasized the vital importance of implementation of Community required 6. The European Council welcomed the good legislation at national level within the progress which has been made in a number of time limits. It asked the Commission to strengthen fields in recent months, and noted that two thirds its supervisory procedures in this context. It agreed of the measures had now been agreed. to review the situation at its next meeting. In the area of public procurement it noted the important agreement on the opening-up of the Research previously excluded sectors of water, energy, trans- port and telecommunications. The European 1.7. The European Council welcomed theadop- Council looked forward to further progress being tion of the third framework programme for the made in the area of public procurement, including period 1990- , which provides for ECU 5.7 billion the procurement of services. to finance the Community research and develop- ment programme over that period. It called for Important progress has been made in the financial early decisions on the specific programmes to be services sector.
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