U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Hopper Mountain, Bitter Creek and Blue Ridge National Wildlife Refuges Planning Update #1 - February 2010 Comprehensive Conservation Planning Begins in Spring 2010 Greetings from the Project Leader Hopper Mountain National Wildlife how comprehensive conservation plan- Refuge Complex is embarking on an ning fits into refuge management. important multi-year process to develop a Comprehensive Conservation Plan You should receive our second “Planning (CCP) for three of the four refuges in the Update” in the spring of 2010, describing Complex: Hopper Mountain, Bitter Creek, the beginning of the planning process and and Blue Ridge National Wildlife Refuges information about attending our public (NWRs). These three refuges were scoping meetings. established to restore the endangered We will frequently refer to background California condor population to its native materials provided in this planning range. The fourth refuge in the Complex, update (Planning Update #1) throughout Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes NWR, will the CCP process. Please try to read it All condors have numbered wing tags and have a separate CCP prepared in the before our first meeting; this will help to transmitters to help biologists identify future. facilitate discussions at the public meet- and locate each bird. Photo: Gary Kramer/ USFWS The CCP will help guide the overall man- ings. We welcome your comments, sug- agement of the three refuges for the next gestions, and questions. 15 years. Your ideas and comments will I hope you’ll feel free to contact me or Content be an important part of the process, so I our Refuge Planner, Sandy Osborn, if you encourage you to participate. have any questions. See page 6 to learn About the Fish & Wildlife Service ................ 1 As we begin this process, I’d like to about the CCP and page 8 for our phone numbers and e-mail addresses. About the Refuge System ............................... 2 provide background about the refuges’ history and current management. In this Hopper Mountain NWR Background ........... 3 update, you’ll also find information about the National Wildlife Refuge System and Marc M. Weitzel,Marc ProjectWeitzel, Leader Project Leader Bitter Creek NWR Background ..................... 4 Blue Ridge NWR Background ....................... 5 What is the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? Hopper Mountain NWR Complex The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Management..................................................... 6 The agency enforces federal wildlife (FWS) is the principal federal agency re- laws, administers the Endangered Refuge Purposes .............................................. 6 sponsible for conserving, protecting, and Species Act, manages migratory enhancing fish, wildlife, plants and their bird populations, restores nationally What is a CCP? ................................................. 6 habitats for the continuing benefit of the significant fisheries, conserves American people. The California Condor ..................................... 7 and restores wildlife habitat such The FWS manages the more than as wetlands, and helps foreign Hopper Mountain NWR Complex ................. 7 150-million acre National Wildlife Refuge governments with their wildlife and System, which encompasses more than 550 habitat conservation efforts. Compatibility of Refuge Uses ........................ 7 refuges, 37 wetland management districts, The FWS also oversees the Federal and other special management areas. Help Us Plan ..................................................... 8 Assistance program that distributes CCP Schedule ................................................... 8 It also operates 66 national fish hatcher- hundreds of millions of dollars in excise ies, 64 fishery resource offices, and 78 taxes on fishing and hunting equipment Contact Information......................................... 8 ecological services field stations. to state fish and wildlife agencies. 2 What is the National What’s in a name? Wildlife Refuge System? Many people confuse state and fed- In 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt Islands. About 20.6 million acres in the eral fish and wildlife agencies because protected an island with nesting pelicans, Refuge System are managed as wilder- their names are similar. The U.S. Fish herons, ibis, and roseate spoonbills in ness under the Wilderness Act of 1964. and Wildlife Service (FWS) is a fed- Florida’s Indian River Lagoon from feath- eral agency within the U.S. Depart- er collectors who were decimating their In 1997, Congress passed the National ment of the Interior. The California colonies. He established Pelican Island as Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Department of Fish and Game (DFG) the nation’s first bird sanctuary and went Act (Act), legislation that provides clear is a state agency. on to establish many other sanctuaries guidance for the management of the Refuge System. The Act includes a new Our names are similar and so are our for wildlife during his tenure. This small missions: both agencies are dedicated network of sanctuaries continued to ex- statutory mission statement and directs the FWS to manage the Refuge System as to wildlife conservation for the benefit pand, later becoming the National Wildlife of present and future generations. Our Refuge System (Refuge System). a national system of lands and waters de- voted to conserving wildlife and maintain- jurisdictions are different. The FWS Today, over 100 years later, Hopper ing the biological integrity of ecosystems. is the lead agency responsible for Mountain, Bitter Creek, and Blue Ridge federally-listed species and migratory Refuges are three of over 550 national This law requires the FWS to develop a birds, whether they are located on fed- wildlife refuges encompassing more than comprehensive conservation plan (CCP) eral, state, or private lands. The DFG 150 million acres nationwide. The Refuge for each refuge. It also states that certain has primary responsibility for resident System is the largest system of public wildlife-dependent recreational uses fish and wildlife on state and private lands in the world primarily dedicated to are priority public uses on refuges and lands and oversees state-listed species. the conservation of wildlife. It is spread strengthens the compatibility determina- Hopper Mountain NWR Complex is across 50 states, American Samoa, Puerto tion process for assuring that these and managed by the FWS, which coordi- Rico, the Virgin Islands, Johnston Atoll, other activities do not conflict with refuge nates with DFG on a variety of natural Midway Atoll, and several other Pacific management purposes and goals. resource management issues. What is the mission of “Wild beasts and birds are by right the Refuge System? not the property merely of people who National wildlife refuges are places are alive today, but the property of where “wildlife comes first.” unknown generations whose belongings “The mission of the National Wildlife Refuge System is to administer a nation- we have no right to squander.” al network of lands and waters for the conservation, management, and where President Theodore Roosevelt appropriate, restoration of the fish, wildlife, and plant resources and their habitats within the United States for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans.” Lands within the Refuge System are managed first and foremost for the benefit of fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats. Our mission differs from other federal agencies, such as the U.S. Forest Service, which focuses on forest stew- ardship and sustainable forest uses; the Bureau of Land Management, which deals with the productivity and mul- tiple use of the land; and the National Park Service, which conserves scenery, wildlife, and historic objects for people’s recreational enjoyment. Pronghorn antelope. Photo: USFWS 3 Hopper Mountain NWR - Background Hopper Mountain National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is located in Ventura County, in southern California. It is bordered by the Los Padres National Forest and the Sespe Condor Sanctuary to the north. The 2,471- acre Refuge was established in 1974 to protect the endangered California condor, its habitat, and other wildlife resources. All lands within the approved refuge land ac- quisition boundary for Hopper Mountain NWR are owned in fee title by the FWS. The Refuge is in rugged, mountainous terrain. Primary habitats include annual grasslands, interspersed with oak and California black walnut (considered to be a unique habitat in California), chaparral on the steeper slopes, natural water springs and riparian habitat, and a freshwater marsh. The California black walnut is recorded in the State Natural Heritage Database. The Refuge provides habitat for more than 130 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles, including the southwestern pond turtle–a California species of special The California condor uses rocky pinnacles for roosting, while numerous caves provide concern–black bear, bobcat, mule deer, potential nesting habitat. Photo: Laudine Borges/USFWS golden eagle, and California tree frog. More than 200 plant species have also been documented on the Refuge. Hopper Mountain NWR Hopper Mountain NWR plays an integral FWS Lands Owned in Fee Title Sespe Condor Sanctuary BLM Lands part in the California Condor Recovery Program, providing nesting, foraging and Approved Refuge Boundary Los Padres National Forest roosting habitat for the bird. The Refuge shares information about the Condor Recovery Program through an outreach program that extends to local, national
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