ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER UDK: 001.3:[050.486:33(497.11) DOI:10.5937/EKOPRE1704321L Date of Receipt: Octobar 20, 2016 1HPDQMD/RMDQLFD (9$/8$7,212)7+(6&,(17,),&-2851$/ University of Kragujevac Faculty of Economics Department of General Economics and MARKET AND POSITION OF SERBIAN Economic Development RESEARCHERS IN THE FIELD OF ECONOMICS 2FHQDWUæLäWDQDXĉQLKĉDVRSLVDLSR]LFLMHVUSVNLK LVWUDæLYDĉDXREODVWLHNRQRPLMH $EVWUDFW 6DæHWDN 3XEOLFDWLRQVLQUHSXWDEOHMRXUQDOVDUHDFUXFLDOFRQGLWLRQIRUVXFFHVVIXO =DXVSHäQRQDXĉQRSURÀOLVDQMHLRVWYDULYDQMH]DYLGQLKDNDGHPVNLK VFLHQWLÀFSURÀOLQJDQGDFFRPSOLVKPHQWRIVLJQLÀFDQWDFDGHPLFUHVXOWV UH]XOWDWDSXEOLNDFLMHXUHQRPLUDQLPĉDVRSLVLPDSUHGVWDYOMDMXYHRPD 7KHSULPDU\JRDORIWKLVSDSHULVWRFRQGXFWDQDQDO\VLVRIWKHPDUNHW YDæDQXVORY2VQRYQLFLOMRYRJUDGDMHGDL]YUäLDQDOL]XWUæLäWDĉDVRSLVD RIHFRQRPLFMRXUQDOVWKDWEHORQJWR0FDWHJRU\DQGWKXVKDYH XREODVWLHNRQRPVNHQDXNHNRMLVXUHIHULVDQLXRGJRYDUDMXăRM0 FRUUHVSRQGLQJLPSDFWIDFWRUV7KHDLPLVWRHPSKDVL]HWKHSRVLWLRQRI NDWHJRULMLVDSULSDGDMXăLPLPSDNWIDNWRURP&LOMUDGDMHLGDXNDæHQD 6HUELDQUHVHDUFKHUVLQWKLVVSHFLÀFPDUNHW7KHHPSLULFDOUHVXOWVKDYH VYHXNXSQXSR]LFLMXVUSVNLKLVWUDæLYDĉDQDRYRPVSHFLÀĉQRPWUæLäWX UHYHDOHGWKDWMRXUQDOVIURPWKHPRVWGHYHORSHGFRXQWULHVKDYHDGRPLQDQW (PSLULMVNLUH]XOWDWLVXSRND]DOLGDĉDVRSLVLL]QDMUD]YLMHQLMLK]HPDOMD UROHRQWKHPDUNHWDQGWKDW6HUELDQUHVHDUFKHUVSXEOLVKWKHUHVXOWVRI LPDMXGRPLQDQWQXXORJXQDWUæLäWXLGDVUSVNLLVWUDæLYDĉLUH]XOWDWHVYRMLK WKHLUVWXGLHVSULPDULO\LQQHLJKERULQJFRXQWULHV5HFRPPHQGDWLRQVDUH VWXGLMDSUHYDVKRGQRSXEOLNXMXXĉDVRSLVLPDL]RNROQLK]HPDOMD3UHSRUXNH WREULQJHPLQHQWMRXUQDOVLQWRIRFXVRI6HUELDQUHVHDUFKHUVEXWDOVRWR VHRGQRVHQDSRWUHEXGDXIRNXVXVUSVNLKLVWUDæLYDĉDEXGXHPLQHQWQL HQFRXUDJHIXUWKHUGHYHORSPHQWRIGRPHVWLFMRXUQDOVVRWKDWWKH\FRXOGEH ĉDVRSLVLNDRLUD]YLMDQMHGRPDăLKNRMLELVHNDVQLMHDNWLYQRXNOMXĉLOLQD PRUHDFWLYHLQWKHLQWHUQDWLRQDOPDUNHW,QDGGLWLRQWKHIRFXVRI6HUELDQ PHčXQDURGQRWUæLäWH,VWRWDNRXVPHUHQRVWDXWRUDX6UELMLWUHEDGDEXGH UHVHDUFKHUVVKRXOGEHGLUHFWHGWRZDUGWKHKDUGFRUHRIHFRQRPLFVFLHQFH NDWYUGRPMH]JUXHNRQRPVNHQDXNHLMDVQRL]UDæHQRPFLOMXUD]YLMDQMH DQGWKHJRDORIIXUWKHUGHYHORSPHQWRIHFRQRPLFGLVFLSOLQHVVKRXOGEH HNRQRPVNLKGLVFLSOLQD PRUHFOHDUO\HPSKDVL]HG .OMXĉQHUHĉLWUæLäWHQDXĉQLKĉDVRSLVDHNRQRPLMDLPSDNWIDNWRU .H\ZRUGVWKHPDUNHWRIVFLHQWLÀFMRXUQDOVHFRQRPLFVLPSDFW LVWUDæLYDĉLL]5HSXEOLNH6UELMH IDFWRUUHVHDUFKHUVIURPWKH5HSXEOLFRI6HUELD (.2120,.$35('8=(Ă$ ,QWURGXFWLRQ in reputable journals. Hence, the estimation of the share of the journals from the most developed countries in the Publications have an important role in accomplishing total structure of the previously defined market is very success in an academic career. They are used to evaluate important. Also, it is of great importance to determine the work of a researcher. Publications in reputable the position of Serbian researchers on the market of international journals are thus an indicator of research economic journals. competence. By publishing the results of a study, an The primary goal is to evaluate the degree to which author or a researcher presents them to a wide scientific most prominent journals participate in the market. One of audience. Research activities thus contribute to an increase the goals is also to point out key problems which Serbian in scientific knowledge and improve the quality of human authors are facing by reviewing their publications. This kind capital in a national economy [27, p. 1716]. The process of study has not been conducted in Serbia, which makes of publishing research papers in international journals it a novelty. Academic contribution of the paper is that it is a long, unpredictable and demanding task. The ratio will reveal current situation on the market of scientific of accepted papers in leading international journals is journals in the field of economics, providing thereby an about 10% of the total number of applications, which evaluation of the dominance of economic journals from proves that criteria are extremely high, especially when developed countries. In the context of formulating policy it comes to originality and relevance [19, p. 14]. The for evaluating scientific work, estimation of the position primary goal of the scientific community in Serbia is to of Serbian authors may further open new questions and make their results visible to wider international audience dilemmas. and become recognizable in academic circles globally. In addition to this introduction, the paper also Publishing papers in journals covered by Web of Science includes a literature review which provides an overview (WoS) increases the possibility of being cited and presents of the most relevant studies that reveal current trends in a necessary requirement for active participation in the science development, dominant position and influence market of journals. In order to achieve this, it is important of publishing companies and the evaluation of research to improve the quality of the national journals and bring work in Serbia. The sources used in this study are defined them into line with international criteria. This problem and the overview of journals which are the subject of is also present in socio-humanistic sciences. The main the analysis is presented in the data and methodology focus of this paper would be on the economic journals, section. The next section involves results and discussion but only those which according to the latest data from and it presents the ratio of journals coming from certain 2015 are listed with selected impact factors. countries through categories they belong to, the prevalence There is a dominant presence of the journals which of Serbian authors in the international journals and the come from the most developed countries. The necessity journals published in neighboring countries. Finally, the of publishing articles in those journals gives them a conclusion provides a short discussion and the guidelines crucial advantage in respect to the less eminent journals. for future studies as well as some recommendations. Consequently, the demand is not elastic and practically there is no real competition. The main task for researchers /LWHUDWXUHUHYLHZ from Serbia is to be present in world renowned databases. Serbian authors face obstacles. According to the latest data, According to the contemporary understanding of science, there is just one journal of economics with impact factor the results of a study or research are not relevant if they from the Republic of Serbia. On the other hand, the scientific are not published and presented to the public and global community has been constantly increasing on the global academic community which can check it, evaluate it and use level, which makes the competition among researchers it for further research [17]. The first commercial publishers very harsh, especially when it comes to publishing articles of scientific publications appeared in the second half of the Case Study 19th century. Then, the number of scientists and also the world. Also, for scientists, a task of publishing certain number of published articles began to grow. During the 20th number of papers in the given time period is strictly set. All century, scientific journals became the basic communication institutions which need quantitative evaluation of research channel in science. Nowadays, the leading journals are work turn toward quantitative scientometric indicators [26, published by commercial publishers and they make above p. 611]. Ortinau [20, p. 153] has emphasized that authors one half of the journal market (Elsevier, Springer, Wiley need to fulfill or even overcome the expectations of the and Taylor & Francis). According to Lariviere et al. [14], reviewers and editorial boards by providing convincing the degree of market concentration, i.e. the presence of and understandable arguments about the significance and these four publishers, is the most prominent in the field relevance of their topic and research question, scientific of social sciences and it amounts to 70%. Monbiot [16] problems they are dealing with and the significance of the emphasizes that publishers of scientific journals are the results and conclusions, thus emphasizing the contribution cruelest capitalists in the Western world. He further points of their study to further development of the sciences. out that their monopoly practices outgrow corporate “Publish or perish” is a widely known and accepted frauds and that it is necessary to establish institutions saying in academic circles, and it emphasizes the importance which would enable fair competition. of academic publishing; in many countries it has led to Recently, a new scientific discipline, scientometrics, the practice that students of doctoral and even master’s was founded with the aim to provide quantitative evaluation studies are obliged to publish in order to obtain a degree of scientific accomplishments. Most commonly, quantitative [5]. This saying actually means that the basic criterion for methods are used to evaluate published papers. That the evaluation of researchers is the number of publications. sphere of scientometrics is usually called bibliometrics. Recently, citations have begun to be used for the same Its aim is to measure scientific and academic contribution purpose and a new saying, “Be cited or die”, appeared. of an individual or an organization through the following Consequently, solidarity among researchers increased and indicators: productivity and citation. Productivity is the number of citations per paper increased. expressed through the number of published and reviewed Klavans and Boyack [11, p. 11] call the authors articles in eminent journals. The number of citations who
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