Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 4-1-1969 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1969). Winona Daily News. 874. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/874 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALONG THE WAY. AMERICANS PAY HIM TRIBUTE The Gentle Warrior Makes His Final Trip Home ABILENE, Kan. (AP) — With Through the Civil War battle- velvet bier of the 34th President ry in World War II. ices. 78-year-old fallen President in a and wept quietly . at the last black crepe drawn across its fields of Virginia, across the of the United States oh this last The burial, beside his first son Nixon was blinking back tears solemn state funeral. hymn: "Onward, Christian Sol- windows, a funeral train hushed mountains of Appalachia, clus- journey . who died in infancy, will be as he left the train station in "The Lord gave and the Lord diers." In the front row sat the tall with sorrow hurried across the ' ters of townspeople gathered by At the rear of the train, came Wednesday in the Eisenhower Washington Monday after the. hath taken away; blessed be the , majesty of America today, car- the railroad tracks in the night the private railroad car of the Center, a memorial library and flag-covered coffin was carried name of the Lord," intoned the frowning figure of Charles da rying Dwight David Eisenhower to pay final homage to the man former President, this time car- chapel built on what was a corn- aboard the funeral car to begin Very Rev. Francis B. Sayre Jr., Gaulle, president of France, home forever. they knew as "Ike." rying his widow on the long trip field when the world leader was the 1,300-mile trip in the twilight dean of the cathedral and comrade in arms of Eisenhower From the grandeur of a state From a crowd in the cold west frcftn Washington. ,, a boy in this frontier cattle town of a chill spring day. grandson of another president, and now, at 78, among the last funeral in the nation's capital, darkness at Charlottesville, Va., At midnight the funeral train at the turn of the century. Nixon led the great of the Woodrow Wilson. of the allied leaders of that bru- the train bore the body , of the rose the soaring words of "The will reach Abilene, the last President Nixon, the political world as they sat on simple The presidential widow, Ma- tal war. gentle warrior back to the broad Battle Hymn of the Republic." scene for the five days of fare- heir whom Eisenhower lived to cane chairs beneath the soaring mie Dcaid Eisenhower, veiled in Lyndon B. Johnson, one of the plains for burial in what was a A battered baggage car, well to the general who led his- see in the White House at last, splendor of the Washington Na- black, held onto the arm of her THE GENTLE boyhood cornfield . flaked by age, carried the black tory's mightiest armies to victo- will fly here for the final serv- tional Cathedral to mourn ' the son John during the services (Continued on Page 2A, Col. 1) THE RIVER Want Ad Yesterday 7.90 Today . 7.87 Crest Sell-E-Pnone 1965 ... 5.39 20.75 1952 ... 7.62 17.93 Number Is 3321! 1951 5.32 17.35 I FOLLOWMG GAS EXPLOSION Report 168 Mexican Coal Miners Trapped MONTERREY, Mexico (AP) the two mine shafts where, ac- The crowds calmed down later. confusion at first" and soldiers — Officials reported 168 miners cording to work list data sup- The mine is at Barrbteran, had to control the grief-stricken are believed trapped today in a plied by the company, the 168 with a population of 8,000 peo- relatives. Later, "when they coal mine ripped by a tremen- men remained trapped. ple, about 75 miles southwest of learned what had to be done, dous methane gas explosion in The lists showed 43 miners the Texas border town of Eagle they calmed down and the sol- Coahuila State. trapped in the No. 3 shaft, Pass. diers were able to control the The blast tore through the where the explosion occurred. "It was a tremendous explo- situation," he said. mine Monday afternoon. As of Officials said it was probably sion, blowing parts of the mine Dr. J. Itamos director of the this morning six bodies had caused by a short circuit. entrance into the air," said Dr. Red Cross hospital in nearby been brought out, said officials Another 125 were trapped in Emilio Lopez of the Barroteran Sabinas, said he doubted any of of the company, Altos Homos de the nearby No. 2 shaft, officials hospital, who witnessed the the men would be found alive. Mexico. They added that one of said. All were believed to be at blast. "We have no injured. "After the explosion they the bodies was that of a rescue a depth of about 1 They were either all killed at could have died from suffoca- ,700 feet. the entrance or trapped below. tion, toxic poisoning or from worker who was overcome by Troops were rushed lllIBUTE TO EISENHOWER . Family and friends of are Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower, son John and his wife Bar- gas. out to The lucky ones had left. burning," le said. Dwight D. Eisenhower pay him tribute at funeral service Mon- bara. At right are President and Mrs. Nixon and daughter control victims' families who Gas still lingered in pockets of left (AP Photofax) rioted at the tunnel extrances. "They were able to take ont day at Washington National Cathedral. In front row, , Tricia. the bodies of some of the dead s miners because they were on SAD PREPA RATION FPU BURIAL COMPLETED their way up and near the exit." The mining company Is one of Mexico's biggest coal produc- ers..; ' Earlier Rolando Villareal, the company's public relations offi- F r iends, N eighbors war f l/ce's Arrival cer, had reported that officials A believed 305 miners were ABILENE, Kan. (AP) -Fel- pected to jam their way into members of his family and a . night.:. " - ¦ sion as some 450 military per- trapped. This figure later was low soldiers, friends and neigh- this northern Kansas communi- few friends. President Nixon and his party sonnel os foot and official reduced by company officials bors of Dwight D. Eisenhower ty of 8,000 which once served as It will remain parked the rest plan to arrive at 9 a.m. Wednes- guests in limousines travel 12 who made further checks. completed^thek.^d.. prepara: til0.Jer.mfflBS..Qi„fte „gld_Chis b|thenjghtn^ day at the airport in nearby Sa- blocks through the Abilene busi- Villareal said methane gas : r " tions today for his burial in his nblm cattle-trail ;: .v ,. fibn»;.aciossJ.E^ JM.liFd cQra^ nesOMoclJo Eisenhower Cen- apparently had accumulated in old home town. The weather forecast was Plaza Theater where Eisenhow- the waiting train about 45 min- ter at the southeast edge of one of the mine pockets and ex- As the funeral train rolled partly cloudy skies and temper, er held his first news conference utes later. towm ploded at 5:45 p.m. shortly after westward from Washington, Ab- atures in the 60s. as a presidential candidate in Shortly after 10 a.m. the 5th. It will take about 45 minutes a shift change. Three miners ilene made ready to accord the The train was expected to ar- 1952. Army band will strike up the to cover the route, which will be who had just finished work nation's 34th president both pub- rive at the Union Pacific depot An honor guard composed of hymn "God of Our Fathers" as flanked with rifle-bearing mem* rushed back into the mine when lic and private memorial serv- late tonight or early Wednesday men from all ffie armed serv- the coffin is transferred to a. bers of the armed services the blast rocked houses in Bar- ices Wednesday. after a 1,300-mile journey bear- ices will watch over the $80 hearse. forming an honor cordon. Dur- roteran. Only one came out, Up to 100,000 persons were ex- ing the body of Eisenhower, steel Army casket during fee Then will begin a slow proces. ing the procession a bell in the saying his companions were chapel, at Eisenhower Center trapped by cave-ins. JUDGE BATTLE will toll' every five seconds. Lopez said there was "a lot of Found Dead As the band plays Martin Lu- AT SERVICE... Mrs. Ma- ther's "A 'Mighty Fortress is mie Eisenhower bows her Our God," the general's casket head during funeral service will be removed from the for her late husband, former hearse and placed on the front President Dwight Eisenhow- Judge Dies; Feel (Continued on Page 2A, Col. 3) er, at Washington National FRIENDS Cathedral Monday. Ray Now May Get Trial by Jury MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) - him to 99 years in prison. Judge W. Preston Battle has Later Judge Battle disclosed Ray had written from the state died of a heart attack , raising penitentiary advising that ha the possibility that James Earl wanted to withdraw his plea and Ray may get the trial by jury stand trial. he now says he wants.
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