CATALOGUE o F THE EXHIBITION I. Paintings FRAU HIRSCH 1907-8. Gal/vas, 36x 29. (H.I) Coli: F. Wolff, Vienna. Lent by Frederick Knize, New York. STILL'LIFE WITH TORTOISE AND HYACINTH 1907--08. Gal/vas,34x 45. (H.4) Coli: Dr. Reichel, Vienna. Lent by The Ausrrian Stare Picture Gallery, Vienna. 1.. LANDSCAPE, HUNGARY I 90S·. ' Canvas, 29x39. (H.8) Coli: Alfred Tietzv-Cologne; The Buchholz Gallery, New York. Lent by J. K. Thannhauser, New York. MoMAExh_0415_MasterChecklist 'f1.17b*4 PORTRAIT OF A BOY 1908. Gal/vas,34x30. (H.9) "'.~~1>".. Coli: Dr. Reichel, Vienna; Galerie Caspari, Munich; Galerie St. Erienne, New York. Lent by Mrs. John W. Blodgett Jr., Porrland, Oregon. HANS AND ERICA TIETZE 1908-09. GamJaS,3ox53l (H.IS) Coli: Dr. Hans Tietze, Vienna. Lent by The Museum of Modern Art, New York, The-Mrs. John D. Rockefeller Jr. Purchase Fund. PETER ALTENBERG 1909. Gal/vas, 30X 28. (H.16) . Lent by Frederick Knize, New York. FRAU LOTTE FRANZOS 1909: Gal/vas, 45xP!. (H.I8) Coli: Mrs. E. L. Franzos, Vienna; Buchholz Gallery, New York. Lent by The Phillips Memorial Gallery, Washingron. RITTER VON JANIKOWSKY 1909-10. Gal/vas, 24x 23. (H.23) I Lent by Frederick Knize, New York. 9. DR. RUDOLF BLUMNER 1910. Canvas, p!x n!. (H.2S) I Coli: Herwarth Walden, Berliu; Cassirer, Berlin. Lent by Mrs. Nell Utech- Walden, Schinznach, Swirzerland. Notes: An asterisk (*) before a title indicates that the; work in question is reproduced in this volume. "Canuas" denotes Oil 011 Canvas. Measurements are to the nearest half ...inch, height preceding width. (H.-) indicates jhe corresponding number in Edith Hoffmann's catalogtle raisonne of Kokoschka's paintings in her book Kokoscbka: Life and Work (London, Faber and Faber, 1947). Whereas "an attempt has been made to date accurately every work exhibited. there are certain minor discrepancies in dating which it has not been possible to rectify. "Cell:" denotes collections to which a given work belonged prior to present ownership. I As the great majority of Kokoschka's works are initialled "O.K .... no indication of signature is I made herein. 81 b ~ I' J "1. t>f.,J>' lb. ~HUGO CARO 1910. Canvas, 35X 2It. (H.29) Lent by Hugo Simon, Rio de Janeiro. "'I./H" *n. THE DUCHESSOF ROHAN'MONTESQUlEU1910. Canvas, 37X 20. (H.3S) Coli: Folkwang Museum, Essen. Lent by Paul E. Geier, Cincinnati. '<'I./lIT>!'I;!. COUNT VERONA 1910. Canvas, 27!X 23· (H.39) ~J Coli: Private Collection, Vienna. Lent by Frederick Knize, New York. )."-1'1.'" 13. HERWARTHWALDEN 1910. Canvas,39!X26l (H'40) , Lent by Mrs. Nell Urech-Walden, Schinznach, Switzerland. ~V71'*1'l: PAUL SCHEERBART1910-11. Canvas, 27X '9" (H.47) Coli: F. Wolff-Knize, Vienna; Dr. Reichel, Vienna. Lent by Frederick Knize, New York. j "1.17'? *15. THE ANNUNCIATION1910-12. Canvas, p!x 48. (H.4S) . Coli: Carl Moll, Vienna. Lent by The Austrian State Picture Gallery, Vienna. r "'./71!. *16. EGON WELLESZ 1910-12. Canvas, 29X 28. (H.53) Coli: Egon Wellesz Vienna; Staatl. Cemaldegalerie, Dresden; Buchholz Gallery, New York. Lent by Joseph H. Hirschhorn, New York. "'.Il~~*17. FRAU DR. K. c.191O. Canvas; 39x 27. (H.43) MoMAExh_0415_MasterChecklist Coli: Dr. Reichel, Vienna. Lent by The Buchholz Gallery, New York. J"''1.nH-*IS. DR. JULIUS SZEPS 1912. Canvas, 2gX 23. (H.65). Coli: Staatsgalerie, Vienna. Lent by The Austrian State Picture Gallery, Vienna. ·".177;Z*19. DANCING COUPLE (GREEN VERSION) 1912-13. Canvas, 49x34l (H.69) Coli: Dr. Reichel, Vienna; Galerie St. Etienne, New York. Lent by Mrs. John W. Blodgett Jr., Portland, Oregon. '1'f.1715"'!'20. SPOSALIZIO 1912-13. Canvas, 40X 25. (H.71) 'I. Coli: Dr. Reichel, Vienna. Lent by Mrs. Elisabeth Lotte Franzos, u Washington. ",0",q*21. PORTRAIT OF THE PAINTER POINTING TO HIS BREAST 1913. Canvas, ::11•. to 32X I9!. (H. So) . Cell: Ludwig Fischer, Frankfort; Museum, Halle. Lent by The Museum of Modern Art, New York. '/II.~.....nt *22. CARL MOLL 1913-14. Canvas, 50'~X37. (H.SS) Coli: Private Collection, Vienna; Staatsgalerie, Vienna. Lent by The Austrian State Picture Gallery, Vienna. I.",.Il;'f':-'!}. TEMPEST 19r4. Canvas, 7' X86. (H.9S) Coli: Otto Winter, Gross..Floubeck; Kunsthalle, Hamburg. Lent by The Kunstrnuseum, .BaSic: "',\\.. ........""" *24· KNIGHT ERRANT 1915. Canvas, 35x 70. (H. 105) 1: Coli: Dr. Reichel, Vienna; Galerie St. Etienne, New York. Lent anony- mously. j~'1.I1"'f25' .LOVERS WITH CAT 1915-19. Canvas,36!X51. (H.nS) Coli: Hugo Benario, Berlin. Lent by The Kunsthaus, Zurich, Switzerland:- S2 I '1,.lnY't:3-6. ELBE BRIDGE, DRESDEN I 1920. Canvas, 23!XPt. (H. 125) Lent by The Detroit Institute of Am. -j'?'hll*27. ELBE BRIDGE, DRESDEN II 1920. Canvas, J2x 44. (H.126) Coli: Staar!' Cemaldegalerie, Dresden; Buchholz Gallery, New York. Lent by The Art Insritute of Chicago, Joseph Winterbotham Collection. II '11.1117*2'8. GIRL WITH FLOWERS AND BIRDCAGE 1920. Canvas, SOX31t. (H.128) Coli: Paul Cassirer, Berlin. Lent by Mrs. Charlotte S. Mack, San Francisco. ;';',IW'l'.29. MOTHER AND CHILD c.1920. Canvas, 43x 28. (H.139) Lent by Benno Elkan London. q'.Ill'f3o. LAKE GENEVA 1924. Canvas, 27x37l (H.168) Coil: Stadtisches Museum, 'Ulm; Galerie Fischer, Lucerne. Lent by' Mrs. Frederick A. Geier, Cincinnati. r N.ts.nt*JI: PARIS, THE OPERA 1924. Canvas,46tX24t· (H. I 70) Coil: Kunsthalle, Bremen; Buchholz Gallery, New York. Lent by J. K. Thannhauser, New York. ,/,.n7~*J2. ARNOLD SCHONBERG 1924. Canvas, 39x30· (H.172) Lent by Frederick Knize, New York. t 'fVnr33. AlGUES MORTES 1925. Canvas, 30X 40. (H.182) MoMAExh_0415_MasterChecklist Lent by Mrs. Charlotte S. Mack, San Francisco. "'7-111'3 *3t. NUDE IN LANDSCAPE NEAR AVIGNON 1925. Canvas, lSX 18. (H.186) Lent by Dr. W. R. Valentiner, Los Angeles. "v7!'cl *35. MARSEILLES 1925. Canvas, 28x 29· (H.194) . ' Coli: Buchholz Gallery, New York. Lent by The Ciry Art Museum, St. Louis. Y'f.l7iO*36. PARIS, JARDIN DES TUILERIES 1925. Canvas, 28!x39t. (H.198) Coil: Paul Cassirer, Berlin.. Lent by The Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon. "'l.' 78)\'l7 •. TOWER BRIDGE 1925-26. Canvas,3oxsa. (H.200) Coil: Kunsthalle, Hamburg; Galerie Fischer, Lucerne. Lent by JoseJ*! ~ von Sternberg, New York. ).".1751*38. ADIh.E ASTAIRE 1926. Canvas,37txS1t. (H.201) NO\ uk Lent by Paul Cassirer, Amsterdam. "~./no*39. LONDON BRIDGE (GREAT THAMES VIEW) 1926. Canvas,3stxS1. (H.205) Coli: Paul Cassirer, Berlin; Galerie St. Etienne, New York. Lent by The Albrighr Art Gallery, Buffalo (Courtesy ofrhe Room of Contemporary Art). J 'f~.';'-3*40. THE MANDRILL 1926. Canvas, Sox 40. (H.207) Lent by Paul Cassirer, Amsterdam. ', J.".I7,""'). *,41. DEER 1926. Canvas, 51 x3S· (H.209) \ 1 Private Collection, Los Angeles. ( J'1'. n,,/ *42. LAC D'ANNECY 1927. Call vas, 28x36. (H.216) N.t ...~. Coil: Galerie St. Etienne, New York; Private Collection, Sanra Monica, California. Lent by Dr. W. Feilchenfeldt, Zurich, Switzerland. 83 I !by'! q'1:I1~'*43. COURMAYEUR ET LES DENTS DES GEANTS 1927. Calwas,35!x52. (H.217) Coli: Marcell von Nemes; Buchholz Gallery, New York. Lent by The Phillips Memorial Gallery, Washington. qC j f:Il'o *'\4. LYON 1927. Call vas, 26X51. (H.218) \ Privare Collection, Los Angeles. L .,.at~",\45. GIANT TURTLES 1927. Canvas, 37X 47-~' (H.220) Coli: Fritz Rothmann, Berlin. Private Collection, Englan~'11~" "q./f02,...* 46. EXODUS, COL DE SFA, NEAR BISKRA 1928. Canvas, 35 x.ggl: (H.224) Lent by Mrs. Max M. Warburg, New York. v(y n" ~47. DOLCE BRIDGE, SCOTLAND 1929. Canvas, 2gx36l (H.230) Not e.--.~ Private Collection, Los. Angeles. ( 1 /'1'1:.1710*48. ALGERIENNE AU TONNEAU 1930. Canvas, 32X 40. (H.236) Coli: Mme. Wanda Kofler, Paris. Lent' by Marcel Fleischmann, Zurich, through Paul Orey Gallery, New York. J'1'-"" ~49. ANTICOLI: HARVEST IN THE SABINE MOUNTAINS 1930. Canvas, 33 X 47- . (H.238). Lent by Marcel Fleischmann, Zurich, through Paul Orey Gallery, New York. MoMAExh_0415_MasterChecklist ",.t- ~"t*50. VIENNA, VIEW FROM WILHELMINENBERG 1931. Canvas,36x531t- (H.248) Lent by the Municipality of Vienna. <('I. lilT If" ,51. T. G. MASARYK 1936. Canvas,37x50. (H.263) Coli: Dr. Hugo Feigl, New York. Lent by Paul V. Eisner, Ne'Y York. ",et ~....\ 52. VIEW OF PRAGUE 1934. Canvas. Lent by The Austrian State PiclU.re Gallery, Vienna, ",o\-~"t*53. PRAGUE, CHARLES BRIDGE 1934-37. Canvas. (H.277) Coli: Hugo Feigl, Prague. Lent by The Museum of Modern Art, Prague. q'.1791 *54· SELF,PORTRAIT WITH HAT 1934-37. Canvas, 19X 14. (H.278) Lent by the Galerie St. Etienne, New York. '1'/.1787*5.5. THE FOUNTAIN 1936-38 (begun 1921-24). Calwas, 65x5g. (H.281) Lent by The Buchholz Gallery, New York. Jq'I1" *56. SELF,PORTRAIT OF A DEGENERATE ARTIST 1937. Canvas, 33?!x 43?!. (H.282) Coli: Emil Korner, Port William. Lent by the Artist. j ",.17>'-*57. WHAT WE ARE FIGHTING FOR 1942-43. Canvas, 46x 60. (H.301) Lent by the Artist. j ''''.I1'-G,at :*58 . CATHLEEN, COUNTESS OF DROGHEDA 1943. Canvas, 4ox30!. (H. 307) Lent by the Artist. - " I I / ..,.17'-'(*59. THE MATTERHORN (MONT CERVIN) 1947. Canvas, 3S!x 47l Lent by Hermann Liitjens, Zurich, Swiizerland. j'l ,.115ft *60. MONTANA 1947. Canvas. Lent by the Kunsthaus, Zurich, Switzerland. I. , PORTRAIT OF DR. REINHART. 1947. Canvas. Lent by the Artist. ¥f.181562. PORTRAIT OF AN ART COLLECTOR 1948. Canvas, 4ox30. ND~ <""'. Lent by Henry Pearlman, New York. J II. Sculpture ~~"" *63. SELF,PORTRAIT (PAINTED CLAY SCULPTURE). Height 16 inches. Lent by Blanche Bonesfll. New York. Q.... III. Lithographs From the 20 Draw;,zgs senes; Berlin, Sturm' Verlag. roro, ""f> '.1 "6 .~ ADOLF LOOS.
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