The Weather Se~ing the State 10uc!J and colda- &ollar "-""'"1IIIf!,I'J University of Iowa with ..-Ible mow. Panly ,. cloud, and IIOt 50 col d 'the Reds'~ Campus and, unda,. H.,.b today, 16; s out of 818. • low, 9. I14b Friday, %9; e error in 142 Iowa City low 16. showed an im Llre. The vetera' !d 273 chance: Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa. Saturday. Dec. 27, 1952 - Vol. 97. No. 65 ~ Brooklyn ~, . ~rs fielded )le 1852 but Hea~ t chance., 7J. ~""' I OR ~IO Total Already 291 239 ~ith 2 Days Left I ,R1DI0 Now, but Picked for Inaugural Parade Ma,... :B, The A3IIOClated Press Asks Premier • The mounting toll of Christmas holiday ttaffic deaths appeared headed Friday night for a grim for Concrele all-time record. ' With more than two days of the extended weekend remaining, the Proposals - Nation's auto tatality mark reach- ed 305. Ot\ler types of accidents LONDON (JP) _ Prime Minister ( WASHINGTO~ (JP) - The Ei- took 80 lives, including 37 lost in Churchill Is sailing tor New YOl'k senhower administration held the lires. Violent deaths from all ae.- on New Year's Eve to discu$ the door open Friday for diplomatic cident causes numbered 385. Korean War, Western defenfes negolintibns with Generalissimo Traf1le tatillilies were running and other world problems inlor- Stalin and at the same time pre- well ahead ot those for the record ,' mally with President-elect Eisel)- pared to en,age in important talks fow'-day holiday-Chrislmas, 1936, hower. He will fly to JamBica with British Prime Minister when 5/55 persons were killed by later lor a vacation. Churchill In the tirst days of the auto mishap~ and 761 !rom all Churchill's office made. the an- new year. types of accidents. I ,nouncement Frtday. It said he These developments helgilum- The rate of highway slaughter would have "Informal talks" with ed speculation ov r the possibll- approxima~d 1950's disastrous Eisenhower. InCdrmed diplomatic .. Ity of an eventual Big ThrN record tor a shorter, three-day iources outlined the global topics m tin, IIlmed at easing world Christmas period when 545 were the two will discu'ss. They said lelUion. It appeared certllin that killed hy cars. The overall toll for Ohurchill also wants a preview of II discussion of th advantag and that period was 72ol. thepoilcies Eiscnhower toward Britain's administration's trade and d'Isa d vantages ot an Eisen h ower- The National Safety council, THE PERRICONE QUADRUPLETS from Beaumont, Tex., wave financial situation ' beforc the St Un-Churchill se sion, perhaP which predicted a record 590 traf- from deck of the U.S. Navy ship General W. F. Hade at San Fran- White House changes hands Jan. includln, other lead rs a weU, fic deaths for the present period- cisco as they arrive home from Korea with a contingent of 2,856 20, would come up during th meet- from 6 p.m. local time Wedncs- GI veis. The "A-B-C-O" Perri cones, 23, are the only quadB ever After about three days in New ings of the President-elect and the day to midnight Sunday, said it3 drafted Into UJe U.S. Army, and are due for discharge Jan. t. From Yot'k-where he will be the gyest Prime Minlst r at New York 10 gloomy forecast now appears con- left: Anthony, Bernard, Carl, Donald. of his old friend, Bernard Baruch . ,,'_.. , days b JlC • servative. -Churchill will stop of! in Wuh- Favorable Attitude The re'cQrd 414-day Christmas Interceding for Murderess _ ington "to .\Jay his respects 'i to CARRYING COLORS OF TIU:IR REGIMl:NT , 70 sera-eants picked to march tn Inaue-ural parade of In a que tlon-and-answer ex- Iraffic toll of 555 in 1936 figures ' ' PresldeJlt Truman." I president-elect Eisenhower Jan. 20 pa s in revJew In Korea. Revlewlnll' them In U.S. 8th Army com- change with th New York Tim s ?bout 1~~,56 each 24 hours. Dur- G B . IS ' I. Word FoUoWll Stalin's mander· Gen. James A. Van r. eel (laluUnl', ",Ill)· Beside Van Fleet (also saluUDJ') Is Capt, Jo eph B. made public on Christmas doy, lng . 19505 th,ree-day 78-hour roup umps In 0 egrega Ion T~e a~ouncement 01 the Ch.u r- Love, Phoenix Ariz., who wll lead the eonUDJ'ent. Stalin expr sed a !avorabl nttl- Chnstmas per~\ld, the 545 death Chlll trip came less than 48 hou~s " tud toward a meeUn with Els- toll equalled about 166 a day. aitcr PrIme Minister Stalin,] In SUI A t $25 000 nh H I lid R I I The <leaths by states traffic L R b Ifed bTl d' al1swers to a New York Times I!or- ' ' ccep s Ex MI'am"1 Detectl'ye e ower. e 8 0 sa u a s lire and miscellaneou~: ' 'aws· e u y a ma gu respo,ndent, had deci~rcd Rl.jSsln . ' - ~!~~ested In ending the Korcil n Alabama 3 0 1: Arizona 4 2 0; r " was Interested In end10g the 4lar I R Sh ltD Ih b r Arkansas 3 0 1; California 19 3 0; LOvEJOY, Ga. (IP) _ Six. white 10 Korea and, that he looked !ayor- nitsG-I ' I or esearch 0 0 ea y Jon John FoS~ r Dull ,who Is to be Colorado 2 0 O' Connecticut I 1 0' nd f N . I ' abJy on Ihe idea of a face-Io-tace Eisenhower I secretary of staic, Delaware 1 0' 0; Florida 2 0 o;? . our egro women In erc~d- p~d them a mile away when ~e.y !peeting with Eisenhower to ease '.. D" F "I F" hi today cMIl ngcd StllJin to back up Georgia 5 0 2; Jdalw 1 0 0; Illinois ~n~ ~o: Rosa Lee Ingram, con~"c- trled to pay a Chn.stmas day VIS,lt world tensions. , . GlttS and grants t?taling approx- unng ami Y Ig his remark, with "concrete ])1'0- 16 1 1; Inlliana 16 0 0; Iowa 4 1 3; ~ .g;o murder~ss, ~umped .JOto to ~rs,. Ingram \n. the Georgla Bresumably, the possibility of a Imately $25,000 With more than S. A. Long of Wichita, Kans., posals." Dulles said the way for ~nsas 2 1 0; Kentucky 6 0 2; eorgla s segregat on aws Friday pemten.bary at ReIdsville. She meeting wIth Stalin will be dh- haU ot the total marked for can- HOMESTEAD, Fin. (JP}:-James such o~lur s Is always open Louisiana 9 2 0; and were rebuffed by Gov. Her- complaIned that the troopers were cussed ill New York if ElsenhowE'r cel' research-have been accepted ~IlVO $2,000 to the Iowa school of O. Barkel', formcr chief of Miami through -dIplomatic or United Na- Maryland S 3 0; Massachusett.\ man Talmadge. arm~d. has not taken a dcflnite posi~ioa for the SUI by the finance com- rcIlglon to be used for the com- detectives and a prominent figure tions nels, lind that they is i (; i'IItehl«an 13 0 3~ Minnesota 1 The iov~rno~:~tused to dISj;~ss Guarcllq &alDat Wot Dn the. qucsUon l!.efgrc CJtW'c:hUI rnlttce or £be .state board of edu- pletlon o{ the memoirs of O. D. in the fnmous Oakes murder tri,II would be liS r ou ly and sympll- 5 0 0; M;lsslssippi' 5 0 0; Missouri ~3emency Id o~f ~ contro~~r5~I , The govel'nor replied that the a)rives. cation, UniversJty President Virgil Fosier one of the founders or the in Nassau in 1943, was lOlled Fri- thelically received." 11 1 0; Nebra~ka 1 0 0; Nevada N -yeayr-o e- ermer WI e state merely"was guarding against Bcfore the elections that return- M. Hancher has announced. schOOl' day by his son, James Jr. London r action to Statin's k 1 () O''. New Hampshite 2.'. 0 3' New linkedew orherself group, with one anof agencywhom a pOSSIble, not., , edffi himCh to tileh'll Primeh d . dMinister'' t d h s L argest smgle. grant was $6,480 .,1,700 to Math Project A stee I- j DC kide e b u II ei ( rom n statement had mad plain that the e JerSeYy3 k3 ;6' ~e2wNMetxhlcoC 3 °.0, twice tagged Communist and sub "I read," he said, "that the same °ta ce'd urcthl I alghlnl Icla e t from the U. S. public health scr- Th N tl 1 Sc' ~ d .38 police special rcvolver cnded Brili h want to be in on any Stal- N4 ewI 6; Ohioor .. 30 ..0 l'; or aro1 lOa verslve. He indirl!ctly' compared- group, th e CI VI' I R~g' hIS ~ongress, ingvore with anoStalin. er 1 - eve mee - v If'ce or lesearc h und er th e d'Irec- , a a ona Icnce ~oun a- the 49-year-old Barker's life. Hl& i n-E n h ower coruerence. W h II Oklahoma 9 0 O' Penns lvania their visit with a New York dem- demonstrated at Sang .Sang for A Rel1llar Vlslt.or ~Ion of Theodore Winnick, assoc- Ilon. presented $1,700 for a mathe- son said the gun went off In a the policies of the Eisenhower 20 1 2; South CaroH'na 7 03: South onstration for Julius and Ethel Mrs. Rosenberg, ,a convicted tr~lt- The 78-year-old Prime Minister, late profes~or, of bioc.hemistry in mahc.s project of Harry T.
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