The Magazine of the ASSOCI atION OF MANITOBA MUNICIPALITIES F A L L 2 0 0 9 AMM 11th Annual Convention NEW FEATURE: MemORABLE MANITOBA KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Dr. David Foot The Honourable Dr. David Barber Roméo Dallaire PM40065075 Child Friendly Planning • Manitoba’s Bilingual Communities 30 TABLE OFContents The Magazine of the ASSOCIATION On the 30 36 OF MANITOBA MUNICIPALITIES F A L L 2 0 0 9 Cover: AMM 11th Annual Convention The AMM’s 11th NEW FEATURE: MEMORABLE Annual Convention MANITOBA promises to be exciting and informative for all KEYNOTE SPEAKERS delegates Dr. David Foot The Honourable Dr. David Barber Roméo Dallaire PM40065075 Child Friendly Planning • Manitoba’s Bilingual Communities FEATURES Departments President’s Report . 4 2009 AMM Long Service Awards . 18 Executive Director’s Report . 5 FCM’s wake-up call . .28 In Brief . 6 And Furthermore . 8 Memory Matters – Part 2 of a 2-part series . .30 Education . 11 MMAA Report . 12 Child friendly land-use Municipal Profile . 14 & transportation planning guidelines . .34 NEW: Memorable Manitoba . 16 Update from the Policy Department . 24 Service Canada in your community . .36 Upcoming Events . 27 2009 AMM Convention . .39 Municipal Ideas . 30 Insurance . 77 Public libraries – a resource for Manitobans . .66 Legal Corner . 80 MTCML . 82 Manitoba’s bilingual communities . .70 Candid Camera . 84 Professional Directory . 90 Les municipalités bilingues du Manitoba . 73 Reach our Advertisers . 92 A M M M I S SION Municipal Leader is published quarterly by Publication management and production by: A M M M I S SION the Association of Manitoba Municipalities. STATEM ENT TheSTA AssociationTE ofM ManitobaEN MunicipalitiesT Send change of address to: identifiesThe Association and addresses of Manitoba the Municipalitiesneeds and Association of Manitoba Municipalities concernsidentifies ofand its addressesmembers thein order needs to and achieve 1910 Saskatchewan Avenue W. strongconcerns and of effective its members municipal in order government. to achieve Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0P1 3rd Floor - 2020 Portage Avenue strong and effective municipal government. Ph: (204) 856-2366 Fax: (204) 856-2370 Winnipeg, MB R3J 0K4 e-mail: [email protected] Ph: (204) 985-9780 Fax: (204) 985-9795 www.amm.mb.ca e-mail: [email protected] www.kelman.ca Publications Mail Agreement #40065075 Editor-in-Chief: Lynne Bereza Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Managing Editor: Terry Ross [email protected] Art Design/Production: Theresa Kurjewicz Advertising Manager: Dave Gill Do your part for the environment, Advertising Coordinator: Lauren Campbell reuse and recycle. Note: The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily the views of the AMM or its Board. Contents may not be reproduced without the express consent of the publisher. Municipal Leader | Fall 2009 3 PRESIDENT’SReport AMM Board OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT Councillor Doug Dobrowolski INTO a busy season RM of Macdonald Doug Dobrowolski, President VICE-PRESIDENT, RURAL Reeve Roger Wilson RM of Birtle With the lazy days of summer behind to discuss the issue of roles and respon- VICE-PRESIDENT, URBAN us, it is time to look forward to the sibilities – a key piece of the alternate Mayor Shirley Kalyniuk always busy autumn months. The latter revenue puzzle. This was an excellent Town of Rossburn part of summer was especially interest- opportunity to present the AMM’s con- ing, with major changes taking place in cerns and served to enhance our dia- the provincial political scene. I would logue with the Province. DIRECTORS be remiss if I did not begin by wishing Late summer also brought an Premier Gary Doer all the best as he unwelcome announcement from Grey- Councillor Ralph Groening takes his new post as Canadian Ambas- hound Canada. The company’s inten- RM of Morris sador to the United States. The AMM met tion to terminate passenger bus service Mayor Melvin Klassen with Premier Doer many times over the in Manitoba and northwestern Ontario Town of Altona years to discuss municipal issues, and on October 2 greatly concerned our we truly appreciate his dedication to the members and would have created undue Reeve Alice Bourgouin people of our province. I am certain he hardships for individuals who rely on bus RM of Rosser will represent our nation with the same service to attend medical appointments. Mayor Randy Sigurdson dedication. The AMM moved on this issue Town of Arborg As I write this message the leader- immediately, first by meeting with the ship race is in full-swing and by the time Province and then by taking the issue to Reeve George Harbottle this issue is published Manitoba will the Federation of Canadian Municipal- RM of Alexander have a new Premier. Our 11th Annual ities (FCM) Board of Directors meeting Councillor Art Rempel Convention really could not come at a in early September. Our efforts resulted City of Steinbach better time, as it will very likely be one in the Province striking a working group of the first major events the new cabinet to create a strategy to resolve the issue, Reeve Randy Lints will take part in. AMM priorities have and FCM adopting an emergency reso- RM of Hamiota not taken a backseat during this time lution. A positive outcome resulted on Mayor Eileen Clarke of change, however, as we raised our September 16, when it was reported that Town of Gladstone number one issue – the need for alter- Minister of Transport Ron Lemieux had nate revenue for infrastructure – with a successful meeting with officials from Reeve Ron Kostyshyn all three leadership candidates. It is an Greyhound Canada. Both parties agreed RM of Mossey River issue the new Premier will hear often, to continue negotiating with no disrup- Councillor Betty Nykyforak beginning with our annual meeting with tion in passenger bus service. The AMM Town of Roblin Cabinet that typically takes place during is very pleased with this decision and Convention. with the work done by the Province on Councillor Alan Ransom We also placed the need for alternate this issue. RM of Morton revenue at the forefront of our federal Convention is approaching quickly, Councillor Maxine Chacun budget submission, and it was the topic the season is changing, and before we Town of Virden of a meeting involving Mayor Sam Katz, know it winter will be upon us. Life is Mayor Dave Burgess and myself in late full of change, but no matter what the Councillor Oswald Sawh August. Most recently, I met with Mani- season, or who is in government, one City of Thompson toba’s Intergovernmental Planning Board thing will not change – our commitment Councillor Karen MacKinnon (made up of deputy ministers from each to work on behalf of our members. City of Flin Flon provincial department) in early October See you in Brandon! Councillor Russ Wyatt City of Winnipeg Ernie Epp President of the Manitoba Municipal Administrators’ Association | 4 Municipal Leader Fall 2009 Click here to return to Table of Contents EXECUTIVE DIRECTor’SReport Contact the AMM STAFF Joe Masi Executive Director 856-2360 BIGGEST event of the year [email protected] Joe Masi, Executive Director Linda Hargest Director of Administration & Marketing 856-2361 As I pen this message Manitoba is will not disappoint. In fact, we’ve put [email protected] delighting in warm, sunny, July-like tem- extra effort into our plenary sessions peratures – in mid-September. It is almost this year, due to the unavailability of the Tyler MacAfee nd enough to lull us into a sense that autumn 2 floor of the Keystone Centre. Due to Director of Policy & Communications is not approaching quite as quickly as it is. renovations, we are unable to access the 856-2362 However, warm weather aside, the AMM rooms typically used for breakout ses- [email protected] office is buzzing with activity as our staff sions. While these sessions only affect one afternoon of the entire event, we prepare for the biggest event of the year – Julia Green th want to ensure our plenary sessions and the 11 Annual Convention. Administrative Assistant - keynote addresses more than make up I am very much looking forward to Board & Administration for this void by not only meeting, but this year’s event, perhaps due in part 856-2365 exceeding your expectations. Our key- to its very positive theme – What If? A [email protected] world of opportunities. These words note speakers this year were chosen to really do bring to mind the vast potential do just that! Lynne Bereza and excitement that is again beginning to You will hear Dr. David Foot, Communications Coordinator build in Manitoba communities. Although world-renowned demographics expert 856-2366 we have come through some very trying and author of the Boom, Bust and Echo st [email protected] economic times, things do seem to be on bestsellers. You will also hear from 21 the upswing. It is time to once again look Century Arctic Explorer Dr. David outward and upward, and we have planned Barber. This former climate change Patti De Baets a schedule of events throughout Conven- skeptic is now a convert and he has the Finance Coordinator tion that will help you do just that. research to explain why. 856-2367 To kick things off, we have an exciting Finally, you will have the once in a [email protected] and intriguing plenary planned around lifetime opportunity to hear Lieutenant how to create an “inclusive” community. General, the Honourable Roméo Dal- Erika Rempel We’ve gathered a panel of experts – young laire, Retired, Senator. Senator Dallaire Administrative Assistant - and old, able-bodied and people with dis- really needs no introduction. The author Policy & Communications abilities, new immigrants, and others – to of Shake Hands with the Devil is quite 856-2369 give us their perspectives on what it takes simply a true hero with an unbelievable [email protected] to make our communities truly one-for-all.
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