Vol. 13, No. 3 BIRD CALLS October 2009 Victory for Spotted Owl Conservation IN THIS ISSUE merican Bird Conservancy Act for Songbirds Bill and other conservation Advances. Senate Committee groups are celebrating a July reauthorizes the Neotropical Aannouncement by Secretary of the Migratory Bird Conservation Interior Ken Salazar that the Bureau Act (NMBCA) at higher levels. of Land Management will withdraw Story page 5. the Western Oregon Plan Revisions (WOPR), a controversial logging plan Study Finds Outdoor Cats affecting federal forests in the state. Easy Prey for Coyotes. The Secretary also announced that de- Spotted Owl: Implications for safety of cat cisions by the previous administration ClipArt.com colonies; recommendations to reduce designated Critical Habitat include keeping cats indoors. Administration to withdraw the for the Northern Spotted Owl and Story page 7. Oregon logging plan. implement a flawed Recovery Plan for the species were also being reversed. “These are important steps toward conserving Northern Spotted Owls, ABC is a plaintiff in a lawsuit seeking Marbled Murrelets, and other threat- to halt the Recovery Plan, and has led ened species that rely on old-growth advocacy efforts in conjunction with forest, and in assuring the integrity members of the Bird Conservation of forest management in the Pacific Alliance to convince the Obama continued on page 2 LaTourrette, Peter Warbler: Hooded www.birdphotography.org ABC Petitions EPA to Ban Import of Pesticide-Treated EPA Puts Brakes on Bird-Killing Pesticide Foods. Ban to include crops n May 2009, the U.S. most deadly pesticides to birds still on containing any traces of 13 Environmental Protection Agency the market. It is responsible for the toxic pesticides. Story page 9. (EPA) announced its final deci- deaths of millions of wild birds since Big Wins for Birds On Ision to ban any residues of the highly its introduction in 1967, including National Forests. Federal toxic pesticide carbofuran on food. Bald and Golden Eagles, Red-tailed judge strikes down 2008 forest Carbofuran is an insecticide sold Hawks, and migratory songbirds,” planning regulations that elimi- under the name Furadan by FMC said George Fenwick, President of nated key wildlife protections. Corporation. The agency’s decision ABC. “This EPA decision marks a Story page 11. confirms a proposed action first an- huge victory for wildlife and the nounced in July 2008, and will ef- environment.” ABC Calls for Action to fectively make it impossible for the Halt Mountaintop Mining. Most uses of carbofuran on food pesticide to be used on any food crop. Proposed bill to halt environ- crops were voluntarily cancelled by This rule becomes effective December mentally devastating practice. FMC in March 2009 following a 31, 2009 to allow for existing stocks Story page 15. proposal by EPA to ban all applica- to be used. For complete list of stories, tions. However, FMC is still fighting see page 2. “Carbofuran causes neurological to maintain other uses, including field damage in humans, and is one of the continued on page 2 BIRD CALLS CONTENTS Spotted Owl Conservation Victory, from page 1 Victory for Spotted Owl Conservation 1-2 EPA Puts Brakes on Bird-Killing Pesticide 1-2 Northwest,” said Steve Holmer, ABC’s forests of the Pacific Northwest hold ABC’s Viewpoint: A Critical Time for 3 Decisions on Wind Power Director of the Bird Conservation a globally significant carbon store that Scientists to Investigate Impacts of Wind Energy on Migratory Wildlife 4 Alliance. “The decision to withdraw should be preserved. House Passes Bill to Authorize Joint Ventures 4 the Western Oregon Plan Revisions The WOPR did not undergo con- Act for Songbirds Update: Bill Passes Senate 5 will not only help protect Spotted Owl Committee; Awaits Full Vote sultation under Section 7 of the and Marbled Murrelet habitat, but Reserve Expansion Aids Threatened Species 6 Endangered Species Act, and so en- in Brazil and Peru will also assure that the vast storehouse Bird Trade Continues to Harm Endangered 6 dangered species experts at FWS and Species in South America of carbon contained in these mature National Marine Fisheries Service did Study Finds Outdoor Cats Easy Prey for Coyotes, 7 and old-growth forests is left intact.” Recommends Keeping Cats Indoors not review the plan’s impacts. As a re- Will the Hawaiian Hawk be Removed from the 8 Endangered Species List? The WOPR would have tripled old- sult, the Secretary announced that the ABC Petitions EPA to Ban Import of Food 9 growth logging on federal forests in WOPR was legally indefensible and Containing Pesticide Residues EPA to Review Pesticide Impacts on 10 Oregon managed by the Bureau of must be withdrawn. Endangered Species in the Bay Area Land Management. An estimated EPA Registers Harmful Rodenticide, Opens 10 “This announcement represents not Door to Bird Poisonings 680 known Spotted Owl sites and only a victory for the owls and mur- Big Wins for Birds on National Forests 11 600 Marbled Murrelet sites, as well as New Study to Help Spectacular Hummingbird 12 relets, but for the scientists within the significant additional old-growth habi- Loggerhead Shrikes Clings On in Canada 12 federal government who have strug- States and Communities Tackling Light 13 tat needed for young owls to safely Pollution Harmful to Migratory Birds gled to be heard in past years,” said disperse would have been eliminated. Saltmarsh Birds Threatened by Sea-Level Rise 14 Holmer. “This decision is an encourag- Threatened wild-salmon stocks would Mexican Wetland Threatened with Development 14 ing step in re-establishing the role of FWS Enforces Migratory Bird Treaty Act 15 also have been impacted. ABC Calls for Action to Halt Mtn-top Mining 15 good science in the decision-making Contaminants Plague Osprey in Chesapeake Bay 16 A National Academy of Sciences process”. Contact Steve Holmer, ABC, Two Bird Species Proposed for Canadian Listing 16 Selenium, Ducks, and the Great Salt Lake 17 study (www.pnas.org/content/106/ <[email protected]>. Idaho Plan to Kill Pelicans Lacks Justification 17 28/11635.full.pdf) has found that the Former Shooting Swamp Now a Bird Sanctuary, 18 but Annual Shorebird Slaughter Continues ABC Works to Include AZE in Convention 19 on Biological Diversity ABC Puts Brakes on Pesticide, from page 1 Nesting Sites Found for Rare Peruvian Tern 19 New Greater Sage-Grouse Numbers May 20 Influence FWS Listing Decision corn, potatoes, pumpkins, and sun- congratulate EPA for standing up for Montana Easement Protects Habitat for 20 flowers. Revoking all food tolerances science and the public interest in the Migrant Waterfowl Ashy Storm-Petrel Not Endangered, Says 21 will effectively end carbofuran use on face of an industry pressure campaign. Interior Department these crops, but EPA is still pursuing American Bird Conservancy and the Obama Administration Confronts ESA Backlog 21 full cancelation based on “unreason- Natural Resources Defense Council Birds in Brief 22-23 ABC’s Planned Giving - The Future for Birds 24 able ecological and worker risks.” petitioned EPA to cancel all import tolerances for carbofuran residues on Abbreviations: A government Scientific Advisory food, and this decision complies with BLM: Bureau of Land Management Panel reviewed the decision in 2008, EPA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that petition.” FWS: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and agreed with EPA that the pesticide USDA: U.S. Department of Agriculture poses an unreasonable risk to the en- Rice and coffee are particularly im- USGS: U.S. Geographical Survey vironment, particularly birds, and that portant crops, as many U.S. migrant there was no evidence to recommend birds use coffee plantations and rice Bird Calls is the newsletter of American Bird reversing EPA’s decision to cancel all fields while overwintering in Latin Conservancy and is produced for members of ABC and the Bird Conservation Alliance. carbofuran uses. America. The revocation of all food tolerances, therefore, has international Editors: George Fenwick, Steve Holmer, “Despite overwhelming scientific Mike Parr, Gemma Radko, Darin Schroeder, implications. “After this ruling, coun- Gavin Shire, George Wallace. evidence of carbofuran’s extreme tries wishing to export these foods AMERICAN BIRD CONSERVANCY toxicity and the availability of safer 1731 Connecticut Ave, NW, 3rd Floor to the United States must stop using Washington, DC 20009 alternatives, FMC Corporation carbofuran on crops including coffee, 202-234-7181/fax 202-234-7182 continues to do everything it can to E-mail: [email protected] rice, bananas and sugarcane,” said Fry. Web: www.abcbirds.org keep this chemical on the market,” Contact Michael Fry, ABC, Bird Conservation Alliance said Michael Fry, ABC’s Director www.birdconservationalliance.org <[email protected]>. of Conservation Advocacy. “We 2 OCTOBER 2009 ABC’S VIEWPOINT A Critical Time for Decisions on Wind Power t can come as little surprise to learn that wind power is Conservation groups on the committee, and American Bird the fastest growing energy sector in the United States. Conservancy separately in public comments, have drawn a Wind farms are springing up in every state, and the line in the sand, demanding protection for grassland birds. IDepartment of Energy forecasts 175,000 new turbines to As a result, industry has agreed to large “no-go” buffer be installed before 2030 in the quest to supply 20% of zones around leks (breeding display grounds), tentatively the nation’s energy needs with this renewable, non-CO2 proposed at three to five miles for sage-grouse and 1.5 miles producing source. Unfortunately, areas with reliable, high for prairie-chickens. This would mean substantial areas of winds are often prime habitat for wildlife; from the wide the Great Plains, including portions of Kansas, Wyoming, expanses of open plains that are key breeding grounds for and Idaho, would be off-limits to wind development.
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