m editorial New Aumkening WHILE TRAVELING recently fundamentals of Christianity is minisTfy through the New England encouraging. Discerning leaders VOL. 50, NO. 9_______ States, I made it a point to visit among the more liberal main stream Protestant churches, as International Journal of the Northampton, Massachusetts, Seventh-day Adventist scene of the great American re well as within the Roman Cath Ministry vival of 1734-1735 and 1740- olic communion, are urging a re 1743. The Awakening began turn to the basics of the gospel. Editorial Director: with a series of sermons on the The commendatory work of Pope N. R. Dower subject of righteousness by faith, John XXIII and Vatican II, in not preached by Jonathan Edwards only opening the way for laymen Editor: to his congregation. Only a stone to read the Bible for themselves J. R. Spangler slab marks the spot where his but encouraging them to do so, is Executive Editors: church stood. Nevertheless, what perhaps the most promising O. M. Berg happened there soon spread to event to occur within the Roman Leo R. Van Dolson neighboring New Hampshire, communion in recent times. Associate Editors: and even into Connecticut. 3. Revivals have always been E. E. Cleveland associated with much prayer. R. Dederen News of the Northampton re A. E. Schmidt vival reached England, where an Visiting Wesley©s house (now a D. Skoretz account of it was written up and museum in London), one is circulated by Isaac Watts and deeply impressed with the little Health Editor: John Guyse, and later John upstairs prayer room from J. Wayne McFarland, M.D. Wesley sent out another. In 1740 whence came much of his power. Associate Health Editors: George Whitefield visited North So also with Whitefield, to whom Marjorie Baldwin, M.D. ampton, and although the re prayer became his native air. Herald Habenicht, M.D. vival seems to have ceased there "Oh, what sweet communion had Mervyn Hardinge, M.D. as quickly as it began, it burst I daily vouchsafed with God in Allan Magie forth into a mighty flame that prayer!" he exclaimed. Editorial Assistant: swept across the Atlantic. Wes In revival, prayer and Bible Marta Hilliard ley and Whitefield became the study go together. Whitefield Editorial Secretaries: central figures involved in Eng read the Bible on his knees, Nan Harris land. praying over every line and Dorothy Montgomery A study of the Great Awaken word. Wesley©s soul was satu Designer: ing and of other such revivals is rated with the Scriptures. So also Gert Busch most instructive, since we recog was that of Jonathan Edwards Printed monthly for the Min nize that revival is our greatest and all the great revivalists. It isterial Association of Seventh- need. Among the elements char was out of this closeness with the day Adventists by the Review and Herald Publishing Asso acteristic of genuine revival are Bible that the prayers ascended ciation, 6856 Eastern Avenue the following: that brought revival flames. As NW., Washington, D.C. 20012, U.S.A. $9.95 a year; 85c a copy. 1. The great revivals have one of our leading Seventh-day Price may vary where national always followed periods of in Adventist theologians and edu currencies are different. For each subscription to go to tense moral lapse. On this cators, Edward Heppenstall, a foreign country or Canada, ground alone it is evident that used to say as I sat in his college add 95c postage. THE MINISTRY is a member of the Associated revival is not only urgent today classes, "Prayer without Bible Church Press and is indexed study leads to fanaticism. Bible in the Seventh-day Adventist but long overdue. Periodical Index. Second-class 2. Revivals have always been study without prayer leads to postage paid at Washington, D.C. Editorial office: 6840 associated with Bible preaching cold formalism." Eastern Avenue NW., Washing on the great doctrinal founda 4. True revivals are always ton, D.C. 20012. Unsolicited manuscripts are tions of the Christian faith with associated with reformation. Re welcome, but will be accepted special emphasis on the theme of vival means a renewal of spirit without remuneration and will be returned only if accompanied righteousness by faith. In recent ual life, whereas reformation by a stamped, self-addressed years the new emphasis on the signifies a change in life style, a envelope. 2/The Ministry/September, 1977 Hold Much in Common contents Ernest Lloyd in His Just a note to express my apprecia 98th Year 21 tion for the complimentary copies of Health Staff Semantics and Salvation 4 THE MINISTRY. You really publish a Marjorie Lewis Lloyd Ministers Anonymous 22 useful magazine just full of perti John Rossel nent articles. I had not realized before Do Your Buildings Say, how much of the basic matters of the Featuring God©s Promises "Even So, Come, Lord faith we hold in common. Thank you, in Our Sermons 24 Jesus"? 6 and my best wishes as we seek to Walter B. T. Douglas Robert H. Pierson gether the truth and salvation in our C-14 Dating May Be Wrong People Are Important 26 Lord, Jesus Christ. Before 2000 B.C. 7 Mercedes Dyer CHURCH OF CHRIST MINISTER Randolph E. Neal The Tedium Is the Message 29 Ohio Have the Genesis "Cities John Harrell of the Plain" Been Discovered? 10 DEPARTMENTS Larry G. Herr Question of Accuracy Biblical Archeology 10 I have especially appreciated the Church Growth in Inter- By His Side 26 America 13 generally high quality of the scien James W. Zackrison Health and Religion 18 tifically oriented articles that appear President©s Page 6 frequently. However, as a physician What Adventists Owe Recommended Reading 31 specializing in hematology (blood dis to Other Christians 15 eases), I must take issue with the C. Mervyn Maxwell Science and Religion 7 inaccurate statement about "sickle- Sermon Spice Shelf 32 Are You Always Tired? cell anemia" in the otherwise fine ar Here©s the Answer 18 Shop Talk 28 ticle, "Mutations and the Origin of Marjorie Baldwin World Report 13 Species," in the May 1977 issue. It says, "This disease is so serious that Picture Credits: Cover, Skip Baker; p. 5, Harry Anderson; pp. 11, 12, 18-20, courtesy of individuals cannot survive if the he authors; Harold Munson, p. 22. moglobin genes from both parents have been affected; even if the disease is inherited from only one parent the impairment is considerable." I wonder what the author (Eric Magnusson) meant by "cannot sur break with old habits and prac vive." While patients with sickle-cell tices that are inconsistent with anemia do have a significantly short God©s holy law. History records FEED UI: VA ened life, many survive into their that revivals have always re forties. More important, patients sulted in lower crime statistics with sickle-cell trait (inherited from and higher standards of moral only one parent) should have no sig ity. Only a genuine revival and nificant "impairment," no anemia, reformation can bring a reversal "The Fruitage of Faith" and no limitation of activity or sur vival even though about 40 percent to the sad state of morals and I thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Kubo©s of their hemoglobin is "sickle hemo permissiveness so prevalent superb article in the May, 1977 issue globin." Only rarely does one with of THE MINISTRY entitled "The Fruit today. Only then will public sickle-cell trait have any significant age of Faith," and read it a second opinion cause a change in the physical problems because of it. time for the benefit of my wife. How nauseating fare so often served RONALD E. TURK, M.D. up on our reading racks and TV very many people "go to seed," so to shows. speak, on "the security of the be liever," and "grace," and fail to carry Many voices are clamoring to through to the reality of a full gospel. be heard today, but what is re I shall treasure that article, and it AUTHOR REPLIES: I appreciate Dr. ally needed is a new spiritual will help me to further my already- Turk©s comment that sickle-cell dis awakening. Where are today©s strong convictions of the same truths. ease is clinically less serious than my Edwards, Whitefields, and Wes- I do not always agree with all your article indicates. I should have leys? When such do appear we teachings, but I do appreciate your checked my facts more carefully. I am can anticipate that their voices splendid magazine especially the sure that he will agree with me that will not always be well-received articles regarding the work of the sickle-cell disease is a very instructive either. But it is time for many ministry. The format and the typog example of the way in which muta voices to cry out in the wilder raphy of the paper is second to none, tion-based changes may spread in my book. My ministry has through a population in the manner ness of bankrupt philosophies, always given high priority to com predicted by Darwin©s theory of natu "Prepare ye the way of the Lord." munications in the church. So, I think ral selection without providing any Will your voice and mine be I can speak somewhat with authority. warrant for the idea that accumu heard among those sounding the Keep it up! lated changes of this kind can explain call to a new great awakening? BAPTIST MINISTER the evolution of all forms of life on the O.M. B. North Carolina earth today. The Ministry/September, 1977/3 Christ our righteousness. Jesus is to be the center.
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