Unit 6, 3014 Henderson Hwy. | Winnipeg, MB R2E 0H9 GREGMICHIE.COM | 204.336.2800 14766-GMRG-NewspaperAd [SELKIRK-10x1.25] Feb2020-FNL.indd 1 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2020 2020-02-25 10:26 AM VOLUME 11 EDITION 8 SERVING SELKIRK, LOCKPORT, ST. ANDREWS, ST. CLEMENTS, WEST ST. PAUL, CLANDEBOYE, PETERSFIELD, LIBAU, GARSON, DUNNOTTAR & TYNDALL MONDAY to SATURDAY SUNDAYS OPEN at 4PM LUNCH • DINNER • SNACKTIME 268 Main St, SELKIRK Protecting those that 204.482.7922 3317 Portage Ave OR 2450 Main St, WINNIPEG 204.338.7922 can’t protect themselves SERVING: Selkirk • Middlechurch • West St. Paul • RECORD PHOTO SUBMITTED Frankspizza.ca As part of her grade 10 passion project, West St. Paul’s Kara Yackel (pictured above with her dog) is collecting dona- [email protected] tions of stainless steel bowls, collars, and blankets for Kindness Ranch. > everything you need to know in your locally owned and operated community newspaper 2 The Selkirk Record Thursday, February 27, 2020 Catelli Pasta Fresh Assorted Garden Select Pork Tenderloin 500 g Pasta Sauce $ 99 Assorted 1 P/ $ 99 ¢ 3 / lb 99 $8.80 / kg $ 99 ¢ $ 19 Fine Foods Ice Cream 4 Fresh Celery Stalks 99 Fresh Royal Gala Apples 1 / lb Assorted 4 L USA #1 ea Canada / USA, Extra Fancy $2.62 / kg Maple Leaf Visit us at HARRYSFOODS.CAWRYLHZRXUHQWLUHÀ\HU KD Prime Chicken ¿OOHGZLWK¶VRIRWKHULWHPVRQVDOHHDFKZHHN Kraft Dinner Wings Original Assorted 12x225 g 800 g Betty Crocker Frostings &UHDP\RU:KLSSHG Assorted $ 99 340 or 450 g $ 99 10 $ 7 3for 5 Selection Heinz Vegetables Canned Beans Assorted Betty Crocker or Pasta P/ Super Moist Selected Varieties Cake Mixes P/ Assorted 432 or 461 g $ Mitchell’s Heritage $ 4for 4 $ Thick Sliced Bacon $ 99 5for 5 3for 5 1 kg 9 M O O U R R F M OU Fine Foods M OU O B Fresh Baked R O R R Y R A F K R Eggs F Maple Leaf Smith’s E Cheese Buns D I Large Size 12 pk D E L I Cooked Ham E L Garlic Assorted 6 pk Sausage $299 99¢ $129 $399 / 100 g / 100 g Store has the right to limit quantities and to add enviro and deposit where applicable. 5571 Hwy #9 St. Andrews Customer Service: 204-338-7538 Store Hours: Monday-Friday 8 am - 9:30 pm Saturday 8 am - 8 pm Phone: 204.504.5500 Fax: 204.504.5540 Sunday & Holidays 10 am - 6 pm 1 - Week 9_20 Harrys Foods PRICES IN EFFECT: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27 - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 2020 The Selkirk Record Thursday, February 27, 2020 3 Girl seeks to give animals better lives SERVICE on social media allowed her to learn DEPTARTMENT Kara Yackel is collecting bowls, leashes, more and stoked her passion for ani- and blankets for Kindness Ranch mal welfare. “You start seeing little things and see NOW OPEN other people raising awareness for By Katelyn Boulanger providing rehabilitation and seeking these animals. I think that it’s always West St. Paul resident Kara Yackel is forever homes for those animals that been that little thing for me where I SATURDAYS collecting items to help out Kindness can be rehabilitated and providing don’t think [the animals] should ever Ranch, an organization based in Wyo- residency for those who cannot be ad- go through that and [animal testing] ming that takes in and rehabilitates opted. has always been there,” said Yackel. 9 am - 1 pm animals used in animal testing. “I thought that this was a ranch that She also hopes that this project Yackel goes to Balmoral Hall School had a bit of a different vision than spreads more awareness for investing For your convenience and is using her grade 10 passion others and it take animals that have in and using products that have not project to raise funds for the shelter gone through specifi c testing and been tested on animals as there are and “speak for those who can’t speak something that’s been very harsh so alternatives for many everyday prod- for themselves,” she explained. I thought that this would be a good ucts available more readily than ever “Passion project is a project that we cause and something to bring aware- before. do all throughout Grade 10. As the ness to at the same time. So as much “I’m just hoping to get more people name states it’s a project that you’re as this project is about collecting the to know what I’m trying to do to col- passionate about and that you want items to help this ranch it’s also about lect as many items as possible and the to learn more about, more in depth collecting awareness for the things more the merrier,” said Yackel. about or maybe it’s a research proj- that they go through,” said Yackel. To donate to Yackel’s project resi- ect that maybe you’ve always wanted The shelter also takes in pigs, sheep, dents can bring items to donation bins to learn more about in general,” said and cows. However, Yackel is primar- located in the Sunova Centre and the Yackel. ily asking for items that might help RM of West St. Paul’s municipal offi ce. “Animals are something that I’ve al- out their feline and canine residents. Monetary donations can also be made ways been passionate about growing “It’s a little bit easier in a way to col- 2016 Ford and residents wanting to give that up so that’s where this project led me lect those types of items and those are way or who have questions about the to.” the items that they are asking for and project should contact Yackel directly Yackel is collecting stainless steel need and if there is any gentle used or Mustang at [email protected] bowls, leashes, and blankets for Kind- new toys [for cats and dogs] those can More information about Kindness ness Ranch. Kindness Ranch is the also be included,” she said. Ranch can be found at kindnessranch. Convertible only sanctuary in the United States Yackel says that increased visibility org to take in al kinds of research animals for the needs of animals particularly Ecoboost Premium STOCK 19R7317A1 RCMP accepting applications to the Family Violence Initiative Fund $ Staff The FVIF supports initiatives that to collaborate with support agencies. SALE 26,988 The RCMP is now accepting appli- promote awareness of relationship · The RCMP is a partner to the Gov- cations to its Family Violence Initia- violence, assist survivors, and sup- ernment of Canada’s Family Violence tive Fund (FVIF) until March 13. port crime prevention. It is an oppor- Initiative and receives funding under The fund helps communities re- tunity for community organizations the RCMP FVIF. spond to relationship and family vio- to get funding for their projects, col- · Since 2004, the FVIF has supported lence and victim issues. Non-profi t laborate with their local RCMP de- close to 400 initiatives across Canada. www.selkirkchrysler.com organizations and municipal, pro- tachment, and contribute to making · The fund has supported projects vincial and territorial partners who our communities safer. such as classroom programs for teens have a related mandate can apply. To Quick facts about personal and social skills, and TOLL FREE 1-800-204-8620 request an application form, send an · The RCMP has a mandate to sup- the development of awareness mate- 1011 Manitoba Ave Selkirk email to RCMP.FVIF-IFMVF.GRC@ port the prevention of relationship rials about local support services. 204-482-4151 rcmp-grc.gc.ca violence, to engage with victims, and *All prices are plus taxes. OAC. Spring is in the Air HOURS 439 MAIN ST., SELKIRKRKK MONDAY - WEDNESDAY 9-6 THURSDAY & FRIDAY 9-9 North of Manitoba Ave. SATURDAY 9-6 SUNDAY 12-5 BiG DOLLAR 4 The Selkirk Record Thursday, February 27, 2020 Selkirk surgeon recruiting doctors and moving ahead on wellness centre By Patricia Barrett kirk residents. The Selkirk surgeon who built “We’ve got a big enough space for 15 Easton Place, a state-of-the-art inte- doctors,” said Dr. Anozie, who is part grated health clinic across the high- of a team of physicians at Interlake way from the Selkirk hospital, has be- Surgical Associates, which specializes gun a recruitment drive for additional in general, endoscopic and laparo- doctors and is gearing up for Phase 2 scopic surgery. of the project that will see a wellness At 20,000 square feet, Easton Place centre attached to the clinic. intends to unite primary care services Dr. Anthony Anozie said he’s re- with a variety of medical specialists cruiting general practitioners, family under one roof, according to its bro- doctors and medical specialists for chure. The arrangement will not only Easton Place, which is already up and make it faster for Selkirk patients to running and serving the needs of Sel- get access to specialized services, but RECORD PHOTOS BY PATRICIA BARRETT Easton Place medical clinic. will also benefi t rural patients that community then spent a “signifi cant have to travel into Selkirk for medical amount” of his own money building services. the clinic. The clinic is located on 16.5 acres of And now he’s moving ahead with land just off Easton Drive (Highway Phase 2 of the project – a wellness 9A), and has already attracted two centre. He’ll be launching a fundrais- physicians, who work under a fee-for- ing drive and is looking for commu- Staff room. service arrangement with Manitoba nity members to sit on a committee to Health, a pharmacy with private con- oversee the centre.
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