UGHTING-UF TIME WEATHER FORECAST | 6.44 P.M. Fred to Strong North tor N.E. Wind. Showery, rather Unsettled Qtyp Stop! (&w&tte atti ©olmttet Satlg INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 23—NO. 223 HAMILTON, BERMUDA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1937 3D PER COPY — 40/- PER ANNUM ITALY AGREES TO SEND NO MORE VOLUNTEERS TO SPAIN "ORION" RUSHES ILL U.S. LARGE LINER LAUNCHED MOTOR-ASSISTED BICYCLE H.M.S. YORK DUE TO THEYSAY GENERAL EASEMENT IN EUROPE CADET HERE WINS SUPPORT OF M.CJ. ARRIVE SUNDAY Manufacturers Anxious — That the "errand of mercy is much appreciated. SEEN BY LONDON DIPLOMATS Lad's Condition Grave After Dock Rates — Thanks To Legislation to be Introduced Commander-in-Chief on Emergency Operation That now for seeing what Boake Government — London News at the Next Session Board Carter will make of it. 600-MILE ERRAND OF MERCY LONDON, Sept. 23 (BOP)—Two It was learned yesterday that Vice-Admiral S. J. Meyrick, Com­ That making the channel at 2 a.m. Resumption Of Bombings In China— large liners were launched today. Mr. S. S. Toddings, M.C.P., is plan­ mander-in-Chief of the America and is not often done. Whether H.M.S. Orion's 600-mUe The "Cape Town Castle," the largest ning to introduce at the next Session West Indies Station, who recently * * * dash from Bermuda to the U.S.S. vessel to be launched ta the Utated of Colonial ParUament, now immin­ underwent medical treatment in a That quite a number of Golden Wed­ 2,000 Reported Slain In Two-Day AnnapoUs and back with a gravely Kingdom since the "Queen Mary," ent, a bill designed to enable the use New York hosital, is due to arrive dings have been celebrated lately. Ul American cadet on baord will have was named at Harland & Wolff's of motor "boosters" on pedal cycles, next Sunday at 3 p.m. in his flagship, Sf Sf Sf a successful cUmax was stUl ta doubt Belfast yard today by the Mayorese simUar to the engine recently import­ H.M.S. York. That it is therefore possible to learn Raids— Planes Destroyed last night as the cadet, 17-year-old of Cape Town. The Mayor and shs ed by an American resident, Mr. During his illness Commodore H. the truth of the statement that the Robert Hugh Quinn, battled for his had traveUed from Cape Town for Carl G.Wirt, of Devonshire, Mr. Tod­ H. Harwood, H.M.S. Exeter, assumed first half century of married life life foUowing an emergency opera­ the ceremony. Mrs. Low christened dings stated, however, that use of command of the Station. is the hardest. LONDON, Sept. 23. (BOP)—Assurances that Italy would send tion for acute appendicitis and peri­ the vessel with a bottle of South such motors would, under the hUl, * * * no more "volunteers" to Spain, similar to those which it is under­ tonitis. African wine. The liner, which is of be severely restricted. He said that That the anti-vacctaationist are hard stood were given to Monsieur Delbos at Geneva by Signor Bovas- Orion reached the East End of the 26,500 tons register, is the largest he had not drafted the bUl ta final at it. coppa, were it is learned confirmed in Rome yesterday by the Ital­ Islands, at the end of her errand vessel the Union-Castle Line has yet shape, but expected to have it com­ "Cavalier's" Flight Today * * * commissioned and has accommoda­ pleted ta a few days. That the cynic says they don't object ian Foreign Minister to the British Charge d'Affairs. The British of mercy, soon after midnight yes­ terday. Her powerful searchlights tion for 292 first class and 500 cabin MeanwbUe, to win support for his Has Been Cancelled so much to vaccination. Government has been kept informed of conversations between picking out the way, she came up- class passengers. Almost simultane­ cause, with the permission cf Mr. the Italian permanent delegate at Geneva and the French Foreign channel immediately to Grassy Bay, ously at Vickers-Armstrong*s yard Wirt, Mr. Toddings wiU take the That what they object to is com- Minister, and in London these exchanges and the prospects they arriving there at 2.30 a.m. at Barrow, the new P. & O. liner motor-assisted bicycle to various pri­ Imperial Airways announced yes­ pulsion. "StrathaUan" was launched, the terday afternoon that the flight hold out of Franco-Italian discussions which might lead to wider The cadet, desperately Ul, was im­ vate places in the Colony fcr actual mediately taken ashore and within ceremony being performed by the demonstrations to persons interested. of their flying-boat, CavaUer, from That prohibition and compulsion agreements on Spain are naturally welcomed. The Nyon arrange­ half an hour an emergency operation Countess of Cromer. Tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon, Bermuda to Port Washington, Long have a lot to answer for. ment, in which it is hoped Italian collaboration will now be forth­ had been performed on him at the Mr. Toddings will have the auto- Island, today, has been canceUed. * * * CavaUer, which had engine trouble coming, has made an important contribution towards restoring Royal Naval Hospital. His condition, Fear For Preference cycle at the B.A.A. field, where per­ That he was right who said pro­ however, remained such as to cause sons may test the capabilities of the on Tuesday causing a canceUation of hibition was bad enough but it was the situation at sea resulting from the Spanish conflict, and it the southward flight from New York, should be possible as a result to take up again the question on the grave anxiety, and the Dockyard The National Unicn of Manufac­ tiny engine, which wiU raise a pedal better than no drink at all. medical officer could issue no definite cycle's speed on a level road to about arrived ta Bermuda on Wednesday * * * importance of which the British Government have never ceased to turers has sent a memorandum to at about 5.30 p.m. and it was at bulletins. the Government expressing anxiety 35 miles per hour. Other demon­ That the wounding incident is closed. lay stress, namely, withdrawal of foreigners engaged on either Last night Cadet Quinn was still strations at Somerset, St. George's first expected she would continue * * * lest the Government should be pre­ on her regular schedule this morning. side in the civil war in Spain. seriously Ul but his condition, it pared for poUtical considerations tc etc. will foUow. That Japan deeply regrets that her was stated, was satisfactory under modify the system of imperial pre­ aviators cannot distinguish be­ If fretadly discussions between the the circumstances. ference at present obtaining. These tween the Union Jack and a Chinese French and Italian Governments CHINESE PORTS RAIDED Orion left Bermuda at 9 p.m. on fears are said to be based on the pro­ tea-kettle. can make easier the progress on this Sf Sf Sf nouncements of the Foreign Secret­ Two Soldiers Fined £2. 15. 0 JOSEPH CONRAD BADLY question, the view in well informed BY JAPANESE PLANES Tuesday night after the U.S. Consul, Mr. Harold L. WilliamsoD, had trans­ ary and other members of the Gov­ That Italy has graciously consented .cles in London is that the way Each in Court Yesterday mitted to the Dockyard authorities ernment. BATTERED BY GALES to take part ta the pirate control would be opened up for a distinct Britain May Invoke Washing­ a request from the American Gov­ Dock Increases plan. advance in general European appease­ Sf * Sf ernment for assistance. The Annapo­ Privates Walter Breton and Alex­ ment. At the same time there is no ton Pact — Nanking Again Cracked Main Mast and is Us, a slow ship with a speed of only ander Lowe, of the Sherwood Forest­ That she is to choose her own area. disposition to under-rate the dif­ The Port of London authority an­ Bombed about nine knots, was then over 300 ers' Regiment, ta HamUton PoUce m st ss ficulties still to be overcome. But nounces certain increases ta rates Proceeding under Power miles East-North-East of Bermuda. Court yesterday pleaded guUty to That Germany has approved. julties become less formidable and charges necessitated, it is stated, It was impossible for her to get Quinn charges of removing bicycles from * * * when tackled with goodwill, and it is SBCANGHAI, Sept. 23 (CP)—Ja­ by advances ta the pay of dock la­ ashore in time for the emergency where they were parked in Victoria HEADED FOR NEW YORK That now the way wiU be clear for in that connection that London sees panese planes and warships today bourers which recently came into operation becoming rapidly more Street without the owners' permis­ Italian troops to proceed to Spain the potential importance of the de­ bombed and shelled the Chinese ports force. Dockers received an increase necessary. sion, and of riding them down Vic­ to take part ta a war that has never velopments of the last few days. of Canton and Haichow, causing of five shillings and sixpence per week The Joseph Conrad, badly beaten Captain Denison, Captata-ta- and this wiU be foUowed by a scheme toria Street without lights attached been declared. British naval experts for the Paris widespread damage. Nanking was by the Seven Seas ta the square rig­ Charge of H.M. Dockyard, acted which it is hoped wiU make for a part­ during the hours of darkness. * » * technical talks under the Nyon not raided this morning, the Japan­ gers' return race from Bermuda to swiftly in consultation with the ial decasualisaticn cf deck labour.
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