![For Irn on Schooner](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
'• ■ i.C; i-k'Jr: ■•rtb ' ' '•■,'■ / o ) i > /jriUrt »• ‘ • yf< . r f 11r<‘» ‘if'i'ff'!• i « I'l < t ■> j 1 v i * ' ’ ■ > ■ • '•i ' A VA AC B DAILY OmODLAflOM •for Ihii MoBtk<«f iu u w y , IMS ' ■— .... ' « ^ .......... 5> of > tbo 2 7Andlt 0 o f CtaoalotioBO. (CtaMUtod Adforllilag oa flMra U .) VOL. U L , NO. 118 . SOUTH BIAN,CHESTER, CONN., FRH)AY, FEBRUARY 1 0 ,1 9 8 8 . (8i:m EN RAGES) PRICE THREE CENt^ PRESm ENT-ELECT ROOSETVSliT VISITS BAHAMAS 18 REBELS KILLED i — ON DUTCH CRUISER a - FOR IRN ON SCHOONER Twenty-ire hjiired When HHTAlirS ENVOY M rio e e n On Stolen SAIUIDESDAY Japanese to Refuse E j ^ Men and Two W o n n Crnisor Refnse To Obey Who b d Started Ont To Ordera— Later Snrrender. Sr RonaU Unkay Will Request of League Look For Misflig Yorth, Brins Rqnrt On War Tokyo, Feb. 10.— (A P )—^An offi-^ maintaining that Japaneie-spon- A re ThemadTes Losfa Not Batavia, Java, Peb. 10.— (A P ) — dal statement that Japan wlU rei sored government in Manchuria, a EIgbteen men were killed and 25 In- ply with an emphatic "no" to a government spokesman said today Heard From For Over 40 juxod aboard the rebeDioua Dutch Debts To hreadent-HecL and that Chinese -u)verelgnty to League of Nations’ request for a Manchuria is ended forever, not­ cruiser de Zeven Provinden when a statement of Japan’s attitude to­ withstanding reports that toe b iB R — Yonth Sonfdd Ro* naval fighting plane dropped a London, Feb. 10. — (A P ) — Sir ward discontinuance of the present League purposes to insist on Chi-r bomb on the ship’s deck today, forc­ Ronald Lindsay,’ ambassador .to the Mancbttkuo govenment was par­ nese rights to exercise this sover­ ing the mutinous native crew to United States, ^ sail <'or New tially qualified later today. eignty. tnrns Home Safdy; Coast surrender. Tork on the steamship Majestic "Our negative reply is almost a A League request as to wuether The dead comprise three Euro­ Tuesday if the CUiblnet "Big Five’s^ foregone conclusion but we must Japan would promise not to Y'H'end peans and 15 Javanese natives. pltms for the debt conference in proceed with toe utmost pru­ its military operations into Tebol Gnati, Private Craft Aid *nie dramatic end to the muti­ Washington are completed in time. dence,” said a government spokes­ province brought a forceful com­ neers’ career came at dawn off the Another conference between man. ment to toe Japanese war office b b n L southwest Sumatra coast when a President-elect Roosevelt and Sir Fcn-eign Minister lasyna Uebida that "it’s none of toe League’s concentration of Dutch naval and Ronald was expected to take place today instructed Yosuke Matsuoka, business' as soon as the ambassador arrives toe special Japanese counsel at Japan has made no secret of its air forces bore down on the fieeing Westport, Feb. 10.— (A P )—Air­ quarry and ordered her to surrender in Washington. Geneva, to submit toe draft of his plans to pnnex Jehol to Manebu- reply to the Ldague Conunlttee- of within ten minutes. The tentative personnel of the kuo before summer, 'be driving, of planes, Coast Guard cutters, sub­ Rebels Defiant British mission which will go io the Nineteen. to Tokyo oefore handing 1,000 Chinese troOps from Jebol in­ chasers and private craft continued United States was expected to be it to toe League offidals. to Fengtlen province, Manchuria^ The rebels, defiant to the la«t, Hence, Japan’s answer is likely to seeurii Long Island Sound this a reply: "Don’t hinder uA" decided by the Cabinet on Monday Cabinet choices—economic problems—^war debts— any of'thae'mayr be toe oanter o f the muslnga of Presi­ was described by toe War Office as afteciiom for toe mtunEwg-. inhEng- before Sir Ronald’r departiure. dent-elect Franklin.D. Boosevelt (upper left) as he peers into toe sto from toe rail of 'Wncent Astorfs yacht, to be postponed two or three days a "police function.” The Japanese They failed to show a white cloth while toe Cabinet studies toe mat­ Eumy was thereby acting as,, toe schoensr Samgatuck, with two on the deck atniing, as directed; in The Cabinet sub-committee on Nourmahal, at Nassau.Harbor. Sbown in toe hgrbor. is the .palatial yacht which carried Roos^elt on his the war debts, headed by Premier cruise to toe Bahamas and (in toe foreground) is toe Malolo which was used as the Rresident-elect’s ter. • ' agent for toe Manchukuo govern­ women aad e l^ t men on boe^d. A t token of tmcohditional capitulation. boat. , < Japan standi irrevocably for ment, the spokesman said.' Ifl .o'sllek Bobn toe boat bad not The attackers’ reaction, was de­ Ramsay MacDonald, resiuned their conference this morning with Sir been s m fo* 87 hours. cisive. As soon as the briet period Ronald. It left Westport at 10 o’clock o f grace expired, a warning bonab Those Present Wednesday night to search for Ed- was dropped alongside . te De Zeveh. The nieetlng was held- at the d Connolly, 19, missing in toe As there was no further sign from treasury, to suit the convenience ol! CHAMBERTOMAIL id after a fisbing t*ip. Connol­ the mutineers, down went a 100- chancellor of the exchequer Neville GOVERNMENT TO TAKE UP ASSEMBLY’S INACTION ly waa found yesterday afternoon -pound bomb from one of a half Chamberlain. The other ministers on an island, alive and well- His ddsen planes in an attacking air present were Sir . John Simon, mother is <m board the mi.aaing fleet. Stanley Baldwin and Walter Rund- THE FIRST LETTER TARGET FOR AHACK schooner. 25 Are Injured msw- LINDY EXTORTION CASE Appeal FV>r Planes It exploded with a roar on the Members o f the "B ig Five” have 'The Westport postmaster ap­ cruiser’s deck bringing death to 15 continued to maintain silence on the pealed to toe Federal <iutoorities In members of the crew and wounding plans for the debt parley with the C. of C. Gets Distinction of Rep. Dannenlierg, e fv B i^ e - Washington today for help from 25 others. Roosevelt adniinistratioh at Wash­ Roanoke, Ya., Anthorides To J A M ^F . PERSHING ROOSEVELT W R im toe Army and Navy, specifically That was sufficient for the muti­ ington. There was speculation in asking for planes. Th adjutant neer who had been running wild parliamen^iy circles as to whether Bong First ''Cnstomer” At TnmOrer Hiree Prinn- ThatltederR general of toe State Nati<mal fdr five days with eight of their Sir Rtmaldc hM eommunicated again Guard has ordered all available Dutch officers held prisoner. The with Presidsfit-elecft Roosevelt ..The INAUGURAL S i m H National Guard planes to Westport .najttves signalled their surrender and ambassador la cetumiqg-.'#qc the era Who Hireatened To Opening of Postoffice. :ites Be ite p n - to joib In toe search and Clarence -tbea took to boats as a fire broke United States in a wedt wttfiMhat Chamberlain, noted flier, scoured out aboard the cruiser. is expected to be a compete out­ toe Sound for an- hour and a half TIM aittackers were prepared to go line <ff the British proposus. KMoa^llier’s SeconASon ftrafter bf GenenA-Pa^ The Chamber of Commerce wil d ia te i” His Plans Cdl For Sweepmg this forenoon. mu(d]l further if the first (mslaught This motiMi^’s CabflMt conference have toe distinction rff mailing toe There are a dozen Coast Guard!> lasted for Psro hdiBa- As ’ usual boats, two commercial planes and fidled, ns several larger bombs, 19! there was no oommiifil^e. J| was first letter foom ^^Chestef’s new Changes m Government^ to 400ipounder8, were held in ^ Roanoke, Va , Peb. 10.—^ ) Reb. 10.— (A P ) — A one newspaper plane sarching toe understuod, LoweverT'lhat nd piMa post office at the Center,'-it wfis Sound. <mcl both the Long Iriaxid. lerye. haye been made to sanl Mytsory Aqriatant District A tto rn ^ -T . X.' auteuficed today; fcy-f Posbtiastez it tie “toaeu^^ es|4 Meanwhile the cruiser Java and >sf4ht House' wa reg- dad (tonriecGcut 'Sihores. delegates with - aanounced today t h ^ hie “The^iSttfflitilbk b*d“fifty gidlons ordered'toe ^issuance ;^of'Federal fiw y tar ooeie- prising jrteifiea leaving hi full Ohaige of nego- of gagpffiri mwbogrd when P left AiiBfence, warrants for toe.plrii^palz in the iosedf JMbbElw Miami, F *^ Y'd>» 10.— (A^^ — YY^eslflty h ^ i^ Yhis was auffi- squedron, i^tihbd tfon:;.a tiationa Mr, Roosevelt - Mjsw^-Ybrlq'iVb. ready 'fo r Immediate- ai^oi ahbtdd attem^ to extbit 8^0,000 fi m toB?Gehiftal its Fteddent-elect ROoMvdt is j>repar- tient for about 20 hours. There iji ness seemed ;lUtely today to > pre­ planned tq have 'Presideht E. J, virtually ihj' bis toai^rd ig^ess ^i^hile At .Ito tood or water on board toe occasion require. Colonel Charles A. Lindbeigh im- vent Gmerieil -John-f J. Pershing Mtirphy mall toe firist'letRo*' to Boat — . The fire aboard the Dh Zeven der toreato against toe safety of fnun attending toe funeral' of his goveiflment. official to Washtogtem an ita izBpbrtant measures' still .fnedpm 0* a .yaattog, ciuise to^ seenied to have done little damage southern seas. , • = These. On Raard COUPLE hiis second son. • * brother, James F. Pershing, who Mayor Wells A. - Strickland will awaRfng Action. The following persbils were tm as witeless conUhued to work died to a hospital last night of a mitoe toe first cancellation.
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