COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1981 SESSION OF 1981 165TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 58 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED The House convened at I p.m., e.d.t. The SPEAKER. Without objection, approval of the Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 1981, will be post- THE SPEAKER (MATTHEW J. RYAN) poned until printed. The Chair hears none. IN THE CHAIR PRAYER HOUSE BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED REV. EARLE W. FIKE. JR., chaplain of the House of Representatives and pastor of the Church of the Brethren, No. 1848 By Representatives McCALL, LUCYK, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, offered the following prayer: TRELLO, PETRARCA, J. L. WRIGHT, CLYMER, STUBAN, HASAY, SHUPNIK, Let us pray: WAMBACH, PISTELLA, HALUSKA, 0 God, Thou who dost treat everyone as if all were one RYBAK, BELFANTI, TELEK, GRAY, and each one as if there were only one, give Your creative DeWEESE, WOZNIAK, LETTERMAN, vision and wisdom to those who labor in these halls. GEORGE, KUKOVICH, STEWART, There seem to be no end to decisions that must be made. WACHOB, GALLAGHER, PRATT, Keep these decisionmakers from volume despair. There seem BLAUM, COLAFELLA and WARGO to be so few decisions that are purely right or wrong. Save these decisionmakers from sliding over the hard tasks of An Act amending "The Pennsylvania Occupational Disease searching for the best options. There seem to be so many deci- Act," approved June 21, W39 (P. L. 566, No. 284), further providing for burial compensation. sions that have their origin in private, individual, or regional interest. Save these decisionmakers from fear of constituency. Referred to Committee on LABOR RELATIONS, Give them courage to truly represent the people by working September 23, 1981. for the common good of all rather than the special good of a No. 1849 By Representatives MOWERY and few. PICCOLA 0 God, there seem to be so few who will brave this work and do it well. Bless all decisionmakers who do. Amen. An Act authorizing the filing of notices of Federal tax liens, certificates and other notices affecting Federal liens and making uniform the law relating thereto. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY, September 23, (The Pledgeof Allegiance was enunciated by members.) 1981. The SPEAKER. It would he appreciated if the members in No. 1850 By Representatives DUFFY, PETRARCA, their offices would report immediately to the floor of the GAMBLE, WARGO, HORGOS, House for the induction ceremony of the neu' member. MRKONIC, FRYER, CALTAGIRONE, For the benefit of the guests, while awaiting the arrival of PETRONE, OLASZ, MICHLOVIC, our members, thechair will proceed with the ordinary order SHUPNIK, LAUGHLIN, GRABOWSKI, of business. PENDLETON, SEVENTY, TRELLO, MISCEVICH, CLARK, GEORGE and JOURNAL APPROVED VAN HORNE An Act amending the "Volunteer Firemen's Relief Associa- The SPEAKER. The Journal of Wednesday, September tion Act," approved June 11, 1968 (P. L. 149, No. 84), providing 16, 1981, is now in prlnt. Without objection, the Journal will for purchase of liability insurance for volunteer firemen by be approved if there are no corrections. The Chair hears none. volunteer firemen relief associations. The Journal is approved. Referred to Committee on INSURANCE, September 23, 1981. No. 1851 By Representatives LLOYD, WAMBACH, GALLAGHER, HOEFFEL, PISTELLA, 1640 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE OCTOBER 5, ZWIKL, MICHLOVIC, PETRARCA, HOUSE RESOLUTIONS STEIGHNER, LUCYK, KOWALYSHYN. INTRODUCED AND REFERRED COHEN, PRATT, WACHOB, MORRIS, COCHRAN, CLARK, STUBAN, No. 98 By Representatives POTT, PENDLETON, SHOWERS and SWAlM SALVATORE, GAMBLE. McVERRY, HEISER, COCHRAN, J. L. WRIGHT, An Act amending Title 66 (Public Utilities) of the Penn- CALTAGIRONE, WOGAN, PISTELLA, sylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for a tariff calculated to increase gross annual operating expenses and prohibiting SAURMAN, MRKONIC, CORNELL, multiple filings. VROON, MERRY, MICHLOVIC, BOWSER, JACKSON, RASCO, ALDEN Referred to Committee on CONSUMER AFFAIRS, and BLAUM September 23, 1981. House urges Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation amend No. 1852 BY Representatives GALLAGHER, BURNS, ",,iform Time Act, with regard to daylight saving time. COLAFELLA, FISCHER and LESCOVITZ Referred to Committee on FEDERAL-STATE RELA- An Act establishing rightr of school administrators to orga- TI^^^, september 23, 1981, nire and enaaae. in collective neeotiations:. orovidine- for selection of representatives; scope of negotiations; establishing negotiation No. 99 procedures; regulating unfair practices; and prohibiting strikes. (concurrent)B~ ~~~~~~~~t~ti~~~ ~OTT,SIEMINSKI, Referred to Committee on LABOR RELATIONS, BORSKI, MERRY, GREENWOOD, September 23, 1981 E. Z. TAYLOR, GRUPPO, LEHR, HEISER, REBER, SNYDER, BOYES, No. 1853 By Representative SHOWERS GLADECK, RASCO, CAWLEY, ITKIN and (BY REQUEST) TELEK An Act repealing section 3314 of Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, relating to wearing head- General Assembly appoint a committee to study laws estab- phone~while driving. lishing drinking age for alcoholic beverages in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION, Referred to Committee on RULES, September 23, 1981 September 23, 1981. No. 1854 By Representatives SHOWERS, PHILLIPS LEAVES OF ABSENCE GRANTED and STUBAN The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the majority whip An Act amending the "Pennsylvania Election Code," approved June 3, 1937 (P. 1.. 1333, No. 320), further limiting the for the purpose of taking leaves of absence. ballots to be counted. Mr. CESSAR. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have one leave for the day: The gentleman from Franklin, Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, Mr. BITTLE, for today's session. September 23, 1981. The SPEAKER. Without objection, leave will be granted. No. 1855 By Representatives SHOWERS, The Chair hears none. A. C. FOSTER, JR., STUBAN, PHILLIPS The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Clearfield, Mr. and CAPPABIANCA George, for the purpose of minority leaves of absence. An Act regulating tax escrow on Commonwealth leased real Mr. GEORGE. Mr. Speaker, we request a leave for Mr. estate for local taxing districts. EMERSON from Philadelphia for today. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, The SPEAKER. Without objection, leave will be granted. September 23, 1981. The Chair hears none. No. 1856 By Representatives A. C. FOSTER, JR., WELCOMES DeMEDIO, GAMBLE, SHOWERS, LEVI, NAHII-L, MlSCEVlCH and MACKOWSKI The SPEAKER. The Chair is pleased to welcome to the An Act amending the "Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning hall of the House today Mr. Frank Rutkowski from Sbaler Code," approved July 31, 1968 (P. L. 805, No. 247). further Township, Allegheny County, here today as the guest of providing for approval of plats. Representative Cessar. Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT, The Chair is especially pleased today to welcome to the hall Septenlber 23, 1981. of the House a former member of this House for three terms, now one of two senior judges from the county of Delaware, the Honorable Louis Bloom. The Chair notes for the purpose of the record a large dele- gation seated in the well of the House and along the side aisles of the House, friends and supporters of Representative LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE Wright-soon to be Representative Wright-here from his NOT VOTING-1 legislative district in the area of the city of Chester and the city White itself, Delaware County. The delegation appears to be led by EXCUSED-2 the mayor of that city, the Honorable Joseph Battle, who is seated immediately to the front of the Speaker. The Chair is Bittle Emerson not confident enough to attempt to introduce the other guests in that delegation and for that reason will rest with the intro- SWEARING IN OF NEW MEMBER duction of the mayor. COMMUNICATION FROM SECRETARY OF COMMONWEALTH MASTER ROLL CALL RECORDED The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the Honorable The SPEAKER. The Chair is about to take today's master Patricia A. Crawford, Executive Deputy Secretary of the roll call. Members will proceed to vote. Commonwealth, for the purpose of presenting returns of the The following roll call was recorded: special election. PRESENT-197 Mrs. Crawford, please come to the rostrum. Mrs. CRAWFORD. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. (Reading:) Alden Fee Lewis Rybak Anderson Fischer Livengood Salvatore COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Armstrang Fleck Lloyd Saurman TO THE HONORABLE SPEAKER AND TO Arty Foster. W. W. Lucyk Serafini THE MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF Barber Foster, lr.. A. McCall Seventy Belardi Frazier Mclntyrc Showers REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GENERAL Belfanti Freind McManagle Shupnik ASSEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH Beloff Fryer McVerry Sieminski OF PENNSYLVANIA: Berson Gallagher Mackawski Sirianni GREETINGS: Blaum Gallen Madigan Smith, B. I have the honor to present the returns of the Special Borski Gamble Maiale Smith. E. H. Bowser Gannan Manderino Smith, L. E. Election for a member of the House of Representa- Boyes Geist Manmiller Snyder tives of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth Brandt George Marmion Spencer of Pennsylvania held in the One hundred fifty-ninth Brown Gladeck Merry Spit7 Legislative District, as the same has been certified to Burd Crabowski Michlovic Stairs and filed with the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Burns Gray Micorzie Steighner Pennsylvania by the respective County Board of Elec- Callairone Greenfield Miller Sicvens tions. The following person, having received the Cappabianca Greenwood Miscevich Stewart highest number of votes in his district, was duly Cawley Grieco
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