VOLUME IY. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C., NOVEMBER 1,1874. NUMBER 35. THE CAPITAL, what's the use f He popped one day, as we came is anything the girls do love it is dancing the up out of the surf last summer. It was the most It is perhaps a good thing that the Democrats have german. Those germans are certainly very carried Ohio. At all events, it ia a good thing that LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. ridiculous thing in the world. My bathing dress PUBLISHED WEEKLY recherché and charming, among the most pleas- the back of Republicanism is broken. The concern stuck to me—as the thing will, you know -so he ant entertainments given in Washington. is on the down grade. Its fate is [inevitable. It is BY ins The Reported Affray at Yorktown. proposed to» all there was of me; and brother going out like the wick of a oandle, ancl the candle RICHMOND, Va., October si.—The account of an affray CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, Joe said, when he heard of it, that Harry We hear from all we meet "the Stewarts are will leave behind it the better fragrance of the two. at Yorktown was grossly exaggerated by parties from couldn't claim that I had obtained his love under going abroad." How much they will be re- Whether it has done the country more good In the that locality. The following has been received In rela- suppression of the rebellion than ill in its subsequent tion to it: 937 D Street, WnsbiHffton, I>. C. false pretenses." gretted. We hope, however, their absence will career of knavery, public demoralization and heart- FORT MONROE, October 31.—There was a disturbance "And did you accept f" only be for a limited time, and Washington will less rascality towards a conquered and helpless yesterday between two factions of colored men at a D1NN PI ATT Editor. soon again claim those who have been socially " Of course I did. I had to. He held to my people, is fast becoming a serious question. Whether political meeting In Yorktown. Several shots were hands right on the beach, before everybody, in one of the most delightful families in our city. flred, two of them taking effect, causing painful but it were not better to go back to the good old days of not dangerous wounds. the most ridiculous manner, and I said, • see slavery, Southern arrogance and nigger in every- TssHe.-S9.S0 per year in advance. Mrs. General Jeffries' house was pleasantly papa,' to get clear of him." breez», rather than continue Republican rule for Clubs: Ten copies to one address, 820 In advance, with filled with young folks on Thursday evening Foreign News. "He did not go, did he?" another series of years, can no longer be a serious one copy free. Twenty copies to one address, $35 in last, it being tho occasion of a very enjoyable LONDON, October 31.—AJdlspatch from Ilong Kong advance, with one COPY free. "Yes, right away, and papa said he settled question to any one who has any prejudices In favor says the latest advices from Pekin and Yeddo are of a party in honor of her cousins, the Misses Kissaru of Integrity as against dishonesty, or who does not pacific nature. It lis the general belief that war will be that young man's hash, (wasn't it coarse?) when of New York. believe that the republic can bo safely administered avoided. The Japanese government Intimated that the CONTENTS OF INSIDE. he asked him what he had to settle on me. Pa by a set of men who have either never known or Chinese residents 111 Japan would not be molested If Second page, " Green-Boom Gossip." said II: irry had nothing but a guitar and a swal- Hon. Hamilton Fish spent last week with his have forgotten the fact of a future state of rewards war was declared. Third page, " Scraps." low-tailed coat. Think of supporting me on a family at Cold Spring, on the Hudson. Mrs. and punishments. The Fall Mall Qaselte prints a rumor that tho Carllst war department Is negotiatlug with tlic Madrid gov- guitar and a claw-hammer. It was so funny I Fish and daughter will be in town this week. Sixth page, "The Cossack's "War-Song," It is not, however, to the purpose now to discuss ernment for an armistice. " Foreign Relations." and " Louis Philippe and couldn't help laughing, though I was sorry for Colonel Hamilton Fish, jr., was in Albany last the merits of political parties. They are all bad BERLIN, October 31.—A ministerial orderjlias been ls- Gouvernenr Morris." Hal, I tell you. He looked very blue when I week. enough and there is no saving grace in Israel. Prob- eued to carry Into effect the sentence of Kullinan at St. Seventh page, " Gay Baltimore Gossip." told him I never could marry without the con- ably nobody was more astonished at the late results George prison, near Bayreuth. Mr. Thomas Winans,the well-known million- The Berlin Post says the published version of the cor- sent of pa. He told me I was a heartless coquette, than the Democrats. In this county, particularly, aire, of Baltimore, was at the St. Nicholas last they were highly jubilant. It is so long since they respondence betweeiT Herr Von Bulow and Count Von and said I was Lady Clara Vere de Yere." have electcd anybody that the sensation was novel. Arnim contains numerous Inaccuracies, especially as SOCIAL GOSSIP. week. Mr. Winans' family have left their cot- to that part of the letter attributed to Von Arulm "Why, who was she?" So they had a jollification. A I,it of ihem last night tage at Newport and returned to Baltimore. which refers to an allegedconsplracy with a near rela- " I'm sure I don't know, Some dreadful harnessed up and made a foray upon General Ban- Autumn die3 like a dolphin. That is poetry tive of the emperor. character, I suppose." We were truly grieved to hear of the death of king's residence for the purpose of serenading that so far as we are concerned, for we never, as we Mrs, Charlton's (née Campbell) only child ; we gentleman. They shot off their music and demanded Rowing Challenge Accepted. have said before, saw a dolphin die. We never " So you will do as I have done—accept a bank speechs in return. Colonel Piatt was in the field, crave permission to tender <W heartfelt sympa- HALIFAX, October 31.—Joe Brown of this place has met a man who had seen a dolphin die. But we account and a brown-stone front ?" and being called upon, responded in highly appro- accepted tho challenge of J. H. Sadler, the Engligh thy to the bereaved parents. | prldte terms, ^hç Içadiiig feature of the occasion champion, to row a five mile boat race for.flve thousand are under the impression that said fish dies beau- " What would Mr. gay if he'd hear you Wis a brass band, and of this /act the Colonel !>ever dollars. The race to take place either here or at Spring, tifully, like the late Joe Kirby, when he folded talk that way ?" It is stated, on authority, that Vice President for a moment lost sight. He addressed them as " my field, Massachusetts. the star-spangled banner about him, and rolling " He'd be right mad. He's just as sentimental Wilson will sail for Euiope in the spring, at the fellow-citizens and gentlemen of the brass band." to the footlights, expired in colors. This color- as poor little Fred, used to be with his B's.' advice of his physicians. Mr. Wilson goes to There was a brass band there, as was beforo stated, New York Items, Florida next month. NEW YORK, October 31.—The Jury In the ease of Mrs. ing business sometimes precedes or accompanies '* B's—what were they ?" and this brass band had come several miles into the dissolution. We don't wish to be political in country for the purposes of a serenade. It was, there- Merrlgan, charged with the murder of Margaret Him- " Don't you remember your brother Joe said Miss Kate Wise, daughter of Commodore Wise mll in Brooklyn, camellnto court tills morning and In- this column, but the Administration has been fore, eminently appropriate that their presence and Fred, run on buggies, bouquets and Byronics. and grand-daughter of Ed ward Everett, is shortly identity should be recognized by the orator. The formed the Judge that there was no possibility of their turning all sorts of colors during the last few .agreeing, on which they were^dlscharged. A motion to But makes believe he is very young, and to be married to " handsome Jack Miller " of the tact displayed under such a delicate conjuncture of days. The Republican party is artistic in the admit accused to ball was laid over. skips about in the most ridiculous manner. He navy. circumstances was really very fine. HMIss Nellson brought her engagement at the Lyceum way of colors. From the red tinge of battle to wrote me some poetry the other day, just like To have referred to his "fellow-citizens" merely Theater to a close to-night, and goes to Philadelphia, the darker shade of abolitionism, until now, that Tucker Blake. I said it was sweet, although I Young men have all taken the idea they need would have been invidious, for all fellow-citizens where she appears Monday nlglit. it looks blue over election returns, we have had could hardly keep from laughing in his face.
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