OceThe Officiala MaganZineog of the Oceanographyra Spocietyhy CITATION Fraser, W.R., D.L. Patterson-Fraser, C.A. Ribic, O. Schofield, and H. Ducklow. 2013. A nonmarine source of variability in Adélie penguin demography. Oceanography 26(3):207–209, http:// dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2013.64. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2013.64 COPYRIGHT This article has been published inOceanography , Volume 26, Number 3, a quarterly journal of The Oceanography Society. Copyright 2013 by The Oceanography Society. All rights reserved. USAGE Permission is granted to copy this article for use in teaching and research. Republication, systematic reproduction, or collective redistribution of any portion of this article by photocopy machine, reposting, or other means is permitted only with the approval of The Oceanography Society. Send all correspondence to: [email protected] or The Oceanography Society, PO Box 1931, Rockville, MD 20849-1931, USA. downloaded from http://www.tos.org/oceanography SPECIAL IssUE ON CoASTAL LoNG TERM ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH A Nonmarine Source of Variability in Adélie Penguin Demography BY WILLIAM R. FRASER, DONNA L. PATTERsoN-FRASER, CHRISTINE A. RIBIC, OSCAR SCHofIELD, AND HUGH DUCKLow A primary research objective of the Palmer Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) program has been to identify and understand the factors that regulate the demography of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae). In this context, our work has been focused on variability in the marine environment on which this species depends for virtually all aspects of its life history (Ainley, 2002). As we show here, however, there are patterns evident in the population dynamics of Adélie penguins that are better explained by variability in breeding habitat quality rather than by variability in the marine populations, only four remain, as the a plausible explanation for the patterns system. Interactions between the geo- Litchfield Island population went extinct observed in Figure 1b. morphology of the terrestrial environ- in 2007. This event is remarkable, as the Snowfall in our primary study areas ment that, in turn, affect patterns of snow island’s paleoecological record indicates on the five islands accumulates dispro- deposition, drive breeding habitat quality. this population has been in existence for portionately on landscapes with a south- Our seabird research in the Palmer at least 500 years (Emslie et al., 1998). west exposure, where higher numbers of LTER region has historically focused It is also noteworthy that both radio recently abandoned and extinct colonies on five island rookeries (Figure 1a). At and satellite telemetry data show that also occur. These patterns are the result the inception of investigations in 1974, these five, now four, island populations of wind scour during storm events, they hosted 15,202 breeding pairs of have overlapping foraging ranges over where predominant northeast winds Adélie penguins (Ducklow et al., 2013, the Palmer Deep Canyon during the shift snow loads from north- to south- in this issue). During the 2011/2012 breeding season. The canyon is a nearby facing landscapes (Fraser and Patterson, field season, these same rookeries hosted (~ 15 km) bathymetric feature long 1997). This pattern leads us to hypoth- 2,411 breeding pairs—an 83% decrease thought to be important to the forag- esize that island geomorphology plays a in abundance relative to original esti- ing ecology of this species (Fraser and strong role in determining breeding hab- mates. As Figure 1b shows, changes Trivelpiece, 1996; Fraser and Hofmann, itat quality (classified as optimal versus in these populations have not been 2003; Oliver et al., 2012; Schofield et al., suboptimal after Patterson et al., 2003). symmetrical, but instead appear to be 2013, in this issue). Variability in the Following this rationale, we expanded island-specific. Most noteworthy among abundance and availability of marine previously developed hillshade models these changes is that, of the five original prey cannot subsequently be regarded as (cf. Patterson et al., 2003) to include our Oceanography | September 2013 207 ab 100 S Humble Palmer 90 CH R Station CO R 64°46’ Litchield 80 HU M Torgersen LI T 70 TO R 64°47’S Christine 60 Cormorant 50 64°48’S Palmer Deep 40 Canyon 30 64°49’S Breeding Population (% Change) 20 64°50’S 10 0 64°12’W 64°9’W 64°6’W 64°3’W 64°0’W 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Year Figure 1. (a) Palmer Station, Antarctica, and vicinity showing the Palmer Deep Canyon and the five island populations of Adélie penguins. Island color shad- ing from dark to light blue reflects an increasing percent of island-specific suboptimal penguin breeding habitat. (b) The islands’ respective population trends (breeding pairs/year) since the inception of the Palmer LTER in 1991. To visually compare the trends, breeding pairs/year were standardized as (breeding pairs in year i/breeding pairs in 1991) x 100. HUM = Humble Island. TOR = Torgersen Island. COR = Cormorant Island. CHR = Christine Island. LIT = Litchfield Island. Year denotes the austral field season, thus 1991 = 1991/1992 field season. five primary island study sites in order to allowed us to highlight and thus calcu- (chicks crèched per pair) would seem assess the relationship between island- late the areal proportion of suboptimal to offer a mechanistic explanation to specific breeding habitat quality and cor- habitat (i.e., having a southwest aspect account for these results, this was not responding penguin population trends where snow is most likely to accumulate) observed. Thus, while there is a highly (changes in breeding pairs per year). present on each of the islands of interest. significant relationship between island Hillshade models are cartographic tools As Table 1 shows, habitat suitability habitat quality and breeding success that use elevation data and an illumina- varies by island, with the proportion of (F = 7.7, df1,2 = 4, 95, P < 0.0001), it is tion source (the convention is a default suboptimal habitat being greatest for only Litchfield Island that shows a sig- direction and angle of the sun above the Litchfield Island (89.5%) and least for nificantly lower value; there were no horizon) to produce three-dimensional Humble Island (44.2%). Importantly, differences in long-term breeding suc- shaded relief maps that highlight inter- the slope of the population trend was cess among the other islands despite actions among elevation, slope, and related to the amount of suboptimal significant differences in their rates of aspect. In this study, elevation data also habitat (Poisson regression, interaction population decrease. informed our hillshade models, but we term = –0.31, P < 0.0001); specifically, Precipitation has been increasing for substituted the predominant direction populations decrease faster as the areal decades over the region that constitutes of winds during storm events (north- extent of suboptimal habitat increases. much of the Palmer LTER sampling grid east) for the “illumination” source. This Although variability in breeding success (Turner et al., 2005), suggesting that our observations may be due at least in part William R. Fraser ([email protected]) is President and Lead Investigator, Polar Oceans to a threshold effect, that is, a change in Research Group, Sheridan, MT, USA. Donna L. Patterson-Fraser is a scientist with the the dynamics associated with the depo- Polar Oceans Research Group, Sheridan, MT, USA. Christine A. Ribic is Unit Leader, sition and persistence of snow across US Geological Survey, Wisconsin Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, University of these island landscapes. Litchfield Island Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA. Oscar Schofield is Professor, Coastal Ocean Observation exhibits the greatest amount of sub- Laboratory, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, School of Environmental and optimal habitat, the lowest breeding suc- Biological Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA. Hugh Ducklow is cess, and steepest decrease in the Adélie Professor, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, NY, USA. penguin breeding population during the 208 Oceanography | Vol. 26, No. 3 study period. However, as previously Programs, to W. Fraser as PI or Co-PI in Anvers Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Science 10:257–268, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/ noted, the paleoecological record indi- the following awards: 9011927, 9320115, S0954102098000352. cates that Adélie penguins have occupied 9505596, 9632763, 0130525, 0217282, Fraser, W.R., and E.H. Hofmann. 2003. A preda- tor’s perspective on causal links between this island for at least 500 years (Emslie and 0823101. Additional financial climate change, physical forcing and eco- et al., 1998), implying not only that a assistance was provided by the Detroit system response. Marine Ecology Progress Series 265:1–15. shift has occurred in breeding habitat Zoological Society. We are also grateful Fraser, W.R., and D.L. Patterson. 1997. Human quality (from optimal to suboptimal as for the assistance provided by Palmer disturbance and long-term changes in Adélie a function of increasing precipitation), Station personnel and the more than Penguin populations: A natural experi- ment at Palmer Station, Antarctic Peninsula. but that this shift was both abrupt and 35 students and technicians who have Pp. 445–452 in Antarctic Communities: Species, relatively recent. If this is the case, we assisted the data collection effort over the Structure and Survival. Proceedings of the VI SCAR Biology Symposium, B. Battaglia, would predict that the Cormorant Island years, and for the leadership given our J. Valencia, D.W.H. Walton, eds, Cambridge penguin population will be extinct next, field teams by Brent Houston, Eric Holm, University Press. Fraser, W.R., and W.Z. Trivelpiece. 1996. Factors as its landscape-habitat dynamics appear Peter Duley, Matt Irinaga, Peter Horne, controlling the distribution of seabirds: Winter- similarly vulnerable to a threshold effect Brett Pickering, Heidi Geisz, Chris summer heterogeneity in the distribution of Adélie penguin populations.
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