AND BUILDERS' GUIDE, VOL. I.] SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 18G8. [No. 6. - PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE HANSARD BOOF. are dealing with inordinate height in city C. W. SWEET «& CO., KownERE is Eashion more imperative than buildings; but it is not at all necessary, in­ EooM 31 WORLD BUILDING, NO, 37 PARK EOW, here, and every new idea—from the facing of deed sometimes even prejudicial, when the TERMS. our houses with hideous brown stone, to building is already too low in contrast with Si.x months, payable in adv.ancc 3 00 croAvning our ladies with still more hideous its neighbors. Properly introduced and PRICE OF ADVERTISING. sacks of horsehair—^is folloAved with the ut­ treated, this mode of terminating our build­ 1 square, ten lines, three months $10 00 1 square, single insertion 1 00 most avidity, until the thing becomes so over­ ings is exceedingly beautiful and picturesque. Special Notices, por line.; 20 done that sheer nausea begets a change. A In too many cases, however, our architects Business cards, per month 2 00 notion, however good, will sometimes vainly destroy that very lightness and airiness which knock for years at the door of progress with­ form its principal charm, by the introduction WE call attention to the Eeal Estate Infor­ out gaining admission, but, once admitted, we of excessively heavy ornamentation, instead of mation Bureau Avhicli Ave. have opened in rush to the other extreme and follow up the light and graceful ornamental iron-work. connection with the RECORD office. Through notion until it is literally " played out." The Look, for instance, at the roof of the Herald this Bureau Ave propose to furnish news which very popular Mansard or " French " roof, now building, or, still more conspicuously, the roof in such universal use, bids fair to become will be found indispensible to all who con- of ilr. StcAvart's new residence on Fifth another illustration in point. Avenue. In both these cases the ridge mold­ temiilate purchasing property in 'Hew York Every one can remember the very recent ings and those encasing the hips look solid and Kings Counties. To applicants we will birth of this noAV feature in our architecture. enough for the construction of a railway furnish the foUoAving information: It is true that the Mansard roof—so common bridge. Upon the whole, the Mansard roof is G-iven a described house and lot, we not only in France, but all over Continental a great relief to us after the monstrously heavy and clumsy cornices with which we will tell who was the last OAvner; the last Europe—^was nothing intrinsically novel to us, for it was to be seen scattered frequently used to terminate our buildings, and cuts the recorded sale; the value of the property; enough among our suburban residences; but sky line in a far more agreeable manner. whether incumbered or not; what the value as a controlling feature in our city architec­ But this, like everything else in a tasteful of the adjoining property on either side; what ture it appeared almost unknown. The pre­ profession, requires judicious handling; and would be a fair estimate of its actual market vailing fancy seemed to be to do all we could what in the hands of one man can be made price. to At(Ze our roofs; whereas now everybody an enduring beauty, becomes, in those of some seems to be striving which can make it most untutored bungler a mere eye-sore and un­ All Avho are interested in Real Estate will visible and prominent. Height of frontage meaning absurdity. see at a glance how important correct items seemed to be the ultima thule of architectural of this kind would be to those who are about sublimity, and each builder Avas anxious to THE " CENTSAL TJNDEEGEOUND EAILEOAD.»» to purchase real estate, and Avho wish to have elongate his narrow twenty-five feet frontage THE public may congratulate itself upon hav­ some correct data before paying out their so as to make his cornice overtop his neigh­ ing made at least one good stride in the right bor's, if only by a few inches. ITow we are direction, towards getting a mode of steam money. not content Avith letting a Mansard roof taste­ transit up and down town, instead of the pre­ Our readers can see from the kind of news fully supplant our over-topping fifth or sixth sent wretched modes of conveyance. The we furnish in the RECORD that we can give stories, but we must, forsooth, have it to every bill for the " Central Underground Railroad," this information better probably than any one Httle tAVO or three story shanty, where the better known aa the " Brown Tunnel Road," else in the city. We ask agents, property effort should be to elevate rather than to de­ after passing both Houses of the Legislature, press the already too IOAV frontage of the has been signed by Governor FENTOK, and holders, banks, and private purchasers to try building. One very grotesque instance, thus becomes a responsible incorporation. us and see if we do not give satisfaction. The among many others, occurs to us at the mo­ This road is intended to run from City Hall following will give a rough idea of the. kind ment. It is the entrance to a bathing estab­ Park, through City Hall Place, and through of transcript we "wiU furnish to our customers: lishment on Sixth Avenue near Thirtieth Mulberry and Bleecker Streets, Lafayette The house and lot 250 feet Avest of 13 th street. Here, in a little narrow two-story and Place and Fourth Avenue, to Marlison Square, Avenue, in 199th Street, was last owned b}' attic building, with stories so low that a then under Madison Avenue to Forty-second John Smith, who, 1864, paid $7,500 to John passer-by could almost light his cigar from Street, and eventually to the Harlem River. BroAvn for same. The house on right side, at one of the roof Avindows, we have all the It is placed in the hands of men whose name^ last sale in 1868, sold for $6,500 ; that on the left side for $5,600 in 1867. The house now paraphernalia of turrets, Mansard roof, dormer are a sufficient guaranty for its fulfilment, an^ owned by Smith is incumbered with a mort­ windoAvs, etc.; a lilliputian attempt at mak­ as they have agreed to forfeit $300,000 to the gage of §3,500, noAv due. The assessed value ing a sort of brick Tuileries palace out of a city in the event of it not being completed as is §4,000 in tax books. In view of recent in­ space that could be entirely swallowed up by far as Forty-second Street within the next crease of A''alues in that neighborhood, Smith's house is worth about $8,500. Property ap­ one good-sized entrance archway. This sort two years, it is evident they intend to push preciating in that part of the city. of " architecture " may do very well in sugar it with vigor. upon some fanciful wedding cake, but it is If more information is needed it wUl be This sche,me ^s altogether different ivova, the quite out of place in any thoroughfare of a " Arcade Road '•' which we advocated in a given. Elsewhere will be found our adver­ great city. fo,rmer number, and although it does not meet tisement of this new enterprise. The rule to guide us is that the Mansard the measure of our necessities altogether— 0. W. SWEET & 00. roof ia always more or less available, where we. being adapted to assist t^-avel only on the east-. REAL ESTATE RECORD. ern side of the city—the public will welcome Eastern District is therefore likely to be ac­ April . , •" complished some time this year. 15 Clendening, .—L. Pattberg & others $75 • 86 it as a good instalment. Not only will it in 18 Crary, S. H. & B. N.—AVashington Iron -' The co-operative carpenters of Brooklyn, at itself largely aid the city in ils present over- Works... ; - 267-35 a recent meeting held in room over the Post 18 Clendening .—L. Pattberger &'others... ' .75 86 croAvded condition, but, long before its com-, Office, adopted a series of resolutions in favor 20 Cusiick, M. F.—J. M. Ring ;..... -100' OS 20 Crosb.v. John—A. T. Stewart &. others. 912 7S pletion, its succejs and practicability being put of eight hours' labor and four dollars per 20 Cohen, Ilnrris-S. Solomon 121 27 day. 20 Coclu-an, AVm.^J. P. Frink 1,189 81 beyond all doubt, other roads Avill be started 21 Carter, John AV.—R. J. Mitchell 207 27 for the Avestern and other portions of the city. 21 Crans, R. G.—J. T. McDonald & others 234 23 8 Crummins, Thos, and J. D —E. AValfshorn The good work being noAV fairly launched, all EEPOETED FAILUEES AND BANKEUPTS and another 212 79 8 Cummings, Jos. M.—Jno. Dillon 3S9 77 we need is a little tunc—for Ave have all the SINCE OTJE LAST ISSUE. 8 Cook, Joseph—Anna Gillig ; 322 05 NEAV TOEK CITY. 16 Davis, John R —L. Friedlander & others.... 165 00 other elements at hand—to make NCAV Tork 16 Dietrich, C. & J. C.) „ ,,, T „.OV •' i < i '-r Name. Business. Dochez,L.A. [ F. A\. L.is.-jk 141 .7 one of the very best cities in the Avorld for Bell. .losejjh, Provisions Sold out by Sheriff Bonneau, AV. AV., Dry Goods " " " 17 Dunham, 0. F. & A. B.—N.
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