Registered with the Registrar Registered No. PY/44/2018-20 of Newspapers for India under No. 10410 WPP No. TN/PMG(CCR)/WPP-88/2018-20 Dated : 28-5-2019 Price : ` 10-00 La Gazette de L' État de Poudouchéry The Gazette of Puducherry Publiée par Autorité Published by Authority ` 10-00 Prix : ` 10-00 Price : ` 10-00 2019 } | 28 { No. 22 Poudouchéry Mardi 28 Mai 2019 (7 Jyaistha 1941) No. Puducherry Tuesday 28th May 2019 SOMMAIRES CONTENTS Page Page .. 374 Notifications du Gouvernement .. 374 Government Notifications .. 374 .. 380 Etablissements dangereux .. 380 Dangerous establishments .. 380 .. 381 Annonces .. 381 Announcements .. 381 [ 373 ] 28 May 2019] LA GAZETTE DE L’ETAT 381 } | {, ———— BAHOUR COMMUNE PANCHAYAT, PUDUCHERRY Bahour, the 17th May 2019. Dangerous Establishments NOTICE The undermentioned person has requested for permission to set up the following industry within the Bahour Commune Panchayat limits as detailed below: Sl. Name and address Address of the Industry Power No. of No. of the applicant industry site proposed required workers (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 Tmt. T. Elavarasi M/s. Sagaanaa Enterprises, Manufacturing 30 H.P. 10 (Proprietrix), Re-survey No. 231/8, of ice cream. 12, Mariyamman Koil Street, 12, Pudukuppam Road, Moorthikuppam, Moorthikuppam, Manapet Post, Bahour Commune, Bahour Commune, Puducherry. Puducherry. In conformity with rule 11 of the Puducherry Commune Panchayats (Grant of Licences and Permissions) Rules, 1976, promulgated in this Union Territory by the Puducherry Village and Commune Panchayats Act, 1973, objections, if any, to the setting up of the above industry, are invited to reach the Commissioner, Bahour Commune Panchayat, within fifteen days from the date of publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. The objections so received within the specified period will be considered by this Commune Panchayat. G. SAVOUNDIRA RAJAN, Commissioner. AFFIDAVIT I was born to my parents namely, Joseph Louis I, John Michel Alias Devanand, son of Joseph Louis Pregassam and Mariassouceammale Alias Pregassam, Christian, aged about 50 years, residing at Papattiammalle on 29-9-1969 at Puducherry and No. 84, Jawaharlal Nehru Street, Puducherry-605 001, do I was named as ‘John Michel Alias Devanand’ and hereby solemnly and sincerely affirm and state as the said birth was registered vide Registration follows: No. P/1969/04584 and in the said Birth Certificate, my I humbly submit that I am the deponent herein. name is mentioned as ‘John Michel Alias Devanand’. 382 LA GAZETTE DE L’ETAT [28 May 2019 Further, I submit that in my Family Ration Card, CHANGE OF NAME my name is mentioned as ‘John ()’, in my I, Gopal Raj, son of Adhikesavan, aged 35 years and Aadhaar Card, my name is mentioned as ‘John Michael’, in my Elector’s Photo Identity Card, my name is residing at the house bearing Door No.121, Aravindar mentioned as ‘John Michel’ and in my PAN Card, my name Street, Puducherry-605 001, do hereby solemnly and is mentioned as ‘John Michel Alias Devanand’. sincerely affirm to whomsoever it may concern as follows: Further, I submit that all the abovesaid names such I am the deponent herein. as ‘John Michel Alias Devanand’, ‘John Michael’, I swear this affidavit on behalf of my 7 years old ‘John ()’ and ‘John Michel’ are denote and refer to me alone. minor son namely, ‘Kailash’. Further, I submit that the above stated paragraphs I state that in the Birth Certificate of my said son, are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, belief. Pondicherry Municipality, Puducherry registered with it under Registration No. P/2011/03115 and in the Aadhaar Solemnly affirmed and signed before the Notary Public Card of my said son under No. 6423 7645 0026 issued at Puducherry, on this 29th day of April 2019. by the Unique Identification Authority of India, my said son’s name has been mentioned as ‘Kailash’. 282399 JOHN MICHEL ALIAS DEVANAND In the Identity Card issued by the Principal, ———— Vaasavi International School, my said son’s name has AFFIDAVIT been mentioned as ‘Kailash.G’. I, Sivagurunathan, son of Nadarajan, aged 37 years Therefore, I do hereby state that all the abovesaid and presently residing at No.24, 2nd Cross Street, Jayam names are refer, identify and relate to one and the Nagar, Mudaliarpet, Puducherry-605 004, do hereby same person that is my said minor son only. solemnly and sincerely affirm to whomsover it may concern as follows: I state that for numerological reasons, I have I am the deponent herein. suffixed the name ‘Raj’, along with the name ‘Kailash’ as ‘Kailash Raj’. I state that in my Birth Certificate under Registration No. B/1981/00511, in my Marriage Hereafter, my said minor son shall be known and Certificate under Serial No. 312/2015 and in identified only by the name ‘Kailash Raj ( my Elector’s Photo Identity Card under No. SWC0099960 )’ for all purposes. and in the Birth Record of my son namely, I state that what are all stated in the above Suseendran, under Registration No. E/2016/03069, paragraphs is true and correct to the best of my name has been mentioned as ‘Sivagurunathan’. my knowledge, belief and information. In my Aadhaar Card under No. 3799 0709 9047, my Solemnly and sincerely affirmed and signed before the name has been mentioned as ‘Sivagurunadhan’. Notary Public at Puducherry, on this 15th day of In my Family Ration Card under No. 082925, my name May 2019. has been mentioned as ‘’. Therefore, I do hereby declare that all the above- 282456 GOPAL RAJ. mentioned names are refer, identify and relate to one ———— and the same person that is myself, the deponent herein. I state that hereafter, I shall be known and identified only by the name ‘Sivagurunathan ()’ for , all purposes. 1 I state that what are all stated in the above paragraphs is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, belief and information. (Djealatchoumy alias Selvi) Solemnly and sincerely affirmed and signed before the Notary Public at Puducherry, on this 14th day of May 2019. 178 ‘Djealatchoumy’ 282455 SIVAGURUNATHAN. ‘ 28 May 2019] LA GAZETTE DE L’ETAT 383 (Djealatchoumy alias Selvi)’ I declare that the above-mentioned names ‘Alexis Anburaj Suresh’, ‘Alexis Anburaj Suresh.P’, SQY0057810‘@(Djealatchoumy ‘P.Alexis Anburaj Suresh’ and ‘’ are refer @ Selvi)’State Bank of India to one and the same person i.e., myself only. ‘A. Djealatchoumy @ Selvi’ Hereafter, I shall be known only by the name ‘Alexis Anburaj Suresh’. ‘’ I hereby declare that I shall at all times, hereafter in all records, deeds and writings and in all proceedings, dealings and transactions, private as well as upon all occasions, whatsoever use and sign the name of ‘Alexis Anburaj Suresh’ as my name in place and in ‘ substitution of my former name. (Djealatchoumy alias Selvi)’ Solemnly affirmed and signed before the Notary Public , at Puducherry, on this 15th day of May 2019. 282459 ALEXIS ANBURAJ SURESH ———— AFFIDAVIT I, N. Mourougan, son of Natarajan and Renuga (late), A aged about 44 years and residing at No. 30, Anna ———— Street, Anna Nagar, Ariyur, Puducherry-605 102, do hereby solemnly affirm and sincerely state as follows: AFFIDAVIT That I am the deponent herein and I am well aware I, Alexis Anburaj Suresh, son of Papouretty, Christian, of the facts of this deposition. aged about 49 years and residing at No. 1, I state that my name has been mentioned as Veeramamunivar Street, Colas Nagar, Uppalam, ‘Mourougan’ in my Birth Certificate under Puducherry-605 001, do hereby solemnly and sincerely Registration No. 6470/74, dated, 11-11-1974 issued by affirm on oath as follows: the Pondicherry Municipality, Puducherry, in my I am the deponent herein. School Transfer Certificate, my name is mentioned as ‘Murugan. N’ issued by the Principal, K.K.G. Higher I submit that my name is mentioned as ‘Alexis Secondary School, Madagadipet, Puducherry. Anburaj Suresh’ in my Birth Certificate bearing Registration No. P/1970/04628 issued by the Pondicherry I state that my name is entered as ‘Murugan’ in my Marriage Certificate issued by the Sub-Registrar, Municipality, Puducherry and PAN Card No. Villianur, Puducherry, in my Aadhaar Card No. 5159 ADXPA2812N issued by Income-tax Department, 9534 7725 issued by the Unique Identification Government of India and also in my Voter’s Identity Authority of India and in my Elector’s Photo Identity Receipt issued by the Election Commission of India. Card No. PY/01/016/009387, issued by the Eelction I submit that my name is mentioned as ‘Alexis Commission of India. Anburaj Suresh.P’ in my Education Transfer I declare that the names, i.e., ‘Mourougan’ and Certificate issued by the Principal, Vinayaka ‘Murugan’ mentioned in aforesaid Certificates are Mission’s College of Physical Education, Salem and denote and refer to one and the same person that is ‘P.Alexis Anburaj Suresh’ is mentioned in my Aadhaar myself only. Card No.6986 0497 5896 issued by the Unique Further, I declare that hereafter, I will be known Identification Authority of India. and called by the name ‘Mourougan’ only. Further, I submit that my name is mentioned as Solemnly affirmed and signed before the Notary ‘’ in my Family Ration Card No.066301 Public at Puducherry, on this 16th day of May 2019. issued by the Department of Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Puducherry. 282461 N. MURUGAN. 384 LA GAZETTE DE L’ETAT [28 May 2019 That my name is mentioned as ‘Kaleelur Rahman ’ in my Aadhaar Card No. 6068 5648 2004 issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India. That my name is mentioned as ‘Kaleelur Rahman’ in , my Passport No. N9350216 issued by the Regional (Salma Jaffrine) Passport Office, Chennai.
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