AN ABSTRACT OFTHE THESIS OF ANIJWAT WATTANAPONGSIRIfor the Ph. D. inEntomology (Name) (Degree) (Major) Date thesis is presented ? Title A REVISION OFTHE 6ENERARHYNCHOPHORUS AND DYNAMIS(COLEOPTERA:CURCULIONIDAE) Abstract approved flati redacted for privacy. (Major professor) A taxonomicstudy was madeon the genera Rhynchophorus and Dynamis of the weevilfamily Curculionidaewhich includes all of the species known to occur in the world.The bibliography listsall the important papers published to date on the taxonomyand bionomics of these weevils. Afull synonymy isgiven for each species withthe appropriate literature citedin the bibliography,Eight species of glabrirostris, indostanus, kaupi, montrouzierj, pascha,rubrocinctus, signaticollis-and two species of Dynamis -politus, germari-ar placed insynonymy.Keys to genera, species, andknown pupae and larvaeare given. A subgenus Rhynchod>rnamjs Helleris elevated to genericrank.Twenty-two species are treated, twelve of whichredescrjbed completely and ten of which are described asnew.Of these 22 species,filirostrjs be- longed to Rhynchodynamjs, 10 belonged toRhynchophorus, two of which, distinctus and ritcheri, are new; 11 belonged to Dynamis, eight of which, artorntipae, callirostris, coracinus, palmiphilus, perplexus, perryi, rebeccae, and rockefelleri, are new. A brief discussion of the biology, morphology, immature stages, distribu- tion and economic importance of these weevils is included.Distribu- tion maps of genera and species are given as well as 743 figures illustrating characters of adults and immature stages. A REVISION OF THE GENERA RHYNCHOPHORUS AND DYNAMIS (COLEOPTERA: CURCULIONIDAE) by ANUWAT WATTANAPONGSIRI A THESIS submitted to OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY June 1966 PLEASE NOTE: Not original copy. Paper prints tend to "curl". Blurred type on some pages. Filmed in the best possible way. University Microfilms, Inc. APPROVED: Sgnature redacted for privacy. Professor of Entomology Chairman and Head of Department of Entomology In Charge of Major / Signature redacted for privacy. Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Nancy Kerley ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The writer is deeply grateful for the assistance, supervision, and kind help at all times of Dr. Paul 0, Ritcher under whom this study and the preparation of this manuscript were conducted.The other members of the writers committee, Dr. John D. Lattin, Dr. Gerald W. Krantz, and Dr. William W. Chilcote, have offered valuable suggestions and advice at crucial points in the research. Special gratitude is expressed to Dr. Charles D. Michener, Department of Entomology, University of Kansas, and Dr. Wilbur R. Enns, Department of Entomology, University of Missouri, for their suggestions in research technique and for their efforts to secure collections from many museums for his studies. The writer also wishes to express his thanks to the following entomologists for their cooperation in connection with the loan of materials, information on distribution and biology, and to some of them, for the courtesies extended to his wife and himself during their visits to the collectiois under their care: Australia: Mr. D. O. Atherton, Director of Tropical Agriculture at Cairns, North Queensland; Dr. A. R. Brimblecombe of the Department of Agriculture and Stock, Brisbane; Dr. F. A. Perkins of the Department of Entomology, University of Queensland, Brisbane. Brazil: Dr.Carlos Alberto Campos Seabra and Mr. Padre J. S. Moure, Ro de Janeiro. Ceylon: Dr. Henry E. Fernando of the Department of Agriculture, Peradeniya. Costa Rica: Dr. A. Wine of the University of Costa Rica, San Jose. England: Mr. Richard L Thomson and Mr. J. P. Doncaster of the British Museum (Natural History), London; the Commonwealth Institute of Entomology. Federation of Malasia: Dr. Ahmad Yunus of the Department of Agriculture, Kuala Lumpur. Honduras: Dr. Mario R. Mori].lo Z., Direcion General de Agricultura Zootecnia y Verterinaria, Tegucipalga, D. C, Kenya: Mr. J. F. Graham of the Scott Agricultural Laboratories, Nairobi. Mexico: Dr. E. Bordas of the Distribuidora Shell de Mexico, Mexico City. Netherlands: Dr. J. T. Wiebe of Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden; Dr. G. Kruseman of Entomological Department, Zoologisch Museum, Amsterdam. Philippines: Dr. Silverio M, Cendana of the Department of Entomology, University of Philippines, Laguna. Rhodesia: Dr. C. J. Hodgson of the Entomological Branch, Ministry of Agriculture, Salisbury. Taiwan: Dr. Shi-Tao Yie of the Research Institute of Plant Pathology and Entomology, National Taiwan University, Taipei. Territory of Papua and New Guinea: Drs. J. J. H. Szent-Ivany, A. Catley, and L. Smee of the Department of Agricul- ture, Stock and Fisheries, Port Moresby. Thailand: M. L. Chakrathong Thongyai, Mr. Saksiri Kirtpredi, Mr. Prasert Penchitra, Mr. Boonsom Meksongsee, and Mr. Punya Poonyathaworn of the Department of Agriculture, Bangkok. Trinidad: Dr. D. W. Fenwick of the Trinidad and Tobago Coconut Research Limited, Champs Fleurs; Dr. G. P. Blair of the Red Ring Research Scheme, Central Experiment Station, Centeno. United States: Mrs. Patricia Vaurie of the American Museum of Natural History, [\Iew York; Dr. 3. Linsley Gressitt and Miss Setsuko Nagata of theernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu; Mr. Hugh B. Leech of the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco; Dr. George E. Wallace and Mr. Harry Clench of the Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh; Dr.. Rupert L. Wenzel a.nd Mr. Henry S. Dybas of the Chicago Natural History Museum; Drs. 3. G. Franclemont and L. L. Pechnan of the Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca; Dr. George W. Byers of the Department of Entomology, University of Kansas, Lawrence; Mr. Virgil H. Owens, Gulfport, Mississippi; Dr. Wilbur R. Enns and Mr. Harry E. Brown of the Department of Entomology, University of Missouri, Columbia; the late Dr. James A, G. Rehn of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences; Drs, Lelan Chandler and B. E. Montgomery of the Department of Entomology, Purdue University, Lafayette; Mrs. Rose E. Warner Spilman, Mr. Theodore J.Spilman, Dr. Donald M. Anderson and Dr. W. H. Anderson of the United States National Museum, Washington, D. C. West Germany: Drs. W. Forster and H. Freude of the Zoologische Sammiung des Bayerischen Staates, Mnchen, Special thanks are due to Mr. Richard L, Thompson of the British Museum (Natural History), London, for his generosity in locating the Fabrician type specimen of Rhynchophorus cruentatus. To Drs. A. S. Balachowsky and Guy Colas of the Museum Natural d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, who gave generously of their time in searching for the type specimens.Grateful appreciation is ex- tended to Dr. Elmer A. C. Hagley of the Tate and Lyle Central Agricultural Research Staion, Carapaichaima, Trinidad; R. H, Carasson of the Corydon Museum, Nairobi, Kenya, R. G. Tapley of the Coffee Research Station, Moshi, Tanganyika, and Dr. E.ordas of the Djstribujdora Shell de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, for helpful information and securing specimens for study. The writer wishes to express his sincere thanks to the Rockefeller Foundation which gave him the fellowship to study in the United States and enabled him to finish this research. He is also grateful to Drs. Robert F. Chandler, Jr!, Jesse P. Perry, Jr., Kenneth Wernimont, and Richard H. Icale of the Foundation for their kind help of various sorts. Finally, he is deeply grateful to his wife, Dr. Artorntip Smathakarnuksornkjt Wattanapongsiri, for her assistance with the manuscript and her constant encouragement. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION Materials and Methods 3 Terminology 12 History 15 ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE 23 MITES ASSOCIATED WITH RHYNCHOPHORUS AND DYNAMIS 27 DISTRIBUTION 30 BIOLOGY 34 Copulation 34 The Adult 36 The Larva 36 The Cocoon 38 Pupation 38 General Habits 39 Parasites 40 Dynami s 40 DISCUSSION OF CHARACTERS 41 Egg 41 Larva 43 Pupa 45 Adult 46 Individual Variation 57 Sexual Dimorphism 58 SYSTEMATIC SECTION 60 Key to Some Genera of the Subtribe Rhynchohori 60 Genus Rhynchophorus Herbst, 61 Key to Species of Adult Rhynchophorus 67 Key to Known Species of Rhynchopliorus and Dynamis Larvae 72 Key to Known Species of Rhynchophorus 3nd Dynamis Pupae 75 Rhynchophorus palmarum (Linnaeus) 77 Rhynchophorus bilineatus (Montrouzier) ill Rhynchophorus cruentatus (Fabricius) 125 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page Rhynchophorus distinctus New Species 144 Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) 150 Rhynchophorus lobatus Ritsema 171 Rhyrchophorus phoenicis (Fabricius) 173 Rhynchophorus quadrangulus Quedenfeldt 188 Rhynchophorus ritcheri New Species 198 Rhynchophorus vulneratus (Panzer) 205 Genus Dynamis Chevrolat 226 Key to Species of Adult Dynamis 230 Dynarnis borassi (Fabricius) 234 Dynamis artorntipae New Species 255 Dynarnis callirostris New Species 266 Dynamis coracinus New Species 270 Dynamis nitidulus (Gurin-Menevi11e) 276 Dynamis palmiphilus New Species 283 Dynamis peropacus Champion 292 Dynamis perplexus New Species 298 Dynarnis perryi New Species 302 Dynarnis rebeccae New Species 309 Dynamis rockefelleri New Species 314 Genus Rhynchodynamis Heller 321 Rhynchodynamis filirostris Heller 323 BIBLIOGRAPHY 331 ABBREVIAT]ONS ON THE FIGURES 356 FIGURES 361 A REVISION OF THE GENERA R}JYNCFOPHORUS AND DYNAMIS (COLEOPTERA: CURCULIONIDAE) INTRODUCTION The principal purpose of the present study is to clarify the re- lationships and classification, assemble themore recent published information, make possible the identification,
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