The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record and The Lisbon Herald MOUNT VERNON HAWKEYE, VOLUME LXXIX, NUMBER I MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1948 MOUNT VERNON RECORD, VOLUME LV, NUMBER 10 Many Visitors Congressman Visits Mt. Vernon Attempt To Halloween Show Election Will Buy Charger For New Seats Lisbon Fire Truck Will Occur Sunday Take Place On Arrive For Expected For Rob Safe At The Halloween party for the The Lisbon Firemen met Monday pupils of the Ward School will be evening for their regular monthly C & NW Depot given at the Mt. Vernon high school Next Tuesday meeting. Chief F D. Carbee report­ Lisbon Gym Homecoming building by the Rotary club on ed that a battery charger bad been Sunday evening at 6:45 p.m. Par­ ordered for the truck. He also re­ Program Opens With Suspect Is Held ents of the younger pupils are in­ Will Elect National ported that he and assistant chief Have New Suits For vited to attend with them. Howard Mason had made an in­ "lolanthe" Thursday In County Jail Four movies will be presented And State Officials spection of the school house and Boys and Girls Teams taking up about 45 minutes. Then will make a written report of their Cornell College and Mt. Vernon The thieves attempting break-ins Next Tuesday, Nov. 2, is "the first recommendations to school authori­ New seats which will accomodate will come judging of costumes and 200 people arrived at the Lisbon are expecting a record-breaking In Mt. Vernon and Lisbon are hav­ awarding of prizes for the best. Tuesday after the first Monday in ties. A call for members of the ing poor luck. It appears that a November," and the date for an im­ Flremens Volley Ball team result­ school house on Tuesday and were crowd of former Cornellians for Passing out of treats will conclude ed in 10 men listing their names. unloaded. They will be used on thief or thieves were frightened the program. portant national and state election. Homecoming this week end. The away from the Mt. Vernon depot Voters will select the next F. D. Carbee was chosen team cap­ the stage of the gymnasium during event has been called "Let's Talk The program and treat is given tain for the season. Games will be the basketball season. The seats about 11 p.m. Monday evening the youngsters each year in return President of the United States, Cornell" Homecoming by the Alum­ when the section foreman went a United States senator from played on Monday evenings. A so­ have been purchased from the for their not damaging property.. cial hour was enjoyed after the athletic fund. ni Office. The business district will there to inspect the crossing at the Rudy Vodicka is general chair­ Iowa and a slate of state of­ be decorated for the occasion. station. At any rate the combina­ ficers. meeting. The Lisbon basketball team has Congressman H. O. Talle, second from left, visited Mt. Ver­ man. Elmer Bergmann will obtain new traveling suits which they will The opening night performance tion had been knocked off the safe the films and Watson Davis will non and Lisbon on Tuesday morning to meet local voters. With but the safe was not opened Every voter should •exercise his wear at the first home game. It of "lolanthe," a comic Gilbert and him are R. B. Wolfe, left, Mt. Vernon precinct committeeman. operate the projector. The refresh­ right of the ballot and go to the Hold Rites At Clarence will be with Stanwood High on Sullivan operetta boasting a stu­ The chain of events leading up to ment committee is Ed Stinson, polls on that day. The official list Miss Grace West, third from left, precinct committeewoman and this is as follows. Something hang­ Tuesday evening, Nov. 16. The first dent-faculty cast of extravaganza Gail lard Beranek, Dick Busenbark of polling places appeared in the For Fred Dresden game will be with Clarence there Bob Spooner, right, deputy sheriff who accompanied him here. ing low from a west bound freight and Darwin Cook. Oct. 14, issue of this newspaper. proportions, on Thursday evening tore up some planks in the cross­ Funeral services were conducted on Friday, Nov. 12. Congressman H O. Talle, of De- , West with a group of Republicans Judges of costumes will be E. J. Local polling places are the City The boys suits are scarlet and Oct. 28, is the lead-off activity of ing at the <tation. The train crew Osgood. John Kllmo, Merrill Burge, from the Dresden residence and St. the Homecoming. The musical show corah with his secretary, Bud Cloud met them on Main street. Mr. Tal­ Hall, Mt. Vernon; Town Hall, Lis­ John's church at Clarence on Tues­ black with the shirt red with , le shook hands with as many peo­ reported this as the train passed Marsh Leflcr and Lester Cook. will be repeated on Friday and Sat- of Manchester, and accompanied by Otis. The Boone dispatcher noti­ bon; Township hall, Bertram; day afternoon, Oct. 26th, for Fred black trimming and the. trunks Bob Spooner, Linn County deputy ple as possible while he was here. Grange Hall, Linn township; Town black with red trim. Lisbon . urday evenings. An ad appears on fied the Lisbon operator who tele­ Dresden, former resident of Lisbon. sheriff and Ken Moon of Cedar Congressman Talle is a man of phoned Charles R. Woods of Mt. Many Farmers Have hall, Sprlngville; and Town Hall, Interment under Legion auspices appears on the back of the page 7. Rapids were visitors in Mt. Vernon high principles and has far greater Ely. The polls will be open from Jackets. A giant pepster in the chapel at Vernon, local section foreman, at Started Cribbing Corn was at St. John's cemetery The and Lisbon on Tuesday morning. ability than the average congress­ 10:30 p.m. to inspect the crossing. seven o'clock in the morning until obituary follows: The girls suits are of the same 7 p.m., is another activity scheduled Mr Talle was making a campaign man." Previous to his election as He entered the depot through the eight o'clock in the evening. Fred E. Dresden, oldest son of colors. The girls jackets are like for Friday. The rally will be con- swing around Linn county. Pre­ congressman he was professor of Many farmers have started crib­ When it is your turn to vote, give the boys only have a collar. The baggage room. The thief could bing corn this week although the August Dresden and wife Elizabeth ._-ducted by members of the Pep club. cinct committeeman R. B. Wolfe economics at Luther college, De- your name and address to one of the new suits will make a very snazzy corah. have run out a waiting room door moisture content of most samples (nee) Kahlcr was born in Lowden, The Mt. Vernon-Lisbon Cor­ and committeewoman, Miss Grace as Woods approached through the judges or clerks of thp election who on May 8, 1894, and departed this appearance. tested at the Lisbon Elevator is will repeat it. It wilt" be recorded A squad-of 19 boys have reported nell club will assist with many baggage room. around 24 per cent which is consid­ life on Oct. 23, 1948 at the age of in two poll books by the clerks of 54 years, 5 months and 15 days. to Coach Bernard Erdmann. Three * Homecoming: activities. AU fac­ Mr. Woods reported to the ered high for safe cribbing. Colder election who represent each of the lettermen have been lost. 'Ronnie ulty and townspeople are Invit­ Propose Adopting P.T.A. Benefit To dispatcher over the railroad weather would help dry out the two major parties. He was baptized In infancy at 5aV7s" movedlo ^California, ed and urged to attend the cof­ telephone and called Marshall corn. Lowdenland confirmed m the Evan-, Sa(Ior wno js with hls dadan £ A copy of the official ballot fee hour at Armstrong Hall at European Town Feature Exhibits Ed Gill at 11:10 p.m. Highway Many say that they are picking gellcal Lutheran faith at Coleridge. FIoyd pike has moved to Sprlng. patrolman Joe L, Smith happen­ the early corn and that the later appears on page 6 In this is­ Ncbr., April_4,_1909._ _He_w.th his j n _ Tiedemann is both- 4:45 p.m. following the {fame. A proposal to "adopt" a town in vi 0 Bcrnard sue of the Hawkeye so you 1 r m Saturday morning the traditional "I wonder what Pop looked like ed to be In town, having planting is not ready to be cribbed. 1 crcd bva trick knee Luxembourg will be discussed at a when he was in kindergarten," and can familiarize yourself with It FSor^r'! ^nfl ^ J ° ' and may not frosh-soph flag-and grease-pole con- brought in a couple whose car Soy Bean combining is about 1907-1916. On July 22 1917 Fred en- be able to , Tnls leave/four meeting of representatives of a "who studied out of that funny old had broken down. He radioed done. Beans coming to the Lis­ before going to the polls. The tost will take place at the football tercd the service of his country \ lettermen: Charles Nosley. Phil number of Mt. Vernon organizations reader without any pictures?", are a message for deputy sheriff bon Elevator began to slow up on township ticket docs not ap­ field in Ash Park. This combat serving during World War I until Sallor Leo siife and Everett Grav- in the city hall Wednesday evening two of many questions which will Larry Condon to the highway Saturday.
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