/V^vec ^//, y / / Z ■ , w y The O bserver VOL. XXV NO. 86 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1993 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Strossen: T-" Senate approves lift Pornograpy of ban on military gay’s WASHINGTON (AP) — The tary would seriously undermine adverse Senate on Thursday approved the quality of the armed forces. President Clinton’s compromise ~ “We fear that the change in with Democratic congressional policy will significantly reduce affect leaders temporarily suspending our ability to field an effective the formal discharge of military force." Coats, a mem-- By JOHN LUCAS homosexuals from the military. her of the Armed Services News Writer By voice vote, the Senate Committee, told lawmakers. adopted the non-binding reso­ Democratic Sen. Carol Mose- Broader attempts to protect lution that leaves Intact the ley-Braun of Illinois cited ar- women from pornography and changes Clinton implemented guments from the military in sexually-oriented material in last week, including stopping the 1940s against President the workplace would have an recruiters from asking appli- Truman’s plan to integrate the adverse effect on women and cants about their sexual orien- services as a point of compari- their struggle for further equal­ tation. — son to such complaints. ity, according to Nadine Just prior to approval, the . “The military has no more of Strossen, former president of Senate rejected an attempt to a rational basis for banning the American Civil Liberties turn aside the measure, 98-1. * gays and lesbians in 1993 than Union (ACLU). The lone dissenter was Sen. it did for segregating African- In a lecture at the Hesburgh Robert Byrd, D-W.Va. Americans in 1943,’’ said the Library Auditorium as part of The Senate immediately first-year lawmaker, who is the Student Union Board's turned its attention — and was black. "Thinking Anew" series,, expected to defeat — a more- Both Moseley-Braun and Sen. Strossen explained that at­ stringent Republican measure Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., tempts to protect women from restoring the original ban. questioned the military’s ram- pornography and material now Clinton has pushed to lift the paign against lifting the ban in being deemed "sexually harass­ 50-year-old ban on gays in the. light of its widely criticized in­ ing" actually hurts women in military. but was forced to vestigation of the Tailhook their struggle for equality. compromise last week in the scandal, in which Navy and "Special rules designed to fare of Democratic and Repub- Marine Corps aviators sexually give protection undermine lican opposition. harassed female officers and equality and reflect and rein­ Senate Republicans waged a other women in September force a patronizing and pater­ long-shot fight against Presi­ 1991 nalistic view toward women in dent Clinton’s efforts to allow "If the United States military society." Strossen said.'"------ homosexuals in the military. is truly concerned about the A cum laude graduate of Several Democrats likened GOP environment created by sexual Harvard Law School, and cur­ arguments to 1940s-era resis­ harassment in the ranks, this rently a professor of constitu­ tance to military integration. senator suggests that the Pen­ tional law at New York Law Democratic leaders were aim- tagon start out by bringing to School. Strossen explained that tng for votes on both by night’s justice those involved in the| the subject of harassment is end. The successful version T&ilhook affair." Muaeley-Braun suddenly a very current issue The Oheervef<Oewid Hunpefcng would be attached to a larger said. In the courts In tune with family and medical leave bill Feinstein recalled that Oliver who stuped lllf-ltl -Il ls - " ' timely, particularly now. one the nature trail around Notre Dame's St. Mary's Lake The students Republicans, led by Sen. Dan sination of President Ford in were on a walk around the lake and pagsed to examine the Coats, R-lntf., argued that al- September 1975, wak both gay see ACLU / page 4 shoreline • lowing homosexuals in the mill- and a former Marine. Family leave bill may be first to pass 103rd Congress WASHINGTON (API—With fi­ Democrats said It held ad­ “The president has said he become law for six months so the military, the Senate rejected nal action, the family leave bill ditional symbolic value as an wants that bill on his desk." delaying debate for a half day two amendments by Dole to would be the first legislation to Indication of Congress’ priori­ White House Communications "I don’t think Is going to bring make the family leave measure pass thi- 103rd ( ongress as well ties this year. Director George Stephanopou- the country to a stop " less burdensome for business. as the first to hit fTmtons desk Tlfp m use passed the bftt hrte^- los said on NBC’s "Today" show During the gays debate, the Because of Bush’s vetoes, Wednesday. It got temporarily "He wants to sign It this week, Senate adopted a non binding One would have forced the Democrats said the bill’s quick ' sidetracked as the Senate took and we shouldn’t let It be resolution that approves Clin­ government to certify that their passage would demonstrate the a four-hour respite to debate a blocked by legislative games." ton’s compromise with Demo­ costs wouldn’t be Increased by end of legislative gridlock, now Republican led effort to block Senate Minority LeaderBob cratic congressional leaders providing the leave; another that their party controls both Clinton s plan to lift the ban on Dole of Kansas shot back at temporarily suspending the would have exempted employ­ ( ongress and tin- \\hii« House gays in the military.. those who scolded him for formal discharge of homosexu­ ers If the cost of keeping up a In addition, since it’s designed The White House urged the forcing the gays debate. He said als from the military. worker’s benefits while on leave to help working families. Senate to move forward. the family leave hill won’t Before the delay over gays in was more than 57.30 a year Weigle awarded NEH grant TriStar sets tentative By BILL ALBERTINI NEH was looking specifically for amount of money awarded was News Wrier ____ research in archives that dependent on many factors, release date for “Rudy related to demorrittTatlon in such as how many were to work By BECKY BARNES months he spent at Notre Dame Russia and Central Europe, said on the project, the amount of Assistant News Editor were the "most eqjoyable time Assistant professor of gov­ Weigle time the project was to take, he's r \r r had making a movie * ernment Marcia Weigle will She has applied for many and the specific needs of the One may not see quite as All the crew wofe "very com­ spend six weeks In June and grants in the past, and that ap­ applicant The application many pairs of sideburns on plimentary about the people July of this summer In Russia plying is a skill in and of itself, plans varied from three weeks campus this semester, but no that they met and amazed at after receiving a $3,450 re­ said Weigle It helps to have a to one full year, said Lucas. one should forget about "Rudy" the love that Notre Dame stu­ search grant which she has re­ precise project In mind or to There was "fairly keen com­ Film producers told Richard dents have for the University cently been awarded through use a grant to add depth to an petition" for the grant, said Lu­ Conklin, associate vice presi­ said Conklin. the National Endowment for the existing project, she said. cas. and Welgle’s application dent of University relations, to The film is currently In Los Humanities (NEH) The title of her proposal was was extremely well reviewed by look forward to a late summer Angeles for editing and post- Weigle will use the grant to "The Intellectual Roots of Post- various historians and or early fall release of the production steps. Including the study the printed programs, Communist Russian Liberalism archivists working for the NEH. TriStar picture featuring the composition of an original mu­ platforms, and other documents Programs of Selected Informal "The Impetus for the funding Notre Dame football walk-on. sical score by Jerry Goldsmith, of independent political groups Groups, labor Movements, and came from the recent opening Chicago filming ended In the composer of the "Hoosiers" which pushed for the Political Parties." according to of massive archives in the So­ early January, and the film soundtrack democratization of Russia since an NEH press release. viet Union and Warsaw Pact crew, cast and several Univer­ Everyone Is enthusiastic around 1988, she said There were sixty-four appli­ countries," Lucas said There sity officials celebrated Its about the success of the film, Weigle said she felt that "She cations for twenty awarded are questions of 2 0 th century completion with a traditional and the crew "feels very received the grant because grants, according to George history that could only be an­ wrap-up party In Chicago, said strongly that It will be a great there happened to be "such a Lucas, assistant director In the swered by the central archives Conklin. movie, said Conklin. nice fit" between the topic of division of research programs of the communist parties, said Crew members had nothing Although no decision has yet her study and the areas in at the NEA. Approximately Lucas. * but good things to say about the been made. It is likely the/film which the NEH was Interested $134,000 was awarded, with The fact that these archives film and people Involved, Con­ will open In South Bend, as She considers It a perfect op­ the highest grant being about were generally open to the klin said.
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