to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Oct. 22, 1985 MANCHESTER FOCUS SPORTS WEATHER LOOK FOR THE STARS... ★ * ♦ Crestfield strikers Cider making places Earl Kelley to play 11 Cloudy, cool tonight; Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get to get union funds warm glow on fall hoop at Connecticut | [less sun Thursday ... page 3 ... page 15 ... page 12 ... page 2 better results. Put a star on your ad and see what a ★ difference it makes. Telephone 643-2711, AAonday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 4- ^ KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright APARTMENTS HOUSEHOLO ifflanrhTfitrr fflrralh ...... ___ * WAdnesdav.Wednesday, Oct. 23. 1985 — Single copy: 25<5 03FOR RENT GOODS Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Manchester 4 room du­ GM Love Seat — New­ plex. Stove, refrigerator, born. $7 Firm. Call 646- heat Included. $495 5037 after 5pm.□ monthly Plus security. 649-5767 evenings. Custom Made Mattress for aueen size waterbed. T ransportation 4 Room Apartment — One year new. $250. 423- Heat, appliances, one car 5184. only. No pets. Security, lease, references. $435. 3 Cherry Ladder Backed Call 649-3340. Shaker chairs. 643-7431, call anytime. costs help put 2 HOMES ODFOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE lid on inflation Dinette Table with 6 chairs. Slightly used. Flat Ashford — 3 and 4 room Iron electric broom and By Jerry Estill Overall food costs rose 0.3 percent, Ranch. Remodeled. Tile other. 649-5961. The Associated Press the sharpest rise since a 0.5 percent rise bath, oak floors, rugs, last February. Food prices had risen a large yard, heat supplied, Snowblower — Gilson 26", 3 minuscule 0.1 percent in each of the no animals. Lease, 423- 8 HP, Self-propelled, WASHINGTON — Falling transpor­ 4190 evenings. electric star Lawn Roller - tation costs held the September retail preceding three months. water fill. Leaf sweeper price rise to a scant 0.2 percent for a Prices for food bought at grocery with basket, Flourescent fifth straight month, the government stores also rose 0.3 percent, due largely light fixtures - Four 8' reported today. to a 0.6 percent jump in fruit and tubes, with plug cords and The small gain was enough, however, vegetable prices, which had fallen 0.7 Waterfront — Clean and lamp. 7 Pelce dining room to trigger an automatic rise in Social percent in August, cozy Two bedroom house, set. 7 piece dinette set. Security benefits and gave officials the The cost of meals eaten outside the deck overlooking Coven­ Pool table-8’%" slate top, information needed to “ index” the home rose 0.5 percent. Alcoholic complete with balls, racks try Lake, refrigerator and federal income tax — to squeeze out the beverage prices rose 0.3 percent. stove Included. No pets. & sticks. 5' Solid pine coffee table with drop effects of inflation. The department provided these addi­ Two months security. $525 tional details on consumer prices, all per month. Call 742-6190. leaves. Pine dry sink, end Slightly different versions of the tables. Many miscellane­ Consumer Price Index compiled by the adjusted for normal seasonal ous Items. 649-1983. Labor Department are used to calcu­ variations: late the two changes — both based on • Housing costs rose 0.2 percent, STORE ANO Why Spend $$ on the gym comparing average inflation for the including gains of 0.3 percent for both 0 OFFICE SPACE when you can own your third quarter of this year to the thii'd homeowners and renters. own Vltamaster 5000 total Herald photo by Tarqulnio Quarter of 1984. • Medical care costs rose 0.5 percent, Office Space — Excellent gym for only $350, free The ^ c ia l Security benefit increase, tercent after declining 0.1 percent in location with ample park­ Instruction manual, la­ An unidentified rescue official teams with Tuesday afternoon. Moriarty remained in serious effective Jan. 1, will be 3,1 percent. It August. ing. 600, 400 & 300 so. ft. dles body building book If last month's 0.2 percent increase and cables. Call 742-0504 firefighters Dan Lingard, Michael Tomkunas and condition this morning at Manchester Memorial had been 3.5 percent in each of the last office suites are now held steady for 12 straight months, the available. 649-2891. after 6pm. Ask for Kim. two years. (Story on page 14). ‘ Bob Watts to pull injured driver James Moriarty, 59, Hospital. The $l,040-per-person income tax yearly advance would be 2.3 percent. NOTICE TO CREDITORS from his overturned truck in the Hockanum River exemption and the standard deductions The annual rate supplied by the East Hartford — Now 4 HP Leaf Blower — ESTATE OF CARS/TRUCKS leasing 18,000 sq.ft, rehab Needs work on Recoil. JACK DAVID GOLDBERG, — $2,390 for single people and $3,540 for department is based on a more precise building at corner of Gov­ $45. 643-1938. Sdwjgi Oo«‘ o/k/0 JACK GOLDBERG, FOR SALE couples filing joint returns — will be calculation of price activity than the ernor and Main Streets late of Naples, Florida, increased by 3.7 percent for taxes due rounded percentage contained in the owning property In said for November occu­ Stamp Collectors — Light­ Dr«»moklnft, , District, deceased 1970 Ford F-250 Camper Rescue on 1985 income. monthly CPI report. pancy. Excellent highway house Albums, 16 new 8, and ^ ^ Ir s . C«l| The Hon. William E. Fllz- special, very clean V d ton, Tax table brackets will also be In all, the broad-gauge Consumer accessibility and traffic used, $50 or best offer. 647-^0 anvftmd^^; Gerold, Judge, of the Court con see 49 Erie Street, widened by the same percentage so that Price Index for All Urban Consumers count (19,700), on-sife 649-4259.0 of Probole, District of Man­ Garden wtty Mftrobm. 8d^ Bromerst — Bo- chester at o hearing held on Manchester. Asking more income will be taxed at lower stood at 324.5 in September, meaning T h ir & g t S r parking. Call The Farley lor. greenhooM, enert retnodeundf W- O ctober 17,1985 ordered that $1,400 negotiable. 646-1050. rates. goods costing $10 in 1967 would have Company at 525-9171 for DP 300 Body Tone Home dll claims must be presented prevents $tc^of1dn vjmtaf h m m , cost $32.45 last month. further Information. Fitness Machine. $99. Call m i r t & l i ' d i f e * ’ ''" »ovtng, fh * r m d -« a » ,^ to the fiduciary on or before As for price activity last month, the 649-7931 after 5:30pm.□ , piovy. Alt- January 20,1986 or be borred transportation price calculation, which The' Social Security increase was s s s r s s » K ' os by law provided. showed lower costs for used cars and pegged to a different calculation, called New mini office In down- Mary Lou Taylor, MOTORCYCLES/ fown professional bulld- Quartz Heater — Almost Loarti4r4Wld# '— “— ------- ------------- r auto financing as well as for gasoline, the CPI for Urban Wage Earners and Clerk BICYCLES drowning Ing. Heat, air new. $20.0 The fid u c ia ry Is: 0 fell 0.2 percent, its fifth straight decline. Clerical Workers, which also rose 0.2 C conditioning Included. Borbaro Goldberg Gasoline prices were off 0,8 percent percent last month. Warren E. Howland, Inc., Dne Aluminum Storm A)31 Gulf ShoreBlvd.North 20" BMX Dirt Bike, Good Paramedics, Eighth Utilities District for the second month running. Used car The broader, All Urban Consumers, Naples, FL 33940 firefighters and a passing truck driver 643-1108. Door — 35V4" by 79'/3^ $15. ■pK-ih^neidL-t^ .... 043-10 Condition. $20. 649-7963.0 prices fell 0.2 percent after a 1.2percent index has risen at an annual rate of 3.2 Phone 649-3021.0 nd7Hf1«us m e d it and Housekeeper and - porches, d te k i, saved a South Windsor man from decline in August. New car prices, percent for the first nine months of 1985, Available for Immediate snacks. Full tlrrMt open- 1981 Kawasaki. KZ550 ex­ possibly drowning in the Hockanum inds onW. 646-)W,> references. Coll 649-1444. Larry, 649-3985. CARS/TRUCKS however, continued to rise — up 0.3 the slowest pace since 1967, when prices Occupancy — 2,500 square Pile Lined Hush Puppies. cellent condition. Must River Tuesday, after his truck rolled off percent — but financing charges were rose 3 percent. The September index feet. Ideal tor small busi­ Man's size 7. Never worn. FOR SALE sell. Best offer 649-4840. North Main Street and overturned in the down 4.6 percent, the tenth consecutive was 3.2 percent above the same month a ness. Broad Street loca­ $12 . 643-7153.0 river. tion with easy accessibil­ Corvair, 1965 — Runs, new monthly drop. year ago. ity. 643-1161, ask for Steve Parker Lawn Sweeper, front cross member gas y01 MISCELLANEOUS The driver of the overturned truck, T or Craig. 30". Excellent condition. CARS/TRUCKS CARS/TRUCKS tank, for parts. $75. 250 0 AUTOMOTIVE 59-year-old James Moriarty, remained Has adapter tor tractor CARS/TRUCKS Porter Street. Crescent Lace 171 FOR SALE FOR sale in serious condition this morning at Manchester — Combina­ hitch. $70. Call 643-1215.0 FOR SALE International Harvester tion office and apartment. QD 80 Chevy Citation — 2door Manchester Memorial Hospital. A 74 F-100 350 — Runs well. Cub Cadet Tractor — hospital spokeswoman did have any Ship hijacker says For Information, call Like new white JC Penny 1980 Mercury Bobcat — hatchback, 4 speed, Frank SplleckI, 643-2121. electric clothes dryer, $1,500 or best offer. 647- Looks and runs good. power steering, rear de­ M od el No.
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