7864 THE .LONDON. GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 27, 1903. ......V- .- • In-Taffs Well. such objection.'must also be forwarded to the p.-. ^ Alfred's -terrace, the Approach to station undersigned Solicitor or Parliamentary Agents. ! - from Main-road, Anchor-street, Church-street, •Dated 23rd November, 1903. (Jastle-street, G.arth-street, Tabor-street-, Moy- • WM. SPICKETT, Solicitor, Council Offices, road,, the approach to the Board Schools from Cardiff-road, Caerphilly. the main road, the road oyer the Barry- Rail- . ;way (Brecon and Merthyr Branch) near Ty- REES and FKERES, 5, Victoria-street. West- .. • rhiw, the road.over the Glamorganshire .Canal .minster, Parliamentary Agents. ", and the Taff Vale Railway at the Ynys Bridge, • the road over the Glamorganshire Canal and In Parliament.—Session 1904. -.' Taff :Vale Railway at Walnut Tree Bridge. NORTH WEJ3TERN ELECTRICITY AND .. • - . • In Glanllyn. POWER GAS. Riverside-place, Cules-terrace, and road lead- - ing to Gules-terrace, Leyshon-street, road over (Additional Lands for Generating Stations; • Taff Vale Railway near Board Schools. Removal of certain restrictions as to Erection At Nantgarw. of Station for generating Electrical Energy; Quarry Field, Chapel-street, Canal-row, as to Acquisition of Electrical Undertakings lane leading from main road to Canal-row, by Agreement; Application of Funds; Incor- and the road over the: Glamorganshire Canal . poration and Amendment of Acts, &c.) at Nautgarw. ... "VTOTICE is hereby given, that application is In the parish of Llanfabon:— JJi intended to be made to Parliament in the Main road leading from Cardiff to Merthyr ensuing Session by the North Western Elec- through Caerphilly from the parish boundary tricity and Power Gas Company (hereinafter at Llanbradach to the boundary of the district called "the Company") for leave to bring in a . near Berthllwyd, Nelson. Bill for the following purposes or some of them In Nelson. (that is to say):— Wern-crescent, Station-terrace, High-street, To authorise the Company to "enter upon, take Treharris-road, Commercial-street, Caerphilly- and use compulsorily or otherwise, and to hold road, Dynevor-terrace, Mafon-road,The Square, for the purposes of the intended Act, the lands, the road known as Shingrig-road over the buildings and property, or some part or parts joint Great Western Railway and the Rhym- thereof as hereinafter described, and any estate, ney Railway at Shingrig, the road known as rights or interests therein, or any easements over Commercial-street over Taff Vale Railway the same ^that is to say):— Bridge at Nelson, the road over the Rhymney (a) Certain lands containing 16 acres 1 rood Railway near Pontsaeson, Ynysglyd-street, or thereabouts, being the parcel of- land .. Ystradmynach, 'and Edward-street, Ystrad- numbered 84 on the Ordnance Map (scale a-g^cr , . mynach. \ - , . 2nd edition, 1899), partly in the parisn' of .... .In Llanbradach. Wolstanton and rural district of Wolstanton, Charles-street, Wingfield-crescent, Wing- and partly in the parish of Tunstall and urban field-terrace, Glenview-terrace, Ffrwd-terrace, district of Tuustail, all in the county of High-street, Lewis-terrace, Oak terrace, road Stafford, bounded on the west by the North leading to National Schools, Pencerrig-street, Staffordshire Railway, on the north-west by • Grove-street, James-street, Tynygraig-street, the sidings to the Golden Dale Iron Works, on Thomas-street, . Church-street, Church-view, the east partly by the towing path of the . Morgan-street, and Station-street Trent and Mersey Canal, and partly by a road , . (b) Railways. known as Ravensdale-terrace, and on the south Level crossing. of the Rhymney Railway partly by a road leading from the Bridge Inn .(Walnut Tree branch) at Watford over road in a westerly direction to a bridge over the known as Beddau-road. said railway and partly by a footpath leading (c^ Tramways. from Ravensdale-terrace to the said towing- In the Parish of Eglwysilan:— path of the Trent and Mersey Canal. Tramway crossing Forest-road, Taff's-well, (b) Certain lands containing 12 acres 1 rood leading from Isaac Morgan and Company's or thereabouts, being the parcels of land num- quarry to the Glamorganshire Canal, tramway bered 261 and part of 273 on the Ordnance crossing Cardiff-road at Taff's-well leading Map (scale -^^^ 2nd edition 1900). in the from the Castell Coch quarries to the Gla- parish of Milton and rural district of Wolstan morganshire Canal. ton, and the parcels of land numbered 576 and , In the Parish of Llanfabon :— part of 577 on the said map in the rural parish , Tramway at Nelson leading from the of Stoke, and rural district of Stoke-on-Trent, Gilfach main quarries to Llancaiach railway all in the county of Stafford, bounded on the station crossing Shingrig-road, Nelson. north north-west and west by the towing path And notice is hereby given, that the draft of the Caldon Canal, on the east by the Bid- of the Order will be deposited at the office dulph branch of the North Staffordshire Rail- of the Board "of Trade on or before the 21st way, on the south-east by the Leek main road, day of December next, and printed copies of the on the south by an imaginary line drawn from draft Order when deposited, and of the Order a point on the towing path of the Caldon when made, may be obtained (at the price of Canal 9£ chains or thereabouts south of the one shilling for each copy) at the office of division line between the said parcels of land the .Council, Cardiff-road, Caerpbilly, aijd at numbered 261 and 273 on the said map iu an the offices'of the undermentioned Solicitor and easterly direction to the boundary line of the Parliamentary Agents'. said parcel of land numbered 576 on the said Arid notice is hereby further given, that every map, and on the south-west by the division line local.'of other public' authority,' company, or between the said parcels of land numbered person desirous' of bringing before the Board of 576 and 577 oh the said map. and following Trade, any objection respecting: the application . the said division line to its termination in the must do so by letter addressed to the Board of Leek main road, at a point 1£ chains or there- Trade, marked' on the outside of the cover en- abouts north of the north corner of Abbey- closing it " Electric Lighting Acts," on or before terrace, in the said parish of Stoke and rural the 1'dth' day of January, 1904, and a copy of district of Stoke-on-Trent..
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