507 Written Answers MARCH 4, 1999 to Questions 508 (i) Establishment of transmission links-Private ISPs (b) whether the Govemment propose to increase the can obtain transmission links on lease from DOT, licensed sot up of post and telegraph offices in the rural sector Basic SeNice Operator, Railways, State Electricity Boards, for the current year; National Power Grid Corporation etc. They may also establish their own transmission links, provided they are (c) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons not available from authorised sources and subject to therefor; permission of Authority. (d) whether the Govemment have taken any initiatives Ul Telephony on the Int"met is not permitted. for modemisation of telegraph seNices in Gujarat during 1998-99; Referral Facility to CGHS beneficiaries (e) if so, the details thereof; district-wise; 923. SHRI S.S. OWAISI: Will the Minister of HEALTH (f) the funds allocated for the purpose; and AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state: (g) the time by which the work is lii'""ly to btl (a) whether CGHS beneficiaries are entitled to take completed? treatment in a referral hospital nearby; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF (b) if so, whether DRDO employees in Hyderabad COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI KABINDRA PURKAYASTHA): have to go a long way to take traatment in emergency (a) Department of Posts conditions; A population of one lakh is seNed, on an average, (c) if so, the minimum or maximum distance by 21.85 post offices in rural areas- and 7.5 post offices prescribed for Govemment employees to take treatment in urban areas. In other words, a post office in rural area in emergency circumstances; and on an average serves a population of 4576. This compares _II with the average population seNed by a (d) whether the Government propose to grant post office in urban areas, which is 13233. permission to CGHS beneficiaries to take treatment In nearest hospitals in emergency circumstances? Telegraph services Regarding Telegraph, the information is as THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF below:- HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI DALIT Rural Total Rural population of country estimated EZHILMALAI): (a) CGHS beneficiaries are entitled to take on 01.04.98 = 71.75 crores. treatment in a referral hospital, including one which may not be recognised by CGHS, in emergency circumstances. Total number of telegraph offices working in However, ex-post-facto approval from the CGHS rural area = 40529 Directorato for the treatment taken In emergency circumstances will have to be obtained. Per capita availability of telograph offices in rural area = 0.0000564 I.e. for every 17703 persons, there is OM telegraph office in the (b) to (d) Does not arise. rural areas. Urban Total urban population of country as Post and Telegraph Facilities estimated on 01.04.98 = 28.85 crores 924. SHRIMATI SURYAKANTA PATIL: Total number of telegraph offices working in SHRI HARIBHAI CHAUDHARY: urban area = 7428 per capita availability of telegraph offices in Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased urban areas = 0.0000257 I.e. for every to state: 38839 persons, there is one telegraph office in the urban areas. (a) the per capita availability of poet and telegraph facilities in the rural sector at present and the extent to Per capita availability of telegraph offices in rural which it compares with urban sector, areas is higher than in the urban area. 509 Written Answel5 PHALGUNA 13, 1920 (SaM) to QIIfIIItions 510 (b) and (c) Department of POIII (d) Yes, Sir. Yes, Sir. There is a targe1 for opening 598 Extra (e) Devanagrl facilities is being Incorporated In Departmental Branch Post Offices in the rural areas of addition to English mode for telegrams. Details are given the country during the current year, subject to availability In attached Statement·1 of resources. Telegraph Services The telegraph offlcee are being connected on Public Switched Telephone Network to provide easy acceu to Telegraph offices are opened tlh the buls of demand telegraph network. Detaifa ere given In the attached Statement· II and justification by traffic. Wherever the public t.l.phonea facility is provided in Post offices in Rural Are .., the telegraph lacility is also provided on phonocom. (f) AI, 17416501· is allocated for the purpo ... No specific targets have been fixed lor telegraph (g) The above mentioned work II likely to be offices. completed during next financial year. IItlItem.nt Allotment of Equipment In Gujantt for DevlJllagrt Teltlgnlms SI.No. Name 01 Telecom Names of Telegraph Offlcea where District equipment ahaII be lnatalled 2 3 1. Ahmedabad (AM) CTO Ahmedabad, to AM Railwaypura TO AM Shahlbag TO AM ManInagar TO AM Naranpure TO AM Navrangpure TO AM·Vasna TO AM Naroda and TO Gandhinagar 2. Rajkot (RJ) eTO Rajkol and TO RJ BhaktJnagar 3. Vadodara (BA) eTO Vadodara TO BA Fateganj 4. Surat (SR) eTO Surat TO SR Nanpura 5. Bhavnagar eTO Bhavnagar eTO Jamnagar and TO IN Olgvljayplot 6. Jamnagar (IN) TO Mehaana and TO Unjha 7. Mehsana TO Junagad\ TO Porbandar and 8. Junagadh TO Veraval 512 511 Written An_sIS MARCH 4, 1999 to Questions 2 3 9. Kheda TO Nadlad and TO Anand 10. Bharuch TO Sharuch 11. PanchmahaJ (Godhra) To Godhra and TO Dahod 12. Valsad TO VaJsad and TO Vapi 13. Surendranagar TO Surendranagar 14. Banaskantha (PaJanpur) To Palanpur 15. Sabarkantha TO Himatnagar (Himatnagar) 16. Bhuj (Kutch) TO Shu) and TO Gandhidham 17. Amreli TO Amreli Abbreviations: CTO - Central Telegraph OtIice TO - Telegraph Office sr.tement." DIMt.-wiN List of Static>n. where EKBClEKB upgradation to be dons SI. Name of District Name of Station where Name of station No. EKBC to be upgraded where EKB PSTN modem to be provided 2 3 4 1. Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Dholka, Bavla 2. Sabarkantha Nil Bayad, Talod, Modasa 3. Rajkot Rajkol Jasdan, Paddhari, Kotda Sanghani 4. Surendranagar Surendranagar Thangadh, ChatHa Wadhwan City 5. Sural Sural Sachin 513 PHALGUNA 13. 1920 (SaU) !i14 2 3 4 6. Mehaana MehAna Vljapur. Harlj. Saml. Kheralu. Chanuma. Vadnagar. Man.. 7. Khoda Umralh. Khambhat. BaJaalnor 8. Bhavnagar Va/abhIpur. Sihor (G) 9. Valsad Valaad Oharampur. Klllapardl Khergarn. Gunclav 10. Vadodara Vadodara Padre. Miyagem. Bodell 11. Bharuch Bharuch Osha;. Vagra. Netrang. Rap.rdI. Umalla. Hanaot 12. Junagadh Junagadh Vllavader 13. Jamnagar Jamnagar Kalavad. BhanVIId. Jamnagar Air Force Jamnagar Valaure. Jodla. Dhrol. JMIjodhpur 14. Panchmahal Godhra Sentrampur. Devgadh-Baria. JhaIod. Santroad. TImbaroad. Shehra Abbreviations: EKEC - Electronic Key Board Concentrator EKB - Electronic: Key BOIIrd (a) whether the Government propoee to Nt up a National Judicial Commlealon NaIIonaI JucIcIaI CorMiaion to overcome the drawbKkl In the MIectIon of Judgel and to make the .ppolllimelltl 925. SHRI MANORANJAN BHAKTA: tranafer procell more broed-baIed; SHRI RANJIB BISWAL: SHRI K. YERRANNAlOU: (b) It eo. the deIaIIa theMOf; and SHRI AJAY KUMAR S. SARNAIK: SHRI AJAY CHAKRABORTY: (c) the lime by which the Commilllon is IiIc8Iy to be SHRI K.S. RAO: conaIitut8d? Will the Minister of LAW. JUSTICE AND COMPANY THE MINISTER OF LAW. JUSTICE AND COMPAN' AFFAIRS be pleased to state: AFFAIRS AND' MINISTER OF SURFACE TRANSPORl .
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