Fund af småsommerfugle fra Danmark i 1990 (Lepidoptera) Otto Buhl, Per Falck, Benny Jørgensen, Ole Karsholt, Knud Larsen & Karsten Schnack Buh!, 0., P. Falck, B. Jørgensen, O. Karsholt, K. Larsen & K. Schnack: Records of Microlepidoptera from Denmark in 1990 (Lepidoptera). Ent. Meddr 60: 1-12. Co­ penhagen, Denmark, 1992. ISSN 0013-8851. This artide reparts on interesting Danish Microlepidoptera collected in 1990, and comments remarkable findings from previous years of specimens not definitively identified u n til now. The classification and nomenelature follow Schnack (ed.): En t. Meddr 52: 1-163. Three species are new to the Danish fauna: Euhyponomeutoides albithoracellus Gaj, 1954 ( = Kessleria rufella (Tgstr.)) (Yponomeutidae), surprisingly found in Denmark on light in a garden in the very south-eastern part ofJutland. Pseudatemelia latipennella Qiickh, 1959) (Oecophoridae), four specimens found on light and sitting on trunks in an old beech fo rest in which also the three other Danish species o f the genus are found. Ciavigesta purdeyi (Durrant, 1911) (Tortricidae), many specimens taken o n light and a few flying at dusk around tops o f smal! pines on the island of Rømø. New Danish observations o n the biology of 8 species are reported: Stigmella aceris Frey (Nepticulidae). During the last ten years empty mines have been found from early Jul y until autumn on the only known Danish lo'cality forthis species. Occupied mines are very difficult to find as the mines arefilled with green excrements, and the larvae are green themseJ ves. In addition, the larvae seem to grow very rapid! y. Some disagreement exists about the yearly cycle. In Denmark i t seems as if a second brood eannot mature, and perhaps this can explain why the species is so rare here. Ectoedemia albibimaculella (Lars.) (Nepticulidae). Many larvae have been found in April on Arctostaphylos uva-ursi. They mined under the bark of the shoots, which looked withered. Only very few larvae got in to the leaves. Zelleria hepariella Stt. (Yponomeutidae). Ab ovo rearing gave the foliowing data: The larva mines at the beginning in the midrib o f a leaf of Fraxinus excelsior. After ap­ proximately 1 cm i t goes a littie out in the le af marking a bloch 3-6 mm 2• Then i t lives under a folded edge ofthe leaf, and later in a white web, spinning a few leaves toge­ ther. The larva is light green. The head is light brown with a black lateral spot. The prothoracic plateis yellow-green, in the middle withalighter line and with smal! in­ distinct dark spots. Batia internel/a Jiickh (Oecophoridae). Larvae have been found in numbers on stems o f Pinusand Larix exposed to the sun and with an abundant amount oflichens. The larva lives underaslight web covered with excrements and pieces oflichen. l t is yellow-white with the head and the prothoracic and anal piates dark brown. As ful! grown it is 7-8 mm long. It hibernates, and pupation takes place in May or June un­ der a loose flake o f bark near the web. Elachista litloricola Le March. (Elachistidae ). The biology of this species has not been deseribed before. The larva mines leaves of Elytringia repens. l t is yellow-grey with the head black-brown. The prothoracic plate is narrow and black with a light line in the middle. The mine begins as a siender gallery which later on turns around and fil! up nearly all the width o f the blade. Monochroa suifusella (Dougl.) (Gelechiidae ). The larva feeds from autumn to spring on Eriophorum angustijolium. l t lives in an irregular mine filled up with excrements and Ent. Meddr 60, l · 1992 hidden in the stem and the lowest part of the leaves. I t hibernates in the mine, and during May it is possible to find smal! as well as full-grown larvae. Pupation takes place uppermost in the mine in May. The larva is long and slender, as young al most transparent, as ful! y grown pal e yellow with the head light brown with a lateral black spot, the prothoracic and anal piates o f the same colour as the body. Xystophora pulverate/la (HS.) (Gelechiidae ). The larva fe eds o n Lathyrus pratensis and Vicia cracca in August. I t spins two leaves together and skeletonizes themfrom the in­ nerside. I t is light green with distirret black warts, the head yellow withalateral black spot on each side. The prothoracic plate is of the same colour, with one smal! and one large spot. As ful! y grown in late August the larva becomes pal e purple. It hibernates in a littie tube made oftwo green leaves. Next spring it leaves the tube and pupates between grass, old leaves, etc. All these observations are contrary to the description in Spuler (1910), but in harmony with his description ofthe biology of X carchariella (Zell.). Apatetris kinkere/la (Sne!!.) (Gelechiidae ). The larva is only insufficient! y described, in most detail by Hering (1891). I t is long withasiender head and distirret constric­ tions between the segments. The colour is orange-yellow, the head black-brown. The head itself is long and stretched forward, with a triangular, unsclerotizised, yellow part behind. The prothoracic plate is dark brown and in two parts, while the anal plate is of the same colour as the body. The larva totall y Jacks legs and prolegs. I t mines in the blades o f Ammophila arenaria, making a 10 cm Ion g mine at the top side, normally beginning halfway up in the blade and going upwards. It hibernates in a kind ofroom in the mine, in which i t pupates in the spring. I t is not possible to find the mine in the dry blade in the spring. Foreign readers are welcome to consult any ofthe authors for further information. Correspondance to: Småsommerfuglelisten, Zoologisk Museum, Universitets­ parken 15, DK-2100 København Ø, Danmark. Denne oversigt over fund af nye, sjældne og mer 92 nye distriktsfund i forhold til dette biologisk eller faunistisk set interessante katalog, hvilket er en stigning i forhold til de småsommerfugle er udarbejdet efter de to foregående år. Dette afspejler en betyde­ samme retningslinier som de 11 foregående lig indsamlingsaktivitet i SJ (Sønderjyl­ årslister publiceret i >>Entomologiske Med­ land), der er det dårligst undersøgte af de 11 delelser<< siden 1981. danske distrikter. De tre nye arter for Dan­ Der publiceres fund af tre for den danske mark er alle fundet i SJ. fauna nye arter: Euhyponomeutoides albithora­ Fund af præ-imaginale stadier medtages cellus Gaj (Yponomeutidae), Pseudatemelia la­ normalt ikke, hvis ikke der foreligger klæk• tipennella Qiickh) (Oecophoridae) og Clavige­ ket materiale. Navne på planter følger sta purdeyi (Durr.) (Tortricidae). »Dansk Feltflora<< (Hansen, 1981). Alle de i Artiklen rummer desuden nye biologiske listen omtalte dyr befinder sig i findernes oplysninger om Stigmella aceris (Frey), Ectoe­ samlinger, hvis ikke andet er anført. Forkor­ demia albibimaculella (Lars.), Zelleria hepariella telserne NHMÅ henviser til Naturhistorisk Stt., Batia interne !la J iickh, Elachista littoricola Museum, Århus og ZMUC til Zoologisk Le March., Monochroa su.lfusella (Dougl. ), A}­ Museum, København. stophora pulveratella (H S.), og Apatetris kinkerel­ Listen er et kollektivt produkt, men i de fa (Snell. ). tilfælde, hvor enkeltpersoner har leveret Den systematiske opdeling, rækkefølgen grundige kommentarer til en art, anføres de og nomenklaturen følger »Katalog over de ansvarliges navne i parentes efter kommen­ danske Sommerfugle<< (Schnack, 1985). Op­ tarerne, på samme måde som finderne an­ delingen af Danmark i distrikter er ligeledes gives i parentes efter de enkelte fund. den samme som heri. Listen for 1990 rum- Næste årsliste vil blive udarbejdet efter de 2 Ent. Meddr 60, l - 1992 samme retningslinier. Det er nødvendigt for emplar kunne således være det andet eksemplar os at få oplysningerne hertil skriftligt, helst fra Keldskov. på de dertil udarbejdede meldeskemaer, I den sidste halve snes år har Keld Gregersen som sendes til alle, der har indberettet fund og Ole Karshalt hvert år fundet tomme miner i til listen. Skemaerne kan naturligvis også re­ varierende antal på lokaliteten i Keldskov. Beboe­ de miner er meget vanskelige at opdage, da mi­ kvireres hos listens forfattere, som også står nen er helt fyldt med grønne ekskrementer, og til rådighed, hvis man er i tvivl om, hvad larven er ligeledes grøn. Desuden udvikler larven man skal melde - eller om bestemmelsernes sig meget hurtigt. holdbarhed. Alle, der afleverer meldeske­ Artens livscyklus i Danmark er endnu uafkla­ maer, får tilsendt et særtryk af fundlisten. ret. Forladte miner findes i Keldskov fra begyn­ delsen af juli og frem til efteråret. Imidlertid var MICROPTERIGIDAE de miner, jeg kunne finde 8.x.1990 (kort før løv­ fald), meget gamle, og der var intet tegn på, at ek­ Micropterix aureatella (Scop.). F: Brændegård Mo­ semplarer klækket sidst på sommeren havde nået se, i antal 25.v.1987 (B. Jørgensen), Gerup Skov, at sætte endnu en generation. Buszko (1990) for­ Sortesø, i antal 25.v.1990 (0. Buh!). moder, at aceris overvintrer som imago, men dette betvivles af Erik van Nieukerken og Rolandjo­ NEPTICULIDAE hansson (skr. medd.). Art•:ns sjældenhed i Dan­ Johanssoniella acetosae (Stt. ). NEJ: Lundby Hede, mark beror muligvis på, at der er 'kludder' i ge­ antal la. 12.vii.1990, Rumex acetosae (Alm. Syre) (P. nerationerne, således at en stor del af individerne Falck), Pirupshvarre, antal la. 16.x.1990, Rumex ikke når at udvikle sig og går til grunde. (0. Kars­ sp. (Syre-art) (K. Gregersen). Ny for distriktet. hol t). Stigmel/a betulicola (Stt.). NWZ: Ulkestrup Lyng, Stigmel/a regiel/a (HS.). EJ: Horsens, antal la. l stk. 9.vi.1990, Undløse Mose, antal la.
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