An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper TUESDAY • • October 15, 1996 THE Volutn e 123 Number 12 Non-Protlt Org Ll S. Postage P.ud '-:ewarL D Pcrmil ~o . 26 250 Student Center University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 Hullihen How blackout Al Gore probed came to Recent p ower outage raises the Bob safety questions BY KELLY BROSNA HAN .V<'u-.\ Femurn Ed11or BY ELIZABETH BE KEMA The uni ver it y. it <,eem;. " \ tatl Rq1ortt'l prepared for anyth ing. A recent po\1 er outage in Hullihen I f the re is a blizzard in t he Hall revealed that only two of the fo recast. emergency crew'> a'>;,e mble ha ement"' emergenc) light'> were aero;,;, campus wait ing for the first functioning and had not e\ en been drop of white to hi t the ground. ched,ed on in th ree years. If a chemical accident spri ngs up Another problem occurred \\hen a in DraJ..e Ha ll or B row n Laq. di<,abled uni\er'>it) employee refu,ed uni vers ity fi refighte rs are on the 10 lea\ e the building. • scene to c lean th ings up w ithout Both incident'>. \\ hich happened mi ssing a beat. Oct. 7. can have negati\e T HE REV IEW I Ji ll Cot1right So what did the uni\er;,i t ~ do repercu<,sion<, in the e\ ent of a real The AIDS Quilt takes up 15 city blocks. "You can go and experience it and feel all the emotion," junior Grace Bofna said. w he n V ice Pre;,ide nt AI Gore dilemma. dec ided to 'top b) the Bob W hile back-up light'- \\'ent on in Carpent er Center T hu r<,day ·~ the corridor' and ,win\elb on the It fo ll owed the lead of the White fir'!. second and third floors. the House advance team. One last hurrah for quilt in D.C. G o re · s ;, pur-of-the- m oment admi;-,ion; offices in the ba, ement \\'ere \\'ithout emergency lighting. cam pu'> v i;,i t went off\\ ithou t _a The lighting in the ba;ement \\' U'­ hi tc h th ank;, to the behind- the­ removed during renl)\'ation-, ::~bout The AIDS Quilt has become too large to display in its entirety scenes effort of uni\·er'>it) officiab three )ear-. ago. '>aid Da\·id and ;~ude n ts working in conjunction BY JILL CORTRIGHT The A IDS M emo rial Quilt was started in every day.'· Hollo\\ell. ewcuti\·e \ice pre-,ident. with W hit e Ho use ;,taff members, Swdt·llf .-\ftairo;; Et.litor 1987 by the San Franc isco based NAM ES W hen the reno\ at ion'> \\ere Each panel is 3 feet by 6 feet. the average size who a rrived j ust -18 hours before WASH I GTON. D.C.- A \\'O man kne lt down Project Foundation. Each of the 40.000 panels of a grave. and eight panels are sewn together to completed. replacing the lights was Gore· s arriYal. in fro nt of a panel and stroked it gently. tears in commemorate people who have di ed of AIDS. form a 12-by- 12-foot square bl ock. neglected. The decision to have Gore speak her eyes. lost in her own worl d. Junior history major Joni Aleshevich said she Junior Eng li s h ed ucation majo r O reanthy "The) \\'ere taken out and no one at the Bob \\as tentati\ ely m ade A man. '>mi ling. laid do\\'n on one panel of the decided to go on the D.C. trip because she · s Hiani s call ed the quilt .. beautiflil and elaborate."' rea II) noticed:· HollO\\ ell \aid ... It Oct. 7. th ree day<, ahead. ba,ed on qui lt as the woman he wa: with took hi s picture. always wanted to see the quilt ... It' something .. In o ne square it said so much ab o ut a \\<h on:rlooJ..ed. but \\e are working the si?e of the univer'>i ly and the .. Beautiful. .. she said. the who le nation has gotten togethe r to put person ... she said. on adding more Iights to con·ect the need for an indoor location. '>aid A mother told her two young chi ldren not to together for people sufferi ng from AIDS . -,ituation."' Some pane ls were very sim ple. contai ning M att Be nnett. the Dela\ are '>tate step on the qui lt. but to look at it and learn . ·'Since this is the la">t time [the qui lt] wi ll be only the name and dates o f b irth a nd death . The facilitie-, unit ha' direc tor for the Clinwn/Gore And in the background . there i the constant dis played. 1 J.Jn ·, want to p:;ss it up:· re.,ponsibility to U\\ure that ,afet) O ther"> were much more detai led and personal. campaign. sound of names being read, some followed by Most of the s tud e nt~ on the 11i p were part of w ith pictures or de!>crip ti o ns of the person. cond1tions are met \\hen renovatiom .. We wanted the \ ice president to .. activist."" .. f,iend.'' .. uncle ... .. lover.. or .. mom ... the 10.000 volunteers who set up. monitored and are clone. HollO\\ ell said. poetry or Bibli cal verses. political statements or d o a ra ll y in the \\ a ke of h is T he NAM ES Project A IDS Memorial Quilt folded the quilt at the end of each of the three even anicles of clothing. The code requirement'> were met performa nce the ni g h! before ... takes up 15 c ity blocks and re presents mo re days it was displayed on the Mall. Laid out. it \\hen the \HHk \\as done. but. in .. When you go see all the pi eces of the q~rJt. Bennett sa id. referri ng to the vice name;, than the nearby Vietnam Memori al. The covered the area between the Capitol Building you can al most fee l the emotion, .. Bofna said . • 'ome buildings\\ here lighting is still preside ntia l d e bate<, W ed ne;,day. 70.000 names represented on the quilt account and the Washington Mon ument. She mentio ned one sq uare dedicated to a poor. as in a windowle'>'> ba;ement of .. Stude nt s a nd euucati o n are fo r on ly 12 percent of the people who have died Junior Grace Bofna. a famil y and community soldier that stuck in her mind ... It read. "Th ey Hullihen Hall. adding lights make im port ant to the Clinton/Gpre of AIDS. services major. said she' d seen the quilt before gave me a medal for J..illing three men. and now '>en'>e. he said. campaign. and we \\anted to reach T wenty-fou r students and staff me mbers and wanted the chance to volunteer. t h e~ ostracized me for IO\ ing one. · Jetf Rivell. <.,e n ior as<,ociate o ut to studenl'> and fac ulty:· experie nced history on a Washington. D.C .. bus .. You can go and experience it and feel all the .. , couldn' t help hut be moved by that.'' ~ h e director of admi;,sions saicl. .. Two Be nne tt ;,aid he contacied t1ip Saturday. viewing the A IDS Memori al Quilt emoti on." she said. ·'but it's so diffe ren t to work lights \\ ent on. one back in the 'aid. un i versity pre'>ide nt Da \ id P . in \\'hat wi ll probably be its last time di spl ayed in corner and one in Walter·, Cafe:· there and be a pan of it. Ro;,e ll e hal f an hour after the emirety. due to its treme nd ous size. .. It" s an opponun ity that doesn' t come along The rest of the ba,ement \\·as very see AIDS QUILT page A I 2 deci;, ion wa;, made to hold the event see POWER page A-1 in Delaware. T ho ugh the uni\er'>i t) and the Gore campaign agreed on term'> fnr ihe rental of th e Bob. Ro , elle ... aid the uni \'ersi ty was \\ arned th at the Nine nabbed in drug sweep visit re mained tentative fo r the ne\t two day<,. BY At GELA ANDRIOLA and later re leased to the owners. police an·est. Police said T ucker wa;, taken to An ad\ ance team arrived at the CirY N£'\,·r Etlitor said. One vehi cle had tolen Colorado Justice of the Peace Cou rt 18 fo r Bob Oct. 8. comprised o f qaffer. Nine people were a1Tested Thursday licen'>e plates and the other was taken alTaig 1U11ent. res p o nsi bl e for the lo·gi;, t ics as a result of a drug sweep of Ten11ce for fu rther invesugati on as pan of the Erne. t Hunter. 2:2. of Chapel Street involved in setti ng up an event of Dri ve o ff o f C leveland A venue in drug sweep. ''a, aJTe;. ted. charged wi th an alcohol th is magnitude. Bennell '>aid. Newark. ewark Police said . O fficers from the Dover Police violation and relea-.ed on a ... ummons Uni ven.it y Poli ce abo a;,sisted in The drug s weep. which began at Department.
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