September 26, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1981 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN MEMORIAL OF ED SMITH HONORING THE 125TH ANNIVER- TRIBUTE TO THE ‘‘AIM HIGHER’’ SARY OF THE ST. PAUL PUBLIC AWARD WINNERS LIBRARY AND SCHUBERT CLUB HON. BOB ETHERIDGE HON. BILL SHUSTER OF NORTH CAROLINA OF PENNSYLVANIA HON. BETTY McCOLLUM IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MINNESOTA Wednesday, September 26, 2007 Wednesday, September 26, 2007 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. SHUSTER. Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize the winners of the ‘‘Aim Mr. ETHERIDGE. Madam Speaker, today I Wednesday, September 26, 2007 rise to honor the life of Ed Smith of Raleigh, Higher’’ awards from the HealthSouth Reha- bilitation Hospital of Altoona, given to encour- North Carolina, who passed away on Sunday, Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota. Madam Speaker, today I rise to honor the City of St. age and reward personal achievement within September 19, 2007. In his passing I lost a its community. For the past 10 years, Paul Public Library and Schubert Club for their good friend, and North Carolina lost one of its HealthSouth has presented rehabilitation 125 years of service to the community. These most outstanding citizens and a man who was awards to members of their community who instrumental in his community, county, and two premier cultural institutions share a have overcome a great disability or injury. The State. unique, shared history, and on behalf of resi- ‘‘Aim Higher’’ awards ceremony will take place dents of Minnesota’s Fourth Congressional One of the area’s most beloved men, my this year on October 1. I congratulate this District, I offer my congratulations on their friend Ed, passed away peacefully with his year’s winners: Karrie Lee, winner of the 125th anniversary and celebration of words ‘‘Live.Life’’ Award; and Michael Kiel and Wil- family by his side following a brief bout with and music on September 30, 2007. liam Ricciotti, winners of the ‘‘Aim Higher’’ pneumonia. He was only 56. Ed was a happy Personal Achievement awards. political warrior who enjoyed being in the mid- Under the leadership of Alexander Ramsey, who had served as mayor, Governor, U.S. Karrie Lee is the winner of the HealthSouth dle of the political arena, from voter registra- ‘‘Live.Life’’ Award. Karrie was nominated by Senator, and U.S. Secretary of War, the city’s tion to fighting for the rights of the disabled. At her mother for her incredible recovery from a Library Association proposed that St. Paul es- the age of 5, Ed contracted polio which left life-threatening car accident. Karrie was hit by tablish a free public library. The city’s first pub- him confined to a wheelchair, but Ed didn’t let a tractor trailer in 2003, halfway through her lic library was opened in September 1882 with his disability slow him down in life. He was senior year of high school. She was left in a a collection of 8,051 books. Today, the St. among the first severely disabled students to coma for several days and suffered severe in- Paul Public Library has expanded to 12 get a driver’s license using hand controls. He juries. After undergoing several surgeries branches throughout St. Paul, and a book- was one of the first disabled students to at- Karrie was discharged to the HealthSouth Re- mobile. The library now offers more than 1 habilitation Hospital, upon which time she tend Ligon High School. Ed also graduated million items in its collection. The Central Li- began her recovery. While Karrie’s life was from St. Andrews Presbyterian College in brary in downtown St. Paul features magnifi- completely interrupted by her accident, she Laurinburg, NC. As a young child Ed learned cent Italian Renaissance architecture, housing worked hard and finished her senior year at about politics from his mother, the late Judy approximately 350,000 books and drawing home while completing her rehabilitation pro- Hubbard, a seamstress, who won awards for more than 300,000 visitors each year. The St. gram. She took classes at St. Francis Univer- registering voters. As a teenager Ed helped Paul Public Library continues to provide vital sity and is now studying at the University of elect Clarence Lightner in 1967 who became educational and cultural resources and a place Pittsburgh, working toward her goal of becom- ing a nurse practitioner. Raleigh’s first black mayor. for civic engagement for residents of St. Paul. Michael Kiel is the recipient of the ‘‘Aim Throughout the years, it is estimated that Ed During the same year the St. Paul libraries Higher’’ Personal Achievement Award. Michael worked on over 65 campaigns and political were established, Governor Ramsey’s daugh- was nominated for this award by his aunt. committees. The politicians Ed help put into ter, Marion Ramsey Furness, along with her During his sophomore year of college, Michael office include Vernon Malone, Abe Jones, Bob music-loving friends, founded a music club. was shot at a convenience store by a man he Hensley, Dan Blue, Henry Frye, Reps. BRAD The club later named in honor of Franz Schu- did not know. As a result, Michael suffered a MILLER, DAVID PRICE, and G.K. BUTTERFIELD, bert continues to thrive as one of the oldest spinal cord injury which left him paralyzed. and he also worked on my campaign. The musical and arts organizations in the United While some would be defeated by such a trag- name Ed Smith went beyond the State of States. During its 125-year history, the Schu- ic experience, Michael persevered, returning North Carolina. President Bill Clinton ap- bert Club has promoted the art of music and to college 4 months later. He earned a bach- pointed him to the Home Loan Bank of At- made it accessible to the public through recit- elor’s degree in psychology and continued on to earn a master’s in rehab counseling. He lanta. He was a State co-chairman for the als, concerts, a museum and educational pro- has a love for life and gives back to others Gore-Lieberman campaign. During the 1992 grams. The Schubert Club has hosted many who have suffered by working as a rehab and 1996 Democratic conventions, Ed was the of the world’s renowned musicians in St. Paul, counselor in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. State delegation whip for the Clinton-Gore including Jascha Heifetz, Myra Hess, Artur William Ricciotti is also a recipient of the campaign, making sure the Tar Heels were Rubinstein, Elizabeth Schwarzkopf, Cecilia ‘‘Aim Higher’’ Personal Achievement Award. working hand-in-glove with the national cam- Bartoli, Bryn Terfel, Vladimir Horowitz, Robert Bill suffered a stroke in 2004 which left him paign. Ed is survived by his lovely wife Debra Casadesu, Isaac Stern, Yo-Yo Ma, and Bev- disabled; however he worked through his inju- Smith. erly Sills, just to name a few. ries and gained back much of his mobility. He Madam Speaker, Ed saw politics as an ex- Located across Rice Park from each other learned how to walk again and has made tre- mendous progress in making a nearly com- tension of his activism on behalf of civil rights in downtown St. Paul, the Central Library and plete recovery. Though his left hand was left for African Americans and the handicapped. the Schubert Club continue to serve the public slightly impaired, he continues to work on im- well through education, art and culture. He was a respected and a successful dedi- proving in therapy. He has continued to enjoy cated public servant, and a great North Caro- Madam Speaker, in honor of the 125th anni- life, participating in activities he has always linian. It is fitting that we honor him and his versary of the St. Paul Public Library and the loved. Bill’s visits bring joy to the employees of family today. Schubert Club, I am pleased to submit this HealthSouth, as he always exhibits a wonder- statement for the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. ful attitude. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:43 Nov 20, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 J:\CRONLINE\2007BA~1\2007NE~2\E26SE7.REC E26SE7 mmaher on MIKETEMP with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1982 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 26, 2007 Congratulations to Karrie, Michael and Bill. before you today to commemorate the life. This bill will provide dental and mental All of their stories are moving and inspiring, Richboro Bucks County Nike Missile Base health benefits on par with medical and sur- and many others can look up to their exam- PH–07 and the many brave individuals who gical services—truly ensuring that the whole ples of personal strength and determination. staffed this base during the cold war. Set in child’s health is provided for. Their stories will encourage others to never historic Bucks County, Pennsylvania, the now The CHIP Reauthorization Act does not in- give up, and they may be comforted in know- closed base was operational during the cold crease the deficit, through a 61-cent-per-pack ing that no matter what is thrown their way, war in order to protect Philadelphia from So- increase in the Federal excise tax on ciga- they can overcome it and carry on their lives viet missile attacks. Now, 30 years later, these rettes. In my view as chairman of the Con- with a positive outlook.
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