THE EVENING OTAR, Washington, D. C. A-20 MONDAY. APBIL *l, IBM Country Boy Dominates ' Promised Land Show at Meadowbrook BOWLING 6-5 Favorite in WITH HOD THOMAS By ANNS CHRISTMAS by her daughter, Kristie Miller. Special Writer tar Tht Bur I Miss Kellock's horses from Country Boy. a high-priced Pegasus did well In several di- purchase from the Leesburg visions. as Ballerina won the: Special Ralph E. Kramer from th« Torregrossa, 878: Charley stables of Television Star Ar- riding academy title and Fen's 1 Lincoln Anacoatla Spillway Major Evans. 675; Frank Baker, 675; thur Oodfrey. Is on the road to Folly took the novice hunter's LINCOLN. R. 1.. April 21 UP) {League won the fifth annual A. C. Prettag, 674; Berll Damico, ribbons galore for his new trl-color. with Julian Heron —Mrs. EthPl D. Jacobs' Prom- Oeorge Harbin Memorial Han- 672; Bill Welstllng, 871; Harvey owner, Maggie Horiky, after riding. Janet Ooldberg's Ben- ised Land was the 6-to-S favor- dicap at Mount Rainier last Coughlin. 671; John Yingltng. dominating the pony division ville Blen won the pleasure ite in a field of seven In today's night and in doing so made a 670, and Oeorge Dent. 670. Julie <V3C‘- ' v** sixth running / horse crown over Al-Marah'a of the 150.000- curloua bit area duckpin his- Singer, * in yesterday's Washington Bri- of and Bob Hynek. * 630. : V‘',.‘-, V2LJ ¦ 't'',/V dle Trails Association show at i Manolett*. added Lincoln Special at Lin- tory. He became the first bowl- 149, were consolation winners. Meadowbrook show rlog, Chevy Junior hackt—t, Bon* ill, pirn. coln Downs. , er here to follow In the foot- *• • • Jeoet OoMherit 5, Hgrvesi Moon. Chase. Pttetui Stable. S Mardl llrno, Lvnn Promised Land, trained by steps of a brother In winning Top performance over the flashy pony, Oarrelt: 4. In,lk Proteus Stable. the same tournament. The chestnut Poor hock,— I Country Bor. Mas- Mrs Jacob's husband. Hlrsch. Charles week end in the National Duck- who showed successfully around *l» Honk**; ", Little BIU. Dion, was seeking his third straight Chuck* Kramer prevailed In pin Congress CMSteIMS: il. Domino. Dlan, Do ¦ championships at Virginia for the Oodfrey chil- Pianroaui. 4. Star, Peeasus Stable. stakes triumph. He boosted his the Harbin inaugural. New Haven. Conn., was turned purchased fall by Pan? huaurt—l Country lor: S. earnings $418,000 Ralph, shooting 676 from by dren. was last ! Pour Wind, Jaaot OoMSeri. a Kino , to more than in Mac Carbon! and Ralph Fen Kollock, head of Pegasus Joo\or, Pooir Dowd. 4. Lucky Star. in winning two recent 1100.000 scratch and grossing 736 with a DeMattels of New Haven, who Cathr Dood handicap, Stable, and subsequently sold to Junior plraouro hurooo—l, garaus. handicaps. 60 beat one of the gained the doubles lead with young Horsky, riding Heidi Lehrmen, 2 Tamrvlah Elioa- largest fields that ever turned Mias a b»th Louro, a Pair Day Boitro Mel- The chief threat to Promised 854. Carbonl rolled 133,133 and pupil at Pegasus. In her first vln; 4. Ora? Stolla. Al-Marah expected out for such an event in the 130 396 and Junior hunters—l Bonn# Plro. Pat Land is to be Mrs. Washington for DeMAttels 169, show on her new pony, the Sli- Daish; 2. Mardl Orao; a. Sky • Bril- Wallace Ollroy's Oh Johnny, area. It was a trib- 141 and 148 for 458. ver Spring youngster won three Hone,. Claud, w Ooron. 4. Split D-o ute to Ell and Li! Friedman, > elolon John Ammonman, winner of the recent Ootham Kay Foley and blue ribbons Equitation lundor 1J ytarn —I, bidding farewell as proprietors Norman consecutive and Handicap at Jamaica. Choulnard Mass., pony championship. lererlr Touno. i. JohnnrguoaaChristmas. of the popular Mount Rainier of Fall River, the S. Bohn? Christmas: 4. surer Others In the mlle-and-a- moved to the front Points in yesterday's Junior working huntoro —I. Harvrol Bowling Center, when 154 men in mixed won Moon; 2. Sholk. 3. Bonn# Ptro; 4. Split slxteenth test for 3-year-olds doubles at with Mrs. Foley show count toward Decision. and women competed. B*nm- 771. seasonal Equitation years and oven up Falrcloth's shooting 168, championships, in il? and are R. E. tng. too. were Pete Loomis and 125 and 147 for awarded 1. Judy Meehan: 2 Joan McDonald. Sharpsburg, A. sensation 440. partner September at the end 3 Hridl Lehrmen Mrs. J. Leone's Mike Ballos, who got off to a a Her of an- Poor working huntoro—l. Country Rockcastle, Cain Hoy Btable's rolled 106 and 112 for other Washington Bridle Trails Bor. 5. Otnorrbrood Man. Al-Marah. happy start as the Friedmans' 113. a a. Klni'o Jr«trr. 4. Luck? Star One-Eyed King. Reynolds successors, well Mrs. Len mere 331. show designed for members. Honrr Borah horsemanship —I. as as champion Kriille Millar ?. Moral, Himky Brothers' Navarette and Peter Belas, wife of the tournament The East Haven All-Stars Hunter in the sen- a. Mar, Moroorot Monko 4. Janot Fuller’s ior division was Stewart Car- Ooldhort Challefont. director. Mrs. Belas forecast gained the lead in champion- Knockdown-ond-oul—l. Mordl Orao exactly the ship * Ismael Valensuela will ride size of the field and men's teams with HANSGEN GETS THE CHECKER—Tex Hopkins ushers Walt Hansgen ter's Supremacy, winner over ?. Bonn, Plro. a. Kina Jootor. 1878. Martha Sterbak's Gray Saint. 4 Oaniwar. Mika Daloh. Promised Land again, while thereby won a pool. John Biwek led the way with and the Lister-Jaguar to victory with a leaping wave of the checkered Booinnpri Jumptaf—l. Thomaslna Dennis The Carter entry won the open Bhrlrat 2. Robyn Shelton. 3. Holly Willie Boland will be up on Oh Scott, from the Mount 442. flag yesterday at the finish of the President’s Cup sports car race at Palmer 4. Julia Yulll Johnny. Rainier Friday Night working hunters and the handy inr SmdM Commer- The next week end will be Marlboro Motor Raceway. An estimated 7,500 fans watched the 1-hour Workiar huntoro undor inddlo— cial League, was second at 80- to pile up points Gray Off his victories in the John largely to Washington sufficient for I. Saint Martha Siorbak. 2. 8u- and devoted and 15-minute feature of a 7-hour program.—Star Staff Photo by his award. Btrworl Carter a. OeUha B. Campbell Memorial at Bowie 716. James R. Rice. Jr„ area bowlers. So far 615 BrematrIrl. Mary Washington Collate. 4. Ben- from the Greenway National teams. Francis Routt. The show marked the first ville Blan and the San Juan Capistrano 473 doubles and 873 singles Working huntoro I. Linker'! Santa Land League, third at 84-711. The public appearance in America 1 Thorne. Sheila Orahom ?. Fan • at Anita. Promised have competed. Orp-r Jink,. weighted major awards were SIOO, of several British Imports made PaUr. Paaaoui stable a. was top with 126 850 * • e> * Tommy Thompaon 4. Capero. Mrt. and S3O. Others to top last fall by Mrs. Oarvln E. P. C Roocker. pounds. Victory would give Mr. 700 were For the second straight week Tankersley Plaaoura hone, 1. Beenvllle Blan and Mrs. Jacobs their third David < Skip i Traynor from the HANSGEN DEFEATS PORSCHES of Al-Marah Ara- : ? Monolatte Al-Marah. a. Gray the jackpot in Bowl the Champ Stella 4. Bohn. Oeorge Sharpe straight Lincoln Special. They Mount Rainier Friday Night bian Horse Firm, Bethesda. Her Novice huntoro—l. Pan, Polly at WMAL-TV was cracked Eye ?. Sky a 3. and Paper League. 96-107. and Jim Mor- grayj won with Joe Jones Colonials stallion, Royal Diamond, Brilliance TeouUlo. Tareaa when Harry Nussbaum turned Hallman 4. Capara Tiger the last two years. gan. Crawley Memorial League. was named Arabian champion Amateur Arabian— I. Gray Stella the trick for SIOO. He, Jimmy Lister-Jaguar Shines after he wonghe open class in laakerate, Cbarlea Crater a, Tamr- Oh Johnny drew the second 52-702. Nicro and Jolly Schneider l rlho 4. Manoletle. **** his division. For Royal Dia- Handy huatera—l. Supremacy. ?, highest Impost of 121 pounds, , earned a shot at it by winning Ort? Sulla. 3. Link? a Thorne 4. While Chuck Kramer First Place 9-year-old. it also Shady Mary while Sharpsburg. who is to be was | four frames from Frank Kren- mond. a was Paat. Waahmaton Colleoe his first show ring attempt un- Riding academy hacka —1. Ballerina. ridden by Howard Orant. was getting nowhere with a scratch llch. Nussbaum, needing 17 In Victory Pecaaue Stablt 2 Oeltha Oirl a. 567. Ralph was upholding the . Marlboro Mary Coll,a, One-Eyed der saddle, for he was pur- Jornada. Waahtnaton 4. assigned 114 and sticks, struck and counted 10. Blue Jtana Mary Waahmaton Collate family name with games of 160, By SLAY dominated by the host Wash- chased from the estate of Lady High- King 111. The Good- DICK Noelce working hunter,— I. (414 previous week Bob Met RUK Writer ¦ Conference Wentworth, who not ball. Ann Drury and Jerry Dade 2. 139. 115 for three >, 136 and , ington region Sports In did believe England jackpot of the Car Rockcastle, win hit the for Harvaat Moon. 3. Pan a Polir. 4. Trav- a New 126. Scott's high was 144. Rice <350. The devious two miles of Club of America. Washing- George Washington, defend- : in breaking her horses to sad- eler. Suwart Carter favorite who won the Yankee Next Saturday's will contain hunterg Blue staged a flourishing finish ; ton members, including Hence, Royal Diamond Riding gcademr —I.
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