Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The George-Anne Student Media 11-18-1960 The George-Anne Georgia Southern University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/george-anne Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Georgia Southern University, "The George-Anne" (1960). The George-Anne. 2418. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/george-anne/2418 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The George-Anne by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HAPPY THE GEORGE-ANNE THANKSGIVING PUBLISHED BY STUDENTS OF GEORGIA SOUTHERN COLLEGE VOLUME 34 STATESBGORO, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1960 NUMBER 8 Masquers Present FHA Meet Hosts 1300 Girls On New A.B. Degree In Sociology Is ‘Twelfth Night’ GSC Campus The GSC Masquers will pre- unacceptable in the social Forty-two counties and one Added To Ga. Southern Program sent their first production of the scheme if things. Viola, played year, Shakespeare’s “Twelfth by Dreena Sealy from Griffin, hundred three high schools were Night,” on November 21 and 22 sees herself clearly and under- represented at the annual fall A new major leading to the at 8:15 p.m. in McCi'oan Audi- stands her nearly hopeless situa- meeting of the district two Fu- A. B. degree in Sociology is be- ture Homemakers of America torium. tion. ing offered to Georgia Southern Mr. Overstreet, professor of meeting held at GSC November Curtain Rises On The “Twelfth Night” is one College students for the first of Shakespeare’s great musical speech and director of the play, 12. comedies. Many critics consider says “We may consider our- Thirteen hundred students ‘South Pacific’ time in the history of the this play the best of his come- selves lucky indeed that the registered at the meeting, ac- school, according to Dr. Jack dies. It is light and flippant and language in which Shakespeare cording to Miss Betty Lane; as- N. Averitt, chairman of the so- yet without preaching, as many wrote was our native tongue. sistant professor and acting Nov. 28, 29-Dec. 2 cial science division at GSC. old plays do. It offers a lesson We sense in the translation of chairman of the division of to those who are willing to see the Greeks and in Chekov, for home economics. “South Pacific” will be pre- The new degree program was nit. The lesson has to do with instance, that something is miss- In the morning, open house sented by the music department officially authorized by the what kinds of love are accept- ing even though we may not was held in the Home Econom- at McCroan Auditorium on Nov- Board of Regents for GSC dur- able to society. have read the original. If Shake- ics department of the Hei'ty ember 29, 30 and December 2 ing the summer. The whole play is concerned speare had written in Greek, his Building. The general meeting at 8:15 p.m. Dr. Averitt l'eleased the fol- wijth love. Countess Oliva, play- plays would neither contribute took place in the W. S. Hanner lowing statement concerning the ed by Samille Jones, Washing- to our national heritage nor en- Building following the open The complete casting for new degree program when it ton, hides from love and so the rich our language. So we can house. “South Pacific” has been re- was officially announced: “The leased by Dr. Hooley. The leads playwrite plays a tr'ick on her. be thankful for Shakespeare.” The greeting was given by number of requests for a major are: Nellie Forbusch, Peggy The Duke Orsino, played by Jim The costume design was by Mr. Jack Nix, state director of in sociology in the A. B. pro- Alexander, Nashville; Emille de Fields, Claxton, is in love with Miss Esther Kling, associate pro- vocational education. gram has increased considerab- fessor of speech. Costumes were Becque; Ar'chie McAfee, Dublin; the idea of being in love, so the Dr. Zach S. Henderson, presi- ly during the current academic playwrite plays a trick on him. by: Chairman Nonie Ringwald, Lt. Cable, John Bargeron, Millen; year. The major in sociology is Savannah; Faye Tiner, Blakely; dent of GSC, was among those Bloody Mary, Hildo Blanton, Malvolio, Olivia’s steward, who gave welcoming speeches. offered in most liberal arts pro- played by Jimmy Ray Johnson, Dreene Sealy, Griffin; Jane Dot- Lakeland; Liat, Ethylene McMil- grams and is a popular program Stillmore, is guilty of self love son, Statesboro. Suzanne Donnelly, Baldwin lan, Milan; and Luthe Bills, of study in the field of social County high school, state FHA and since self love is entirely The cast consists of Donald Johnny Hathcock, Atlanta. science.” Bargeron, Sardis; Curtis Ander- vice-president, called the meet- Additional Parts son, Fitzgerald; Bill Kautz, Jack- ing to order. Additional parts include the New Courses sonville, Florida; Jack Smoot, Carol Raines, Turner County Stewpot, Bucky Carlton, Moul- THE FRESHMAN CLASS became full-fledged active members of GSC last week with the elec- Five new courses are being News Briefs Ft. Stewart; Stacy Wells, Hines--,high school, state president, trie; Professor, Robert Fullerton, tion of class officers. The new freshmen class officers are, from left to right: Marcus Thompson, offered in the new sociology ville; Claude Astin, Palmetto; gave the president’s address. Thomasville; Captain Brackett, Evans, president; Joyce Redding, Griffin, secretary-treasurer; and Warren Dawson, Milledge- program. They include: Psycho- Ronald Nesbitt, Atlanta; Frank Libby Booker, Jenkins High, John Barker, Columbus. ville, vice president. The election was held on November 2, and the run-off for secretary- logy 400 entitled Group Dynam- Chew, Bartow; Jane Dotson, Also Major Harbison, Jim ics, Criminology, Population, Ju- Savannah, state secretary, gave treasurer on November 7. Nintey per cent of the students turned out for voting this year, com- The Appleby Scholarship for Statesboro; Doy Beck, Guyton. Brandon, Statesboro; McCaffrey, venile Delinquency and Deviant a report on the FHA national pared with sixty-seven per cent of last year’s class. Physical Handicapped gave GSC The chairman of the publicity convention. Don Fordham, Brooklet; and Lt. Behavior, and Culture and Per- $2,500 for our handicapped stu- committee is Jim Fields, Clax- Faye Teston, Appling County Adams, Bill Wood, Sycamore. sonality. dnts. It is given to students al- ton and his committee is: Stacy high school, district secretary, Musical Highlights The freshman and sophomore ready on the state rehabilita- Wells, Hinesville; Henri Etta gave a report on the national Musical highlights will include tion program, according to need. Walea. years of those students desiring convention and inti'oduced the a chorus of native girls and a GSC Debaters to major in sociology are con- S $ Jim Fields is chairman of the speaker Congressman Prince H. chorus of navy nurses. Schedule Of S.C. Activities set and props committee and centrated on a general college Dean Carolyn Gettys is repre- Preton, who spoke on “The They will sing “Honey Bun,” program for a liberal arts de- senting GSC at College Day pro- his committee is Claude Astin, American Home-Our American “A Wonderful Guy,” and “Fm Palmetto; Frank Chew, Barton; gree in addition to certain pre- grams in Atlanta. Dean Tyson Heritage. Gonna Wash That Man Right Compete Nov. 9 Discussed At Wed. Meeting requisite background courses. will visit northwest Georgia Walter Strickland, Savannah. Congressman Preston’s speech Outa My Hair.” schools next week. Lighting is by Claude Astin, followed the theme of “Our Dr. Dan Hooley, professor of The GSC student council agen- A parade around Sweetheart Specific major field courses Palmetto. House Manager is American Heritage” which was da for much of the remainder of Circle is being planned for Dec. include: Social Disorganizations, , * * * music, is the director and Mr. With Armstrong Ralph Bowden, Jesup. Make-up used to show the Pole of young Fred Grumley, assistant profes- the fall quarter was discussed 3 followed by a pep rally in the The Family, Social Origins of Dr. George/Rogers will serve is by Henri Etta Walea, Ty Ty. women in strengthening family The Georgia Southern Debate at last Wednesday’s general center of the campus. Following World Religions, Labor, Social as sponsor of the freshman sor of music, is in charge of the life in America today and the sets. meeting. the game ACE will sponsor a Psychology, Rural-Urban Socio- class; Dr. Tully Pennington will Team will meet the Debate logy, Cultural Anthropology, effect of family life on American Miss Dorothy Thomas, assis- Team from Armstrong College The social committee, headed dance in the Alumni Building. serve as sponsor of the sopho- and the five new course offer- culture. tant professor of music, is the at GSC, Tuesday, November 9. by Henri Etta Walea, is work- A formal request is being more class; and Dr. David Ward Miscellany Will The meetng was sponsored by ing with the maintenance de- made to Mr. Pound, director of ings mentioned above. as sponsor of the junior class. property manager; Beth Rigdon, Plans are now being made for the State Department of Educa- Douglas is in charge of costumes. return debates with Armstrong partment to improve the light- the Williams Center, concern- A total of thirty hours taken Dr. Jack N. Averitt succeeds tion with the Statesboro FHA ing conditions at the Saturday ing the possibility of putting a from these courses is required Dr. Fielding Russell, who has Roll Off Press Admission for “South Pacific” as well as for attending at least and the Marvin Pittman FHA wll be 75 cents for students and one tournament.
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