marine education A Bibliography of Educational Materials Available from the Nation's Sea Grant College Programs January 1994 For additional copies of this bibliography, contact the Sea Grant Program in your state or region. Copies also are available from Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium, P.O. Box 7000, Ocean Springs, Miss., 39566-7000, (601) 875-9341. $2.00 for single copy; $1.50 per copy for bulk orders in lots of 50. Foreword This bibliography was first published as a result of a cooperative education effort of the nation’s Sea Grant programs and the staff of The Living Seas pavilion presented by United Tech- nologies at EPCOT Center in Orlando, Florida. A compilation of the textbooks, curricula materials and other marine education resource materials developed by individual Sea Grant programs, the original publication was intended for use with the education program of The Living Seas and in the EPCOT Outreach/Teacher’s Center. This cooperative effort was a natural out- growth of the intersecting missions of Sea Grant, The Living Seas and the EPCOT Outreach/ Teacher’s Center. When Congress established the National Sea Grant College Program in 1966, Sea Grant was given the mission of promoting the understanding and wise use of our oceans and Great Lakes through research, education and public service. The materials included in this bibliography are evidence of Sea Grant’s meeting that Congressional mandate for formal and public education. The Marine Education Bibliography has proven useful to a wide range of educators, and demand has far exceeded supply. This fourth printing ensures that the bibliography is again available as a tool for teachers and other indi- viduals interested in helping students explore and understand our oceans and Great Lakes. The materials outlined in this bibliography are available from the Sea Grant program or institu- tion that developed them. Entries include order- ing instructions and information about materials available free or at nominal cost. Table of Contents Alaska Sea Grant College Program ........................................................................................................ 1 California Sea Grant College .................................................................................................................. 3 Connecticut Sea Grant College Program ..............................................................................................4 - UniversityofDelaware.. .......................................................................................................................... 5 State UniversitySystemof Florida ........................................................................................................ 8 Universityof Georgia............................................................................................................................ 10 UniversityofHawaii.............................................................................................................................. 11 Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program ..................................................................................................... 12 Louisiana Sea Grant ............................................................................................................................... 13 University of Maine ............................................................................................................................... 14 UniversityofMaryland........................................................................................................................ l5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ............................................................................................... 17 Michigan Sea Grant College Program ................................................................................................. 18 Minnesota Sea Grant College Program ............................................................................................... 20 Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium .....................................................................................21 UniversityofNewHampshireSea GrantExtensionProgram ....................................................... 24 New Jersey Sea Grant College Program ............................................................................................. 24 NewYorkSeaGrantInstitute.............................................................................................................. 25 Universityof NorthCarolinaSeaGrantCollege Program ............................................................. 26 OhioSeaGrant CollegeProgram ......................................................................................................... 28 Oregon State University ........................................................................................................................ 32 PacificScienceCenter/Washington SeaGrant ................................................................................. .33 University of Puerto Rico ...................................................................................................................... 35 Rhode Island Sea Grant ......................................................................................................................... 37 South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium ................................................................................................40 University of Southern California Sea Grant Institutional Program............................................. .41 Texas A&M University .......................................................................................................................... 42 Virginia Sea Grant College Program ...................................................................................................47 University of Wisconsin Sea Grant ...................................................................................................... 49 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution .............................................................................................50 iii Alaska Sea Grant College Program University of Alaska Fairbanks - 304 Eielson Building Fairbanks, AK 99775-5040 (907) 474-6707 Sea Week Curriculum Series Birds and Wetlands of Alaska. elementary school children how The Alaska Sea Week program Grade 4. James G. King and Mary to prepare for and cope with out- has been cited for excellence in Lou King. AK-SG-88-01.1988. 84 door emergencies. The emphasis environmental education by the pp. + worksheets and field guide. is on equipment, skills, and men- National Science Teachers’ Asso- $12.00. tal outlook needed to survive ciation. The hundreds of teachers Kids will learn about bird habi- when lost or stranded in the out- who have used these curriculum tats, migration, parts of a bird, doors. The presentation is based guides find Sea Week the high- and how to identify birds. Teach- on case studies in Alaska, but the light of the year - a week of de- ers do not need to be experts to information is relevant to any tem- light and awe, intrigue and excite- use these materials, and no addi- perate geographic region. The ma- ment. These six books can easily be tional materials are required. terials are geared to grades 5-7, adapted to several grade levels and Fish and Fisheries. Grade 5. Belle and have been used successfully even to adult education. Mickelson and Nancy Barr. AK- in grades K-12. One free student Discovery: An Introduction. Kin- SG-83-07. 1983. 172 pp. + manual for each participating stu- dergarten. Belle Mickelson. AK- worksheets. $11.50. dent will be included with order. SG-83-06. 1983. 106 pp. + work- This guide has games and activi- Teachers should specify number sheets. $6.50. ties that help teach youngsters of youngsters in class. This book leads the teacher about the biology of fish, and Lessons of the Exxon Valdez. Rick through more than 30 activities. about the fish species that are har- Steiner and Kurt Byers. SG-ED- While children are learning about vested. Other units take the chil- 08. 1990. 32 pp. $8.00. wetlands, the ocean, marine and dren out to study the natural habi- This color-illustrated booklet fea- shore animals, and seaweed, they tat. Fishing techniques, fish pro- tures an essay written on the heels discover science, mathematics, cessing, and the history and fu- of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. The language, history, social studies, ture of the fisheries are also intro- book suggests ways to avoid fu- art, and music. duced to the students through ture spill disasters and discusses Animals of the Seas and Wetlands. classroom activities, readings, and cleanup technology and state and Grade 1. Belle Mickelson. AK-SG- individual worksheets. federal legislation spurred by the 85-11. 1985. 154 pp. + worksheets. Marine Mammals: Coastal and spill. It also describes effects of $12.00. River Issues. Grade 6. Belle the Alaska oil spill on wildlife, This book has units on marine Mickelson. AK-SG-84-08. 1984. humans, and local economies, in- and freshwater invertebrates, fish, 186 pp. + worksheets. $17.00. cluding Native villages. An an- amphibians, marine and freshwa- This volume concentrates on ma- notated bibliography lists over ter mammals, and beach field rine mammals in Alaska and also fifty articles, books, and videos trips. The text includes back- introduces a broad range of marine on various aspects of the spill. ground information for teachers, and wetland topics to students, Selected by
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