Natural Enemies and Biological Control !" / %#Scolothrips latipennis Priesner (Thys.: Thripidae) #$%& %'( )*(+, - #. 0 1 890 * .*345 6 7 # 2 ( Neda_saradar @yahoo.com !% * ' #( ))Tetranychidae " #$ % &' Scolothrips latipennis Priesner ! !% 4 5 &' 6* '# ,-!. #&/ 0 12 &)" 3' Oligonychus sacchari Mc.G. #$$+ ' /F ) 9<DE(L:D) C<>:B?@/(A & )#5 =>:9 ;<:9 ' '.7 '80 (#$# ,-! ( *N +O! # I!SAS M G5 2H7)! './)( /2 H I J( (G@ K #(L '.% * )( (( Y' (T)N@G '7)&'(Ro)NW' 0!X0 "Q V)/ 15L 2 $&'Q(rm)/ 15L 2!PQR SO!% T &U )( 9 [=B> [;\ Z ^ ! ! # ^ ( ^ & ) # 5 => ' =[]9 9<[>=;B [\B9 [;; >[;> Z ! ! # ( & ) # 5 ;< ' (DT) / 1 5 *( ;[=9 9;[=9=\ [\< Life table parameters of Scolothrips latipennis Priesner (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on sugarcane mite, Oligonychus sacchari Mc.G. (Acari: Tetranychidae) under labotary conditions Saradar Zadeh, N., F. Kocheili and P. Shishehbor Dep. of Plant Protection,Faculty of Agriculture , Shahid Chamran univ. Ahvaz, Iran, Neda_saradar @Yahoo.com Scolothrips latipennis Priesner is one of the most important predators of Tetranychid spider mites thoughout the world. This thrips lives inside the colonies of sugarcane mite, Oligonychus sacchari Mc.G. and feed on them. Life table parameters of this thrips were evaluated under laboratory condition (26 1 and 30 1C, 605% R.H. and 16L:8D h ). These experiments were conducted on leaf discs of sugarcane. The thrips fed on adult female mites. The collected data were analyzed by using Jack Knife model and SAS soft ware. At 26C the intrinsic rate of increase (rm), finit rate of increase (), net reproduction rate (Ro), mean generation time (T) and population doubling time (DT) were 0/20 ,1/22, 25/95, 16/03 and 3/41 days, respectively, and at 30C they were 0/29 ,1/35, 39/96, 12/31 and 2/31 days, respectively. 119th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 31 July3 August 2010 !" : # 1E2F6?'*Chilocorus bipustulatusBC5 D ## 2 ;*(0<59 =>' 9?@A G@*H*# 8 8 CI #92 [email protected]_$ /2 5 Y S SO!' YC#10 a'Y ef!)(#$ ' *' c&)Y ?'d)4&$ /5 %` /2 5#Sa$'Y ?'Y ` (1 ) ba) H ^I#+l' hkjhi 0 )R SO!% #0 ( Sg c/2.% 1 ?A% %` Chilocorus bipustulatus*/)#&2 #^ ,-!N?d/F ) ##)%) nF#) ' N ' lF#) g c# ,-! ')( m $ ' # ( L ' . 4 # + l ' */2 ^/2.Yl1! $&2 d ('/F )qr6 dd)op l Y ? ' ( # 5 a ( ( .7^) #qptqp# #OcC # 5a(g cN' lFsp G %) nFsp L ' . H # + l ' * / ' V ^ v01'u. Cs[k sp[kN' G0 %` /m+`o* # & , Z 0 d H # # O c C ) N S & $ ' / d $ + ! + 6 Z 0 d w[oi:p[qh w[sk:p[oZ !!#(/2.g c ' N' Yl# ,-! 'L '.4 #+l'* 6G c!#(N' Yl n #(z('/@dL '.H #+l'*#yg c7)!/2.% 4&$'5!N( d#I &#'./)(i[px:p[ssH)%) n oi[k ef!C (Z !!#(Cs[k s%` /m+` {a"( {s Cqk e ! (Cp[k/m+` !g cs%) n/ ) @l { ^ a " ( {s Cqq[k ef! (%` Cp[k/m+` ! N ' Y l / ) @ l # ( z ( ' / @ d *$&2 d{y5a" ({q wq[k N 0^(%^` c&^)R SO!% NC lT & *$&2 d{y5a" ({q ki[k op e f ! C ( Z ! ! # ( C s[k s % ` /m+` 21'/m+`% !% {a"( { $F (G0 %` Cp[k/m+` # C!/2.4&$(1 ?A $ &a O'/@ Y ef! Studyonladybird(Chilocorus bipustulatus)feeding from Aonidiella orientalis and susceptibility to volk oil Rangbar, S. Agricultural Research Departement of Jiroft & Kahnoj, [email protected] Despite of wide usage of oils to control of Aonidiella orientalis in jiroft,There is natural enemies especially Chilocorus bipustulatus. This research was conducted in85-87 years and in two phases, In the first stage to determine feed rate of ladybird per day three adult male and female ladybird and three 3 instar larvae that don feed for 4 hours were put on citrus leaves. There are 30 Aonidiella orientalis in every leaf. After 24 hours dead and live pest were counted. In the second stage, glass plates (2020 cm) with a 12 cm diameter polyethylene in the center, were used. Four treatments were: 3 different concentration 0.5, 1 and 1.5% of volk oil and water. Then 10 1st instar larvae and 10 adult ladybird were transferred to glass plate and second glass plate was put on it and different treatments were spraied to them. Results showed that, male, female and 3 instar larvae of lady bird feed about 6.15 respectively. Which are noticeable to control of pest. In second stage results revealed that oil with 0.5, 1 and 1.5% concentration effected 25, 37.5 and 62.5 of 1 instar larvae of lady bird respectively and so 1 and 1.5% concentration put in slightly harm group (group2) and 0.5%concentration harmless group (group1). Oil with 0.5,1 and 1.5 % concentrations effected 22.5, 30 and 57.5 respectively, against lady bird adults, and so 1 and 1.5% concentrations arranged in group 2(slightly harm) and 0.5% in group 1(harmless).On the basis of this study it can be concluded, that the usage of Volk oil is almost to both environment and natural enemies and also 0.5% is the safest concentration. 19th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 31 July3 August 2010 2 ! !" , % E0%5#)?7 #$ CoenosiaattenuataStein #$&,#*#8 ,*# 8 J ' 2 # 8 K.EL' OIL*.N#N#(L, )M+ *5F6(L 6 Y S SO! #@)' j;[email protected]!jY S SO! H+Fl '|). j9 * ^ '#&2 ( # }+ ~'Y 2."(# +F VGeneralistv"'F1 ?A%G $F#(Coenosiaatenuatta ' '#$ #(#5! (*/) (Liriomyza trifolii$ '' !A # }+ % e'/ 0 12 ' )(# &}?" e ^!/^O!"/cC% # Y 10 a' ('( G 0 (4&$( .u }&~'Y cC $F#(1 ?A $ ( #6H #(. ( ' (#@ S'$ ''# ,-! ( ' ( ')(m$'#(#10 a' /) ( '3#+51&'N'F /(AU @+ )#5qk:s '7 Scatella stagnalis (Shorefly)+l ) "G?+5' Bradysia sp. VFungus gnatv" d ( 'e)(( '. ( '#) # 0 $+S&)6 *H I/F )h ! sw $ Cwp:sp?@ &^)|6 V!G ''2spvcA#( &c5 VF4A/F )]E (v % @ ' 2 op 1 ! ^'# (* d &"V ' v ( '.80 (2sk !sp% (# U?O'& 0s l ~ I l # ( c Y'v+( 4A T &* /?e .F 6 ! uA'g "&O'L & 6 # & , ~}!K #+ )( % ' 4A \ 9>[]E[];Z !!#(L. trifolii S. stagnalisBradysia sp.# ,-! ( ' 'V ~}!3 !1( # ^ ( 2 ( ' . # ( ~}! 7)&'YC% #(*( '[~}!F9\>[9 9EB[B;]>[\ Z ! ! # ( . N ( / ? @ ^ + A # ( *( ;=[9 ;>[\;][;80 ( F4A7)&'*#?) O' [ '[~}!9=[] 9 [<9B[= 9][9 9>[B 9B[E Z ! ! ( '3$1' e ! '. #@ S'*(C\=[= <E<Z !!#($ ' +l )'" d #6# -! ( ( ' *X}' '.7 % ( &2 A study on the effect of host species on the fecundity potential of Coenosia attenuata Stein, a new predator of the vegetable leaf minor Kaviani, M. H.1,J.Shirazi2, M. Rezapanah2 and M. Shojaee1 1.Sceinces and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, [email protected], 2.Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection The Tiger fly, Coenosia attenuata, has been utilized as an effective biocontrol agent against some greenhouse pests in several countries recently. Fortunately, a through up-to-dated survey proved a conspicuous activity of the predator on the vegetable leaf minor, Liriomyza trifolii, in covered crops around Tehran, Iran. As the fecundity of the natural enemies has been an important criterion for their selection in applied biocontrol programmes, and there are already some vivid evidence of the host effects on the natural enemies ! " # the leaf minor in comparison with 2 other general hosts viz. fungus gnat, Bradysia sp. and shorefly, Scatella stagnalis. Primarily, a stock colony of each host was established on defined media at 25$%&' ()(*+ predator population was perpetually reared on S. stagnalis or Bradaysia sp. at the mentioned conditions and used in the experiments. In each host-predator experiment, thirty (48 h old) and mated tiger fly females (10 individuals per replications) were confined individually in cylindrical transparent vessels with about 1 Lit volume. Daily, 10 to 15 individuals of related host adults (,-! ./ / + / !0 # 0 eggs laid by the female predator on a Petri dish containing wet amended soil inside vessels till they died. The results showed that the pre-oviposition period of the female tiger fly on fungus gnat, shore fly and leaf minor took averagely 8.24, 10.4 and 9 days, respectively. Moreover, the mean lifetime fecundity on the same hosts was 240.9, 185.5 and 190.1 eggs/female. Similarly, the mean duration of egg laying and daily fecundity were measured as 15.8, 10.5 and 14.1 days and 15.3, 17.6 and 13.4 egg/female/day on fungus gnat, shore fly and leaf minor, respectively. Besides, the female mean longevity and proportion of fecund females on the mentioned hosts was calculated as 24.2, 20.9 and 23.1 and 86, 76 and 93.3 percent, respectively. The statistical analysis and comparisons of means revealed the significant differences among studied characteristics of tiger fly in relation to the studied hosts. 319th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 31 July3 August 2010 !" P 13R 892,*# CoenosiaattenuataStein #$&,9 =>'* , #$QF -.2# 8 OIL*:.N#N#(L:, )M+ *5F6(L 6 Y S SO!#@)' jq [email protected]!jY S SO! H+Fl '|). js / +/2. Liriomyza trifolii?)$ ''G 0 (4&$( ! ' Coenosia attenuata Stein '21' N @ &6( m$'#(#10 a' ' u@O'# }+ Y 2.'F 1 ?A% % #$ #(#5! (*/) ~2 "# # }+ . F ( '$F#( VScatellastagnalisv"G?+5' VBradysia sp.v" d #6 (#@ S'?)$ ''.# ,-! ^ " G ^ ? + 5 '* I '. # }+ . # 0 / 15 .5 6 ( ' ' $+&(*/2 YC # } + " d #6 ~ "G?+5 ' ~ '/ 15)* K 6 0.' (z+}'g " &@( " d #6 L '. K 6 ' !* (0 1&' K R?A $ ''/ 15* c&) / 15% L '.' ! K 6 ^ ' ^ ^ ')(/5* H I/F )h ! sw $ Cwp:sp ? @ / ( A U @ + ) # 5 qk:s ' 7 ad si3 c!#(U| @+6 cA#( &c5 F/F )rh 2op '2op1! ( ' C.attenuata L. trifolii S. stagnalisBradysia sp.Z !!#( 80 ( l sk ksk1!# # 0 '.U )( *U?O'&'& ) sk */ 2 , ^ 6 Y C !sp!o (G ( 'ba)#) V ' l v + C ! b a ) q L ' .
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