I 7 ❖ SAMPLE BALLOT I I I I I I ■ Official General Election Ballot Precinct: 3065857001 • Ballot Style: 001 • • San Miguel County, Colorado Ballot Type: 001 ■ • Tuesday, November 3, 2020 • Please vote your mail ballot. Due to COVID-19, help us make this a safe election for everyone by returning this ballot via mail or drop box. • • ,,,:h,hW-O~,,,r~•c• •"' ••--••W•W••••,_,, -~~••-•• ••• •••~•~ -• • r,n~t~u~ti~ns' • • • '. ~- -- --~ ··-----·1-~~.~" -·-r1:;~~~3&1 • • • -,;,.,,"'"''"'"fin Oi To""' r,, m •t~•• wril,.lo ~'°'"'• 1, To make acorrection, draw abold line through I ■ • I~ ''""'the oval ,,,.to the ~•"'left of your choice Use blue or I completely fill in the oval to the left of the wnte~n the oval and candidate name marked by I • ; black ink. line. and print the name of the candidate on the mistake. Then, completely fill in the oval next to • t · ·••-•cc•~•=-~ S,<• ss·• __:,~,e,:,,F, "«•••• --~-"' ••---""'""° ,_J.!;l,~~!:~,,'!~:.,_ •~••••--.......--1 ■ • (WARNING: Any person who. by use of force or other means, unduly in~uences an eligible elector to vote in ·any particular manner or to refrain from voting, or I lwho falsely makes. alters, forges or counterfeits any ma~ ballot before or after it has been cast or who destroys, defaces, mutilates, or tampers with a ballot is I • .:subject, upon conviction, to imprisonment, or to afin!). or both. Section 1-7.5-107(3J{b), C.R.S. .- • • t<" --- ."""'"..... ""'""""' ,,...,.,,,..,,_ ..,-.,.~<')ol ..,;;-4<0-~~,-=w-fc""'<-"'+---..,..-.-~~ - ;,; _,,,r___,,,_,._~.., .. ,,,.,.,..,..... .-,,.....,.-;-.wcs,,,,...;,,f~ .,.........,.,..... , "'"·· _, __....,....n,_.,;:;__,..........,. ■ • • • • Presidential Electors State Board of Education Member. ■ • (Vote for One Pair) . Congressional District 3 • ··---~----·---"-""- (Vote for One) • 0 Joseph R. Biden / Kamala D. Harris Democratic , • -m °"'""" ,~mw&.-.'F!#<-==b ·-'1-,;v,~-'IM~ls • ..,,.,-...,._., • • 0 Donald J, Trump/ Michael R. Pence Republican 0 Mayling Simpson Democratic • • 0 Don Blankenship/ William Mohr American Constitution 0 Joyce Rankin Repubfican • 0 Bill Hammons / Eric Bodenstab Unity Party of Colorado State Representative• District 58 • (Vote for One) • ■ 0 Howie Hawkins/ Angela Nicole Walker Green • ■ 0 Blake Huber/ Frank Atwood Approval Voting 0 Seth Cagin Democratic • ■ 0 Jo Jorgensen / Jeremy "Spike" Cohen libertarian 0 Marc Catlin Republican ■ ■ 0 Brian Carroll/ Amar Patel American Solidarity District Attorney - 7th Judicial District ■ ('v'._ote for One) · ■ 0 Mark Charles / Adrian Wallace Unaffiliated ■ ■ 0 Phil Collins / Billy Joe Parker Prohibition 0 Seth D. Ryan Republican ■ • 0 Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente/ Darcy G. Richardson Alliance • • 0 Dario Hunter/ Dawn Neptune Adams Progressive County Commissioner. District 1 ■ ■ 0 Princess Khadijah Maryam Jacob-Fambro/ Khadijah Maryam Jacob Sr. Unaffiliated ~~~~~~-k _ .. __ • • 0 Alyson Kennedy/ Malcolm Jarrett Sociafist Workers 0 Hilary Cooper Democratic • 0 Joseph Kishore / Norissa Santa Cruz Socialist Equality County Commissioner - District 3 • (Vote for bne) • ■ 0 Kyle Kenley Kopitke / Nathan Re Vo Sorenson Independent American • • 0 Gloria La Riva/ Sunil Freeman Socialism and Liberation 0 Kris Holstrom Democratic • • 0 Joe McHugh / Elizabeth Storm Unaffiliated 0 Write-in • ■ 0 Brock Pierce / Karla Ballard Unaffiliated ■ • 0 Jordan "Cancer" Scott/ Jennifer Tepool Unaffiliated • • 0 Kanye West/ Michelle Tidball Unaffiliated Colorado Supreme Court Justice, • 0 Write-in Shall Justice Melissa Hart of the Colorado ■ ■ .,_---------------------------1SupremeCourt be retained in office? ■ United States Senator · 0 YES ONO ■ (Vote for One) Shall Justice Carlos A. Samour Jr of the Colorado ■ • ••=•H-• M•~·•·-·~-··-=-=~-=-=,--~ ,, ,,--~"-•-*'¥=-"'",,Supreme Court be retained in office? • 0 John W. HickenlooperDemocratlc OY~ Coo ■ ■ 0 Cory Gardner Republican Colorado Court of Appeals Judge ■ 0 Daniel Doyle Approval Voting Shall Judge Ted C, Tow 111 of the Colorado Court ■ • of Appeals be retained in office? ■ 0 Stephan "Seku" Evans Unity OY~ ooo ■ 0 Raymon Anthony Doane Libertarian Signed declaration lo lmlt service lo no more lhan 2-· Shall Judge Craig R. Welling of the Colorado ■ Court of Appeals be retamea In office? ■ 0 Write-in 0 YES ONO • Representati\le to the t17tti • District Court Judge• ' ■ • United States Congress - 'District 3 7th Judicial District ■ (Vote for One) ■ Shall Judge Mary E. Deganhart of the 7th Judicial • District be retained in office? • 0 Lauren Boebert Republican YES ONO • 0 ■ 0 Diane E. Mitsch Bush Democratic Shall Judge D. Co!)' Jackson of the 7th Judicial • Distrtct be retained In office? ■ 0 John Ryan Keil Libertarian • 0 YES ONO ■ 0 Critter Milton Unity (Signed de-tton 1o lmlt service 1o , 0 more lhao 3terms) Shall Judge J. Steven Patrick of the 7th Judicial ■ '---------------------------~District be retained in office? ■ ■ 0 YES ONO ■ ■ • •■ • • ■ • + 11 I I- Continue voting next side • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _J i 7 + •II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l·I I I I I I I I I I I I I ■ ■ ■ Ba\lot questions !eferred.by the general assembly or any Proposition 114 (STATUTORY) SAN MIGUEL COUNTY REFERRED ■ political subdivision are hsted by letter, and ballot ■ questions initiated by the people are fisted numerically. Sh II h b h C I · QUESTION 1A ■ Aballot question fisted as an 'amendment'_proposes 8 a t ere ea~ ange to the .o orado Revised change to the Colorado constitution, and 8 ballot Statutes concerning tlrnrestorat1on of gray wolves ■ qtJestion listed as a'proposition' proposes achange to through their reintroduction on de~Ignated_lands in PROTECTING EXISTING LEVELS OF COUNTY ■ the Colorado Reloised Statutes. A'yes/for' vote 00 any Colorado located west of the conun.ental d1v1de, REVENUE FROM FUTURE STATE IMPOSED ■ ballot question is avote in favor of cnanglng current law . and. 1n connection the.revi1th, requ1nn.9 the REDUCTIONS IN RESIDENTIAL ASSESSED ■ or existing circumstances, and a'no/agalnst' vofl/ on' ': Colqrado parks and w1ldl1fe comm1_ss1on,. after VALUATION RATES DUE TO ARTICLE X, ■ any ballot question is avote against changing curient holding statewide heanngs and using sc1ent1fic SECTION 3OF THE COLORADO ■ law or existing clrtumstances data, to 1mplemen) a.plan to restore ~nd manage CONSTITUTION (GALLAGHER AMENDMENT) · · gray wolves; Rroh1b1ting the commIssIon from OR SIMILAR STATE ACTION ■ imposing any land, water, or resource use ■ restrictions on private landowners to further the WITHOUT RAISING THE MILL LEW FOR THE ■ plan, and requuing the commission to fairly 2021 TAX COLLECTION YEARhSHALL THE ■ compensate owners for losses of livestoc~ caused BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS;:,IONERS FOR ■ Amendment B(CONSTITUTIONAL) by gray wolves? SAN MIGUEL COUNTY HAVE THE AUTHORITY ■ TO ADJUST THE COUNTY MILL LEW RATE ■ Without increasing property tax rates, to helR Q YES/FOR O NO/AGAINST THEREAFTER FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF ■ preserve funding for local districts that provide fire 1----------------iMAINTAININGREVENUES THAT MAY ■ frotection, police, ambulance, hospital, Proposition 115 (STATUTORY) ~+trf~1~/silDL~~MJlo%~s,wHrRATIO ■ indergarten through twelfth grade education, and OF ASSESSED PROPERTY TAX VALUATIONS ■ other services, and to avoid automatic mill levy Shall there be achange to t_he Colorado Revi·sed SO THAT THE ACTUAL TAX REVENUES increases, shall there be an amendment to the ■ Colorado constitution to repeal the requirement Statutes concerning prohibiting an abortion when GENERATED BY THE COUNTY MILL LEVIES ■ that the general assembly periodically change the the probable gestational age or the fetus Is at least ARE THE SAME AS THE REVENUES THAT ■ residential assessment rate in order lo maintain twenty-two weeks, and, in connection therewith, WOULD HAVE BEEN GENERATED HAD THE ■ the statewide proftortion of residential property as making it amisdemeanor punishable by a fine to STATE NOT IMPOSED SUCH REDUCTIONS , perform or attempt to perforrn aprohibited FROM THE ASSESSMENT RATES FOR ■ compare dIO aII Oher I axa bl eprope rt Yva Iued ,or abortion, except when the abortion Is Immediately 2019-2020 WITH AMAXIMUM COLLECTION OF ■ property tax purposes and repeal th e required to save the life of the pregnant woman NOT MORE THAN 1O (TEN) PERCENT OF ■ nonresidential property tax assessment rate of when her life Is physically threatened, but not ADDITIONAL PROPERTY TAX REVENUE IN ■ twenty-nine percent? solely by apsycholo(lical or emotional condition; ANY GIVEN YEAR FROM THE PREVIOUS ■ defining terms related to the measure including YEAR IN ORDER TO ALLOW THE COUNTY TO ■ 0 YES/FOR O NO/AGAINST 'probable gestational age' and 'abortion; and SUSTAIN SERVICES SUCH AS ■ 1----------------iexceptingfrom the definition of 'abortion medical ■ Amendment C (CONSTITUTIONAL) procedures relating to miscarriage or ectopic • EMERGENCY RESPONSE TO WILDLAND ■ pregnancy; specifying that awoman on whom an FIRES AND OTHER NATURAL DISASTERS ■ abortion is performed may not be charged with a • NECESSARY ROAD REPAIR AND Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado crime mrelation to a proh1b1ted abortion; and MAINTENANCE·0 ■ constitution concerning the conduct of charitable requiring the Colorado medical board to suspend • OPEN SPACES AND NATURAL ■ gammg activities, and, in connection therewith, for at least three years the license of a licensee RESOURCE PRESERVATION· ■ allowing bingo-raffle licensees to hire managers whom the board finds performed or attempted to • PUBLIC HEALTH, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ■ and operators of games
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