NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 VOLUME 9, NUMBER 6 INSIDE Yishu Award for Interviews with Critical Writing on Charles Esche, Cai Contemporary Chinese Guo-Qiang, Gao Art Recipients Shiming Expo 2010 and Reviews from Sydney, Contemporary Art Athens, Beijing Panel Discussion: Global Claims, Local Effects US$12.00 NT$350.00 PRINTED IN TAIWAN 6 VOLUME 9, NUMBER 6, November/DECEMBER 2010 CONTENTS 2 Editor’s Note 25 4 Contributors 6 A Cry from the Narrow Between: Eros and Thanatos in the Works of Tejal Shah and Han Bing Maya Kóvskaya, Recipient, Inaugural Yishu Award for Critical Writing on Contemporary Chinese Art 20 Defending Criticism 44 Sheng Wei, Recipient, Inaugural Yishu Award for Critical Writing on Contemporary Chinese Art 25 Better City, Better Art? An Overview of Art at the World Expo 2010 Xhingyu Chen 35 Deconstructing an Encounter during the World Expo 2010: A Conversation with Charles Esche Defne Ayas 69 44 Global Claims, Local Effects Panel Discussion, Shanghai 69 Peasant Da Vincis: A Conversation with Cai Guo-Qiang Mathieu Borysevicz 76 From the Edges of the Earth to Rehearsal: A Conversation with Gao Shiming Marie Leduc 87 87 Recontextualizing Revolution: Yang Fudong and Kostis Velonis at the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens Stephanie Bailey 94 The Beauty of Distance: Global Art in the Context of the 17th Sydney Biennale James Donald 102 Mo Yi at Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, Beijing Jonathan Goodman 94 109 Chinese Name Index Cover: Du Wenda, Flying Saucer D, no date, aluminum, propeller blades, LED lights, engine, 180 x 400 x 400 cm. Photo: Lin Yi. Cai Guo-Qiang Collection. Courtesy of Cai Studio, New York. 1 Editor’s Note YISHU: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art president Katy Hsiu-chih Chien legal counsel Infoshare Tech Law Office, Mann C.C. Liu Yishu 41 begins with essays by the two ounding Ken Lum recipients of the Inaugural Yishu Award for -in-chie Keith Wallace Critical Writing on Contemporary Chinese Art, Zheng Shengtian Maya Kóvskaya and Sheng Wei. Kóvskaya’s Julie Grundvig text focuses on the work of Han Bing, from Kate Steinmann editorial assistant Chunyee Li Beijing, and Tejal Shah, from Mumbai, and circulation anager Larisa Broyde proposes that an expanded notion of the ad coordinator Ioulia Reynolds erotic can productively challenge “normative” web site Chunyee Li social and political order and embrace what it adisory means to be truly human. Sheng Wei examines Judy Andrews, Ohio State University what he sees as critical writing’s ever- Melissa Chiu, Asia Society Museum John Clark, University of Sydney increasing loss of voice, a condition which he Lynne Cooke, Dia Art Foundation believes began in the 1980s, and argues for Okwui Enwezor, Critic & Curator responsibility to history and scholarship rather Britta Erickson, Independent Scholar & Curator Fan Di’an, National Art Museum of China than to a desire for power in the determination Fei Dawei, Guy & Myriam Ullens Foundation of history. Gao Minglu, University of Pittsburgh Hou Hanru, San Francisco Art Institute Hu Fang, Vitamin Creative Space and the shop In discussing two artists from China and India, Katie Hill, University of Westminster Kóvskaya’s text anticipates issues posed by Claire Hsu, Asia Art Archive other texts and by Expo 2010 in Shanghai, Martina Köppel-Yang, Independent Critic & Historian Sebastian Lopez, Critic and Curator namely, international exchange and China’s Lu Jie, Independent Curator cultural and political positioning with respect Charles Merewether, Director, ICA Singapore to other parts of the world. Xhingyu Chen Ni Tsaichin, Tunghai University reviews a selection of exhibitions coinciding Apinan Poshyananda, Ministry of Culture, Thailand Philip Tinari, Independent Critic & Curator with Expo 2010, an event intended to showcase Chia Chi Jason Wang, Independent Critic & Curator China to the world. Defne Ayas and Charles Wu Hung, University of Chicago Esche deliberate on some of the challenges of Pauline J. Yao, Independent Scholar making exchange projects meaningful, in this publisher Art & Collection Group Ltd. case focusing on China and the Netherlands in 6F. No. 85, Section 1, the exhibition Double Infinity. Affiliated with the Chungshan N. Road, Taipei, Taiwan 104 Double Infinity project is a panel discussion Phone: (886)2.2560.2220 with Hyunjin Kim, Georg Schöllhammer, and Fax: (886)2.2542.0631 Defne Ayas, exploring historical precedents in E-mail: [email protected] our understanding of China relative to parallel ice general anager Jenny Liu conditions in Korea, the former Soviet Union, Alex Kao and Turkey. In the past, such discussions have arketing anager Joyce Lin circulation executie Perry Hsu primarily concentrated on China’s associations Betty Hsieh with the West, but those discussions are now shifting to other parts of the world, including webaster Website ARTCO, Taipei Chi Wei Colour Printing Ltd., its bordering neighbours. web site www.yishujournal.com Continuing with our coverage of Shanghai, www.yishu-online.com Mathieu Borysevicz interviews Cai Guo-Qiang, issn 1683 - 3082 who curated the exhibition Peasant Da Vincis. Yishu is published bi-monthly in Taipei, Taiwan, and edited Here, a celebration of DIY inventiveness is also in Vancouver, Canada. The publishing dates are January, a statement about the lack of value placed on March, May, July, September, and November. All subscription, advertising, and submission inquiries may be sent to: the role of peasants and their contribution to Chinese society. Marie Leduc’s interview with Yishu Office Gao Shiming tracks his decade-long curatorial 200–1311 Howe Street Vancouver, BC, Canada trajectory, leading up to his conceptual V6Z 2P3 approach for the 8th Shanghai Biennale as its Phone: 1.604.649.8187 Executive Curator. Fax: 1.604.591.6392 E-mail: [email protected] To conclude, we have three reviews: James subscription rates Donald examines the curatorial premise of the 1 year (6 issues): $84 USD (includes airmail postage) 2 years (12 issues): $158 USD (includes airmail postage) 17th Sydney Biennale, Stephanie Bailey makes an astute comparison between exhibitions design and Leap Creative Group of Yang Fudong and Kostis Velonis in Athens, e Raymond Mah art Director Gavin Chow and Jonathan Goodman explores an important designer Philip Wong survey of photographs by Mo Yi in Beijing. No part of this journal may be reprinted without the written permission from the publisher. The views expressed in Yishu are Keith Wallace not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art 典藏國際版創刊於 2002年5月1日 典藏國際版‧第9卷第6期‧2010年11–12月 社 長: 簡秀枝 法律顧問: 思科技法律事務所 劉承慶 創刊編輯: 林蔭庭(Ken Lum) 總 策 劃: 鄭勝天 2 編者手記 主 編: 華睿思 (Keith Wallace) 副 編 輯: 顧珠妮 (Julie Grundvig) 4 作者小傳 史楷迪 (Kate Steinmann) 編輯助理: 黎俊儀 行 政: 藍立杉 (Larisa Broyde) 6 在生死夾縫中呼號:評韓冰與 廣 告: 雷幽雅(Ioulia Reynolds) 網站編輯: 黎俊儀 (Chunyee Li) Tejal Shah的創作 顧 問: 王嘉驥 邁雅(Maya Kóvskaya) 田霏宇 (Philip Tinari) 首屆Yishu學刊中國當代藝評獎獲獎人 安雅蘭 (Judy Andrews) 巫 鴻 林似竹 (Britta Erickson) 20 捍衛批評 范迪安 盛葳 招穎思 (Melissa Chiu) 洛柿田 (Sebastian Lopez) 首屆Yishu學刊中國當代藝評獎獲獎人 胡 昉 侯瀚如 25 城市,讓藝術更美好嗎?- 徐文玠 (Claire Hsu) 姜苦樂 (John Clark) 2010世博會藝術作品評述 姚嘉善 (Pauline J. Yao) 陳幸宇 倪再沁 高名潞 費大爲 35 解析世博會期間的一次交流活動: 楊天娜 (Martina Köppel-Yang) 與Charles Esche對談 盧 杰 Lynne Cooke Defne Ayas Okwui Enwezor Katie Hill 44 全球需求,本土影響 Charles Merewether Apinan Poshyananda 專題討論記錄 出 版: 典藏雜誌社 農民達芬奇:蔡國強訪談 副總經理: 劉靜宜 69 高世光 Mathieu Borysevicz 行銷總監: 林素珍 發行專員: 許銘文 謝宜蓉 76 從「地之緣」到「巡逥排演」: 社 址: 台灣臺北市中山北路一段85號6樓 與高士明的對話 電話: (886) 2.2560.2220 傳真:(886) 2.2542.0631 Marie Leduc 電子信箱:[email protected] 87 重構革命語境:楊福東和Kostis Velonis在 編 輯 部: Yishu Office 200-1311 Howe Street, 雅典國立當代美術館 Vancouver, BC, V6Z 2P3, Canada Stephanie Bailey 電話: (1) 604.649.8187 傳真:(1) 604.591.6392 電子信箱: [email protected] 距離之美:第十七屆悉尼雙年展背景下 94 訂閱、投稿及廣告均請與編輯部聯系。 的全球藝術 設 計: Leap Creative Group, Vancouver James Donald 創意總監: 馬偉培 藝術總監: 周繼宏 設 計 師: 黃健斌 102 北京三影堂攝影藝術中心莫毅個展 印 刷: 臺北崎威彩藝有限公司 Jonathan Goodman 本刊在溫哥華編輯設計,臺北印刷出版發行。 一年6期。逢1、3、5、7、9、11月出版。 中英人名對照 109 網 址: www.yishujournal.com www.yishu-online.com 管 理: 典藏雜誌社 國際刊號: 1683-3082 售價每本12美元。 訂閲:一年84美元,兩年158美元(含航空郵資)。 封面:杜文達:飛碟D,無日期,鋁、螺旋槳、LED燈、 網上訂閱或下載訂閱單:www.yishu-online.com 發動機,180 x 400 x 400 公分,林毅攝影,蔡國強收藏, 紐約蔡國強工作室提供 版權所有,本刊內容非經本社同意不得翻譯和轉載。 本刊登載內容並不代表編輯部與出版社立場。 Contributors Defne Ayas has been based in Shanghai a photographic case study that examines since 2006. She works as a director of the relationship between architecture programs at Arthub Asia (Shanghai) and and signage in Hangzhou, was chosen by as an art history instructor at New York the New York Times as one of the “Best University (Shanghai). Ayas has also been Architectural Books of 2009.” Borysevicz has a curator of PERFORMA since 2004, the also curated and consulted for numerous biennial of visual art performance based venues including Asia Society, MoMA, in New York City. Ayas is serving as an Aperture, Walker Art Center, Mass MoCA, academic advisor to the 8th Shanghai Jack Tilton Gallery, and DDM Warehouse, Biennale, titled Rehearsal, which opens in Shanghai. He has recently been appointed October 2010. the new director of the Shanghai Gallery of Art, Shanghai. Stephanie Bailey, who is of mixed Chinese and British descent, is originally from Hong Xhingyu Chen is a Shanghai-based writer Kong. She studied in the United Kingdom and contemporary art specialist. A longtime and has been living and working in Athens, insider in the local art scene, she has been Greece, for the past four years. Her interests organizing and leading contemporary art lie in contemporary art in relation to social, tours for museum groups, curators, and cultural, and political contexts, and she collectors since 2005. She contributes to views her work as an ongoing education. She Art Asia Pacific, Sculpture Magazine, Nukta is an arts editor of Athens Insider and has Art, ArtInfo, and the International Herald contributed to international publications Tribune, focusing on the contemporary including Art Papers, Art Lies, Naked Punch, Chinese art scene.
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