f" MAWCHKETER HEKALD. MoBdey. Able t t i5Bf C A M A E D 7$. E d w e r CDEDDEAIBF frAtMO RM«b in pns- 4 ndw Edgid fino condifion locofed stewring, brakes, dtr, om/fm cdisette. Excei- b ^ r * o n r ^ f . of «nd of cul-<M4de in oiumirtuiti nitif, on« of MgnctMsigr’s lent MW ^Ofi. CAftMtiff. Or«m 0 v ' « pr64»-4 motor runs, BodYf cdrrw r i< looKino ftnogf noignbemchoods. *-f* except rear f0T cMKWr*. All «nifTf Homo nos 3 b«drooms, FLVMOO+H isiiontsiT/ ond posseng.. t A botns, formol flre- door, 4 cyllndsr, power OVOlldM«. LAMfOl b*- (fWnVrTx IwlOT Of TITNPmsi All leather inksiTbr. n «m t. ApfUv Of O fom - pioed in living room, BbrrtffA#. Tbt steering, brakes. 3ik. Console and bvckets. lopgo lowor l*y*i tom- dlsesmenis9 Mint condition. 646- py’« Cornor «M r«, 7M Over Obyogre ot enperMtiM. OudlMygmamMEgf Beet offer. Also new M 0 I »» S' t r tf « f , ity room witn wood snows mounfed on irovg, nicely londs- Cgff tW Johnoofi if PAmm wWffmATww “ ruMr fA Carotid i4M. rims. Call Joe 60- copod «xtro loro* lot O' « e / d ^ d «' Rle ¥ f/ t 4 4 ^ u L ift bock. 645-6441. 179lJ> IKSS"- for fomlly enloy- 6 4 3 -6 1 5 0 keep trying. 55W/best fary/AtfeoAftonisfIf. t x - m m m i § H f U T iH ’ m*nt.5197,000. Sentry o g u v I m M ^ offer. MUSfAttGi'M^ AOrlOACOd. M o t EstOt*. 643-4060. o Ridbforitr MdH»/lygfdbr o^ons. Exceiienf ddi- Aoi0on«lbl« portort m p v t u o f . dition^^ o ^nf- iR|i(ND New llstino. wonfod for «Mr«fofMl dWd dbcgrgfNig gfartd. B b ^ . tmor A d P i i ^ . ment. 588W. tao-w$i^ and rocdpflonKf posi­ Adorobi* 6 room snon- non built Coipnlol on Ol d s o m e ^ 53. ^ o m r tion In busy vornon m m * sNenng ond brokes, Oorntofoioov effieo. Forest Street in me iib rl . INC. Soum End of Eost Hart­ oir cptidifipnirtg 4 Cy­ fflaurbriitfr Hrralb Full flmo wys nMmy CRRFBFfNT A R O U T E $3, V E R N O N linder, 4 dPPf, 4f4tH ) v^inrhRstp'' i C'ly o' V'lhqR ChRrm bonofits. Sofory eom- ford. 3 bedrooms, fully appllanced kitchen, m 4 m 7* OiMsone 4 dr. *1MS stereo. Bxceiiewt ^ monsurofo witb oxpo- Cofnptete homenuMB ruponv eno MLvw 4 4 4 • 4 • * 4 4 4 4 4 4 € 4 4 ^ difipn. Coll 64MSM. n*w*r driveway and C tm m dbske, sgrsgsg g SSRoeoi Wogen »71$5 rioneo. Coll 171-9441. modeling. We •eeMMingeih-' VditfO FM roof, deck and pork rooms end kHohene.snens. Smell eeeieeee sddlRon*; d e i ibr 5S$kyMrk4dr. f40OB M U S T seii.^ f i IXSTSTTTliFiociaroier Ilk* yord. Excellent oommerMet work. wpgpn. 6 eyiinUgf. m A u m m M t *IKfVv TuBsctoy, Jun« 23, M C m i f * Out doupbfors; O0OS 7 co n d itio n I 5147,900. Sored, retsrenoee. A mSSE x? *9 iulek R*e« 4 dr. Gppd cpndiffpn Pttly ond 10 fbroppbovt fbo jockson A Jackson. « 4 B 4 l$ f *4 Skyhiwk 4 dr. Wp «S0OB 66,501) m ll* «. m tlr tumntor. Piooso coll 647-1400.0 sBb'iplfiiwfg^^ •4 Old* dens 4 dr. 9740B bfpkes, fires, snpim/ 649-0549 offof$:30pm. os o Feocock i IIMNI iU M If 54 OMC Pickup 47006 nice dependobid ^ A lk f tln># owfo ports f m m i 5500 Of best offer J Long time owners hove 0 8 K b *"* Ldmt sssdene Mtgskgst •S OMC Jimmy *10,$$6 countorporson. No «x- monicured and main­ 6911. D d vt porlonco rooulrtd, but 55 Ch*y. Copnoo 4 dr. 4B4$6 U.S. lengthens lead as largest debtor nation tained mis property O D D fo b t/ TFgekftig. ______ Camerpi9$5Zio.< n sy«p^MMNwe SeSunMrdZdr. 4S606 nolpful. Good poy and lust greotl 2.1 ocres of QUALITY exterior pofnt- greet condition,: roloxod otmospbore. SSCovoHerWg •6706 n O f T T V / W VIRB ffe fW!».FW(.y?*%iRy-F«M mile*. 510.500. 643^? plusn green groM and Ing, reasonable rote*. 99 Pf#V m a n m m t * . of SMi.i billion, accoriBng to accounts, something economists tr/ s posHion. saying It Just proves buildup of foreign debt. Coll Ed. 646-5250. moture londscoplng. 0 Free estimates. Foul VwTIlfICBWs' TfTWTwwe 0*KP 55Covemer4dr. *6906 offer 5pm. WASHINGTON (AP) - The classifled as a debtor nation. That reviaed flgures releaaed today. don’t see happening for a longtime. how attractive America is to The huge Mcreasu Ml BBigartsfbe k A k i flmo or full time rooms, 3 bedrooms, 646-656$. <MM. 57 Spectrum 4 dr. •84$6 M U $ f 8ell Ml* seuPtH 4l6 Uatted Btatee owed the rest of the means foreigners now own more in days and oyonind for full basement with fire­ 57 COMbrtly 4 df. •10,406 world $255.$ Mllfon at the end of U.S. inyestmems than Americans Hut a string of record foreign foreign tovestors. UnMed Btates far abesnf of BMmH, Americen RemBtfr Because of tMs view, economists the previoua debt leader wHb $B$ ponorol cloonlnp tnoln- place and recreation S7gefune5dr. •10,B$6 from fhd land l$$5, moretbandouMetlie 1955 total own in foreign Styestments. trade deficits has wiped out that But the drivtog force behind the R are predicting that total U.S. billion owed to foreigners. tononco, window wosh- room, breezewoy, po­ ro*f-MPfyiandl_Ri|^ aa the country lenfthened its lead For I9t5, foreign biyestment in snrpbis aa Americans have trans­ country's rapid slide into the status frPi u Inp ond corpof cloon- lio ond lot* more. HOMES ITINNBS 5 72 -9 111 ferred bllHons of dollars into the foreign debt could hit $i trillion by N N g m N T RfANTMCNTR closflc pprf*. 54IX). as tlie world’s largest debtor the United StsXes shot np 35 percent of a net debtor has been Ms bugs PM Ino. Apply of; Dolfo 1275,000. Jackson A the early 19968. Foreign holding* of T m w w v FOR SALE PROfERTY FOR RENT 7656.0 nation, the gprernment reported to total 11.331 trillion. That bands of foreigners by buying trade deBcMs. Foreigners have s Molnf*00000/ 540-C N. Jockson. 647-0400. o I Imported cars, television sets and a secnrHies cHmbed $12.3 bfMo* m Mom, Moneh*sf*r. AMC <!oncord w p b p p , today. s w a in ^ a 13 percent bicrease in Many economists believe such a been more than willing to take N>nT7inrTeverT^ie^ PICK your own sfrowber- muRHude of other pro«bicts. 1985 to total m m m . ftddlge iam-2pm,, Monday NEW to tne morket... C. M A N C H B 6 TE R . 1 bed- rfes.Aibosi Form, 55 197$ oufomgflc,e, _____ponur The Commerce Department said U.S. mvestments overseas, wMeb heavy burden of foreign debt will American dollars to cxchangie for son llghtl Ansoldl built 0 Tredg boiultful Flodde rppm. Lease, no pets. ICRANTON sfeering, run* gduD. governments. Mebidwg JapaBsnd fhrouob f ridoy or coll H. F. A. buyers here Is Vliio Louis* Rood, Bol- the new debt burden was BS totaled $1,555 trillion at the end of The cPuntry’a plunge mto the reduce Americans’ Stamford of sales of their products in this sfo room executive Raised home lor invostmenf 5450. NO uftlltfes. 643- e M m U :----------- 5$9S. 647-9D66. status of a debtor country is West Germsny, have foiig com­ 643-!I-S056. the home you've been fon. Bring your own percent above a revised Illi.S last year. living as foreigners demand Mgber country. fro Ranch on Lookout wolting tor... a charm­ oondO. LIKf KIND KX- 4792 or 525-0776. plained that the Mgb federal bodlget Mountain In Manches­ confolner*. CHEVY I^OIIbu. jC n Mil Ion in debt to foreigners that the The new Bgores confirmed bow tbreetly finked to the merchandise and higher toterest payments Just fhr ing three bedroom CMANOB TAX AD- MANCHESY e A. 4 rooms, soMi *.** riNANOma on lesei tomofic. Good condh United States was carrying at the rapid the country's plunge into debt trade deUcifs. The only way the WMle economists believe there deficn is robbing those cpu«Ml5S of ter. Beautiful treed lot Cope. Call tor detlals. VANTAQB. to service the debt. erz adults preferred. No S7 OOODE CARAVAN •1S.S5S tion. *l$b$. iO o m -5 '■ end of i$$5. has been. In B52, the UnitedBtates Untted States win be able to pay off will be a slight improvement to the investment income and is $ arlm- UNITIES with complete privacy. Century 21 Epstein pets, no appllonces, 1 WP 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, Owngr B4«-Ma$ S7 DAKOTA PAJ •11,5*6 «44-$439, 5:3$ 444-3 was the world’s largest creditor Ms foreign debt is by running President Beagan has sought to trade deflcH this year, it win only ary source of steggisiBCaa M (be Realty. 647-5595.0 ear. Securlfyandrefer- *7 LODARON 4 dr. •10.4SS That year marked the ftrst time N potlo with garden Buick Le $obre 73. Ac since B M that America was nation with an Stvestment cushion surpluses to Ms merebamfse trade downplay the change to the coun- slow down stigbfiy the country's big world economy. ST e B l BUIIdIno D*ol*r- ences. 649-1265. *7 DODGE CARAVAN •14.SS6 good.
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