02 cover 17/1/05 8:01 AM Page 1 JANUARY 22, 2005 RECORD In this issue Worldwide mission leaders meet in Australia New face on editorial team Second graduation at Mamarapha College Pastor Ryan Bell, minister of the Bucks County Adventist church in Philadelphia, USA, coordinator of the re- church network—a network of supporting friendships among missional Adventist Church leaders—was keynote speaker at Remix. Church remixed for postmodern culture Wahroonga, New South Wales he first group to address emerging church issues in an Adventist context in the South Pacific TDivision gathered at Fox Valley Community Church (FVCC), Wahroonga, NSW, December 8-11. Called Remix, the conference set out to explore faith, community and mission in postmodern culture. “We have come together to listen to each other, to interact with each other and be open to learn more effective ways of doing and being church in our secular, postmodern environment,” said Carols light Pastor Garth Bainbridge, who, along with Pastor Peter Fowler, hosted Remix at FVCC. “As a church we need to be open to the future, flexible, not just stuck in the past.” According to Nathan Brown, RECORD editor and initiator of the event, Remix was not about solving all the problems and finding all the answers over a few days. “Remix was about starting up an ongoing discussion,” he says. In clarifying the term postmodern, he adds, “Post does not mean ‘anti.’ It just means it is coming after. It is not about throwing out all the old stuff. In fact postmodernism brings—and values—many of the older things with it.” hospital (Continued on page 3) ISSN 0819-5633 2 Flashpoint RVW 17/1/05 8:02 AM Page 2 FLASHPOINT ● Weekly children’s church celebrates first anniversary ● Didgeridoos and clap sticks at graduation ● First building of new primary school dedicated ● First laymen training centre in NBNI Mission ● A Seventh-day Adventist Carols light up hospital of the new facilities while children’s community children enjoyed activities church celebrated its first housands of people packed such as face painting, a mouse anniversary by giving every Tthe front lawn of Sydney circus and a jumping castle. child a “gospel gift pack” Adventist Hospital on Sunday, The ribbon-cutting ceremony December 12, for the hospital’s involved (pictured, left to annual Carols by Candlelight right) Bavin Cherry, school program. The theme of the carols council chairman, Steve program was an Australian family Cowley, principal, Pastor Neil Christmas and a Christmas tree Watts, president of South shape, several storeys high, was a Queensland Conference, Dr lit-up background to the stage. Grant Watson, education Special guest performers on the director, and Dr John that had been fundraised by Roulston, from the South Pacific Division staff. Association of Independent Designed to meet the spiri- Schools, Queensland.—Steve tual needs of community night included Emma Pask and Cowley children in Fairfield, NSW, James Morrison (pictured), and the weekly program, organ- the Australian Girls Choir.— ised by Mariela and Javier Susannah Owens ● The New Britain New Albornoz, includes praise Ireland (NBNI) Mission has and worship, puppets, games, Bible study graduated more than 130 students with launched its first laymen training centre and morning tea in the Fairfield Public certificates and diplomas in biblical studies at Lasigi, PNG—the first of three proposed School.—Kids GraceLinked and indigenous ministry, and at least 17 laymen schools in students have been baptised while the NBNI Mission. studying at the college.—Gordon Stafford More than 2000 ● The Mamarapha College for Aboriginal people came to the and Torres Strait Islanders graduated its opening of the ● Darling Downs Christian School, Dickson Leadership Toowoomba, Qld, recently opened and Training Centre, dedicated the first building of its new which was named primary complex—completion of stage after the late Pastor two of their master plan. Year 10 students Dickson Gila. took parents and visitors for guided tours Enrolment will be opened to the general public both within and outside of second group of advanced diploma the Adventist faith. Laura Kekesan students on December 4. Held at the (pictured with her children) is a student at Victoria Park church in Perth, WA, the new school and says that after her graduates marched in to the sound of training she wants to assist the elders of didgeridoos, clap sticks and a Torres her church and visit young people who Strait Islands drum and shaker. In its eight have lost track and help them to return to years of operation, Mamarapha College has the fold.—Kove Tau OFFICIAL PAPER Editor Nathan Brown Mail: Signs Publishing Company South Pacific Division Senior assistant editor Lee Dunstan 3485 Warburton Highway Seventh-day Adventist Assistant editor Kellie Hancock Warburton, Vic 3799, Australia Church Editorial assistant Scott Wegener Phone: (03) 5966 9111 Fax: (03) 5966 9019 ACN 000 003 930 Copyeditor Graeme Brown Email Letters: [email protected] www.adventist.org.au Editorial secretary Meryl McDonald-Gough Email Newsfront: [email protected] Layout Jason Piez Email Noticeboard: [email protected] Vol 110 No 2 SPD news correspondent Brenton Stacey Subscriptions: South Pacific Division mailed within Cover: Kellie Hancock Senior consulting editor Barry Oliver Australia and to New Zealand, $A43.80 $NZ73.00. www.record.net.au Other prices on application. Printed weekly. 2 January 22, 2005 02 newsfront 17/1/05 8:02 AM Page 3 NEWSFRONT Church remixed for postmodern culture (Continued from page 1) not just a few hours each week, but rather before coming to speak at Remix, “What do The diversity found in postmodern a whole lifestyle. It is not an evangelism Adventists have to contribute that others culture was reflected in those who attended strategy. It is not a ‘cool choice.’ don’t?” The first thing they mentioned was Remix. While the majority of attendees had “In fact it is not a choice. If you are the Sabbath and the next was a pastoral background, others were medical postmodern, that is who you are. Post- vegetarianism. She concluded by saying it doctors, tertiary lecturers, editors, com- modernism is a culture just like any other. was important to value mistakes and to munity workers, counsellors and students The emerging church is not a watered- encourage women. and ranged in age from 19 to more than 60. down version of Christianity or a watered- Other presenters at Remix included Sue Redman, minister for Chatswood down version of Pastor Peter Roennfeldt, who shared stories church, came to Remix looking for Adventism.” and photos of emerging churches in practical ideas and resources. “I already Carolyn Kitto, a Europe that are created and led by young know the theory. I want something mission-planning con- adults. “If the institutional church wants to practical to take home with me,” she says. sultant and former survive,” he says, “they need to get on Brad Melville, assistant minister for Mile member of the National board and encourage church plants and End Community Church, said he was Church Life Survey new ideas.” “here to learn.” Annali Bird, a second-year team, spoke on the Pastor Jim Coffin, minister of the theology student at Avondale College, says emerging church and Markham Woods Adventist church in she was interested to hear what church Australian culture. “We Longwood, Florida, and director of the leadership was thinking. “I came to hear live in a post-Christian Carolyn Kitto. Center for Secular and Postmodern what is happening.” culture that no longer delivers people to the Mission, suggested we are more tolerant of Keynote speaker Pastor Ryan Bell, church,” she says. “The value of church— others who appear visibly different to us, minister of the Bucks County Adventist and many other institutions—has declined. yet find it harder to tolerate the different church in Philadelphia, USA, and founder Options in society have increased and world view of younger generations. He and coordinator of the re-church network, those options don’t include church.” encouraged Remix participants to look for spoke about the emerging church in its She laments the fact that the church has ways that make it easier for postmoderns to USA context, what the journey could look held onto habits that no longer work. The come to Christ. like, reclaiming spirituality and learning to motivators of each generation from Drene Somasundram, student chaplain love well. builders, to baby boomers, to Gen X and for Avondale College School of Nursing, Pastor Bell, who is Gen Y is different, and offered perspectives on the female voice in also currently pur- she says that “every the emerging church. “Most women today suing his doctorate in generation must dis- are post-feminist,” says Ms Somasundram. missional leadership cover the entry points She says when we look at where the at Fuller Seminary, for the gospel for its Adventist Church is in relation to the first, observes that “Aus- generation.” In emer- second or third wave of feminism, we tralia is a culture ging churches she discover the church is pre-feminist. “So much further along finds compassion and how does that attract women of today to the road of post- community are moti- our church? What would they find modernism than the vations, not commit- appealing about our faith community?” United States.” An Interplay session helped participants ment and challenge. “If people only took one thing away from He called for a understand the experiential world of When asked how to Remix, I hope that would be to risk things postmodernism. return to what he start being more mis- for God’s kingdom,” says Pastor Bell. “I terms “primal Adventism.” “We need to sional focused as a pastor, Mrs Kitto hope they will interact with Adventism in a recapture the vision of historical suggested ministers spend no more than 60 creative way and not feel stuck with what’s Adventism, not historic Adventism,” he per cent of their time earning their pastoral been given to them.
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