195 7 T he LepidoPterists' News 179 RECENT LITERATURE ON LEPIDOPTERA (U nder the supervision of PETER F. BELLINGER) Under this heading are included abstracts of papers and books of interest to lepid­ terists. The world's literature is searched systematically, and it is intended that every work on Lepidoptera published after 1946 will be noticed here; omissions of papers more than 3 or 4 years old should be called to Dr. BELLINGER'S attention. New genera and higher categories are shown in CAPITALS, with types in parentheses; new species and subspecies are noted, with type localities if given in print. Larval food plants are usually listed. Critical comments by abstractors may be made. Papers of only local interest and papers from The Lepidopterists' News are listed without abstract. Readers, particularly outside of North America, interested in assisting with this very large task, are invited to write Dr. BELLINGER (Osborn Zoological Lab., Yale University, New Haven 11, Conn., U. S. A.) . Abstractors' initials are as follows: [P.B.] - P. F. BELLIN­ GER; [I.e.] - I. F. B. COMMON; [W.c.]- W. C. COOK; [A.D.] - A. DIAKONOFF; [W.H.]- W. HACKMAN; [J.M.] - J. MOUCHA; [E.M.I -E. G . MUNROE; [N,O,]­ N. S. OIlRAZTSOV; [C R.]- C. 1. REMINGTON; lJ.T.J - J. W. TILDEN; [P.V.J­ P. E. 1. VIETTE. B. SYSTEMATICS AND NOMENCLATURE Adamczewski, Stanislaw, "Notes on the Plume-moths III. Capperia fUJca (Hoffman), 1898, in Poland (Le-p. Alucitida:!)" [in Polish; English summary I. Documenta Physiogr, Polonite, no.17: pp.t-II. 1949. New for the fauna of Poland. Author gives systematic revision and redescription of the sp., adding some ecological observations of its early stages. He knows 3 unnamed forms. []. M] Ade\phe (Frere) "A la chasse aux papillons" [in French]. Le Jeune Naturaliste (Canada), vol.6: pp.230-234, 1 pI. May/ June 1956. Includes a key to the Pierida:! of Quebec, with brief descriptions of each sp. [Po B.] Alberti, Burchard, "Zur Kenntnis des Genus IlIiberis Walk. (Zyga:!nida:!). 2. Mitteilung" [in German]. Zeitschr. Lepid., voU: pp.131-146, 1 pI. 1 Aug. 1951. Describes as new I. uSJuriensis (Amur), I. yunnanensis (Yunnan), I. pseudopsychina (Ussuri), I. kardakoffi (central j\mur). Descriptive notes on 12 other spp. (2 belonging to /rlope), with figures of ~ genitalia. [Po B.] Alberti, Burchard, "Das Variationsbild der Pyrgus alpina Ersch.-Gruppe. (Hesperiidre)" [in German]. Zeitschr. Lepid., vol.2: pp.77-87, 2 pis., 1 fig. 1 March 1952. Describes as new p, a, mustagatte (Muscagata, Yarkend), P. cashmirens;s pseftdoalpin.a (Gilgit, 3000 m., Kashmir), p, darwazica celsimontia (Sebak Valley, 2800-3000 m., Badachs­ chan) (name credited to Kauffmann). Sinks p, a. sttbmurina to P. darwazica. Re­ describes these 3 spp., figuring ~ genitalia & some adults. [Po B.] Alberti, Burchard, "Eine neue Vikariante der Pyrgtls ma/tJ(.(3 1.-Gruppe (Lep. Hesperiidre)" [in German]. Z eitschr. W iener Ent. Ges. , vo1.40: pp.43-46, 51 figs. 15 Feb. 1955. Describes as new P. m. kauffmanni ("Amur Radde"). Figures parts of ~ genitalia of n. ssp. & near relatives. [P. B.l Alberti, Burchard, "Uber die systematische Stellung der Gattung Pseudopsyche Oberthiir (Zygrenidre )" [in German]. Zeitschr. Lepid., vol.3: pp.163-169, 1 pI. 15 Aug. 1955. Reviews morphology & transfers genus to Cochlidiidre. [Po B.J Alberti, Burchard, "Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Carcharodus Hbn. (Hesperiidre) mit G"Yt.1 ----7 . 't!.:[email protected]'PgZI'4RArttlfl6Gattliflgssegriff"[in GClinanJ . ZeiHeh" LepiJ., YOI.3~ ) ~k\ ~ CE¥-. ~: :Pl:,:AU g. 1~~). Reviews morphology &: lIansfus gefl"s . ~Q COCb~id:;';.6K. tad, 7 r~eootAIS d@c GaHtlflg Cal6>~,gfeJ",s Hb". (Hesperlld:oe) mit elHcr -BeHaciltHAg 21)m A rt- lIod GaHtlngsbegciff" riA G@cffiaRl. ZeitJCh,. Lep,;d., vol.3+ pp.105-142, 2 pIs., 5 figs. 15 Aug. 1955. Analyzes genus; includes ReverdinuJ & La1Jatheria in CarcharoduJ, & doubts distinctness of CeloteJ & Gamalia. Figures <3 & <j> genitalia of all spp. Devotes special attention to floccifera group ( "Reverdinus"), discussing rank of named forms. Presents tentative phylogenetic diagrams of genus. Discusses identity of C. gemina (synonym of alcete). Discusses concepts of genus & species, warning against expansion of latter & contraction of former (producing situation where each species has its own generic name). [Po B.] 180 Recent Literature on Lepidoptera VoLl1: nos.4-5 Alberti, Burchard, "ZuJ" Frage der Bastard-Bildung zwischen Pyrgus malva! 1. und mal­ voides Elw. & Edw. (Lep. Hesperiidac)" lin German]. Zeitschr. If/ iener Ent. Ges., vo1.41: pp.301-306, 1 pI. 15 Nov. 1956. Reports hybrids from Trieste & reviews reports of hybridization. Regards the two as distinct spp. Points out similarity in (\ genitalia between P. mal'/a!, American spp. of Pyrgus, & Spialia. [Po B.I Alberti, Burchard, "Zur Frage der Bastardierung zwischen 7yga:na angelica! O. und tram-alpina Esp. (Lep. Zygacnidac)" [in Germani. Zeitschr. Wiener Ent. Ges., vol.41: pp.231-239, 2 pIs. 15 Aug. 1956. Points out that these spp. can be distinguished by genitalia in both sexes, although intermediates in external appearance can be found at contact points. Further study needed to determine whether these are separate spp. or merely races. [P .. B.] Alberti, Burchard, "Ober Zyga!na purpuralis Brunn. und pimpinella Guhn bei Berlin (Lep. Zygrenidre)" [in German]. Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr., N.F., volA: pp.I-7, 2 maps. 1 April 1957. In vicinity of Berlin these spp. are distinct; each is confined to one food plant (Thymus &. Pimpinella respectively) & the 2 differ in egg, larva, feeding & flight periods, & ge,nitalia. [Po B.] Amsel, H. G., "Kleinschmetterlinge aus dem badischen Schwarzwald" [in German l­ Beitr. Naturkundl. Forsch . Sudwestdeutschland, vol.9: pp.26-28, 2 figs. 1950. Describes as new "Geleehia nigra! si/'he sp.n."' (Buchen burg, Landkreis Villingen, Black Forest, Baden). List of 39 other micros taken in vicinity. [Po B.] Amsel, H. G., "Neue Microlepidoptera aus Marocco, Malta und dem Libanon" [in French I· Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Maroc, vo1.30: pp.1 75-1Bl, 9 figs. 1951. Describes as new: Aney/o­ lomia griseella (Rabat, Morocco); Tollia (Aneylalomia) maroeeana (Rabat); Ttnea maroceanella (Goundafa, High Atlas, 1200 m.), T. libanotiea (Cedern, near Bechare, N. Lebanon, 1900 m.), T. me/item-is (Malta). Descriptive notes on T. latiusculel/a, T. gardesanella, & T. ehrysopterella. Figures 6 genitalia of all spp. [Po B.] Amsel, Hans Georg, "Ueber die Variabilicat der mannlichen Genitalarmatur bei einigen Crambus-Arten (Pyralidre)" [in German]. Zeitschr. Lepid., voU: pp.159-163, 1 pI. 1 Aug. 1951. Describes & figures remarkable variability in 6 genitalia of C. deser' te/us & C. geniculeus; distinguishes from the former the relatively uniform C. siculellttJ, C. bolivarellus, & C. serraticornis. Regards C. dalmatinellus as a ssp. of C. geniculeus. Cautions against erecting new spp. on basis of slight differences in genitalia, without studying variability of latter; considers Toll's C. klimeschi & C. staehiellus as mere variants of C. eraterellus. [Po B.] Amsel, H. G., "Neue maroccanische Kleinschmetterlinge" [in German; French summaryl. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Maroc, vol.31: pp.65-74, 9 figs. 1952. Describes as new: Eudoria (Scoparia) rungsi ( Rabat; larva on lichens); Platyptilia lantanadaetyla (Rabat; larva on Lantana ea1'Nara);Bactra cyperana (Rabat; on Cyperus rotundus); Laspeyre,ria rungsi (Meknes, etc.; no type locality); B/astobasis maroccanella (various localities in Morocco); Nemat'ogon (Tinea) oeddarella (Sidi Oeddar, etc.; larva on fungi). Redescribes Apertodi,rcus (Stathmopoda) trigonella. Figures is genitalia of all spp. [Po B.I Amsel, H. G., "Die Microlepidoptera der Brandt'schen Iran-Ausbeute. 4. Tei!" [in Ger· man"!. Ark. Zool., ser.B, vol.6: pp.255·326, 33 pis. 29 Dec. 1953. Includes study of Pyralidac & Atychiidac collected by Brandt & by Wiltshire, & review of Persian material determined by Osthelder & by Toll, with revised determinations. Describes as new: (Crambinre ) Suratth" stroblei (Ahwaz). (Anerastiinac) ClLIOCERA (type Emma­ locera leucosarca); Ardekania sefidella (Sine-Sefid), A . albidiscel/a (Binaloud Mts., Meched); ARDEKANIPSIS (monobasic), A. griseella (Tchouroum); Prinanerastia gnathosella (Giza Desert, near Cairo, Egypt), Peoria co,rtella (Come), P. ematheudella (Sine-Sefid); SHIRAZIA (monobasic), S. monolona (Shiraz, 6000 ft.); NEORASTIA (monobasic), N. albicostella (Bender Tchahbahar); PR/ERINAPHE (monobasic), P. monotona (Bender Tchahbahar) ; ACRITONIA (monobasic), A. comeella (Come). (Phycitinre) Megasi,r lolli (Kuh-i-Mirabi, near Meched, 2000 m.); HomlEosoma cos' talbella (Basra, Iraq), H. prcecalcella (Iran); NEOPEMPELIA (type Pempelia hiero­ glyphella); Pempelia dilutella magna (Elburs Mts., Sardab Valley, 1000·1400 m.), P. ornatella elbursell" (Elburs Mts., Lar Valley, 8000 ft.); PSOROSODES (mono­ basic), P. dalakiella (Dalaki); Psorosa mechedella (Meched, Kouh-i·Binaloud), P. tochalella (Elburs, Tochal, 10,000 ft.), P. elbursella (Elburs, Kendevan Pass, 2800- 3000 m.), P. mediter-ranella (Albarracin, Spain); Ancylosis ormuzdella (Shiraz) , A. brevipalpella (Teheran); Heterographis co,rtalbella (Teheran); EPILYDIA (type Lydia liturosella); EuzopheTa eburnella ( Shiraz), E. forrnosel/a orient ella (Fort Sengan); Icborarcbis iozona elegiella (Mian-Kotal, Pusht-i-Bam, 40()0 ft. ); PTEROTHRIXIDIA (for Pterothrix Ragonot, preoccupied), P. fordi (Pir-i-Zan), P. f. rava (Sine-Sefid), 1957 The Lepidopterists' News 181 P. osmanella (Elburs Mts., Kuh-i-Osman, 9000 ft.), P. ancyrensts (Ankara, Turkey);
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